Splitting Up The Dudley Boyz?

I too liked Bully Ray in TNA and was surprised by his success and work as solo. I would love him to have a US or IC Title reign and then put over a young talent. BUT the tag division needs the Dudleyz at this time because of no other relevant teams. New Day, Usos and Dudleyz are three active tag teams. Lucha Dragons have gone due to Sincara's injury. So its a Yes! for Bully Ray if they call-up tag teams from NxT like Enzo-Cass, Dash-Dawson, Gable-Jordan etc.

By the way, A question i had in my mind is that Where do Vaudevillains & Blake-Murphy fit in main roster? They are former NxT Tag Champs and should have been here?
Bully Ray was one of the only reasons I kept going back to TNA in 2012 and 2013. I honestly thought that as a wrestling heel, he completely outmatched everybody else at that time, his work was scary good. His ability to work the crowd was phenomenal as well. That being said, I was a little disappointed to see him go back to being Bubba Ray Dudley upon his return. I always wondered what it would be like to see Bully Ray in the WWE.

Were they to split the Dudley boys up, I wouldn't mind seeing Bully Ray get an upper-midcard push, maybe even a short title reign next year depending on how the Bully Ray gimmick does in WWE. He has the potential to build a star if WWE paired him with the right babyface.
I love the D-boys together and think they contribute to tag team wrestling on the main roster. If they were to split up, I don't think they need to do some sort of team explosion angle. They can do a kayfabe injury to D-Von and then have Bubba morph into Bully.

I think Bully as a single is a boon to the Main Event level talent in the company. I also think D-Von can be a great mentor to a younger talent in a tag team. There are a couple guys that I think he could be great with. For example, bring up Apollo Crews as D-Vons partner. I don't think it needs to be a long term thing, but it's a great way to introduce his character to the main event roster. You could even have D-Von come down to NXT for a couple weeks wortj of TV tapings saying he is "searching" for someone to bring up. It creates a lot of good situations for them all. My sense from D-Von is that he genuinely enjoys teaching the craft and passing knowledge on.

This could be a really interesting way to go.
The New Day found it's 4th member.. and his name is.... Reverend D'von.

Wanna know the best way to ruin something that happened organically? Throw crap into the soup that was never there before.

I don't care how good Rev. D-Von's music was, please for the love of all that is holy keep him away from being in The New Day. For that matter, just keep him away in general.

D-Von is cool. He can certainly do several jobs within the company from either a wrestling or a non-wresting capacity. I've heard he's very well liked, and a good person to listen to for younger guys. But it is probably time for him to transition to the backstage or just work in his personal life away from the business. Have him show up every now and again like Ron Simmons and have him put someone through a table with Bubba to make a Philly or NY crowd nostalgia pop.
Could D'Von be an effective manager for Ray? Literally just someone at ringside to help him cheat? I feel that angle's not been considered a great deal. Bubba needs no help on the mic but it's always useful to have the heel have means of screwing over the goodies.

If they do this I'd continue to have him referred to as Bubba Ray Dudley, and only use "The Bully" as an epithet.
While I would say that Bubba Ray is the more charismatic of the two and a singles career isn't out of the question. What does beg to be answered is, why now?

With the Prime Time Players not wrestling, what's up with that, and the injury to Sin Cara, the tag division is lacking. You only have the Uso's, New Day and the Dudley's. Los Matadores have dropped off the face of the earth so it would seem. The Ascension aren't used much either.

So why split up the Dudley's at this time when they are needed? Maybe two weeks ago might have looked like a good idea, but with the Lucha Dragon now gone, I don't think they can afford to do it. I mean sure they can make tag teams out of anyone at any time, but chemistry is important and two wrestler's thrown together sometimes just doesn't work.

Call up a couple of teams from NXT if you have too, give them some time to get at least a little established, pray to God there are no more injuries, then split them up. Bubba Ray as I said would do very well, he's the mainstay of the two, D-Von don't know what they would do with him. Maybe send him to NXT to help the newer guys.

Good question about the Primetime Players. Did Darren Young get beamed up by martians? Are lizards eating his legs? Does he keep taking 40 minute showers and missing the second half of the show?

Seriously though even if the Ascension, Primetime Players, and Los Matadores were still active and Sin Cara still healthy I'd still say a better idea would be to have Bubba Ray do something more like his Bully Ray character in TNA. It brought a side to his character that had been missing for some time. Nowadays him and D-Von are just another nostalgia act in a sea of nostalgia acts. Even then They shouldn't be wisecracking goody two-shoes babyfaces, they should be bullies. It's what they're good at. Just because a heel becomes popular doesn't mean he or she needs to suddenly become a grinning jackass.

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