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Cyber Sunday: Triple H vs. ??

Will The Match Be Triple H vs.

  • Jeff Hardy?

  • Koslov?

  • Hardy & Koslov?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
You can either vote for Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy. Triple H vs. Koslov. Or Triple H vs. both of them. I think the outcome is pretty easy to predict. There's no way Hardy isn't going to be involved in this match. And there enough haters of him to get Koslov in this match to. So triple threat it will be. So what it'll come down to is this: HHH will lose the title, but he won't get pinned. Anyone think any differently?
I agree fully, a Triple Threat match is probably the only way anyone could take the WWE title from HHH.
I think Kozlov will take the fall in this match because it's most likely that he'll go over Hardy on Smackdown next week and keep winning up until the PPV, making whoever pins him at Cyber Sunday look badass.

And I pray that badass lookin' guy is Jeff Hardy, by any means necessary.
for some reason i have more than one option. i am thinking the triple threat with jeff vs hhh vs koslov . but i am also thinking hardy vs hhh. because of some of those dumb fans out there will think wait it if jeff hardy is in a triple threat he has more chance of loosing. so they will make it hardy vs trips. i mean come on no one should think that. another reason hardy vs trips can happen is because apparently they had a great match at no mercy so every one might want them to have another great match. but i am hoping for teh triple threat.
Damn. Look at WWE, giving us an interesting Cyber Sunday match. One that actually has potential for a world title change.

Clearly, Koslov vs HHH in a singles match is completely out of the question. HHH vs Hardy is an option, and the Triple Threat is another option. One hopes that there are enough people out there who want to see an interesting match and they vote for the Triple Threat. Or, of course, the option that it's all rigged anyway and they just give us the Triple Threat. I don't really care, I just want the Triple Threat match.

So in the likely event that this is a Triple Threat...wow. This is gonna give Koslov so much credibility even if he gets pinned. I mean, Kendrick in the Scramble gave him a lot of credibility, but of course he got slaughtered by Triple H so it kinda dulled it. This match, if run properly, could launch Koslov into the upper midcard in a heartbeat. I doubt he'd win the title here, but it's clearly not out of the question later on.

One has to wonder whether WWE is really going to change a world title on Cyber Sunday. That's never happened and it's pretty big. If they do, then one imagines it's Hardy who'll win the title. Clearly, HHH won't be pinned in a Triple Threat match; it's the perfect situation for him not to be. Hardy pins Koslov and wins the title, setting up a lengthy feud.

It's a very intriguing match and honestly might just make this PPV buyworthy.
This concept has been done to death. Every year, we have a choice of two or three challengers for the title at Cyber Sunday formerly known as Tuesday in Texas. It's done to death so much that it's neither unique or exciting anymore. Sure it was something to see during the first few years as the losers would then go on to face the tag team champions, but that's not even a worth backup prize anymore.

So with that said, I can only forsee choice three as being the one that the (predetermined) vote counts add up to. I mean serious, who are we kidding, the WWE has already booked whatever choice they want and pretty much are looking to get your 99 cents(which is high) to pad their pockets with. But, all in all, Kslov and Hardy are the likely choice due to there actually having (historically) been higher ratings when Triple H is chasing the title rather than holding the title. This can either finally be that push that Hardy fans have been craving for for years or it can be the WWE's way to get the title on the mammoth heel Koslov without having to have Triple H pinned in the process. That way, when Trips chases the champ, he doesn't look as weak. Think it aint gonna happen? Watch and learn kids. Watch and learn.
Ooh, this is interesting. Triple Threat, I'm sure, and seeing as I'm almost completely sure Jericho will go over Batista the title could change hands here. This could well be where HHH drops the belt to Hardy without ever getting pinned, thus providing impetus for the development of a feud between them that ends at Mania. Unless they plan to give Koslov the belt just for shock value and have HHH win it back in a couple of weeks on free TV. I wouldn't do that, but hey, logic seems to be often the last thing in the minds of creative.
I don't see the point in it. Let's look at the outcomes:

1) HHH vs. Hardy = HHH retains most likely, making Hardy seem like he can't possibly be champion because he never can get the job done. It also boosts HHH's record against Hardy for no reason as HHH doesn't need any more of a push.

2) HHH vs. Kozlov = Either Kozlov loses and they miss the opportunity to give that rub to someone who could use it (as HHH doesn't need to be the first guy to beat him) or Kozlov wins and has a shitty reign as champion cause he's clearly not ready for it.

