Curt Hawkins - Underappreciated?


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First off, moderators, feel free to move this thread to Raw/Smackdown because I honestly have no idea which brand Hawkins belongs to.

Ok, I would go into detail here but I'm sure lots of you are famine with his history and how he's ended up where he is. However, my question is do you think Hawkins deserves better or is he in his rightful place and if you think he deserves a push, how would you push him? Before you make a judgement I strongly reccomend reading this article, which drew my attention to Hawkins case in the first place:

Personally, I haven't seen enough of him of TV to reach a proper decision but I certainly feel he has the look and from what I hear, he isn't half bad in the ring. The biggest problem with him at the moment is nobody knows anything about him, I mean, does anyone actually know what his finisher is? But, if I had to push him, I'd have him come out and start winning matches by using that cane of his. I think that could be a really good gimmick for him, the cool heel who beats people up with his cane.

When he was waiting to fight Brodus Clay on Monday, he had a really badass looking pose. I was thinking, a guy with that kind of look shouldn't just get destroyed. He did last longer than Tyson Kidd did though.
Curt Hawkins isn't a bad talent and has the potential to be a good Mid-Carder. The only real thing keeping him away from getting decent TV Time is that there are just more talents that are just simply better than he is. If they want to do something with him get him right away from Tyler Reks (he sucks and the fact that he still has a job in the WWE is confusing) before even considering starting a push.
Curt Hawkins is a talented guy that does have potential. The few times I've heard him talk when Superstars was on the air, he was pretty decent and I enjoyed watching his matches.

Curt Hawkins is a young guy, he's only 26 years old, and you could look at his career in WWE for the past few years as a means of paying dues. I wouldn't call it being underappreciated, I'd just call it how wrestling works.

Everybody can't get pushes. Everybody can't be given significant television time at once. Everybody can't be a major player at the same time. Somebody has got to be used to job out to guys who are getting pushed. Some guys are simply going to have to be lower on the roster until/unless they're able to really show that they should be higher up by working hard and putting forth the effort. At the same time, however, even that's no guarantee. Deciding who should be pushed and who should be a jobber isn't typically an exact science. You can't just look at stare at two men standing side by side for 5 minutes and instantly be able to tell who will be the bigger money maker for your company. Sometimes promoters make the right choices and sometimes they don't.
I said Curt Hawkins would be the next breakout star.

I see the potential, and hope WWE does too.
Any Heel Gimmick would work, he has got the cane, named Glenn (Mid-Card Mafia), and he might as well use it.
I believe that Hawkins is a very talented guy. I think a move to SD! with a push would wonders for him and for the show. God knows that he much better than Zeke, Slater, dibisase, Mahal or pretty much anyone in the mid card of SD!.
I just hope they realize what they have in hands.

P.S.: Glenn is just awesome!
I've been saying this about Hawkins for awhile now. After watching his matches on Superstars with Barretta, the guy has proved that he can wrestle. Not only that be he has a great look. After reading the BleacherReport article I think he could work really well as a mid-card heel and the feud with Ryder seems perfect as a way to bring him in as a possible legit Mid-card heel. Ryder doesnt really have anyone feuding with him an dthe only person up for that is Swagger so why not go with a feud between the former partners. It would be nice to see a personal feud in the mid-card and could really bring some credibility and more reality to Ryder's current cartoonish gimmick.
Im just glad hawkins got some tv time even if it was to get squahsed by Rikishi vol.2. Remember when he and Ryder were with edge back in the day? what the hell happen to hawkins in the last idk, two years? this guy is really at the bottom of the barrell at this point and it is a shame since he actually has some talent and doesn't need the internet to help him....but then again.....yeah he does....
Im just glad hawkins got some tv time even if it was to get squahsed by Rikishi vol.2. Remember when he and Ryder were with edge back in the day? what the hell happen to hawkins in the last idk, two years? this guy is really at the bottom of the barrell at this point and it is a shame since he actually has some talent and doesn't need the internet to help him....but then again.....yeah he does....

