CWE: Chavswoggle Wrestling Entertainment

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
That's right folks, the greatest wrestling feud of all time has got its OWN e-fed on the greatest wrestling site, WrestleZone! I have dedicated this e-fed to the people responsible for changing the whole forums to the PG ratings, despite the fact that the whole forums should not be scared & go all the way by hitting the G rating.


- Chavo Guerrero
- Hornswoggle

There will also be special guest appearances from other contracted superstars! Here is the team that will be bringing you all the action-packed adventures:

Michael Cole - play-by-play commentator
Michael Cole - color commentator
Michael Cole - ring announcer
Michael Cole - backstage interviewer

Every week, we shall be having a special guest host & SPECIAL GUEST REFEREES for each show from all of the favourite celebrities around the world! There is also going to be the patinent CWE Match Roulette to determine each bout of the show.

Stay tuned as the very first show of CWE YAY! will be appearing soon on a WZ e-fed near you! Our main target is to draw in the 18-45 year old demographic, so please... SPREAD THE WORD!
CWE News Update:

The First CWE YAY! show will be up soon. Here are the features:

Main Event Elimination Tag Team Match
Chavo Guerrero & Jaime Noble vs. Hornswoggle & Santino Marella

Special Guest Host: Michael Cole
Special Guest Referree: Michael Cole

Plus two other matches to be determined by the CWE Match Roulette Wheel
Camera pans into the Hammerstein Ballroom with the hardcore, bloodthirsty fans whom aren't restricted by barricades surrounding the ring in grave anticipation of the competitor's. Cole stands in the ring.

Michael Cole said:
Welcome ladies & vintagemen to the first vintage show known as CWE YAY! All vintage Tapings brought to you by Tomka, the 1934 Vintage Wine Cellars & the newly created vintage CS Rating, standing for Chavswoggle!

The crowd pops heavily in a crazy rampage for the announcement.

Michael Cole said:
Without vintage ado, let's start the opening contest... vintage.

As the crowd wildly chants "Vintage, Vintage, Vintage," the lights turn Golden.

Michael Cole: Welcome everybody to the first ever CWE YAY! wrestling tapings. I'm Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner, Good Ole "Vintage Cole"

Vintage Cole: Vintage!

MC: Couldn't have said it better myself.

MATCH ONE: Goldust vs. Eugene

Goldust music hits, he walks down the ramp & enters the ring. He waits patiently for his opponent. The roulette wheel appears on the titantron to reveal the match type. It selects "Slingshot Match" & the crowd roars with excitement.

MC: Ah, the slingshot match. The first one to get the slingshot & give it to their opponent wins the match.

VC: Vinnie Vin Tage!

Eugene music hits, he walks out & trips over. Joey Styles pops out of nowhere.


VC: Vintage Joey Styles!

MC: This is a serious epidemic here folks, we need some medical attention stat!

As the crowd looks on in sympathy with most of the males crying from what has occurred, medics come to the aid of Eugene to kiss the booboo better & carefully place a band-aid on him. Goldust walks down & picks him up out of respect, gives him the slingshot & declares him the winner. Eugene music hits with the crowd in an uproar of respect.

Commercial Break

MATCH TWO: Chavo Guerrero & Jaime Noble vs. Hornswoggle & Santino Marella​

All four people are in the ring with a plethora of "Horny" Chants echo throughout the building. Fans jump into the ring chasing after Chavo Guerrero for the crimes of humanity he has plagued them with & the whole arena riots in order to get an autograph with Horny & Santino. Everyone evacuates.


End Show

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