Daniel Bryan or CM Punk in the Main Event?

Who Would You Rather See in the WWE WHC match at WM 30?

  • Daniel Bryan

  • CM Punk

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With recent reports that the WWE WHC match at Wrestlemania will be changed to a triple threat match, and reports that CM Punk is coming back to Raw on 3/3 in Chicago, I'd like to know your opinion.

Assuming both reports are true just for the heck of it, who would you rather see inserted to the Main Event of Wrestlemania XXX?

Daniel Bryan or CM Punk?

I'd rather see Daniel Bryan personally. While Punk is deserving of a WM main event in his career, the story of Daniel Bryan wouldn't feel satisfying if he won the title at say, Extreme Rules or any other PPV.
I would rather see Daniel Bryan added to the match instead of CM Punk. I like Bryan more as a wrestler and he has within the storyline been trying to overcome the authority ever since August. Punk is the more likely of the two to be added to the match though. The reaction to his fans if he returns in Chicago cannot be ignored. That, plus the fact that Bryan is already rumored to be facing Trips. Regardless of who gets added, if one of the two is added to the World Heavyweight Championship match, it's a safe bet to assume they will win. Punk would probably get the spot over Bryan and then they can move on to having Punk defend the belt against Bryan at the next PPV. I'd rather it be Daniel Bryan who gets added to the match though, it gives the ultimate Wrestlemania moment after what he has endured this year.
Personally, I'd rather see Bryan added to the match at this point. Bryan's been on a roll and his popularity is second to none in WWE right now. Bryan's someone that's yet to have what could really be viewed as a big moment at WrestleMania and since he's been so passionately pursuing the title since being screwed over at SummerSlam, it just seems fitting that WrestleMania XXX be where he ultimately comes out ahead.

At the same time, Bryan taking on Triple H makes more sense from a storyline perspective than Punk. After all, as I alluded to, there's half a year of hostility between Bryan & Trips due to the latter flexing his corporate muscles to keep Bryan from being WWE Champion. Bryan also feels like a fresher choice, at least to me, when you take into account that CM Punk had the longest World Championship reign in WWE for the past quarter century.

When it's all said & done, however, there's no way to know if CM Punk will be at Raw tonight until/unless his music hits and he walks out onto the stage. IF Punk does return and he winds up being added to the match, I'll be okay with it. I'm sure Punk will get some hate from some trolls who've been mindlessly bashing him because they've decided to take what some dirtsheet writers have alleged as rock solid gospel. However, if Bryan isn't in the title match, I think most fans will be satisfied with Punk. I think if both Punk & Bryan wind up having big, prominent matches on the card that they win, people will come away from WrestleMania XXX satisfied.
Bryan, by a mile.

Look, this is about the storyline. WWE has been pushing one consistent storyline for 9 months now: Bryan is getting screwed out of the WWE Title because he does fit the WWE prototype for a "champion".

As much as I'd like to see Punk also get a chance to shine on the big stage just doesn't fit into the title match as nicely as Bryan would. Bryan already got a feud with Orton, and the two work well together. Batista and Bryan would have instant animosity for each other as Batista can be seen as the poster boy for the WWE prototype. Yeah, Punk could fit the role too, except that with his disappearing act and the fact that nothing has been said since Royal Rumble in this regard, it just feels like he's being shoehorned in.
So CM Punk vs. Undertaker in a streak match wasn't a Wrestlemania Main Event?

Each WM there are 2-3 main events. Last year, that was one of 'em.
So CM Punk vs. Undertaker in a streak match wasn't a Wrestlemania Main Event?

Each WM there are 2-3 main events. Last year, that was one of 'em.

Even though WrestleMania often bills multiple main events, THE main event is considered the last match of the card. It's the go home match, and will be the last thing that the crowd is buzzing about when they leave. So even though marketing may bill two or more main events, the last one is still seen as the big one, and there's a lot of prestige to that match that the others don't have.
If Punk never walked out, I would have wanted to see him in the main event. However since he did, I'd rather see Bryan. He hung in there despite not being booked favorably - putting over Orton, The Wyatt Family, Big Show (took his spot at Survivor Series in the main event).

Bryan deserves it. He's a true company man
BOTH men have main evented a WrestleMania. Punk main evented 28 and 29, Bryan main evented 28. Neither has HEADLINED the show. There's a big difference there.

My pick would be Punk. Before he left (if indeed he really has left, which I still don't believe), he was the #1 guy in the company. Bryan was #2. Punk has been in WWE longer, and although Bryan is the better technical wrestler, I feel Punk is the better all-around performer and has more of a future as a long-term main eventer. Punk deserves to headline WrestleMania 30. For Bryan, there's always next year.
My pick would be Punk. Before he left (if indeed he really has left, which I still don't believe), he was the #1 guy in the company. Bryan was #2. Punk has been in WWE longer, and although Bryan is the better technical wrestler, I feel Punk is the better all-around performer and has more of a future as a long-term main eventer. Punk deserves to headline WrestleMania 30. For Bryan, there's always next year.

Whoa there. John Cena is the number 1 guy and will be the number 1 guy for the foreseeable future. And is Punk really have a long-term future as a main eventer with his contract expiring, aging body, AND walking out? If I were WWE, I would not be trusting Punk with the Main Event anytime soon, IF he comes back
Daniel Bryan did NOT main event Mania 28, on the contrary he got handed his ass in 18 seconds by Sheamus.

As for him main eventing this year, OK I know the IWC wants it, but IF it happens, I think he'll have to go through HHH and his Authority to get there.
Sucks your only gave two options. It may be extremely hard for some to comprehend but there are a few of us that do not want to see Punk or Bryan in the WWE WHC Match/Main Event. Right now forcing either man into the match seems like a crappy creative out. This entire BS crying over these two “getting screwed” has become a serious buzz kill. The E made their bed when they went in the direction of Orton vs. Batista so they should just stick with it. It is also getting a bit tiresome seeing people talking about Batista vs. Orton closing the show. No way in hell was this ever the plan. The go home match will be Taker vs. Brock or Cena vs. Wyatt. Even Triple H vs. Bryan is a more realistic choice than the WWE WHC match at this point.
Sucks your only gave two options. It may be extremely hard for some to comprehend but there are a few of us that do not want to see Punk or Bryan in the WWE WHC Match/Main Event. Right now forcing either man into the match seems like a crappy creative out. This entire BS crying over these two “getting screwed” has become a serious buzz kill. The E made their bed when they went in the direction of Orton vs. Batista so they should just stick with it. It is also getting a bit tiresome seeing people talking about Batista vs. Orton closing the show. No way in hell was this ever the plan. The go home match will be Taker vs. Brock or Cena vs. Wyatt. Even Triple H vs. Bryan is a more realistic choice than the WWE WHC match at this point.

With extremely rare exceptions like HBK's retirement, the final match of WrestleMania should ALWAYS be the World Championship. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt closing WrestleMania 30 is an absolute joke, that would be even worse than Hogan vs. Sid closing WrestleMania 8, and almost as bad as Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor closing WrestleMania 11. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar or Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan would be slightly better choices, but no way in hell should anything but the WWE World Heavyweight Championship close the show.

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