3) Triple Threat = So if HHH pins either one, its the two options above. If Kozlov pins Hardy and wins, it makes HHH look unbeatable and Hardy look weak. If Hardy pins Kozlov, it makes HHH look unbeatable and Kozlov weak and all those people that are saying "HHH is beating Hardy so they can build it up and who better to give a rub to than the person that finally takes the belt from HHH after all this unbeatable repetitiveness" will have amounted to nothing.

I see no point in this match. Even if they do something stupid and sub-standard like have Edge come out and cost Hardy the match so HHH can pin him and still make Kozlov look good and give an excuse as to why Hardy lost, then it just becomes yet another crappy finish of a main event, you know?
I don't see the point in it. Let's look at the outcomes:

1) HHH vs. Hardy = HHH retains most likely, making Hardy seem like he can't possibly be champion because he never can get the job done. It also boosts HHH's record against Hardy for no reason as HHH doesn't need any more of a push.

2) HHH vs. Kozlov = Either Kozlov loses and they miss the opportunity to give that rub to someone who could use it (as HHH doesn't need to be the first guy to beat him) or Kozlov wins and has a shitty reign as champion cause he's clearly not ready for it.

3) Triple Threat = So if HHH pins either one, its the two options above. If Kozlov pins Hardy and wins, it makes HHH look unbeatable and Hardy look weak. If Hardy pins Kozlov, it makes HHH look unbeatable and Kozlov weak and all those people that are saying "HHH is beating Hardy so they can build it up and who better to give a rub to than the person that finally takes the belt from HHH after all this unbeatable repetitiveness" will have amounted to nothing.

I see no point in this match. Even if they do something stupid and sub-standard like have Edge come out and cost Hardy the match so HHH can pin him and still make Kozlov look good and give an excuse as to why Hardy lost, then it just becomes yet another crappy finish of a main event, you know?

^ Stop renting space in my brain because I swear that I was thinking that.

It all comes down to who WWE wants to headline Smackdown. Edge returning and screwing Hardy would be the most likely option. This leaves an Edge/Hardy feud (sound familiar?) and a HHH/Koslov feud (which could be good).

This leads me to another point - When will the undefeated streak of Koslov come to an end? If he is like Umaga and instantly becomes beatable by everyone immediately after his first loss, than he has accomplished no more than random squashes. Koslov needs a credible win. This triple threat match could be the perfect situation.

Think like this-

Edge returns and screws Hardy/HHH. Koslov picks up the win. This makes Koslov look strong but not unbeatable. Hardy got screwed, so this would just be a feud starter. HHH got screwed, but didn't really 'lose' the match, so he still looks strong. Koslov then can defend the title against HHH at Survivor series and Armageddon. Somewhere down the line before the Rumble/No Way Out, Koslov will take his first loss and drop the belt.

Sure, this would make anyone other than HHH just a transitional champion, but sharing is caring, isn't it?

Of course, this would be too good to be true.
A triple threat is definitely what we're getting for the Smackdown main event. The question to me is whether Triple H or Kozlov will pick up the win because. I've got two reasons why I think Hardy is definitely out of this match.

1. They didn't pull the trigger at No Mercy, or any other time he's been in the title picture.
2. If Hardy ever does win the title, it's gotta be in a one on one simply because he needs that huge elevation that comes from pinning the champion from the title.

It's too soon for Kozlov to win the title, who has done nothing but win squash matches. He has yet to beat a high card wreslter, unless you count destroying Hardy multiple times.

Basicaly, Trips wins, unless Edge returns and they do make the stupid decision of giving Kozlov the title.
What I think we need to remember is that will be a considerable amount of marks voting, and the first thing that will go through their heads is "Gosh, Koslov is such a...such a meanie! And...and HHH and Hardy are so cool" so they'll most likely pick HHH-Hardy. I still think it'll be the 3 way, but don't count it out.

It makes sense to have Hardy finally go over Koslov (who will still retain that he is unbeaten due to it not being a one-on-one match like Kurt Angle did after tapping out to Tazz at the Royal Rumble 2000) and keep HHH as the man to beat (Makes sense now that Hardy didn't win at No Mercy, they were keeping this match in the bay to keep Levesque's complaining to a minimum)

The prospect of Edge returning is 50/50. I personally thought they were going to keep his comeback to Survivor Series along with Cena & Orton, but then again HHH might pressure creative to bring him back early so that he has someone to feud with for a while (Ironic, Edge left Raw to make sure that he wasn't the one getting squashed like Booker did at SummerSlam 07, and now it seems that it's still gonna happen - change of brands, that's all) Plus it also gives HHH an excuse to dropping the belt.

