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Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns: Who do You Like Best?

Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Roman Reigns

  • Like Them Equally

  • Hate them both

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This is not about the Royal Rumble, I believe we have official threads where you can tell the world who is going to win that (you're welcome moderators)

This is about who do you like best, its not about who is ready who just came back from injury, who should face brock leans, who should be the future...This is about WHO DO YOU LIKE BETTER? Between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan who do you look forward to see more? who's matches do you like better, who's promos you like better? which one has given you the better memories, who have you rooted for the most in the last few years, who do you want to see do better...

Roman Reigns debuted at Survivor Series 2012, he was part of the Shield, had his first match at TLC 2012 and they beat Ryback and Team Hell NO, they basically dominated everyone on 2013, they were undefeated for 6 months and picked up victories against talent like John Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, Big Show, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Kane among others. He is a 1 time tag team champion with Seth Rollins which they lost after 6 months or so against Cody Rhodes and Goldust. He tied the all time record of eliminations at Survivor Series in 2013, He eliminated 12 men and broke the record of most eliminations during the 2014 royal rumble, and only lost against the eventual winner Batista. He had feuds with The Wyatts, in which they lost some, they won some. He and the Shield feuded with Evolution and defeated them back to back at Extreme Rules and Payback with Roman gaining the winning pinfall. After the end of the shield he had 2 title matches,which he lost, had a big win against randy Horton at summerslam, got injured for 3 months and has just come back to feud with Seth Rollins and the Big Show.

Daniel Bryan debuted on the main roster on 2010 as part of the initial first season of the Nexus. He was fired then came back as the last member of Team Cena, Won the US Title from the Miz, had feuds with Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Cody Rhodes and Wade Barret until in 2011 he won SD`s mitb. Following a few months he won the title at TLC 2011 from Mark Henry. He lost the belt in 18 seconds at Mania 28 against Sheamus but before that he started the Yes chants which started and up trend that started elevating that night. for the rest of the year he feuded with Sheamus, AJ Lee, CM Punk and Kane. Along with Kane he formed Team Hell No, he won the tag titles and held them until Extreme Rules 2013 in one of the best and funniest tag team title runs in recent memory. After a short weak link storyline and the rise of the yes movement he became the most popular man in the roster which culminated with a clean victory against John Cena for the WWE Championship at the main event of Summerslam until being betrayed by HHH and the Authority. He feuded with the Authority for months until after much displeasure, fan support and unseen pride he main event wrestle mania, defeated Randy Orton, HHH and Batista in 1 night to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Unfortunately he got injured 7 weeks later. He currently is restarting a feud with the authority.

I believe personally that Bryan is better in the ring, mic, fan base, and past work than reigns.... Bryan over Reigns TBH

Who do you got: Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan???
As much as I like Bryan, Imma go with Reigns. He may not be great on the mike, but when his music hits you know someone's ass is gonna be kicked. BELIEVE THAT!
Daniel Bryan is such an overrated character, I love his wrestling but not his character, Reigns needs to work on his character but in the long run I like him more
It's Daniel Bryan for me, no contest. Better ring work, better mic work, better history. I like Reigns, but outside of The Shield, he's done nothing to blow me away. I'll always be biased to guys who can work. I watch so much wrestling, that you have to be very good to really catch my attention. Roman's ring work is just meh to me. He has some cool spots. His high spot moves are great. The running boot, the Superman punch, and the spear all look cool and can really get the crowd fired up. But everything else? What else goes on in his matches? What stories does he tell? I'm a fan of storytelling, and that is what Daniel Bryan has mastered with his work. That's why I go with Daniel Bryan.
At least for the moment, hands down Bryan. No matter what, with this guy, you know you are gonna get a hell of a match. If he doesn't wrestle, you know he will cut a promo that will get you to get behind him, he will get his point across. But most importantly, if he wrestles, especially a high profile match, you know you are in for a treat.

Reigns on the other hand, right now is on the mediocre level to me. I haven't given up on him, as I kinda like him, because I see potential is he improves But as of right now, I just can't take this guy seriously. The guy looks like a legit bad ass with his long black hair and his vest and all, and instead of talking about how we will dominate WWE and destroy everything in his path, he is talking about looney tunes and bean trees, all that while making weird, wanna-play-happy-and-funny awkward faces. I just can't take that seriously.

Aside from that, the guy hasn't had a long match yet to see if he can actually deliver. Oh wait, he had 15 minutes with Orton and Summerslam, and he was completely carried for the first 13 minutes. He doesn't generate reaction from the crowd like Bryan does. It's called charisma and ring psychology. Bryan makes me gets involved. Same as Punk, Cena, HHH, Orton, Ziggler, Ambrose. Reigns doesn't. At least not yet. Maybe it will change, but as of right now, Bryan >>>> Reigns.

