Current storylines that don't make sense


Pre-Show Stalwart
I wasn't sure where else to put this, as it is a miscellaneous collection of things going on right now on various different brands. And I will freely admit that storylines in WWE are never the most realistic and you do have to suspend disbelief in order to be entertained. But even despite that, there are some things that still don't make sense right now.

1. Jackson and Koslov serving Regal. I completely understand that there's nothing for Jackson and Koslov to do right now and they need to be kept out of the title picture for now. But why in the world would they lower themselves to serving as Regal's lackeys? Regal has no pull in ECW, in fact, he seems incapable of winning a match in the last few years. Considering Koslov used to be in the main event picture in Smackdown, does it really make sense that these two guys would be content to just sit back and attach themselves to some veteran with a terrible loss record, so that this other guy could become champion?

2. Perhaps this will get explained more, but why would DX ban hornswaggle from wearing DX gear? The whole point of this DX reunion is to sell more merchandise. Also considering all the self-admitted shameless merchandise plugging, would they really care if hornswaggle gave them more advertising?

3. This might not be so much a storyline as not understanding the decision by the booking team, but why was sheamus moved to Raw? Let's face it, the miz, jack swagger, sheamus, dolph ziggler, and possibly drew mcintyre right now are all the same character. Sheamus while the same character as the rest of them but with an irish twist, at least was the only one right now on ECW. But all moving him to raw does is now create 3 almost exactly the same characters on the same show. So I'm not sure I see the logic of this move at this point.

4. I do understand why Raw has guest hosts. I also do understand that WWE wants to advertise matches ahead of time for the following week or for pay per views. However, it really doesn't make sense that these guest hosts should have the power to decide matches and cards for the following week when they won't even be there to host, nor does it make sense that they should be given the ability to make pay per view matches. We all take the guest host's match creations with a wink, as we all know they aren't really calling the shots. But if WWE wants us to all pretend that these guest hosts are actually in charge, then they should limit it to the nights they are actually hosting. Otherwise it becomes too obvious that the guest hosts have no real power.

So again, these were just a collection of thoughts I've been having recently. Perhaps I'm alone in noticing or caring, but I just wish that they would make a little more sense to me. Adding just a little more believability makes it a lot more entertaining.
I agree with most of your points here, except the one about Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov.

1. It makes sense they are background performers and are out of the main event. Why? Because they absolutely suck. No one cares about them. They are just walking stereotypes: and angry Russian and a scary black man, that really scare nobody. Why they even have jobs is beyond my comprehension.

2. DX is going to sell merch no matter who the hell wears it.

3. Agree on Sheamus' move to Raw. Sure, he is talented and deserving of a push, but he is now on a show whose midcard is cluttered to begin with. Hopefully he won't stall the storylines already set in motion. Mark my words: He will wrestle Hornswoggle at least once.

4. The whole guest host concept is mind-numbing, but we have to put up with it. They should be limited to the show they are appearing on. I think they should only be given limited usage, they do not need to have ultimate power as it makes the wrestlers appear beneath these celebrities who come in there and just do whatever they want. Seriously, Chavo would destroy Snoop Dogg and Big Show would crush Shaq.
You know Mcflyboy, I actually didn't want to post here but I want to say I agree with you 100%. I'm just waiting for the "WWE Shareholders" as Sidious calls them to come in here and try to ruin your well thought out criticisms.

I will only talk about a couple of your points. Sheamus moving to RAW is not a good idea. Who is he going to feud with? You got MVP, Primo, Kofi, Bourne as your midcard faces. Legacy, Swagger, Miz, Sheamus, Carlito as your mid card heels. These guys are really still trying to find the right ingredients to have a complete character. You are right there is no difference between Sheamus, Drew McIntyre (who I really do not like), Eric Escobar, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, et al. These charcters have only 1 dimension, on top of that they are limited by the scripted promos they are given. Then its so damn clear cut on who the bad buy and the good guy is, this reminds me of the 90s with Doink The Clown, Bastion Booger, Tugboat Thomas, Max Moon, Repo Man and the other pieces of shit they put on television, before WCW swooped in and took over.

Hardly anything the WWE is doing right now makes sense to me, and when someone does make sense, they over saturate it and make me not care about the angle (Batista/Mysterio). This is a very boring product right now. I hope they pull out a great show on Nov 16 when they come to MSG for RAW. I got ringside seats.
1.Vladimir Kozlov and Zeke they don't have anything to do exept beating some jobber so wwe don't want to keep them of televisionand so they acompany regal and it seems as he is veteran that they are "learning"from him.Believe m in WWE is better to acompany somebody than to be off television
2.I don't rally know reason maybe because he is to small but at survivor series is John Cena vs Triple h vs Shawn Michaels this could lead to a posible heel turn of one member of DX or maybe both
3. think it's good a good move to bring him to Raw he is talented and you could see on his match on Raw that they are trying to make a big deal with him so he will feud with somebody
4.It's not that bad but there should be some heel guest host not just Ted Dibiase
1. I actually like the idea of these three teaming together. I just don't think it's being booked right. Those two would actually make a great tag team. Hell they should be champions. Regal is great mouthpiece for them as well. He is intense and has proven he can do well as a heel mouthpiece. Having them be a tag team and fighting on all three shows would be great for the three of them. Just keep Jackson and Koslov off the mic.

