Curtis Axel could turn face?


"The Apex Predator of the WWE"
At the moment Axel is in the shadows of the Paul Heyman & Ryback vs CM Punk storyline. Axel is always behind Heyman and Ryback and Heyman doesn't mention him as much any more. One of Axel's match (i think it was against R-Truth) Heyman through the IC title when Curtis lost and walked away. Could we see Curtis Axel turn on Heyman and leave him? With Big E's face turn, he is now going for the IC title. At Hell in the Cell pre show Big E will get his match with Axel for the IC.
We could see Axel turn on Heyman because his tired of him and Ryback. But...
The way I see it if Axel was to lose his title: Axel losses his title to Big E, Heyman wasn't there to support Axel because he is caught up with his new man Ryback. Paul doesn't believe Axel was the right person he picked for the Paul Heyman guy and he should of picked Ryback all along. Axel is fed up and leaves Paul. Heyman believes Ryback is a better IC champion than Axel. Ryback goes after Big E and the IC title. Axel is face and helps Big E stopping Ryback and Heyman when ever they try to do some kind of sneak attack or during match distractions. A match is announced for Survivor Series, A triple threat match for the IC; Big E (C) vs Ryback vs Axel. The week before Survivor Series Axel convinces Big E is isn't there for the title but to help Big E beat Ryback to prove Heyman wrong. On the night of the PPV Axel double crosses Big E and winning the title and announces that he wants Paul Heyman back and he wanted to prove Heyman he can be champion and Paul is back in the corner of Axel. this can set up Axel vs Big E or Axel vs Ryback (if Ryback was to turn face) or another triple threat at TLC!

What do you think?
Is Axel going to retain at Hell in Cell pre-show?
Do you see Curtis Axel turning on Paul Heyman?
Will Axel do a double turn?
Could Axel interfere with CM Punk and Ryback match at Hell in Cell?
Will Ryback move onto the IC Championship so WWE can build him up properly?
No, No, No!!!

If anyone in the Heyman group is turning face, it'll be Brock. There is money in Curt Jr. As a heel emulating a few of his father's moves, similar music etc. if they turn him face and he does the same, it becomes hokey. Also, he is a generic face. As a heel, he's a Heyman Guy. Not every guy in a group needs to be at the forefront. Look back at the old Heenan family. They were what the Heyman Guys should be. The difference between this type of group and a group like say, The Horsemen or Evolution, is that with the 4H and Evolution, the sum was greater than the individual parts. With the Heenan family and The Heyman guys, each guy can be doing their own things, but still be back up.
I think it is a strong possibility, I can see Axel dropping the I.C title to Big E then going on a losing streak then Ryback assaulting Axel and Heyman cutting ties with him leading to a Axel/Ryback feud, I can't see the Punk/Heyman storylinr going on much longer either.
I think once he drops the IC belt he is back to main event/ superstars in less ryback and him go for the tag titles but u can see him leaving Paul soon and once there done together he is just a middle to lower card player and they have a ton of those
No, No, No!!!

If anyone in the Heyman group is turning face, it'll be Brock. There is money in Curt Jr. As a heel emulating a few of his father's moves, similar music etc. if they turn him face and he does the same, it becomes hokey. Also, he is a generic face. As a heel, he's a Heyman Guy. Not every guy in a group needs to be at the forefront. Look back at the old Heenan family. They were what the Heyman Guys should be. The difference between this type of group and a group like say, The Horsemen or Evolution, is that with the 4H and Evolution, the sum was greater than the individual parts. With the Heenan family and The Heyman guys, each guy can be doing their own things, but still be back up.

You have a point, but a double turn would make more sense. Axel faking a face turn so he can re gain the title and turn back to Heyman!
It depends on whether they plan to keep Heyman and Axel together. If they don't, look for Axel to turn good because anyone who defies Heyman surely must wind up as a good guy.

The real question is whether or not the company intends to continue Axel's development in the company. He was left on the sidelines for so long that you have to wonder if he was brought to prominence simply because Heyman needed someone to do his bidding, or was it because WWE finally decided that Joe Hennig was deserving of his long-awaited shot.

But yes, he could become a face, and probably will in due time. He's a decent ring worker who doesn't have a ring repertoire that can't be adjusted to whatever heel/face status they have planned for him.

