Cyber Sunday: Matt Hardy vs. MVP (A Wrestling Match, Boxing Match or MMA Match)

What Will The Fans Vote For?

  • Wrestling Match

  • M.M.A. Match

  • Boxing Match

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Match can either be: (A Wrestling Match, Boxing Match or Mixed Martial Arts Match).
Matt Hardy vs MVP
What a crock of shit, Why in the hell isn't a Ladder Match on here? Damn a Ladder Match with these two would have easily stole the show. It's going to be 1 on 1 IMO. This is WWE not fucking WBA or UFC. I don't need to see one great talent in MVP dropping the title in some MMA match. MMA is boring. Boxing we just had at SNME, People wouldn't vote for that anyways, and WWE would definitely not rig it for either one of those.

These two in 1 on 1 will be one of the better on the show, If not the best. The feud has been built up very well from what I've read, Hopefully this will finish at Survivor Series, Although I'd prefer a Ladder, It's still a win situation if we get just a regular Single's Match. MVP will cheat to get the victory.
I haven't been to
when they say wrestling match do they mean pro wrestling or an amature wrestling match?
to me that would influence my vote.
this just seems like another compettion.

boxing or mma would be rigged so it would be kind of lame in my opinion.

I think wrestling would be the best bet considering this is a wrestling show.
I think no matter what is picked MVP will win and keep the title, he will find a way to cheat.
This has got to be the biggest let down of the entire p.p.v. First & foremost, a single's match-up between these two has been hoped for, since before Summerslam. We've seen every possible "contest" between these two that W.W.E. could possibly do.. this is them f'n with the polls at their best.

MMA: Do either one of these two even KNOW any martial arts moves? I mean, what the hell man, come on! This is major bullshit. All this is, is W.W.E. slapping U.F.C. in the face. (not that it even needed to be done, in my opinion)

Boxing: Honestly, yeah.. I can see it.. hell, I'm voting for this. In fact, I'm almost sure I'd want to see this. OH WAIT, I ALREADY HAVE! Why is this even an option?! Did W.W.E. forget they did this already? Hell, put "debate" as the option, at least its something I honestly DON'T think they've done yet.

Single's: Since "anyone" can vote "multiple times" I can clearly see M.V.P. coming out & saying he voted for anything BUT a single's match. This has to be the biggest let down of this feud. A "single's match" should've taken place at Summerslam. There is no way this shouldn't be a ladder match.

Hell, they may as well of put these two in a Tag Team Championship match, & allowed the fans to pick their opponents. Deuce n' Domino, Jesse & Festus, or the Major Brothers. At least THAT would've been worth something.

Is this single's match, even for the United States Championship? Probably not.
I honestly don't have a problem with the choice because no matter what it is MVP will find a way to cheat and pick up the victory to still further, and continue there good feud until Survivor series. No matter what, all the choices and matches are rigged and pre planned so i am just voting for the regular match.To bad it isnt a ladder match but i guess the WWE thinks that it will be too enjoyable so they wont give it to the fans. I believe if it is a regular match it can easily steal the show and be the MOTN. We have already seen a boxing match so imo that is a dumb decision. So my vote goes to the regular match but no matter what it is MVP will win.
To bad it isnt a ladder match but i guess the WWE thinks that it will be too enjoyable so they wont give it to the fans.

Do you, or anyone else for that matter.. wonder if W.W.E. will even give us a Ladder match with these two involved? I'm kinda wondering. I mean, going back to that whole heart condition of M.V.P.'s.. normally, I'd say he'd be a top choice for the next ladder match.. but with that involved, I don't think these two will have anything higher than a single's match, or best 2 outta 3 falls..

Which, for the record, I believe 2 outta 3 falls will be the ultimate ending to this feud. For the Championship.
Regular match would be a good bet, but i'm still looming on voting for MMA. Its a little bit of a wildcard choice because it can go from being very very good, or extremely crappy. Anyway, I'll simply go for MMA cause it might be a little bit different and but, for the usual wrestling fan it might be case of sickening rest holds and simple takedowns. But what the heck, lets go on with it if thats the choice that wins. As long as its not a boxing match.
at survivor series the feud should end, probably in a ladder match. maby wwe felt 3 hardcore matches in one night (xcept for one night stand) was too much and it will give us a gr8 ending to the fued at survivor series so i am happy with the choices. ill b voting mma evn tho i hav nvr watch a mma match ever lol.
I was SO disappointed with the choices...a ladder match should have been thrown in somewhere. MMA? BOXING?This is World WRESTLING entertainment right? It's wrestling all the way for least we're sure to get a good match.
Please can people vote for just a wrestling match. Boxing matches in wrestling always suck. And an MMA match in a wrestling enviroment will make WWE look stupid.

