Intercontinental Title: Is there gonna be a twist in the tale?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Recent reports claim that Daniel Bryan's health being getting deteriorated over and over again. If you had noted, he didn't even spend a lot of time in the ring during the ladder match at Wrestlemania 31. To prove that right he eventually pulled out of the rest of the European tour!

So is there gonna be a twist in a tale? Well, WWE wanted to bring back the prestige to the IC and US title by crowning it to Daniel Bryan and John Cena respectively. But with now Bryan getting injury prone it'll be a catastrophic idea to let him hold the title long which is pretty obvious!

Are the WWE going to change the plans at Wrestlemania and make Bad New Barrett win the title? Or are they going to unify the US and IC title in the upcoming PPV maybe at MITB?

But they've another option, To let Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, BNB and Daniel Bryan to chase the title over and over again?

What's your opinion regarding the Intercontinental Title and Daniel Bryan?
I had a feeling this thread was going to pop up before long, only a matter of time. It's a good question by the way, and one that's probably being thought out by WWE at this moment.

Depending on how bad Bryan's health is at this point, I find it doubtful that he will even compete at Extreme Rules . Whether that means somebody like Ziggler or Sheamus takes his place, or WWE just cancels the match, I really don't see Bryan competing in a single's match. I have been the biggest critic of these Bryan health reports, but now that they've actually pulled him from the European tour, it's hard to deny that these are just rumors. It really is sad, given that Bryan was well on his way to a great Intercontinental title run... even sadder given what he went through last year.

I'd really like to see Sheamus somehow pick up the title if Bryan can't compete. Barrett has held the thing twice in the last 7 months or so, and tbh, the runs were not very memorable or very good. A fresh heel Sheamus who has nuclear heat with the crowd, somehow stealing the title from Bryan would keep the momentum of the IC title going. Barrett just brings back memories of another average title run.
I had a feeling this thread was going to pop up before long, only a matter of time. It's a good question by the way, and one that's probably being thought out by WWE at this moment.

Depending on how bad Bryan's health is at this point, I find it doubtful that he will even compete at Extreme Rules . Whether that means somebody like Ziggler or Sheamus takes his place, or WWE just cancels the match, I really don't see Bryan competing in a single's match. I have been the biggest critic of these Bryan health reports, but now that they've actually pulled him from the European tour, it's hard to deny that these are just rumors. It really is sad, given that Bryan was well on his way to a great Intercontinental title run... even sadder given what he went through last year.

I'd really like to see Sheamus somehow pick up the title if Bryan can't compete. Barrett has held the thing twice in the last 7 months or so, and tbh, the runs were not very memorable or very good. A fresh heel Sheamus who has nuclear heat with the crowd, somehow stealing the title from Bryan would keep the momentum of the IC title going. Barrett just brings back memories of another average title run.

Yes, Sheamus last run as the US champion isn't a memorable one either but with his fresh look and gimmick his IC Title run can be a memorable one ambushing all the underdogs and run a rampage through the Smackdown!

But I wish WWE bring up some Kayfabe in this feud and making it look like Barrett and Sheamus destroying Daniel backstage and put him out of his misery which puts him out of the title scene. Which leads to Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and Bad News Barrett to fight for the IC title!

Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Barrett fan so I can't just ignore him off this feud!

They can still salvage it with Barrett, as this win would inch him close to a record. I can see the arguments for Sheamus but mid card belts are not where he should be right now, same as Barrett.

The options I see are these:-

BNB - This would be his 6th IC title which ties him with RVD as joint 2nd for reigns, make that a major feature... you could bring RVD in and have him conquer him so the "greatest IC champion in history" is the tag Barrett starts to use, he wins MITB too, so not only is there the Briefcase but also the #IC champ is the #1 contender gimmick. BNB starts beating bigger people for a few weeks until someone has issue with his claim... Y2J. Who is arguably the greatest IC title holder and going for his 10th. That's the kind of feud that can go for months and would be great TV, with the two guys who have had that belt the most competing for the historical honors. With the history of "teacher student" from NXT as well, then this would be raising the IC belt through story and the two guys you've given it to the most elevating it.

Neville - Another Brit but not there for that reason. Neville has already had some great matches, as evidenced this week. If Bryan can't hold the IC, then Neville is a strong alternative, he is an "international champion" and his style will mesh not only with the perrenial contenders like Ziggler and Barrett but also anyone coming up from NXT like Balor who they want to feature right away. Sure the IC title then isn't as "box office" as with Bryan, but it becomes the hotly contested title with great matches, while Cena holds the US for that same effect.

Bray Wyatt - This would also be with a view to building him to next year where he really goes for the main event, but ending the career of Daniel Bryan would be a way to start it off. With Harper feuding with Ambrose, another contender you could see a reunion of sorts for the Wyatt family, framed around the IC title.

Kevin Owens - If he's gonna debut strong, like he did with Zayn, perhaps "taking Bryan out" would be the way to do it. If Bryan can come back then it's a ready made feud down the line. If not then Owens gets a massive rub that lasts for his career and as IC champion AND NXT champion, could make the double belt thing interesting.
Pulling Daniel off the European tour is presumably a signal that Bryan and WWE are finally ready to abandon the "maybe the pain will go away by itself" stance they seem to have taken since he returned from surgery. Knowing that the European crowds would be looking forward to seeing him, this is a pretty drastic step. There's not much sense delaying the major surgical procedure; ignoring it isn't working and sending the guy out to wrestle will only bring disaster.