2. I don't like this DX angle either. The only reason why I don't mind it is because it keeps Triple H away from the title picture for a while. I'm REALLY happy about that. Plus I can't believe they burried new talent like that. That was a horrible creative decision.

3. I know why, they are going to stick Hornswaggle with him and turn him face! .... hahahaha, I could see it happening.

4. I agree with you on this. Plus, the hosts most of the time have no clue what they are doing, so it just makes the booking look weak if the guy booking has no clue.
1. Jackson and Koslov serving Regal. I completely understand that there's nothing for Jackson and Koslov to do right now and they need to be kept out of the title picture for now. But why in the world would they lower themselves to serving as Regal's lackeys? Regal has no pull in ECW, in fact, he seems incapable of winning a match in the last few years. Considering Koslov used to be in the main event picture in Smackdown, does it really make sense that these two guys would be content to just sit back and attach themselves to some veteran with a terrible loss record, so that this other guy could become champion?

Big guys are always in teams or used as bodyguards for smaller heels. It helps the heel draw heat. Whether it's Diesel with HBK, Ezekiel with TBK, or the Big Show teaming right now with Jericho. Right now Regal is the top heel on ECW and Jackson and Kozlov are getting more heat by being associated with him.

2. Perhaps this will get explained more, but why would DX ban hornswaggle from wearing DX gear? The whole point of this DX reunion is to sell more merchandise. Also considering all the self-admitted shameless merchandise plugging, would they really care if hornswaggle gave them more advertising?

It's fucking Hornswoggle. Any kind of angle he is involved in is for comedy purposes. It's like when you have a younger sibling trying to be like you. DX is getting annoyed about. It's solely for comedy.
3. This might not be so much a storyline as not understanding the decision by the booking team, but why was sheamus moved to Raw? Let's face it, the miz, jack swagger, sheamus, dolph ziggler, and possibly drew mcintyre right now are all the same character. Sheamus while the same character as the rest of them but with an irish twist, at least was the only one right now on ECW. But all moving him to raw does is now create 3 almost exactly the same characters on the same show. So I'm not sure I see the logic of this move at this point.

This is the one point I will kind of agree with you on. I really don't like Sheamus at all and there just doesn't seem to be much room for him on RAW. I don't understand why you think he has the same character as Miz and Swagger though.
4. I do understand why Raw has guest hosts. I also do understand that WWE wants to advertise matches ahead of time for the following week or for pay per views. However, it really doesn't make sense that these guest hosts should have the power to decide matches and cards for the following week when they won't even be there to host, nor does it make sense that they should be given the ability to make pay per view matches. We all take the guest host's match creations with a wink, as we all know they aren't really calling the shots. But if WWE wants us to all pretend that these guest hosts are actually in charge, then they should limit it to the nights they are actually hosting. Otherwise it becomes too obvious that the guest hosts have no real power.

The point of the guest host thing is to boost ratings and they have done a decent job of that. As far as the booking matches for future weeks thing, I don't have a problem with it. The WWE is promoting the guest host thing like it's famous people who are real WWE fans. If you had the chance to host RAW I'm sure you would want to do the same type of thing and use your power as much as possible.
the guest host isnt actually booking matches for next week. he is being told which matches are going to be fought next week as a way to boost interest for next week's show. in the end, if it is announced by the guest host or JR, does it really matter? At this point, i'm just happy the guest hosts dont regularly screw up wrestler's names.
I recently read an interview done by HHH and he said he was very high on Sheamus so that may be why he got bumped up to Raw. My current storyline that doesn't make sense would be why the WWE hasn't gotten rid of the Abraham Washington show. It takes up too much time on a 1 hr show and bores that crap outta me.
I recently read an interview done by HHH and he said he was very high on Sheamus so that may be why he got bumped up to Raw. My current storyline that doesn't make sense would be why the WWE hasn't gotten rid of the Abraham Washington show. It takes up too much time on a 1 hr show and bores that crap outta me.

