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Daniel Bryan in Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match!


Occasional Pre-Show
It is being reported that Daniel Bryan will be competing in a multi man ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania. How would you feel if that was to come true?
Bad for Bryan. Bad for Ambrose. Bad for the title.

Would giving the title to such a big star in Bryan bring the title up a tier? In the same way that dropping anchor is a good way to raise up the seabed.

Meanwhile, Ambrose was given nothing and crafted an interesting story out of it - and yet we can't go more than a week without it being smothered by Bryan, Ziggler... and R-Truth.

If Sheamus isn't fit to wrestle, put Bryan in that nonsense match with Ziggler that people have been pitching. If not that, put him with someone, anyone to keep him warm for the next time he's needed at the top. Don't tie him to this. Don't hand him an anvil and expect him to glide gracefully to the ground.
I think it is pathetic how WWE is trying to shove the most over wrestler in this multi man match. While I do appreciate their efforts in creating legit important match ups at Wrestlemania this year, I think they kept the wrong wrestler in the undercard. People hated it in WM28 and they will hate it this year too. May be their logic is that Bryan already had two important matches last year so he should not have any this year. I don't know, may be they should just let him off Wrestlemania altogether if they have such a big problem with that guy.
I'm feeling strangely optimistic about this, though I'm also feeling a fair amount of trepidation as well. If Daniel Bryan goes into this match, which I think is all but guaranteed at this point, I don't think I'd be as confident about him being put in it if John Cena wasn't currently chasing the United States Championship. A year ago, the idea of John Cena chasing a mid-card championship, while interesting, was something that most people would probably laugh at instead of seriously considering. While a match with Rusev hasn't been announced officially, we know it's coming so it's a win-win for the United States Championship itself. If Rusev retains, again, against John Cena at the biggest show of the year, his stock continues to soar. If he drops the title to Cena, you know that WWE isn't going to book the man that's been the face of the company for a decade to look like a chump.

In Daniel Bryan's case, he's the most over babyface on the roster. Some reports allege that some members of WWE management, not all but some, don't see Bryan as "the guy" but he's a very valuable commodity. His segments & matches are often the highest drawing on WWE television, he sells a lot of merchandise, fans are interested in what he's doing and he's made the most of every opportunity he's been given. If anyone on the roster has a shot of being booked strong and relevant while Intercontinental Champion, it's Bryan.

I'd have personally preferred Bryan in the main event, but this is still an opportunity that could work out well for Bryan. IF he's in this match, [IF[/B] he wins and IF he has a long, strong run as champion, it could be what's needed to propel him back into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship hunt. However, the trepidation I alluded to earlier is that it all depends on two things :

1. Vince McMahon's final creative decisions, something I haven't been very confident in for a while now.

2. Vince McMahon being intelligent enough to see that Bryan as Intercontinental Champion could revive interest in the title.

As I said, Bryan's made the most of every opportunity he's gotten, so Vince knows that Bryan's more than capable.
Like JH said, it ultimately comes to what they have planned for these titles after Mania. If Bryan wins the IC title, it'll garner some initial interest in the IC championship. I mean, he's the most over superstar on the roster. On the other hand, with Vince, I always have this sinking feeling that somehow he'll find a way to screw this up. Like Barrett, he may job Bryan to everyone and make him look like a chump and book him into irrelevance. Unlike Punk, Bryan seems to be more of a 'happy to do anything' guy. While John Cena is his golden boy, Vince doesn't seem to think of Bryan in the same light. I just hope I am proven wrong and the IC championship, and Bryan, continue to be booked strongly.
If Sheamus isn't fit to wrestle, put Bryan in that nonsense match with Ziggler that people have been pitching. If not that, put him with someone, anyone to keep him warm for the next time he's needed at the top. Don't tie him to this. Don't hand him an anvil and expect him to glide gracefully to the ground.
But couldn't we say the same for Cena and the US strap?

What this could do is temporarily make both the IC and US titles into championships that can main event PPVs, because they are being held by accepted main event talents.

This way if Lesnar is sticking around, and keeping the World title while working a similarly light schedule, it gives the WWE options for main event title matches at PPVs during months that Brock isn't scheduled to defend the World title.
I'm split really. I, like Sam, agree that this is bad for those like Ambrose who has been more or less killing it in terms of making the belt relevant again and could still have an awesome brawl with Barrett if given time. I also noted elsewhere that the IC title (as in his presence of merely being in the match) isn't worth Bryan's time and his star power should be focused on helping Sheamus get back over as a heel.

