Daizee Haze Takes Indefinite Hiatus From Wrestling


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Several wrestling websites are reporting on CHIKARA's announcement that Daizee Haze is taking a hiatus from professional wrestling to focus on "health issues". The speculation, of course, is just what these health issues are. Those of you that have seen Daizee Haze know that she is a slim lady. As a result, many have commented that these health issues are due to her apparently "alarming" low weight. I'm not sold on this, however. I noticed, as have various bloggers, that while Daizee is indeed rather skinny, she is also jacked. Here are a few pictures for reference:



For an athlete, I don't think Haze's build is particularly unhealthy. You can't be anorexic and look like that. Supporting that kind of muscle mass takes way too much food intake to also suffering from an eating disorder, at least in my limited knowledge. I'm no nutritionist or exercise physiologist. I suppose it's entirely possible that she's carrying too much muscle for her size (weight aside, she has a small build and is rather short, billed at a mere 5 foot 3 inches). So perhaps she is carrying too much muscle, which would be an issue, I presume. But there's always been chatter about Haze being anorexic, being too skinny, and needing to "Eat a sandwich, lol". There's just no way that I can see she's anorexic from what I see on her body - a completely jacked woman carrying barely any body fat and tons of muscle.

So in my estimation it seems like her health issue is unrelated to her weight, but I can't imagine what else it might be as there's never been any kind of indication of Haze having health problems other than the misguided comments about her weight. There is also a possibility of this being a mere work, as the CHIKARA announcement cites storyline injuries as "first and foremost" in the discussion of her health. I'd like to hope it's storyline alone but most of the news and commentary seems to indicate there is some legitimacy to her problem, so I wish her the best and hope she recovers well. She's a damn fine wrestler, as can be seen in her recent SHIMMER matches, particularly at Volume 37 and 40.

So what do you think? Is Haze too skinny? Do you think her problem is weight or muscle related, or is it just a work?
Here are a few pictures for reference:



... Those pictures are nothing like what she looks like right now. She has more in common with starving African children than she does with the typical women's wrestler.

My opinion is that it's neither a work nor anything to do with a storyline, but rather her actually having serious health problems of some kind that require professional help.
... Those pictures are nothing like what she looks like right now. She has more in common with starving African children than she does with the typical women's wrestler.

My opinion is that it's neither a work nor anything to do with a storyline, but rather her actually having serious health problems of some kind that require professional help.


Here's a video of her not more than a few weeks ago and, while we can't see her abs, I think her arms still look pretty good. It's hard to tell, because she's not flexing like she is in the other shot, but I still think she looks like a slim, muscular woman. I wouldn't exactly call her emaciated.

EDIT: Here is a really good shot of what she looked like during the same shows, which demonstrates her body much better. You can still see how muscular she is.

Those last pictures look really unhealthy to me. She may have veins and some muscle on show, but her body fat % must be almost zero. It isn't healthy to look like that in my opinion, she looks like she needs to put on some weight.

I hope that she manages to conquer whatever problems she has got and makes a comeback as she is a very good wrestler. She is a pretty girl and would look even better with a bit more meat on her like most other women wrestlers, she looks great in the pictures posted by the OP.

Here's a video of her not more than a few weeks ago and, while we can't see her abs, I think her arms still look pretty good. It's hard to tell, because she's not flexing like she is in the other shot, but I still think she looks like a slim, muscular woman. I wouldn't exactly call her emaciated.

EDIT: Here is a really good shot of what she looked like during the same shows, which demonstrates her body much better. You can still see how muscular she is.

... Look at her face in the picture and tell me that you don't see her jaw more prominently than in the ones you showed originally. Or look at her upper arms and tell me those aren't her bones shown most prominently with flaps of skins at the back. Or her neck looking incredibly different. Or her ribs being clearly visible when they're not in the one's you posted. Or look at the video and watch her arms as she tries those strange slaps/chops on Claudio, which in and of themselves are strange.

This isn't really the same as her in the original pics you posted.

Edit: Here's some better pics from the event.