The thing about the Abraham Washington Show is that it's a throwback to Old School WWE in a way. Look at some major events in WWE history, The Ultimate Warrior getting locked in a casket that started Jake Robert's heel turn, The Rockers Breaking up, Earthquake breaking Hogan's Ribs, Bobby Heenan announcing Ric Flair's arrival, Andre turning on Hogan...these were all events than happened during WWE's weekly "talk shows" back when the shows were only one hour in length....much like ECW is.
Sorry to get off subject but your point about the Abraham Washington Show larking back to 'talk show' segments of old is a good one. However the AW Show is on a programme with about a dozen wrestlers I'm sure Christian has been on it about four times. If they maybe shifted this segment and put it on Superstars so Abe could interview people from all three brands then it would make more sense.
Plus I think Tony Atlas is hilarious.
I understand what your saying on all of this except the hornswaggle bit. its obvious what they're doing on this. they banned him from wearing the merchandise to bring attention to the merchandise. its all about advertising not about them not liking him wearing their gear.
I think you could make an argument that none of the storylines make sense or all of them do it's really a matter of taste and opinion.

The only thing that frustrates me is Horswaggle does the crowd really still pop for this lame stunt seriously ? If they do then I guess wrestling fans just don't get it anymore.

I'm a fan of the Orton-Kingston program they will have going into action soon but other than hat I'm not really enamored by Raw's storylines.

Smackdown has many positves Batista Rey Mysterio as well as Jerishow and Undertaker those feuds and storylines grip me but Raw's don't.
Jackson and Kozlov I think should be in more tag teams and be that big bad tag team to challenge Jerishow. Yes, these guys may not have a mouthpiece and even though Kozlov isn't that sharp in the ring, but he's imposing and Jackson is showing some potential. With Ragal backing them, he could convince them to challenge for the tag titles and then he could pursue the ECW championship or find a way to use them to challenge other brands champions by saying since he's their boss, he can go to any brand he wants. I don't know, but it sounds like something useful for them to do.

DX has just been ****ing off their merchandise and yelling at Hornswoggle just sounds like a crock. I mean, why yell at someone whose promoting your gear? Makes no sense what so ever. The guest host angle is nice, but it takes away from the wrestlers themselves. A cheap plug or so about their record, movie or cause and then involve them in a match or angle to promote the wrestlers.
Not to bash your gripes about the storylines... but only one of your criticisms is even a storyline. haha The rest are just talent/show issues.

1.) Jackson and Kozlov... they're doing all they can do right now. It's either be giant stereotypical lackeys on ECW, or get let go. But we know Vince doesn't just let the big men go without a real reason.

2.) Hornswaggle/DX... who really cares? Plus it just happened this week, so give it some time. I'm actually tired of all things Hornswaggle and all things DX related anyway so they could just drop this whole thing next week and that'd be great.

3.) All those guys being the same character? Not at all. Plus 2 of those guys you named are on Smackdown so that doesn't have much to do with the crowded Raw midcard. I will agree with you that moving Sheamus to Raw was pointless. He's going to be jobbing like Chavo and Evan Bourne within a month. And since he's Irish, he will probably be teamed with/and/or wrestle Hornswaggle at least once. Count on it.

4.) Guest hosts are simply to bring in ratings and that has been quite successful. Plus I kinda like the guest host thing the longer it goes on. And it's working.

Here's my gripe. DiBiase's brother interfering at SSlam in the Orton/Cena match and then he was done with the storyline? I understand it was over 2 months ago... but wtf?
1. Jackson, Kozlov are just there to make Bill Regal look like a true dictator.
2. Not sure why Little Bastard was banned, but I'm really sick of him. Chavo is an excellent wrestler and they have really tarnished his rep.
3. Anybody happen to notice something about Sheamus match on RAW? There was absolutely NO crowd reaction to anything he did. He's not good at all and for him to be moved to RAW over Shelton, Christian, Yoshi Tatsu, and even Bill is beyond me.
4. I enjoy the whole guest host concept, I'm not going to lie. But they need more knowledgeable hosts. The two guys on RAW last week just didn't cut it for me. Only one good thing came out of that whole "NASCAR" themed RAW. Kofi Kingston's promo.
The Dx banning horny from wearing thier gear if you watched raw a few weeks ago when HBK wasnt there and horny come wearing the dx gear HHH said it was 'gimmick infringement'

yet he keepts wearing the DX gear and doing the chops,hence why DX are trying to ban him since he isnt a part of DX

