D-Von, Pope, and the SONZ


i watched TNA on its website, because i want to make sure i dont miss out on the good stuff(yes tna has good stuff), for example Zema Ian vs anthony neese amazing match great spots and creative even GENIUS moves.

But what im excited for most in TNA, i never though i would say this......is the feud between D-Von DUDLEY AND Pope D'angelo Denero. The feeling of his sons betraying his father to hang out with the ''cool'' guy. It feels personal and really interesting where this could lead up to.
HERES THE SEGMENT.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL7896367FE4DF82E3&v=Z-OWBz8lFUg&feature=player_embedded

This feud could be great for the fans that are fathers themselves, they can relate to devon.

Where do you think this feud will lead to, are you interested.

Another question i have is devon was talking about him training his sons, do you think his sons will become actual wrestlers and create a tag team together, their dad was in one of the greatest tag teams of all time.
Personally I like this fued coming too. Both D-VON and the POPE are talking about how they need to be trained in wrestling, and I beleive they are grooming these 2 young guy's now on tv to let them get some air time and see how they do, and I think you will see them a tag team in TNA before long.
I watch very little TNA so I admit may opinion may not carry much weight but the timing of this feud seems a little strange. Isn't Eric Bischoff feuding with his son right now? Having two father vs. son angles going on at the same time is a bit much. I think the whole family feud angle has pretty much jumped the shark by now anyway. It used to be a big deal when brother would feud with brother or father would feud with son. It was shocking to see one family member turn on another. Now it's expected. I would be more surprised if family members peacefully coexisted in the same organization instead of feuding with each other. Last night was the first I saw of this angle and honestly I may not see anymore of it going forward. It didn't leave much of an impression on me.
for me this feud/angle has been really annoying right from the beginning. IMO Pope and Devon could actually make a good tag team. couple black guys who could be heel thugs. (Harlem Heat?).
I guess I don't mind Pope in a feud with Devon, but the sons involved to me seems like a waste of time. are these sons anywhere close to wrestling? I could understand if they are set to be a tag team within a short time from now. but right now they both looks like a couple of teenagers and don't look like they are ready to be in professional wrestling. maybe I'll feel differently if/when I actually see them in action inside the ring.

right now it looks as if the sons are going to be a team together being heel and siding with Pope. if they are going to be in wrestling, they should be together as a tag team, rather than each being single wrestlers.
I watch very little TNA so I admit may opinion may not carry much weight but the timing of this feud seems a little strange. Isn't Eric Bischoff feuding with his son right now? Having two father vs. son angles going on at the same time is a bit much. I think the whole family feud angle has pretty much jumped the shark by now anyway. It used to be a big deal when brother would feud with brother or father would feud with son. It was shocking to see one family member turn on another. Now it's expected. I would be more surprised if family members peacefully coexisted in the same organization instead of feuding with each other. Last night was the first I saw of this angle and honestly I may not see anymore of it going forward. It didn't leave much of an impression on me.

Yeah but that was only very recent,
Pope vs D'Von and extending to including the sons has been going on almost since the Dudley's split.

the story makes no sense, i wish they'd end it already it's just wasting air time, D'von is sticking with Pope why? because he helped D'Von get a bit further in that tournament

Pope's doing nothing but trying to corrupt his kids, and looks like a joke.

If they were intelligent i'd say maybe they were trying to recreate abit of Eddie Guerrero vs The Rock when Eddie's kids were apparenty idolizing The Rock and not there father but that's a long shot
If they were intelligent i'd say maybe they were trying to recreate abit of Eddie Guerrero vs The Rock when Eddie's kids were apparenty idolizing The Rock and not there father but that's a long shot

This is exactly what has been going on since day 1 though. That's why this feud hasn't been making any sense. It was never about Pope and D-Von, it was about pope impressing D-Von's kids and his wife. I suspect eventually we'll find out Pope made D-Von's wife testify.
I have to say that I've had zero interest in this feud from the very beginning. TNA has dragged this thing out for close to half a year already and I just haven't found myself particularly interested in it.

One reason why this feud hasn't really caught on with me is that when it's all said and done, I don't see either Devon or Pope getting much of anything out of it. Devon has gotten himself into good shape and he's doing ok as a singles wrestler but, frankly, I think it's highly unlikely that he'll ever wind up anywhere close to being one of the top singles guys in TNA. As close as he could ever get, I think, would be winning the TNA Television Championship, though that's not saying very much at this point in time. Pope isn't gonna really get anything out of this feud and it's a shame really. I'm not a huge fan of him, but I do think he's too talented to waste in such a long & drawn out feud with Devon.