As a sidenote to those who say "the Rock said childish things like Reigns, yet he didn't get bashed for it". People, it is all about delivery. It is obvious that Roman was trying to sound exactly like the Rock, pausing at the same times, using the same voice tone etc, but Rocky had charisma. He could say anything it would be funny and exciting. Roman just struggled. It is all about the delivery. Another example about how important delivery is? Kofi Kingston, on Punk's DVD about the pipebomb: "This promo by anyone else, it's just another promo. But the way he delivers it, it's a whole new level. He had the whole locker room backstage buzzing."
This is not about the Royal Rumble, I believe we have official threads where you can tell the world who is going to win that (you're welcome moderators)

This is about who do you like best, its not about who is ready who just came back from injury, who should face brock leans, who should be the future...This is about WHO DO YOU LIKE BETTER? Between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan who do you look forward to see more? who's matches do you like better, who's promos you like better? which one has given you the better memories, who have you rooted for the most in the last few years, who do you want to see do better...

Roman Reigns debuted at Survivor Series 2012, he was part of the Shield, had his first match at TLC 2012 and they beat Ryback and Team Hell NO, they basically dominated everyone on 2013, they were undefeated for 6 months and picked up victories against talent like John Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, Big Show, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Kane among others. He is a 1 time tag team champion with Seth Rollins which they lost after 6 months or so against Cody Rhodes and Goldust. He tied the all time record of eliminations at Survivor Series in 2013, He eliminated 12 men and broke the record of most eliminations during the 2014 royal rumble, and only lost against the eventual winner Batista. He had feuds with The Wyatts, in which they lost some, they won some. He and the Shield feuded with Evolution and defeated them back to back at Extreme Rules and Payback with Roman gaining the winning pinfall. After the end of the shield he had 2 title matches,which he lost, had a big win against randy Horton at summerslam, got injured for 3 months and has just come back to feud with Seth Rollins and the Big Show.

Daniel Bryan debuted on the main roster on 2010 as part of the initial first season of the Nexus. He was fired then came back as the last member of Team Cena, Won the US Title from the Miz, had feuds with Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Cody Rhodes and Wade Barret until in 2011 he won SD`s mitb. Following a few months he won the title at TLC 2011 from Mark Henry. He lost the belt in 18 seconds at Mania 28 against Sheamus but before that he started the Yes chants which started and up trend that started elevating that night. for the rest of the year he feuded with Sheamus, AJ Lee, CM Punk and Kane. Along with Kane he formed Team Hell No, he won the tag titles and held them until Extreme Rules 2013 in one of the best and funniest tag team title runs in recent memory. After a short weak link storyline and the rise of the yes movement he became the most popular man in the roster which culminated with a clean victory against John Cena for the WWE Championship at the main event of Summerslam until being betrayed by HHH and the Authority. He feuded with the Authority for months until after much displeasure, fan support and unseen pride he main event wrestle mania, defeated Randy Orton, HHH and Batista in 1 night to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Unfortunately he got injured 7 weeks later. He currently is restarting a feud with the authority.

I believe personally that Bryan is better in the ring, mic, fan base, and past work than reigns.... Bryan over Reigns TBH

Who do you got: Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan???

Honestly, neither. Honestly, you can't really compare Reigns and Bryan side by side like that. It hadn't been a complete year that Reigns has been a solo wrestler in the WWE, meanwhile, you got Bryan who got years of experience.

Bryan is 5 years older than Reigns. Reigns got youth and size on his size. I'll say I enjoy Bryan performing in the ring but eventually the underdog story will get old. Meanwhile with Reigns, there's so much more you can do with him. Reigns is the future. Bryan is now.
At least for the moment, hands down Bryan. No matter what, with this guy, you know you are gonna get a hell of a match. If he doesn't wrestle, you know he will cut a promo that will get you to get behind him, he will get his point across. But most importantly, if he wrestles, especially a high profile match, you know you are in for a treat.

Reigns on the other hand, right now is on the mediocre level to me. I haven't given up on him, as I kinda like him, because I see potential is he improves But as of right now, I just can't take this guy seriously. The guy looks like a legit bad ass with his long black hair and his vest and all, and instead of talking about how we will dominate WWE and destroy everything in his path, he is talking about looney tunes and bean trees, all that while making weird, wanna-play-happy-and-funny awkward faces. I just can't take that seriously.

I completely agree. Bryan is working angles when he speaks. He's found a nice spot with the audiences where he can speak candidly, in his own near-goofy way, and it still be good enough for everybody.

