Cutting the Slack.....

Hmm, Mark Henry.

I hope that maybe they can pull off an angle with Awesome Kong when she debuts and have her run it with Mark Henry. Somewhat like a Jazz/Rodney Mack re-incarnation.

But, I just don't see Henry doing anything, EVER. Who cares about him being ECW champ? Who cares about his random squashes or burials. The guy is shitty. He hasn't been in shape in years. I could do without him.
triple H out for another year.. honestly most ppl contribute positively to the show and the future, but HHH just hogs the spotlight and is boring to me these days.
heath slater. the guys shit in the ring. he is horrible on the mic. and he is by far the worst on the roster. next would be yoshi tastu because he is being used more on superstars than on the actual show. then i would have to cut primo because there is nothing going for him in the wwe until his brother/cousin/whatever comes up from fcw. but ever since carlito got fired or whatever happened to him its been downhill
For me, it would have to be the Undertaker. Kane buried him alive, let Kane have the privilege of retiring his brother, save for Taker coming back from the dead for his HOF induction. This would help Kane, and have a way to retire the going on 46 or 47 or something like that Undertaker, who needs to retire.
I would have to Khali, to boring in the ring an no mic skills.

Zack Ryder, Primo, Heath SLater, Husky Harris,an Ted Dibase.

The 4 first guys, why i'd cut them is nothing going on for them an totally boring. Zack was on some what of a roll but, they just buried him bad. good in ring an mic skills just not in there enough.

Heath Slater, BORING!!! Just to me imo to stale with everything. If not for Nexus he'd be nothing imo.

Primo, whats the point. No Carlito no Primo. He is ok but needs to not be there. Does nothing an can't remember his last match.

Husky Hariss, never liked him at all. He to me is a real bad wanna be SOMOA JOE. he's sloppy in the ring an when does he tlk? he is just not gonna make it in my eyes. He is only over as a heel due to Nexus an even his moves are boring. A running senton for a finisher??? RVD does the rolling thunder an looks way more painfull.

Ted, Boring all around. Good wrestler but, booking is buring him. Cody with his lisp is a better mic worker. Ted to me is just big an somewhat talentful. I mean maybe a new gimmick or face turn could work. but, till then pointless in my eyes.

these are just my opions.
I have to go with Tyler Reks. I never liked the surfer gimmick and I defenitely don't like this. The guy can't wrestle and he doesn't have the mic skills to pick up the wrestling slack. For example The Miz isn't that good in the ring but his mic skills make up for it. With TYler Reks, it is a double dose of crappola when he's on telelevision.
i would have to go with Ted Dibiase, he is just boring in the ring, notice how he hasnt won matches for a lil while? i think that having him in the ring is a waste of time that could be used for better people like Evan Bourne, or even Santino
Does Michael Cole count?

Really, don't bring announcers so much into storylines. Cole makes Miz sound like the leader of some weird cult. He has to make a comment about every face, and then praise heels by saying that they have class or something stupid. And that goes for every single superstar/diva. I understand announcers taking sides, like Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross around 2004-2005, but Cole just takes it to a new level.
I'm not sure because all of these people you are naming are the best times to have a smoke or go to the bathroom without really caring too much that you might miss something. But as the above poster said Micheal Cole ^^, no but really if I had to choose it would probably be DiBiase Jr. this whole Maryse thing is getting horrible and he has about as much skill as I do in anything he would really need to make it in this buissness and I think the WWE sees that and why he is just losing 24/7.
I'll guess I choose The Great Khali. The only thing he got going for him is that he is big. But so is Big Show and he is entertaining on the mic and good for a big guy in the ring, attributes that Khali doesn't have a shred of.

