Daniel Bryan Is The U.S Champ - But Who Beats Him?

Who Will Beat Bryan?

  • R-Truth

  • Ted DiBiase

  • Santino Marella

  • Vladimir Kozlov

  • A New Nexus Guy

  • The Miz

  • John Morrison

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right now, this is possibly something that I've been questioning quite a lot.

Daniel Bryan has been the U.S Champ, currently for 140 Days. He beat The Miz at Night Of Champions, gaining the Title. So, recently, he's been "Under the radar". He's been involved more in a storyline involving his Girl Gail Kim, and his hoes The Bellas. We've not seen true title action as much as we may want to, what with his extreme skill. This may be a ploy by the WWE, helping him to hold the Title for as long as he possibly can, making him look like, amazing. MVP was the longest reigning U.S Champ at 343 days, so another 204 and DB will overtake that. Sounds unlikely and it probably is. So what is there that can happen now?

Maybe, the WWE don't have a U.S Title storyline at the moment, hence why Bryan is stuck is this "Love Square". Possible storylines?;

1) Daniel Bryan gets caught up, leading to Gail Kim & The Bella's realising that he is "Worthless". In the midst of things, Ted DiBiase challenges DB to a Title Match one night on Raw. He accepts, thinking he can win, but his recent bad times, along with some interference from Maryse leads to DB losing the title to Ted. (This could happen with R-Truth, without the Maryse stuff)
2) Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov lose the Tag Team Titles and Kozlov turns on Marella breaking the team. Marella, after recent success, with being last eliminated in the Rumble, and also beating Kozlov twice(?), decides he'll take on Bryan for the Title. He loses his 1st match, on an episode of Raw, but eventually, after trying, gets his hands on yet another title.
3) CM Punk decides that the New Nexus needs a title, so one of the guys goes after it, finally winning it with help from the New Nexus.

What do you guys think? Who will Bryan drop the Strap to and how?
I was thinking maybe John Morrison stops him. He won't be capturing the WWE Championship anytime soon it appears. But he definitely deserves a title. I would say at Wrestlemania, since neither have a program going on in depth, have them face off, Face Vs. Face. I think they would tear the house down!

While Bryan was hot when he returned to WWE, his main focus lately has been The Bellas and Gail Kim. Morrison on the other hand, has been on FIRE! I could see them having a back and forth match. A lot of near falls would take place. Maybe they even hit each other with a finisher a couple times and each guy kicks out. Finally at the end, Morrison wins by some sort of roll up after Bryan misses some kind of high risk move or something along those lines.

I think a couple month run for Morrison would elevate him a little bit more and would definitely elevate the US Title in the process. That would give him the momentum needed to maybe go in and take a World Title at Summerslam or maybe Survivor Series.

Having Morrison defend the US Title a few times a month I think could be that final push needed to get him into the main event. Then when he wins whichever World Title it would be, he doesn't lose the US Title and has to vacate it. It would be a Hell of a run for him and probably the US Title as well.

As for Bryan, he could continue with wherever this Gail Kim thing is headed. After a while he could either dethrone Morrison of The US Title at some point, or be the one to win a tournament or something if Morrison were to have to vacate it.

I don't think Bryan would have to lose any steam. He hasn't really been defending the US Title but he still wins basically all of his matches. So they could keep booking him solid until he is able to regain the US Title at a later date. I could see him benefiting from a few matches with Morrison even if he were to come up on the short end of the stick in some close, but HIGHLY entertaining matches.
I think Daniel Bryan is going to have the longest reign as U.S Champ in WWE because it feels,seems and looks like they've all but forgotten it's an actual title belt to be defended on a regular basis. He hasn't defended it in 30 days,there used to be a scripted rule they used against heel champions like that.
I can't believe I didn't get any Green Rep for my post in here. I thought it was immaculate, for a prison post!!! :p
I seen Tyson Kidd doing it I don't know why I just feel they are going to have him take it off Bryan its just this very strong strange feeling I got and I think it will be within the next four the five months or really probably longer now that his body guard got shipped on back but that to me is kinda sign they want to push him but maybe it was just away to try and get him over I don't know but then again if you wanna get a guy over you usely try to do that when you wanna push them.
Wow dude! Your lack of periods and what not. They just make me go fuckin' crazy reading your posts. You HAVE to correct that man.
I got no way to edit it so I can't dude look i'm tired and sick lol I seen mistakes I was going to fix but the edit button isn't there so I can't.
I don't mean edit posts you have already done. I mean correct it as you go along bro. It's not mistakes lol... It's like no periods for how many lines. It makes it difficult to read.

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