Pope's 33 years old and while that's still quite young, he's almost a 9 year veteran & he's been in TNA for 2.5 years all without having really accomplished much of anything. If Pope dropped off the face of the earth, nobody would remember the guy after a week had passed and that's too bad. I just don't see how a feud against someone that probably isn't going to go any higher than where he is or where he's been since Team 3D broke up is in Pope's best interest in the long run.
Bland and uninteresting. These are the two words I would use to describe this feud. First of all, this storyline really has been dragging for months now. TNA has spent way too much time on this feud/storyline, and the pace of the progress for this one has been unbelievably slow. I can understand the need of spending a good amount of time on a World Heavyweight Championship feud, but giving this much time to a very forgettable mid card feud just seems ridiculous. If Pope and Devon delivered some good matches or entertaining promos/segments, then I probably wouldn't have a problem with this storyline. But Pope and Devon haven't done anything remotely interesting in months, and their tag match with Crimson and Morgan at Final Resolution was pretty dull and boring.

Devon deserves some credit for his improved physical condition, and his solo run hasn't been that bad, but I don't think we'll see Devon any where near the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in the future. Pope isn't horrible, but at the same time, he isn't that good. Pope managed to gain some momentum last year, and he faced A.J. Styles for the WHC at Lockdown, but Pope hasn't received that type of hard push again. Pope is okay as a mid card talent, but I don't think he fits the mold of a guy, who can be main event material.

This feud FINALLY made some progress, and it looks like Devon's kids have chosen the Pope's side, and they see him as the "cool" role model. But this recent development didn't do anything for me. Spending this much time on a storyline with two guys, who probably won't make into the main event doesn't make too much sense, and I hope TNA pulls the plug on this one soon.
Personally, I am never a fan of these programs whereby they bring family members into the equation, even though in this instance, at least the guys are grown men so it isn't as bad. The worst example of family involvement in a storyline was the custody of Dominick storyline between Mysterio and Guerrero. I know it's all kayfabe and so I guess anything goes, I'm just not a fan of it.

In this case, to make matters worse, the wrestlers involved are must not significant enough or interesting enough to justify it. All due respect to Devon and his improved physical condition, but he has not been as much of a singles force as his former tag team partner. I'm just not invested in him at all as a singles competitor. And regarding the Pope, he's not all that either. This storyline simply holds no appeal for me if the combatants were significant roster members. And in this case they're not.

How does it all play out? I imagine the sons follow the Pope around for a while, and no one really cares about it. Eventually they see the error of their ways and return to their dad's side and do the right thing. And again no one cares. Too much time invested in it. Too slow a progression. And at the end of the day, simply not enough upside to justify it.
This feud could have worked if this was done a year ago when Pope was still considered a future world champion. Neither one has had a decent feud in ages therefore interest in either in long gone IMO
i Like the feud but reading post i came to see that there are a few flaws...these should of been done a year ago...or if Devon's sons were a tag team(tho looking at the last guy to come out from the Team 3d school is being sent to OVW so they would do nothing) this remnds me of the fresh prince of bel-air to much..i just look at it and laugh...im a huge TNA fan...but this is one of those things i look at TNA and say...no
It's been crap from the beginning. We're supposed to think Devon was doing the right thing by having his family every week in the front row despite a good 4 months of Pope messing with them. Pope may look OK, but Devon, the guy we're supposed to cheer for looks like an utter idiot for his horrible parenting. Yeah, he's training his kids. But why the hell has such a long time of Pope messing with them and Devon's constant "parenting" a consequence of that? It's just too silly and them deciding to be a team only made it more glaringly absurd.
Why are people asking for it to be pulled? I mean yeah it's not the greatest but atleast it's a proper midcard feud with some meaning behind it. It's better than having nothing at all with your midcard talent and just focus everything on the mainevent like the WWE does mostly. This could lead somewhere and it could make Pope come out of it as a heel with some decent heat if done correctly.
Why are people asking for it to be pulled? I mean yeah it's not the greatest but atleast it's a proper midcard feud with some meaning behind it. It's better than having nothing at all with your midcard talent and just focus everything on the mainevent like the WWE does mostly. This could lead somewhere and it could make Pope come out of it as a heel with some decent heat if done correctly.

No one is denying Pope's potential. But if this is the route they are taking to showcase him, for one, there are better ways and secondly, it's gonna be painful to watch in the meantime. After all, Pope is not the only person involved in all of this.
No one is denying Pope's potential. But if this is the route they are taking to showcase him, for one, there are better ways and secondly, it's gonna be painful to watch in the meantime. After all, Pope is not the only person involved in all of this.

