Cyber Sunday

The Chosen One of WZ

Even TNA cant ruin ECW for me
My question is Would you like to see the return of the PPV Cyber Sunday?

I would say yes, i would love to see the return of this very innavatve PPV, it would take away one of the stupid PPV's like HIAC or Bragging Rights and bring in fan particapation in the product to certain extense which TNA didn't get right with the Ranking System.

So would you like to see it return?
Yes, i've been talking about this for a while with my friends.

It was a great idea to have the fans interact with the WWE. And the good part is, its the only non-kayfabe night in the WWE.

So my answer is 100% yes.
Yes, i've been talking about this for a while with my friends.

It was a great idea to have the fans interact with the WWE. And the good part is, its the only non-kayfabe night in the WWE.

So my answer is 100% yes.

You realize that WWE controlled 100% of the votes the WWE fans made? Thats why it failed, because everyone knew that the votes were rigged from the start.:banghead:

Anyways, if i still watched WWE i wouldn't want cyber sunday back i don't want to be polluted by John Cena on my tv screen.
No. Because no matter what you think WWe controled the out come of the voting it was lame.

Sounds like to me the only reason you created the tread was to take a shot at TNA.
Wow, some people believe that the WWE actually took fans votes into consideration for Cyber Sunday? For one, if the match stipulations and opponents were decided by fans and revealed that night, when would the Superstars have time to plan out and rehearse their matches?

It was a great idea to have the fans interact with the WWE. And the good part is, its the only non-kayfabe night in the WWE.

90% , it was obvious who was going to win

example, in 2007, Austin, JBL and Foley,

majoirty of people would vote for austin anyway
1. Do you have an source that says voting was rigged?
2. They ended voting before the match started they just didn't annouce to the public until then.
3. Larry are you saying Ranking was better?
4. In the first year there were like 20 guys up for the IC title shot. So ovious who was going to win.
NO Im not saying the TNA ranking system was better they're both rigged. No wrestling company is gonna let the fans control the out come of their ppv's or main events.

The shows have to be planed out and rehearsed and if the voting is not finished up until its time to have the match there is no time to come up with an out come for that match. they usually give you three options knowing one of the options is the one the fans want to see, so thats the one they go with.
No I dont think they should bring back the cyber Sunday ppv. However I do think it is better suited for a 3 hour special raw show which I believe they did last year. I just feel it is better to do as it as a kinda filler show as some of the "fan voted" matches were actually quite funny/interesting. What with the dance offs. Actually I've changed my mind this idea sucked.
I think the concept of Cyber Sunday was awesome, but the voting was obviously rigged. If they'd actually allow the fans to make the matches, it'd be awesome. This could easily be done too. They could start accepting votes midnight on monday and end voting at midnight on friday. That'd give the writers well over 24 hours to do their thing, and I'm sure the wrestlers could go over their matches in that amount of time as well. With only 3 or 4 options per match, creative and talent would likely have their stories/matches ready by thursday anyway. Once the actual voting ends on friday, they could get back together and polish everything to their satisfaction. The announcements for each match could take place before they go into the ring, and maybe they could show backstage reactions to the voting or something (some of the guys could act as if they're shocked or whatever).

It could be done with relative ease...
Cyber Sunday is a really fun concept, but it's flawed.

With a concept like Cyber Sunday, there will always be one of two problems: either it's rigged or it's not planned. In the world of kayfabe, spontaneity makes matches that much more exciting, but in the real world of booking, matches need to be planned well in advance. With normal feuds with normal buildup, workers are given weeks to work with each other on TV and on house shows so that their pay-per-view matches are high-quality. With Cyber Sunday, if the voting was legitimate, the performers couldn't adequately prepare to make good matches. If the voting wasn't legitimate, then the novelty isn't really there, and it's a ripoff.

So, no. As a young fan, I loved the concept of Cyber Sunday, but now that I realize how the business works, bringing it back would just be a bad idea.

When the votes weren't flat out rigged, there would always be one obvious answer and 2-3 stupid answers that nobody would ever vote for. The entire thing was glaringly, obviously fixed, and it put me off to it.
i would like to see cyber sunday return, it was a legit awesome ppv. numerous memorable matches took place on cyber sundy ppv, one for example undertaker vs great khali, which was a good match, not to mention all the other great matches that took place at that ppv, they should bring it back.
i think we all know it was rigged because they would have to practice or else it be a awful mess of a match if it was a steel cage and they were practicing a ladder match
To be fair I loved that PPV, it was something not written in stone and I always thought it was rigged too, but in HBK's book he said something along the lines of how great it was that the WWE universe picked him to fight someone or another (Cena???) So I am going to take Shawns word for it because the rest of the book certainly didnt back wrestling being real
Guys, these guys are professionals. They've worked with just about everyone on the roster. When the vote was for a third man in the triple threat, they weren't going against a stranger.

Is it rigged? Are the votes legit? Who knows. You can only assume it's "rigged". You can't prove it, but odds are the votes are predetermined. Once WWE saw that the fans were catching on, they started making sure you'd vote for what they want. Would you rather watch a street fight, arm wrestling contest, or a debate? Exactly.

Every superstar is probably prepared for any of the 3 situations.

I do think it'd be cool to come back one more time. It was interesting to watch who the "fans" would pick. For some reason I liked it better as Taboo Tuesday though.

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