Bubba/D-Von split?

Contrary to what Lariat says, Rev. D-Von was possibly the best low-class character there has ever been. The Black Brother Love, if you will. It gave him character, style, and finally a reason to give a shit about him besides the subservient black guy being forced to do the white guy's bidding.

I was always, and am still always annoyed with the fact that D-Von is forced to get the tables. Bubba is bigger, his fat ass could use the exercise. At any rate, thats another thread topic for another time.

Do I feel the Dudleyz should be split up? No. Not unless you're gonna put them into silly characters that'll never achieve or accomplish anything. Besides, TNA teased and tried to split them. Does no one recall a year ago, when D-Von was Main Eventing Pay per view matches & both He, and Ray, were given a Heavyweight Championship match? :lmao: So yeah, they shouldn't be split if you have goals on making them anything more than jobbers.

Even as a Tag team, they still have a lot they can do. Such as continue to put over other teams that are coming in. Ink Inc, for example. Not that I feel they're gonna be anything special, but again - another topic for another time.

In ending, no the Dudleyz do not need to be split up. However they have reached their time as anything worth while in Wrestling beyond just another legendary team that has nothing left to prove.

You know what, I changed my mind. I wanna see Rev. D-Von return and finally break free of the bonds of slavery. TNA is passed the point of no return for questionable storylines. Its about time they run a racist one.
I wouldn't mind seeing Team 3D break up for a short period of time to feud with one another. Nothing more though. I don't want to see gimmick changes, I don't want to see Rev. D-Von return, I don't want to see them go there separate ways. I think a short one or two month feud would be fun to watch. I think of it like when you have a real brother. You always fight with him but you do it out of love. Same thing should happen. Have them feud, after the feud have one of them get seriously attacked by someone, then have the other one come and defend him.

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