If I can choose one more it's going to be Ted DiBiase Jr. He must really step his game up soon. He is not bad at the wrestling part, but he seems very uninspired on the mic and can't seem to draw heat even if his life depended on it.
1.chavo guerrero so sad that such a good technical wrestler has been reduced from u.s champ to facing hornswoggle and losing how low can you get oh yeah he is probably the soaring eagle

2.primo he is honestly going downhill there might be something good if his brpther comes up hallhuajh there will be another tag team nd that will put them straight into the picture

3.john cena -i dont like him unfortuanetly he wont as all the kiddy winks like him
and yoshi tatsu and zack ryder are just too good a wrestlers same with ted dibiase and heath slater just needs to decide either if he does a zig zag or a paydirt
Ted DiBiase has really been a dissapointment. WWE put so much effort into molding that guy and now the best thing about him is his theme music. But hey, why are we only limited to one? I would get rid of Zack Ryder, William Regal, Jack Swagger, Ezekiel Jackson, Primo, Goldust, Heath Slater, and Mark Henry. Now I know some of those guys have a long time working for WWE or have a prominent spot in Superstars, but are they honestly going to used for anything other than that? They arent going to be teh next Cenas or Ortons, hell some of the guys I've mentioned arent even fit to take Daniel Bryan's current spot. I think WWE is pretty much crowded right now and should set a strict and small roster group for RAW, SD, and Superstars. They shouldnt have guys like Ryder come in to RAW once a month and lose. If they keep someone, they should have an idea of the direction that the superstar is going to be headed.
I would agree with the sum of ppl saying Ted Dibiase. He just gets lammer every time.

It actually takes time of my fav diva Maryse. Her talent is wasted with Dibease and she gets with him into his never ending loss streak. She can feud with Natalya or Beth Phoenix, its just that she is one of the few good ones in WWE.
Just one? Lol

DARREN YOUNG - Not good on the mic, not good in the ring, not worth keeping.

KHALI - I understand that he makes them money in India, but only if he's on, correct? And when was the last time he was on WWE TV? Plus, you know, he sucks in the ring and on the mic and there's nowhere for his character to go as he's already played dominant heel, dominant face, and stupid babyface comedian.

HEATH SLATER - I see no future in him. Bad on the mic, not good enough in the ring, and I doubt he'll get any better.

MICHAEL TARVER - Never really liked him, can't see him being of much value.

PRIMO - He isn't Carlito. Either bring up his brother and tag them or release him (and potentially his brother if he's as pointless to keep)

YOSHI TATSU - He peaked at his ECW title match which he never should have been given in the first place. We don't need another midcard Tajiri/Funaki/Taka that goes nowhere.

CURT HAWKINS - If they've had him all this time and can't think of anything to use him in, just give up.

TRENT BARRETA - Again, if he's just going to be a jobber, or not be used at all, cut him loose and make room for the developmental guys.

JOEY MERCURY - What's he done since his return? Jack shit...then another injury.

HORNSWOGGLE - Nuff said.

CONOR O'BRIAN - Unless this guy completely changes damn near everything about himself, I want him to be the first elimination on NXT, and then never see him again lol.


LUCKY CANNON - Terrible.

TITUS O'NEIL - Fucking worse than those two lol.

TODD GRISHAM - I've never liked Grisham on commentary and I'm very pleased he's been replaced by Mathews, who I think is underrated as hell, and while I'm ok with keeping Grisham as the backstage interviewer and doing stuff on, I can't help but think that his position could be better served if they hired a hot chick instead. HOWEVER, said hot chick needs to be able to actually fucking do the job, instead of being like Savannah, Ashley Valence, or the laundry list of others they've hired over the years that couldn't string a sentence together without sounding like they were reading it off a cue card. Can it really be that hard to find an attractive woman that can do the interview stuff with some degree of talent?
Dismissing the wrestlers will less than 1 year tenure.

I would cut Lawler- His commentating is just stale. It's a repetitive schtick that is neither funny or entertaining. He has no sense of current or relevant. He is way too complacent and no longer has passion for his craft. I much rather bring in Matt Striker who is enjoyable and brings in a fresh voice. When Lawler quit over his wife being fired and Heyman took his headset, it was so refreshing. So from the past, we know that RAW won't suffer

I also see very lil value in Primo. There is nothing compelling about him.