It's too bad, not only for Daniel Bryan, but for the inspired idea of having had two top grade performers holding midcard titles....the plan is working with John Cena as US champion and would have worked with Bryan as IC titleholder.

Now, a new plan is needed. Yes, Dolph Ziggler could win-lose-win the belt over time. Yes, they could give it back to Bad News Barrett, although they'd need a change in direction for his character in order for that to make sense.

How about a dark horse holding the title? I say, let Neville win it in exciting and unexpected fashion......and defend it for a few months, defying the odds and defeating more experienced opponents?

No one will have seen that coming, will they? If the company has to get away from the Bryan-Cena concept, why not go with something like this?
It's difficult to say right now because we don't know exactly what the deal is in regards to the severity of what's happening with Bryan. We won't really know what's what until he returns from Europe, which he probably has by now, and undergoes tests and exams. I have a feeling that Bryan's career inside the ring will be over in the next couple of years because of the neck issues.

If Bryan is able to continue performing with a modified style, such as leaving out some of the higher impact moves that he does, then maybe things could work out. Bryan is a legit submission expert and what we've seen him do in WWE doesn't really even scratch the surface of what he can do. Maybe if he cuts out the missile dropkick and the headbutt, doesn't do the plancha between the ropes every match, doesn't take massive bumps every match, he could continue. Bryan's extremely popular and lots of people want to see him be able to do his thing and have a meaningful run as Intercontinental Champion. Aside from Cena, Bryan's probably the only one on the roster right now that can elevate the title to a level it hasn't been in a very long time.

If they put the title back on Barrett, it'll probably be only a temporary thing before he drops it to someone WWE decides to elevate and put into Bryan's place. The field is wide open as it could be Ambrose, Reigns, Wyatt, maybe Cena winds up unifying the titles, Rusev could wind up winning the strap after his program with Cena ends, etc. I just don't see Barrett holding the title for long if he wins it back, if Bryan's able to work Extreme Rules that is, as he's just been far too heavily damaged as Intercontinental Champion.
bryan is in same situation as of last year. its sad we may miss him again this year after ER. if he is really hurt then they strip the title and called off the match at ER and make triple threat match for bnb vs dz vs sheamus.
if he is not that much hurt. then they limit his move set and put him tag matches. wwe must protect db as long as they can.
If Bryan is able to continue performing with a modified style, such as leaving out some of the higher impact moves that he does, then maybe things could work out. Bryan is a legit submission expert and what we've seen him do in WWE doesn't really even scratch the surface of what he can do. Maybe if he cuts out the missile dropkick and the headbutt, doesn't do the plancha between the ropes every match, doesn't take massive bumps every match, he could continue. Bryan's extremely popular and lots of people want to see him be able to do his thing and have a meaningful run as Intercontinental Champion. Aside from Cena, Bryan's probably the only one on the roster right now that can elevate the title to a level it hasn't been in a very long time.

If you had noted he had limited his moveset a lot from the time he returned for Royal Rumble! In the match against Seth Rollins at the Raw that follows Royal Rumble he hit a Dragon Suplex from the top rope and transisted it into a Cross Armbar Submission!

He limited his plenty of moveset right from the Wrestlemania Week. He certainly should become a submission Wrestler. We all know he's the man of 1000 holds and the ultimate underdog so he can carry the matches in that way!

He can carry the match in anyway he wants coz he have the potential! But he can't hold the title for long, he shouldn't! His health is more important than his career! That's my only concern!

Sheamus is feuding with a hot babyface just slide the title to him and let Dolph chase. It's an easy fix.

Strip Bryan, Sheamus vs BNB vs Ziggler for the title. Sheamus pins BNB.

Have Bryan hand the title over, Sheamus snatches it cuts a short promo about Bryan being a fragile little fella and segue that to DZ history concussions and how he a fragile little fella too and you've just continued what's been going on already.
We don't know enough about Bryan's health to pass judgement. If Bryan is healthy, I really didn't see him dropping the title back to Barrett. WWE just doesn't seem to have that much faith in booking Barrett strong, and with Sheamus looking like a beast and attacking Bryan, it seems it's only a matter of time before Sheamus wins the IC title.

Regardless of whether Bryan can compete or not, I would look for the IC title match to become a fatal four-way with Ziggler and Sheamus added. Bryan could wrestle less in the match if he is to compete, he could be taken out (most likely by Sheamus) in a filmed backstage promo and not have to be involved to lose the title. The possibilities are simple and endless. I would pick Sheamus as most likely to walk out with the title, healthy Bryan or not I don't think BNB was winning.

They could also use this as a way to keep the title on Bryan, and not have him compete. Sheamus could still "take him out" and he comes back and steals a pin or hits a timely Yes Lock.

Whatever the case, Bryan should take some time off. Seriously hurt or minor, if we're seeing these reports I would rather Bryan take a few weeks to months off now than risk having his career end like Edge, or worse, the Dynamite Kid. Speaking of the Kid, Bryan needs to take that diving head butt our of his repertoire. Start dropping the elbow or add a missile drop kick or something that preserves the neck more if you have to go off the top rope.

I've liked Bryan as the IC champ, but I haven't loved it. Ambrose felt like the more logical winner, but I think WWE wanted to kick off WrestleMania with a big Yes moment.
If Bryan is badly injured and unable to continue, they should do with him exactly what they did with the injured Uso at Wrestlemania, but they need to make it a triple threat or fatal 4-way in the meantime.

It's really sad, but it really does appear that Bryan rushed back too soon.

Whatever happens, it's obvious he needs to cut out moves like the diving headbutt from his moveset.

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