However, if the plan is to go the New Japan route and elevate both secondary championships by having their two biggest babyface stars hold them to give them some relevance and actual glory (Cena's current goal being Rusev and the US title) then by all means go for it. The IC title under an extended run for D-Bry would work nicely and keep him occupied while Roman is buy with his sink or swim push and the World title.
Erm, just because he *may* be in the ladder match, doesn't mean he will win it. If anything it protects Bryan, as if he doesn't win the match he still won't have to absorb a pin/submission loss. Alternatively, since WWE like to give every matchup a story, it could be a logical way of jump starting a Ziggler-Bryan, or even Ambrose-Bryan feud - both of which being match ups id like to see.

Either way I'm quite excited by the thought of this ladder match, even if Bryan isn't in it, though I'd rather he didn't face Sheamus this year (unlikely that Sheamus would lose his return match, especially at WM)
Erm, just because he *may* be in the ladder match, doesn't mean he will win it. If anything it protects Bryan, as if he doesn't win the match he still won't have to absorb a pin/submission loss. Alternatively, since WWE like to give every matchup a story, it could be a logical way of jump starting a Ziggler-Bryan, or even Ambrose-Bryan feud - both of which being match ups id like to see.

Either way I'm quite excited by the thought of this ladder match, even if Bryan isn't in it, though I'd rather he didn't face Sheamus this year (unlikely that Sheamus would lose his return match, especially at WM)
I'm guessing that we could see Sheamus entered into this exact same match. And perhaps that could set up a future Bryan/Sheamus match, much in the same way that you proposed it setting up other matches for Bryan. I don't want to see Bryan/Sheamus one-on-one at Mania again this year, but I could get behind Bryan/Sheamus at Extreme Rules, part 2.

I figure the proposed Intercontinental Ladder Match at WM31 will feature BNB, Ambrose, Bryan, Ziggler, Truth, possibly Sheamus, and perhaps even Luke Harper since he recently held the title and would add another heel to the line-up(though Harper may be used to add another credible body to the Andre Memorial Battle Royal instead, maybe setting up a fun showdown between him and Rowan who I fully expect to be in the Battle Royal).
For months people have wanted the IC elevated... now they're getting it and complain.

Think about what they have now set up.

Ladder matches have been a missing ingredient in Wrestlemania for a few years and the best have been for the IC title. Money in the Bank added the multi man concept so we know that goes over really well.

You have several talents who otherwise would be consigned to the Battle Royale like R-Truth who are there to take bumps for the bigger guys... and there are other guys who can still be added here.

For all his deflections and denials, there is a real chance Chris Jericho could also go into this match along with Bryan, Zig, Ambrose, Truth and Barrett. You'd then have the most decorated IC champion in history in the match along with the others. 6 guys for this match doesn't water it down, it gets it to the MITB level and fills it with talent who have held the belt or would benefit from doing so.

Realistically Zig and Truth won't win it... but the other 4 could...

If Barrett escapes with the title (which might be the plan here) then he instantly HAS credibility and the "odd booking" of the recent months suddenly makes sense and potentially sets up a feud with Bryan and later Jericho over the IC, think it devalues Ambrose? No... he can then move back up to face Rollins post MITB cash in but if he does win the IC belt it's a bonus for him.
Jericho escapes with the belt then he gets that "Mania moment" of winning the 10th IC title, setting up again a feud we haven't seen... Barrett v Jericho (remember he's doing his tour for about a month, so the 30 day thing would play)

Or they give it to Bryan...who then AS #1 CONTENDER (cos the IC titleholder is) could potentially STILL get inserted into the title match or move into contention against Reigns or more likely Rollins post cash in. It would also give the fans the Bryan win they want so much, just for the other belt.

Jericho is a wild card here... they could add someone else but he's the only one who really "makes sense" and there is an element of "the lady doth protest too much" when he says he's not gonna be at Mania.

It looks like Rollins is gonna be involved with John Stewart in some way, that's the only other thing I can see Jericho doing, teaming with Stewart against Rollins and J & J Security. If anything that role would have suited Ambrose better...but they can still put Orton in there too to team with Stewart...

But remember they don't have that "killer match" so far... Trips v Sting, Cena v Rusev, Taker v Bray and Reigns v Brock are not gonna be the kind of "thrilling" match we are used to at Mania... If Stewart is involved with Rollins then even more so... so this ladder match makes a LOT of sense and Bryan is best placed being part of it to help ensure it "steals the show".
Its clusterfuck match for all upper midcard level talents(+ R Truth) to have something to do for Wrestlemania, dont see why Bryan will ever get involved in this. Just shows how much WWE thinks of anything other then maybe 3 matches on Mania card.
I agree with Kodo's descriptions: This match would be a clusterfuck.

Oh, I'm sure Bryan would do if fine. He's just at that level where he can take anything and make it work. But "elevating" the title means more to me than slapping a bunch of guys together in a kludgey ladder match. Frankly, it's not the first time that the WWE has tried to elevate a title by giving it to someone big (or at least making it appear like they would do so). However, it's done little to change things historically.