And last- i personally don't like R-truth too much. I don't like his look or his style. I'm sure others may find it appealing, so he wouldn't be first on my list.
I can only pick a Superstar who should be released on their own merits. It doesn't matter how they are booked or what character they have, that isn't their fault. So, with that said, who do I pick?

Interestingly enough, there isn't a single Superstar that comes to mind. There are ones who I wouldn't miss, sure, but none that I dislike so much that I am pining for their dismissal. I would maybe say Joey Mercury as I can't see anything for him in an on-screen role. But I have read recently he is/going to be a trainer in FCW.

So instead, I will go with Darren Young. Possibly the dullest person in the entire WWE. He is OK between he ropes if not quite forgettable. But his character/gimmick/charisma, whatever you want to call it just isn't there. He was perfect in the Nexus as he didn't need a character. He just needed to stay quiet and be aggressive. The fact that he doesn't have any character sucks if you have seen him in FCW as one half of the "South Beach Party Boys". Why he couldn't be paired with Percy Watson to form that team in WWE is beyond me. I mean, it wasn't a great team, but it is better than a charisma-less Young teaming with Yoshi Tatsu.

To sum-up this long, convoluted response to a single question, I would release Darren Young. I wouldn't be delighted to see him go, more that I simply wouldn't care.
I'd have to go with The Great Khali. Every other wrestler that's been named in other posts in this thread thus far do bring at least something to the table. Even some people do find Hornswoggle, believe it or not, cute or funny.

The Great Khali contributes nothing whatsoever. He's slow, he's clumsy he has no wrestling ability, he can barely speak a word of English. If this were 1970, Khali would almost certainly be a huge star and would probably be a traveling attraction as Andre the Giant was. In 2011, there's simply being freakishly large isn't enough to make you a star and Khali is just plain awful. He's been off television for months now, which is a great thing, but I just have to see him as the least contributable member of the WWE roster.
Easily, The Great Khali.

The man debuted with suce fanfare, taking out The Undertaker on the Smackdown after Wrestlemania 22 in 2006. He was booked as a monster heel, and even dominated Undertaker in a one on one match at Judgement Day. Undertaker got no offense in, mounted a comeback, and Khali cut him off and beat him. He freaking beat The Undertaker in his first PPV match, clean. Its rare you see Undertaker lose on PPV, and when you do, it isn't clean. Khali was in line for a monster push before injuring his knee and being written off TV.

He returned though, and continued to dominate. He was drafted to Raw and took out HBK, Edge, and Randy Orton on his way to becoming the No.1 Contender for Cena's title. He took Cena to the limit and Cena basically hit one big move in each match that felled Khali. He looked to be close to unstoppable. That was proved to be true when he was drafted to Smackdown and won a Battle Royal to become World Heavyweight Champion. And then.....

He went on to have one of the worst championship reigns in WWE history. WWE found out quickly that when given time in a longer match, Khali could do nothing. He was immobile, bland, and couldn't work whatsoever. After he dropped the title, he turned face shortly after and adopted the Punjabi Playboy gimmick. It didn't benefit him and every match and segment he was in there after became cringe-worthy. As time's gone on, he's only gotten worse as his injuries have piled up and he's become more and more useless in the ring. He went from dominating Undertaker to having no value whatsoever in just a few short years, and should go.
I think of use as outside the ropes as well as inside. Khali doesn't fit that description. He is huge in India for the WWE, and until their Indian rookie in FCW comes up (and he's not bad), Khali continues to serve that purpose of promoting FCW, just like Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, etc... promote to their countries.

Hm... I'd say Darren Young or David Otunga. Neither has that great in-ring skill or promo skills, neither promote the company very much in any way possible (Though Young less so than Otunga), and both wouldn't be missed and would allow other guys to get more tv time. :shrug:

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