... Look at her face in the picture and tell me that you don't see her jaw more prominently than in the ones you showed originally. Or look at her upper arms and tell me those aren't her bones shown most prominently with flaps of skins at the back. Or her neck looking incredibly different. Or her ribs being clearly visible when they're not in the one's you posted. Or look at the video and watch her arms as she tries those strange slaps/chops on Claudio, which in and of themselves are strange.

This isn't really the same as her in the original pics you posted.

I don't think there's a huge difference in the two sets. Her neck and jaw are a bit more prominent in the more recent set, but you can't really say much for her ribs considering they're covered in the first set. I think her arms are more or less the same between the two sets.

Don't get me wrong here, I still think she's quite skinny. What I'm saying is that she still has a ton of muscle mass, and you just can't be anorexic and maintain that kind of muscle. Her abs are well toned (in the recent set) and her arms are still muscular. I'm not certain whether her body type is healthy - she may well need to drop some of that muscle and let body fat accumulate a bit. But most people seem to be assuming that she's just anorexic, which can't be true given the muscle mass she's got.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw your edit. They do make it more apparent that her body changed more than I'd realized. She doesn't look particularly healthy, less so than in the original set. But my point about her muscles remain. She doesn't have the waifish anorexic build, she's just got this very skinny, muscled thing happening. It doesn't look very healthy, though, I'll agree to that.
... Look at her face in the picture and tell me that you don't see her jaw more prominently than in the ones you showed originally. Or look at her upper arms and tell me those aren't her bones shown most prominently with flaps of skins at the back. Or her neck looking incredibly different. Or her ribs being clearly visible when they're not in the one's you posted. Or look at the video and watch her arms as she tries those strange slaps/chops on Claudio, which in and of themselves are strange.

This isn't really the same as her in the original pics you posted.

Edit: Here's some better pics from the event.


Urgh, i just looked at the pics on the link you posted and she DEFINITELY looks ill. What the hell is going on with her legs as well, she looks like a veiny skeleton. That is not healthy, and compltely different from the pictures of her looking toned, muscular and healthy that were posted earlier.

I would be surprised if these "health" issues have to do with anything other than an eating disorder or extreme weight loss or something along those lines, Daizee does not look a well woman right now
It might not be Anorexia, but it's definitely something. And on that note, Michelle McCool had weight problems back in 2008 I think due to anorexia herself, and she managed to keep some muscle around.

As for the ribs, I was talking about the first picture you posted in comparison the third one you posted. As for muscle mass, I'm not seeing much of it in her arms in either the pics or her abdomen. Look at your second picture and then look at your third and the one's I posted. She might have been flexing in yours, but that level of muscle should still have been somewhat evident even with a degree of entropy. Skin and bones man, I'm telling. And it's rather upsetting to me as someone who's just becoming a fan of Daizee.
It might not be Anorexia, but it's definitely something. And on that note, Michelle McCool had weight problems back in 2008 I think due to anorexia herself, and she managed to keep some muscle around.

As for the ribs, I was talking about the first picture you posted in comparison the third one you posted. As for muscle mass, I'm not seeing much of it in her arms in either the pics or her abdomen. Look at your second picture and then look at your third and the one's I posted. She might have been flexing in yours, but that level of muscle should still have been somewhat evident even with a degree of entropy. Skin and bones man, I'm telling. And it's rather upsetting to me as someone who's just becoming a fan of Daizee.

Well, to me, it looks like she's still carrying around a good bit of muscle, but I don't claim to be an expert. She's not Nicole Richie, though. I think if anything her problem is too much muscle, not enough body fat, and she may have to correct that. But I'd be willing to bet the Daizee eats fairly well, it's just that she's using it to fuel those muscles. I think her abdomen and arms still look quite toned, though she does appear to have less weight in general over the time lapse. But you just can't keep that kind of muscle around and not eat. I agree that she doesn't look very healthy, but not in a "Eat a sandwich" kind of way, more in the sense that she may have overworked her body and is carrying too athletic of a build.
I don't see how you could link those two sets of pictures and not notice a huge difference. She looked muscular in the first set. She looked like an undeveloped 12-year old in the second set. Her arms look like pencils; when they're that skinny, your muscles are going to stand out no matter what size they are.

Yikes. Eat a sandwich, dear, and be sure to throw some mayo on that.

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