I'd rather watch an actual feud than just random match ups that lead to nowhere, be happy that you're getting something and not just generic random midcard matches.
Something tells me that this particular feud is going to go the way of Angelina/Velvet/Winter. Does anyone remember that feud where it went on for so long and lost direction. Instead of just ending it with one proper blow off match where Angelina gets knocked out and comes out of her stupor or whatever spell she was under, they just dropped it like a hot sack of shit and no one knows what the fuck to make of it. I just remember that feud lasting forever. I see the same happening to Devon and Pope. They will keep tagging together and getting on each others nerves while his sons get corrupted by Pope's devious ways and then out of nowhere they will just stop showing up on television and Pope will be feuding with someone else. That is just the way I see it. I hope they prove me wrong and this feud actually picks up into something halfway enjoyable.
I personally hate this storyline. It's boring and frustrating. I don't think that family members should be involved in the angles. If Devon's kids truly have been trained and could become a future tag team then I would welcome that idea. I'd be interested in seeing how they follow their father's footsteps. This angle has gone on long enough though and it needs to end. Let Devon win the feud as well as the approval of his sons. When it finally ends it will likely just lead to everyone involved moving on to other filler feuds. Hopefully not a pointless one like this has been. TNA should end it already because it has been just awful.
This story has taken a while to get going but I'm certainly interested in it now. I've been waiting for Devon's sons to turn on him and join Pope and now it's happened. There's a good chance for TNA to elevate Pope and break Terrence and Terrell into the business. I'm really intrigued to see what kind of a tag team these two make, if that's where this is heading. I think this angle could be good for Pope and put him back on the map. I've been loving his aggressive streak lately and with the help of Team 2T (joking) he can start kicking some arse.

Pope has been floundering for a while now and it's about time he was given something meaningful to do. This story has a lot of meaning to it and something I think Pope will excel in (now it's finally been lit). Devon is a firm fans favourite and with this story being personal, it make's it even easier for the fans to hate his opponent. I'm looking forward to seeing this play out and possibly seeing the emergence of a new tag team and the re-emergence of a possible main eventer.
This story has taken a while to get going but I'm certainly interested in it now. I've been waiting for Devon's sons to turn on him and join Pope and now it's happened. There's a good chance for TNA to elevate Pope and break Terrence and Terrell into the business. I'm really intrigued to see what kind of a tag team these two make, if that's where this is heading. I think this angle could be good for Pope and put him back on the map. I've been loving his aggressive streak lately and with the help of Team 2T (joking) he can start kicking some arse.

Pope has been floundering for a while now and it's about time he was given something meaningful to do. This story has a lot of meaning to it and something I think Pope will excel in (now it's finally been lit). Devon is a firm fans favourite and with this story being personal, it make's it even easier for the fans to hate his opponent. I'm looking forward to seeing this play out and possibly seeing the emergence of a new tag team and the re-emergence of a possible main eventer.
I agree with you man I'm interested in it especially after last Impact as I think it's going to make Pope look very good coming out of this. It's a good way to get him legitimate heet as people will sympathize with Devon,
One reason why this feud hasn't really caught on with me is that when it's all said and done, I don't see either Devon or Pope getting much of anything out of it. Devon has gotten himself into good shape and he's doing ok as a singles wrestler but, frankly, I think it's highly unlikely that he'll ever wind up anywhere close to being one of the top singles guys in TNA. As close as he could ever get, I think, would be winning the TNA Television Championship, though that's not saying very much at this point in time. Pope isn't gonna really get anything out of this feud and it's a shame really. I'm not a huge fan of him, but I do think he's too talented to waste in such a long & drawn out feud with Devon.


Why play headgames with a non-entity like Devon? It'd be one thing if Devon was a title-holder who Pope was trying to derail. But there is just no endgame here for Pope that makes this feud matter. And how do you even end this? We going to put Devon's wife and kids in a cage above the ring and have a ladder match?

Maybe if they'd established some sort of motive for Pope it'd be tolerable. Even if that motive was as soap opera-like as Pope seeing young black men with a loving father and wanting to break that up because he didn't have that growing up... it would at least be SOMETHING.

As it is, this feud is garbage and the biggest waste of time they have right now.
who's watching Genesis? backstage segment with Devon's sons. they are 16 years old. 16?! that's awfully young to be involved in TNA wrestling. why would TNA use these boys when they are only 16? how long before they can actually get in the ring to wrestle?
The late British Bulldog wrestled at 16. Though I would think generally it's 18 before they can become full fledged pro's.
Jeff Hardy wrestled first for the WWF and he was 16 at the time. I think there's a certificate or some kind of document that allows you to be a wrestler at 16. I think that's the earliest. I know Magnus started his career in England when he was 16, Evan Bourne was around that age when he started too.

Still I don't think it's a good idea for any 16 years old to be doing this so early. It's tough physical work which even grown ass men can barely take, let alone a 16 years old kid. Regardless of your size.

As far as the feud goes: fucking SHIT I think it's finally over.
Hell Ric Flair had his youngest son involved in WCW and he couldn't have even been 16 yet.

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