Personally, I think his time with Heyman is coming to an end, since he's taken a back seat to Ryback in Heyman's hierarchy. There's not much more in store for Heyman/Axel.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of new things the company can do with Heyman. When they do, Axel hopefully won't become a casualty of the change.
No. He should be a heel. If Axel turned face then he would have to lose Heyman as a manager and this angle with Heyman is BY FAR the most interesting he has ever been. Sure he has the in-ring ability to make it as a face, but what could he do to make the fans care? Axel needs Heyman and I highly doubt Heyman is going to turn face anytime soon. He's not like guys such as Batista who could remain over despite being bad at promos. I don't see Axel as the type of wrestler who would make the fans want to pay money to see his PPV matches when all he's done to make them care is have a few decent matches and do some average promos. Keep him heel and associated with Heyman. Maybe, and that's a strong MAYBE, after he gets more over due to this Heyman angle they could try a face turn although I fear it would flop.
Is Axel going to retain at Hell in Cell pre-show?

I think so. I can't see them having Axel drop the belt on the pre-show.

Do you see Curtis Axel turning on Paul Heyman?

Not yet but that seems a long-term possibility. It is too soon for Axel and he should remain with Heyman until after Survivor Series. Thereafter they can build on how Heyman clearly favours Ryback and go from there.

Will Axel do a double turn?

Wait, turn face then heel again. What for exactly; just to get Heymans attenttion. It could make for an interesting month or so but it would just appear over the top.

Could Axel interfere with CM Punk and Ryback match at Hell in Cell?

I think this is a certainty. Axel hiding under the ring is my personal prediction and then he will appear when Punk is about to get to Heyman. Thereafter, Punk obviously takes out both Ryback and Axel to get to Heyman which is how its been built from the start.

Will Ryback move onto the IC Championship so WWE can build him up properly?

The IC Championship hasn't worked for a while. Look at Wade Barrett - he was champ but that got him nowhere. Axel is doing ok but eventually he will have to move on. The best move for Ryback is something involving the World Heavyweight Championship. That is the only way to get Ryback to main-event level.

Axel could turn face eventually but HIAC is to early. I think it is a massive step because that implies he drops Heyman as his mouthpiece so they have to be cautious.
here is my thoughts, Big E takes on Curtis and beats him for the Title, Paul and Ryback will probably take out Curtis prompting Big E to come in and make the save prompting another confrontation with Ryback and Big E and from there not sure, maybe Curtis trying to get revenge on Heyman and Ryback for a bit until that gets old then they move on to something else
I think he would be a very generic face. He isnt a really good heel atm but there is potential. Not sure if its him or the storyline holding him up but at least he has a shot as a heel. Face wise "Yawn" dime a dozen type. If anything he needs to emulate his dad some more. That might allow him to catch on more but at this point he is kinda in no mans land.
He's not ready yet to turn babyface, he just doesn't have the charisma or even the relevance to become a good prospect in the babyface scenario. He needs Paul Heyman at his side and he needs to first and foremost succeed as a wrestling villain. There is yet a lot of plenty ways to make him relevant in the midcard scene, he's still the Intercontinental Champion and he's a reliable worker so I think that WWE needs to give him more time and new opponents for him.

I would like to see WWE giving him a stronger booking, give him some wins, even if they are by disqualification or any other stuff because that's what made him interesting in his first weeks. I could easily see him and Ryback go after the WWE Tag Team Championships in a near future too. As of right now - Curtis Axel vs. Big E. Langston has been great television, fresh and with two very different opponents that seem to have a lot of chemistry and desire so he's in the right spot.

As for the future, unless Curtis Axel actually starts to gain followers I can't see him ever being that great of a babyface. Even if he goes after Paul Heyman, which I don't think is a good idea - maybe just take Heyman out of TV and let Axel on their own for sometime, push him and give him wins, only for Axel to blame Heyman when he returns. He has a great pedigree, 3rd generation star so that alone is a great background for a babyface but it's also a cliché and I don't see WWE going down that road. In fact, I think WWE has already given up in yet another up and coming talent like Curtis Axel, which is sad, because he's talented and he can have some decent matches/feuds with guys like Dolph Ziggler, Christian or Rey Mysterio.
What would Axel have to gain from turning face? So many guys have turned face over the past few months that he would just get lost in the shuffle.
The real question is "What the F... happens to Axel now if Heyman is really gone until Lesnar is back?"???? I just watched the latest NXT Show and a Curts Axel Video played stil mentioning him as a Paul Heyman guy! So why whould they play this Hype Video if Axel isnt in their plans anymore?

Anyway... right now things look BAD for him. I cant see where his character is going. Specially without Heyman!!! I thought he could become the next HHH if he continued training and building his body and his aggresivness with Heyman on his side. Also HHH himself was HIGH on Axel and i know that for sure! But now?
I really don't know if he'd work as a face, but might as well go for it. Dude is boring as rocks right now. Without Heyman, he'd be right back down to enhancement talent. It's a shame too: he can move around a ring, but that's it. I say try the face turn. He has intensity in his movement to keep a crowd hyped but otherwise it's all up for speculation.

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