That will leave room for a Hardy-Koslov feud to get Hardy a major push from the whole beating-the-odds that we have come to see for so long.
What I think we need to remember is that will be a considerable amount of marks voting, and the first thing that will go through their heads is "Gosh, Koslov is such a...such a meanie! And...and HHH and Hardy are so cool" so they'll most likely pick HHH-Hardy. I still think it'll be the 3 way, but don't count it out.

It makes sense to have Hardy finally go over Koslov (who will still retain that he is unbeaten due to it not being a one-on-one match like Kurt Angle did after tapping out to Tazz at the Royal Rumble 2000) and keep HHH as the man to beat (Makes sense now that Hardy didn't win at No Mercy, they were keeping this match in the bay to keep Levesque's complaining to a minimum)

The prospect of Edge returning is 50/50. I personally thought they were going to keep his comeback to Survivor Series along with Cena & Orton, but then again HHH might pressure creative to bring him back early so that he has someone to feud with for a while (Ironic, Edge left Raw to make sure that he wasn't the one getting squashed like Booker did at SummerSlam 07, and now it seems that it's still gonna happen - change of brands, that's all) Plus it also gives HHH an excuse to dropping the belt.

That will leave room for a Hardy-Koslov feud to get Hardy a major push from the whole beating-the-odds that we have come to see for so long.
I still don't see HHH losing the title here. I think that he'll lose the title at one of the big 4 PPV's, so at Surivor Series.

We'll get the triple threat here. If the votes counted, we'd be getting Hardy/HHH, but we've already established they don't. I don't think they'd want Kozlov's streak to end yet, so they'll get Hardy to go over HHH, or vice versa and Kozlov will say he was never pinned and demands another shot, setting up Kozlov vs the champ at SS.

But for some reason I also think creative might throw us a curveball here and i'm not ruling out HHH/Kozlov. It's what they've been building to and we'll get it eventually, so they might think of having this match here and surprising most of the fans. But if this happens, they won't give the title to Kozlov here, they'll wit til SS, as I said before.
If the fans were truly the pulling force behind the votes for this poll, then Kozlov wouldn't stand a chance on being involved in the match.. period. Hardy has more than enough marks to vote for him, and him alone.

So this is either going to be Triple H. v. Jeff Hardy, in yet another rematch that I fully expect Hardy to pull off. (especially since H.H.H. and the Big Show are already meeting on SD) And Kozlov will face the winner and possibly, (dare I say it) become Champion at Survivor Series. I honestly believe if this is a Triple Threat match.. the fans had nothing to do with it. And I'll stand by that firmly and fully.

Once again, Hardy marks are so self-centered they'll only vote for Hardy v. H.H.H. one-on-one because they'll look at two issues. The first is, Hardy can and has defeated Triple H. in single's matches before. The second is, Kozlov is still 'undefeated' so because of that they'd be too afraid he'll screw Hardy over. Regardless.. Hardy is in, and likely your next Champion for a month.

If it's randomly Kozlov v. Triple H.. I'd be shocked as hell.
I'm honestly shocked that most people think it'll be a triple threat, and although that would easily be the best possible match, not in terms of quality, but definitely the most interesting, I can only see it being HHH vs. Hardy again just because people can be such idiots sometimes.
I think J Hardy has enough fans to secure the votes for him self and heels rarley do well in this "public" votes so I would assume that Hardy would get the match alone. But if it is a triple threat match, and HHH loses but does not get pinned, I see Kozlov winning. It's going to be really funny though if HHH doesn't get pinned than all the HHH haters and conspiracy people will be up in arms claiming HHH wont put people over, ect. In the end I hope it is a triple threat match because I think it will be more interesting than a Hardy/HHH match again, but I really hope Hardy ends up the victor, which I doubt will happen though.
I easily believe this is going to be Triple H vs. Hardy, no triple threat. The WWE has had no qibbles about giving us the same matches over and over again. That and I think that they are unfortunately not going to do anything with Kozlov yet. I don't even think Kozlov would face the winner of this match, as the Taker and Show match could lead to that.

A likely scenario is Jeff finally beats Triple H, and goes to face either Big Show or Taker at Survivor Series, who will then feud with Kozlov or Edge.
Hardy is cool and all, but I do not like seeing the same match over and over again. Also, I am not that interested in a HHH/Kozlov match. All three of them might be interesting, even though I usually do not like triple threat matches.... but in this case the triple threat gets my vote.

I'll be rooting for Hardy (or HHH if its him vs Kozlov)
Once again, the hilarity ensues with the posters of WZ when Jeff Hardy is involved.

Ok, lets do this as simple as possible here...

If the votes are real, itll be Jeff Hardy, and he will loose. If the votes arent real, then itll be a triple threat, with Kozlov possibly winning, by pinning Jeff, but most likely Trips retains.