All this is is a waste of talent who couldn't be booked into feuds properly leading up to Wrestlemania. In other words, business as usual.
Putting Daniel Bryan in a match for the IC title? Putting John Cena in a contest for the US title?

What's going on? Is this an attempt to build interest in the midcard by inserting a couple main event performers......or just bad planning by WWE Creative, indicating they really have nothing for two of the biggest names in the company at the biggest PPV of the year?

If in Cena's case, you're telling me the thrust of his match involves pushing Rusev rather than sacrificing Cena, I might buy the argument if the plan is to promote Rusev to main event level and keep him there.....yet, somehow, I doubt that's what they're doing.

In defense of the Daniel move, including him could add excitement to the IC affair; there are some very entertaining and capable midcarders competing in the Ladder match, and just because Daniel is supposed to be "above" those guys, I wouldn't presume he runs over everyone and takes the belt.

Then again, does this booking mean a downgrade to Daniel's career, at least in the short term?

Stay tuned.....things are happening around the ol' WWE. The thing we want to know is if it involves incompetence on the part of WWE management, or if there's a long-term plan going into effect.
I believe Bryan will win and get another wrestlemania moment. Just imagine him on top of the ladder with the ic champ leading a yes chant. I then think bnb should get his rematch and transition to a bryan/ambrose feud.
Putting Daniel Bryan in a match for the IC title? Putting John Cena in a contest for the US title?

What's going on? Is this an attempt to build interest in the midcard by inserting a couple main event performers......or just bad planning by WWE Creative, indicating they really have nothing for two of the biggest names in the company at the biggest PPV of the year?

If in Cena's case, you're telling me the thrust of his match involves pushing Rusev rather than sacrificing Cena, I might buy the argument if the plan is to promote Rusev to main event level and keep him there.....yet, somehow, I doubt that's what they're doing.

In defense of the Daniel move, including him could add excitement to the IC affair; there are some very entertaining and capable midcarders competing in the Ladder match, and just because Daniel is supposed to be "above" those guys, I wouldn't presume he runs over everyone and takes the belt.

Then again, does this booking mean a downgrade to Daniel's career, at least in the short term?

Stay tuned.....things are happening around the ol' WWE. The thing we want to know is if it involves incompetence on the part of WWE management, or if there's a long-term plan going into effect.

I think that is a very valid question at this time, but only will be answered after Mania, more than anything.

Alongwith Cena and Orton, Bryan is the only other guy that screams legit 'nailed-on' Main Event talent from the entire Main Roster, in that him alongwith the other 2 can be shoehorned into a title feud at the drop of a hat and not look at all out of place.
The likes of Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins and Wyatt are the others knocking on the door at this point but all need defining runs to get there, with Rollins ahead of the other 3 at this point.

As I said above with regards to Bryan and the Main Event, like with Cena and the US title, I really feel that Bryan as IC Champion and Cena as US Champion post-Mania 31 would do a whole lot for the entire WWE Landscape, as it could be the perfect way to elevate the entire roster and especially those who are ready to be elevated and personally, I believe that was the plan since the end of the Marquee Mania 30 event.with the dirt sheets themselves rumoured that the Shield trio and Bray Wyatt were going to be elevated, and so far so good, lMO.

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out going forward Fasten your seatbelts, people! :D :)
This match won't be a clusterfuck. It will steal the show the same way the original MITB matches used to. WWE sees Daniel Bryan as another Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho. He had his run with the title, now it's back down to the midcard for you. Look at the careers of Benoit/Jericho post WM18-20 and that's what you're going to get with Bryan.

I'm willing to bet Ambrose still wins the title, and that this is one of the best matches on the card.
Am I the only one that thinks that DB will win this match and Cena will win his match leading up to a Title unification at Summerslam with a Bella in each corner?

I really think that this is where they are going with this. DB with the belt will only matter if he is actually defending it. The problem with the midcard titles isn't the person that is holding it, its the fact that they don't even mention having it and rarely defend it. DB vs DZ feud for the belt after Mania would be awesome...you might even let it end a ppv.
Am I the only one that thinks that DB will win this match and Cena will win his match leading up to a Title unification at Summerslam with a Bella in each corner?

I really think that this is where they are going with this. DB with the belt will only matter if he is actually defending it. The problem with the midcard titles isn't the person that is holding it, its the fact that they don't even mention having it and rarely defend it. DB vs DZ feud for the belt after Mania would be awesome...you might even let it end a ppv.

Eh...that would mean publicly telling people that Cena's dating a heel, and that seems...unlikely. Hell Brie's DB's wife and I think they might've mentioned them being a couple once since his return. Pretty sure they're hoping people forget while she gets to stay a heel while he's a face, and that probably applies to Cena/Nikki too.

As for SS I guess it's possible, but I expect either one or the other or possibly even both to be at the main event instead of a mid-card unification match.

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