Yeah, I think people forget that Hawkins was associated with Edge at the start, and had a lot of TV coverage from that. I like his character sort of an outsider - heel type.
Hawkins is aight. Nothing about him, being personality or in ring ability, jumps off the screen. He looks like a jobber, but Slater & Kidd are better heel jobbers. He comes to the ring shrugging his shoulders, looking like he's thinking "lets get this ass whipping over already" and all he does is make the "are you kidding me" face. And why wear a hoody to the ring if you got on drawers? Cody's the only one who looks cool doing that, and thats because his belt matches!

But he puts in work in the ring, I'll definitely give him that. I don't want to see him compete in any 1 on 1 fueds, being for a title or not. But let him & Reks get some time on SD to make a splash.

Is he underappreciated? No. There's plenty of others on tv now that brings the same goods to the table.
I like Curt Hawkins, actually. I was excited when I saw him on Raw a few weeks ago, even if they just fed him to Brodus Clay. I've watched his stuff with Ryder and his stuff on Superstars and it's safe to say that he has grown immensely. He's a talented guy, but I think his time in FCW (and just the overall experience he has gained over the last few years) has really helped him. He's pretty good on the mic, he's good in the ring, his look is alright, he's versatile (solid singles and tag team competitor) -- he has what it takes to eventually make it.

That being said, he's not ready yet. If the WWE hangs on to him, I could see him creeping up to the midcard, maybe even contending for the Intercontinental Championship. He definitely needs to get a real gimmick going, though. I couldn't tell you what his gimmick is right now, honestly. He needs to address that, but once he does and starts getting regular TV time, he may very well work his way up the ladder. He's never going to be a main eventer, but there's no reason he can't become a solid hand that can be relied on to put on a good match.

He's one of the many talented lower card wrestlers the WWE has, along with guys like Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel. Right now, the WWE doesn't have much of a need for them, but all they need to do is focus on continuing their development. Curt Hawkins was a guy who I had pegged to be next in line for a pink slip, but he has stuck around. I wouldn't be completely surprised if they released him come later this year, but if they've held onto him for this long, I doubt they will. He's got a lot of options he can take to get over, but I'd like an eventual feud between he and Ryder, if only because of the one promo he cut for a while ago (he talks down Ryder a bit). They've got some unique chemistry and I could see it being relatively entertaining.

To sum that all up: Hawkins has potential, but he just needs to build on it.
Curt Hawkins is someone who does have potential but he just needs something to get his career going, one big moment, one big victory which generates some interest in him as a face or heel. He seems to be a natural heel so i'd say stick with that. He seems decent in the ring and the few times i've seen him on the mic he's done well.

I'd much rather see Hawkins get some air time on Raw or SD over Jinder Mahal or Heath Slater for example. As others have stated the main issue is that he is being overshadowed by other talent. WWE should give him a push up to lower mid card and see how he handles himself, two faces he could feud with would be Diabiase or Gabriel on SD.
Curt Hawkins is certainly underappreciated due to the fact that he's not bad on the mic and is decent in the ring, yet they aren't even trying with him. They never have. He's done absolutely nothing since both of his teams split up. It's a shame he has not been used more. After his team of Edge clones with Ryder split up and Ryder got his new gimmick, I waited to see what Hawkins would get. Nothing happened. He was briefly in a second team, The Gate Crashers with the INTENSE Vance Archer. The INTENSE one got released, and Hawkins is back to doing nothing again. I don't get why they have not tried to give him a new character yet.

Hawkins should get more of a push than what he's had. All he really needs is a character change. Give him something that stands out like Ryder got, and see if he does well or not. This is another one of those cases of creative "having nothing for him" when they aren't even trying. What if they had not tried with Ryder either? We would have missed out on a character who is becoming very popular. Hawkins is decent in the ring and on the mic, they should give him a chance. Try something, anything, with him. Even the cane idea that the thread starter suggested would be something, as it would be giving him a shot at getting a little time onscreen.

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