Reigns has a great look. Has a great voice but the content hardly gets me involved. As of late I have felt bored of his segments, while Bryan keeps me interested and focused on the show.
Reigns is getting better on the mic every week, I thought he was very good on SD. And I am not sure, but has he dropped the way of saying "beleee dat"?

I have never bought into DB, although an excellent in-ring and on the mic, there is just something that keeps me from marking out with him. With the exception of the Kane beatdown, that looked awesome.
The only thing Roman Reigns has over Bryan is that he has a better overall look. However, it doesn't take anybody particularly special to hit the gym hard and put on some muscle mass. Just have to be willing to work hard and adhere to a strict diet. If Bryan wanted to, I've no doubt he could slap on about 20 pounds or so of lean muscle mass, get himself a spray tan and trim up the beard.

When it comes to generating a strong rapport with fans, being great inside the ring, being able to have fans hanging on your words on the mic and having a great passion for wrestling, that can't be just any ol' somebody. In those areas, Bryan's vastly superior to Roman Reigns. Bryan's weakest point would probably be his promo work, depending upon what it is you're looking for or prefer. He doesn't constantly quip one liners, rhyming catchphrases or homeroom jokes like The Rock, but it's not as if he's bad on the mic as he can touch people on an emotional level when he's passionate and have fans cheering for him rather than giving him the "What?" treatment.

Reigns just isn't on Bryan's level overall. I'm not trying to suggest that Reigns sucks, because he doesn't. He's done a solid job as a singles guy and he's come a long way for someone that's only been in wrestling a few years. However, the guy has yet to wow me in anything he's done or said, nor has he shown me anything that should make him the next face of WWE. He's just not at that level, he's just not ready for it. I can't say for certain if he ever will be or not, but I know he's not right now.
Who do I like more at this point? Daniel Bryan. Why? No point rehashing what is already said here, basically, Daniel Bryan is just a better wrestler (or entertainer, if this is what we are supposed to say now) than Roman Reigns. But Daniel Bryan certainly has the size disadvantage. I tend to think that if he were that much taller and bigger, he would've been huge (bigger star than he is now). Daniel Bryan may not have the best physique, but I can tell that he is fit (maybe a little more cardio training, but that might make him look even smaller).
It's secretly Bryan, but I'll vote Reigns because I'm a smarter-than-smart smark who no longer got a sense of "my guy" elitism from Bryan once he hit the big time.

Big men rule, vanilla midgets suck, etc. etc.
Bryan ... I mean I can give you a ton of reasons and arguments but it boils down to one thing it's just so easier to root for DB.
I like Reigns better. And the reason is a simple one, he's friggin gorgeous. Yes he's crappy on the stick, and his in ring ability needs to improve, but his looks alone are a killer. And I'm sure I'm not the only woman who feels this way about him as well.
Mr. Danielson by light years and miles added on. He is just THAT GOOD in ring. Hell, I wished he was around 30 years ago, and we'd still have the Territory System. His promos are great, as there is a great sincerity attached to them. You get the feeling that VKM is telling him to do what he wants on the stick. His ringwork is probably the best in the Company, hands down. I have yet to see a MEDIOCRE match from him, never mind a bad one. He could wrestle a can of soup, and people would mark out. As for his looks: He is the "everyman". There is no need to have to look like Billy Graham, Lex Luger, or Bret Hart to be a money maker or the "face" of the Company.

The problem with Reigns is that they are trying to make him into the next Hulk Hogan. Like they tried with Lex Luger, and Sid Justice, and like those two, VKM will fail miserably with Roman Reigns. Hulk Hogan fit a period in wrestling where a character like that would be embraced. You had great, charismatic characters like Capt. Lou Albano and Roddy Piper that greased the way for a Hogan to exist. You do NOT have character like that today for Reigns. And, people need to realize that Hogan had Thunderlips to thank for his career, as he laid an egg the first time he was in the WWWF. (For those of you who do not know, Thunderlips was Hogan's character in Rocky III).

Back to Reigns, I have YET to see him have a good match after the Shield bustup. His matches with Big Show have bordered on the nonsensical. He cannot talk to save his life. His wrestling skills are weak. He is no ring general. The only thing that he has is looks. He looks like the sterotypical Superhero, direct from Marvel's Central Casting. That does not mean he can wrestle worth a damn. His injury has not helped one iota. The only way to save this mess is a total repackaging to become a gatekeeper to the Main Event. He is too far behind Bryan, Rollins and Ambrose to really be considered Main Event caliber at this point.
Its Bryan just now for all the reasons listed above, however give Reigns at least another year (injury free) The guy has potential, can this lead to him being main event? only time will tell I guess, but right now I need a reason to care about him. At this moment he is just bland apart from his ring entrance. Everything Bryan does is captivating in my opinion.

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