Daniel Bryan fans should bless CM Punk.


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if not for cm punk then Bryan Danielson wouldn’t have had his moment.. cm punk walking out of the Company changed everything. Sorry Bryan fans but there were no plans for Danielson to win the title or even be in the main event..
I could only imagine how much more angrier his fans and the iwc would have been had we gotten this card look below.

Batista vs orton for the wwe title.

Cm punk vs triple h.

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus.

Yes that was the original idea

Cm punk really saved wrestlemania for alot of folks even though he wasn’t even on the show.. him walking out basically gave Danielson fans what they wanted
So then that means that C.M. Punk is a selfish prick who wanted to deny another up-and-coming guy, and someone else the fans were behind, in Daniel Bryan, from his Wrestlemania moment.

Punk has always said that part of the reason he left was because he wanted to main event Wrestlemania, and when he found out that he wouldn't at Wrestlemania XXX, he threw his toys and went home. So, he wanted Bryan's spot, and to take away from Bryan, for his own selfish ambitions.

I don't think Punk deserves any praise, since he didn't plan to leave, so that Bryan could get a spot in the WMXXX main event. He left, and then the fans, who were upset with Punk leaving, and Bryan not being in the spot they wanted, petitioned for Bryan to get the push which elevated him to a WMXXX main event. Punk had nothing to do with it.

Also, the groundswell on Bryan may have happened anyway, and WWE may have been forced to put Bryan in the main event anyway (remember, this whole thing stemmed from him not being in the 2014 RR, a Rumble which Punk was in). So, the fans wanting Bryan to headline WM had NOTHING to do with C.M. Punk, and it may have annoyed Punk more that the fans wanted Bryan to headline a WM, when Punk had never done it, and he may have wished the fans had done the same thing for him, knowing his ego.

Everything C.M. Punk does is for C.M. Punk, without any regard for anyone else.
Bryan was always supposed to main event Mania. Vince worked the sheets and fans (and possibly Bryan) like a charm.

The guy had multiple title wins beforehand and was the focus for much of the second half of the year, including the main event of SS beating the top guy in the world.

Where did Sheamus end up on that card? Why isn't he blaming CM Punk for walking out and taking away his spot?
Bryan would have rose to the top of the card over Punk regardless if the man stayed or went. The dude was red hot and it was the right time to pull the trigger. After his injury, who knows? However, Brock still would have gotten the title and started his unstoppable push afterwards.
What should've happened......

CM Punk defeats Orton at 2014 Rumble for the Title

Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble

Bryan defeats Punk at Mania for the belt
Batista defeats Cena at Mania

Summerslam that year
Batista defeats Bryan for the Title

Punk stays, Batista gets a title run, and Bryan gets his moment. Everybody is happy

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