Either way MVP's winning it. I'd like to see Hardy win but I don't want to see MVP lose. I really want him to have the longest possible title reign.
Something tells me we aren't going to get a straight match out of this one regardless of the stipulation. I can see this match not happening, and another damn substitution. I'm actually really looking forward to see Matt Hardy work this match. I'm not a big hardy fan, but it's time for a push for this guy.

Him and MVP will work well together, assuming we get this match. I would probably crack up watching these two in an MMA fight. What's up with the stipulations in this match.
I chose a wrestling match just b/c i want to see them actually wrestle. I thin KVP will retain than they will have a match @ survivor series(hopefully ladder) to end the feud. I think the only other option is MMA b/c a boxing match was already done not to long ago.
I voted for MMA but changed my mind. There's no way the WWE's going to let these guys go at it full tilt. It will not even closely resemble UFC or PRIDE. They're punches are going to be your standard "wrestling" punch and im sure there's going to be a lot of hammerlock/headlock take downs.

If they could do it proper, i'm all for the MMA but my faith in creative is in the negatives.
Oh and also..has anyone noticed that the match has NOT been announced as a US title match? It's probably non- title..unfortunately.
1st of all, this is 100% NOT a title match. they will probably have them drop the tag titles next month, then shortly after at Survivor Series we will see Matt win the title... Anyways, there is no point in a boxing match, so this better already be narrowed down to 2 choices. as much as i want to see an actual match, i'd rather hold that off until the week between the loss of the tag titles, and a gimmick match at survivor series, that would be the best option in my mind. I voted for MMA because i think it'll be a good way to see what they are really made of and to see which one can truly put on a better show
cough..cough.. HARDY cough
I voted for MMA, just because its a non-title match, so it's probably going to end up being another one of these Hardy vs. MVP promos that we've been seeing for the past 3 months. I'd just like to see how MVP and Hardy will sell an MMA fight, since MMA is real and all.
I don't understand why they continue these terrible stipulations between these two.. Both guys have such talent and they're being ruined by "pizza contest", "beer chug", "boxing match", etc.. Like someone said a ladder match for the US title may have stole the show.. Now it looks like i have found my bathroom break match when i'm there if it's not wrestling
I am getting so flippin tired of these contests, I want on Smackdown! a title match for the US Title and Matt to get the flippin pin so there will be a flippin rivalry over the title and acually WRESTLING over it instead of these dumb contests.
Well, shoot if I can't have an amateur wrestling match then I would definitely want to see how WWE conducts a MMA match. I know they won't let them do REAL strikes and having either of them lose to a common MMA submission (the rear naked choke, armbar) would make the way they are used in WWE seem fake because we all know no one taps out from a "sleeper hold" and "cross arm breakers" never really create a finish.

Boxing between them hasn't happened (it was actually Hardy vs. Holyfield) but I don't want to see it happen anyway. Boxing is past its prime and sure to become extinct pretty soon and I hate to say it but professional wrestling might too now that you have MMA blending the best of both elements into one genuine sport. But yeah I voted for the MMA contest...lets see how the WWE pulls this one off.
I voted MMA, id like to see how this goes down, and id like to wait before we see them actually wrestle. pLus i cant wait to see MVP's replacement Ken Shamrock compete ;)

I am enjoying this fued very much so

Its actually funny. Most that are enjoying this fued, which has seen very little actual wrestling... are complaining because of the Boxing and MMA choices. A Little hypocritical dont you think!?
I voted for wrestling cause they would destroy MMA although I would like to see the boxing match with MVP actually boxing
i voted for mma just because i think thye should prolong the feud til royal rumble and have the blow off match there have mvp do the triple duty tag title, u.s. title match and then the royal rumble i think he is talented enough to pull it off
I've actually posted on the Smackdown board about how tired I am with the contests between both men and how it's about time they had an actual match. WWE finally pull their fingers out only to let us down. As outlined already in the posts above, there has already been a boxing match. What is the point in doing it again? As for MMA, what martial arts moves do any of them actually know? The wrestling match seems the logical option but you just know we will get an anti-climax ending when MVP gets himself DQ'd on purpose. Think about it, the way they have portrayed MVP's character in recent weeks sets him up to just find a way to weasel out of every situation. This will be no different.
WWE - World Wrestling Enetertainment. This is not MMA, nor is this boxing. It is called WWE because it's wrestling not because it's boxing or Martial Arts. I am actually getting tired of this feud. I wanted it to end a while ago in a LADDER MATCH. I don't know if WWE hasn't realised that these two can pull of an amazing ladder match. Maybe at Survivor Series we will see this feud end in a ladder match. My pick is to MVP retain.

Just a side note, post #100 for me!

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