Trends, people, trends. The WWE does these things in series, not just one match blow offs. and you all know this. subliminally at least. So therefore, no way Kozlov wins on his first shot. No way. That sounds like a survivor series kind of thing to me. Oh, and what PPV is next month you say?? orly??? Survivor Series??? yea. If anything, if the Triple threat is booked, it merely just presents another way for triple H to look weak for the third straight ppv, and barely sneak away with a win once again.

On the other hand, This will be Hardy's just second match. They go in series of 3. add to that the fact thst this is CYBER SUNDAY and nothing big involving two top titles ever does, or ever HAS (to my knowlegde) happened at cyber sunday. why make the switch when Survivor series is right around the corner??? Once again, Hardy finally claiming the title sounds like a survivor series type deal, with a kozlov interference costing hardy the title, cuz "Kozlov is angry about not getting his shot" type storyline affixed. either way. Triple H will be coming out of here as champ
I don't think it matters what type of match it is. I just can't see HHH losing his title. When it happens, it will be at one of the big pay per views that he is headlining...and if he's still face at the time, it won't be a clean win.

Also, if he were to lose the title, there isn't much else for him to do right now except chase the title, and neither option sounds very good on paper. I don't think we'll be subjected to HHH vs. Hardy with HHH chasing the title. And it doesn't seem like koslov is ready to hold the title, and with the stories/feuds going on in smackdown right now, a koslov title reign doesn't seem to fit.

So honestly, I seriously doubt we'll see anything but a HHH retention here.
Hardy has some much popularity it would be the most expected thing to have HHH vs Hardy again, but the triple threat match is the second choice, i don't see HHH vs Kozlav being voted on much and i feel HHH will retain either way. Mainly because the only thing that is stopping Hardy from winning the WWE title is too many suspension to his name by the Wellness program and i have a feeling that Kozlav might get a better chance in a latter PPV.
So basically, I'm scared of Jeff getting pinned here. Lol, never the less, let's take a look at the possibilities. At this time, I'd like to point out the votes are real regardless of conspiracy theories. I'm basing this off the fact I'm fairly sure it's illegal to do otherwise, and the WWE wouldn't want to be caught doing this.

HHH vs. Kozlov - Huh, yeah right. Not going to happen, unless there was one super obsessed Russian fan votes 24/7 non stop until Cyber Sunday, and even then I doubt it would happen. But if by some bizarre miracle it does happen HHH will retain clean most likely.

HHH vs. Jeff Hardy - This being one of the most likely situations, the WWE will just have Kozlov interfere. That, I am almost 100 percent certain of, that way HHH or Jeff doesn't have the 'win' over the over. The only reason I would want this to happen is so Jeff doesn't get pinned, which I fear would happen in the Triple Threat. That would make Danmen very sad indeed.

Triple Threat - This outcome I am uncertain of, but I still think HHH would retain. For all 3 options at these PPVs I just assume the winner will always be the same regardless of the choice opponent. Still, of who will take the pin I'm not entirely sure of. But I fear it will be Jeff Hardy, which would make Danmen all sad inside. The slightly more interesting of the 3 choices, I would still prefer Jeff not get pinned so I would go for HHH vs. Hardy.

But seeing as there is little to no chance Jeff could win the belt here I have no interest. HHH retains no matter what.
This is where the voting is rigged. The triple threat will take place. Fans will vote for Jeff Hardy though as nobody wants Kozlov as the Champion. I mean, this match seems a little confusing in a way. By this I mean that if Hardy gets voted in, Triple H will just win again and therefore Hardy has almost zero chance of having a rematch for the belt. If Kozlov somehow gets voted in, either Triple H ends his undefeated streak which I think someone like MVP or Mr Kennedy should do OR we have a stupid disqualification ending. In which Kozlov wins the match but not the title.

But I can see the triple threat taking place in which Triple H pins Hardy once again. This makes Hardy look a little weak, while making Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov look strong at the same time. However if booked correctly, it could make Hardy look strong in which Kozlov distracts him long enough for Triple H to win via a rollup once again. I like that ending better. But I really don't hope Kozlov's streak ends here. An upper mid-carder that is ready to main event should be the one to end his streak, not the 12 time WWE Champion who has nothing left to gain by doing so.

So overall it is interesting to see how the match will end. I really hope both Kozlov and Hardy look strong here. If we do see HHH vs Hardy again, I can almost guaratee Kozlov will intervene and cause a disqualification. But I will be happy with the triple threat as it makes all participants look fairly strong, if booked properly of course. Triple H retains in 16 minutes in what will hopefully be a very good match.

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