hope that makes a lil more sense
I'm really pissed off about Sheamus. I mean look what happened to Evan Bourne he had everything going for him on ECW then you move him to and he does this jobs to the likes of Jack Swagger and gets squash matches where he is getting squashed. He helps out Horny it looks like hw might fued with Chavo but oh no he goes back to getting squashed.
My point is hes like Evan Bourne hes not ready to move away from ECW. He should've had a title run make him look better, much more dominate. Like Jack Swagger then hes ready but its not looking good for him anymore.
Kozlov and Jackson i dont like they should've fueded it would have worked. I personally dont like them. Kozlov has no wrestling abilility all he does is headbutt and his mic skills suck. Jackson is just the same part from hes a bit better but they it would've been better for them to fued.
I'm really pissed off about Sheamus. I mean look what happened to Evan Bourne he had everything going for him on ECW then you move him to and he does this jobs to the likes of Jack Swagger and gets squash matches where he is getting squashed. He helps out Horny it looks like hw might fued with Chavo but oh no he goes back to getting squashed.
My point is hes like Evan Bourne hes not ready to move away from ECW. He should've had a title run make him look better, much more dominate. Like Jack Swagger then hes ready but its not looking good for him anymore.
Kozlov and Jackson i dont like they should've fueded it would have worked. I personally dont like them. Kozlov has no wrestling abilility all he does is headbutt and his mic skills suck. Jackson is just the same part from hes a bit better but they it would've been better for them to fued.

I dont know what you been smoking. Bourne hardly ever appeared on ecw after his injury. When bourne did he was jobbing to the heels on the show. Oh and he jobbed to swagger a million times on ECW so I dont know what your talking about. Squashed how he beat Miz and might recieve a title shot you call that squashed. He might be jobbing to a title fued but still jobbing to a title fued is better then jobbing to chavo that he never did. And I have to disagree with your point that a fued between jackson and koslov would have worked. Quite frankly if these men suck in the ring, which you admitted, how could two sucky wrestlers make a good fued. Two bads dont make a good. Look at kahli and kane and big show all of the fueds they did with eachother. All of the fueds were teriable and those 3 men have more tallent on their pinky finger then jackson or koslov ever did.
Cena vs HHH vs HBK- Im my opinion DX should be used for nothing right now other than to sell merchandise and to give the rub to up-n-coming talent. Cena needs a "freak" or "unbeatable" opponent.

Kozlov, Jackson, Regal- Im pretty much sayin what everyone else is. Both Kovlov and Jackson could destroy Regal, why do they need to be following him. I would have like to seen Jackson go over to Raw as opposed to Sheamus and beat on/challenge Cena

Carlito/Primo split- I know this is kinda old, but why, right before the Tag Team division start to catch a bit of fire, were they split. I had a great idea for a tag team fued: I would have like to see a Rey Misterio/Colon's fued. Carlito and Primo complaining bout Misterio and Eddie are always described as the best latin tag team. They constantly beat Misterio down until..... Chavo makes the save! Guerrero/Misterio vs The Colons. Coulda had great matches and gave all four wrestlers a good spot
I wanted HHH vs HBK vs Cena Since WM 23 but out of nowhere like it came on monday does not really make sense this should have been built better...
Kozlov and Jackson are learning from a Regal who really is a great worker and knows how to be a heel.

Sheamus, Honswaggle, and Finlay will form an Irish stable at some point (I smell tag team...)

The guest hosts should be limited in their scope. They should also show some respect, unlike Jeremy Piven, who, along with his asian butt-****e, treated the whole experience like it was just an excuse to get drunk and party without any care about looking professional (even by pro wrestling standards).

That being said, I'm not totally opposed to a Shaq or Snoop mixing it up a little, as long as they keep it semi-believable; it's good exposure in the form a sportscenter/media moment. Plus, I'm almost positive that after Shaq retires from basketball, he will have a match with Show at a Wrestlemania. It is fated.
90% of the time, the WWE is just trying to "shake things up a bit"...pardon the pun. It isn't always etched in stone, it's to see if something will work or not. The "trades" that happen every so often are meant to either replace a fallen superstar or to start new fueds or increase a storylines angle. Remember that these guys aren't always trying to recycle the same thing over and over and in pro wrestling how many possible storylines can you think up that aren't a rip-off of something else. Also it really is narrowed down now, when you develop a PG rating system for your shows. The Attitude Era is dead, possibly ressurected down the road but for now...we will see midgets wrestling seasoned veterans, youngsters crowding the mid-cards and older top selling individuals holding world titles. The main thing we can do as fans is to try and understand the ideas behind them and support the ones you want to see in the main spotlight. I love the guys who hate Cena (like myself, but only in character) but then show no support for their favorites, if they did, maybe Morrison or Swagger, or Benjamin would be champion right now. All the points made are good ones, for the fans that write about the ones that actually fit the business.
4. I do understand why Raw has guest hosts. I also do understand that WWE wants to advertise matches ahead of time for the following week or for pay per views. However, it really doesn't make sense that these guest hosts should have the power to decide matches and cards for the following week when they won't even be there to host, nor does it make sense that they should be given the ability to make pay per view matches. We all take the guest host's match creations with a wink, as we all know they aren't really calling the shots. But if WWE wants us to all pretend that these guest hosts are actually in charge, then they should limit it to the nights they are actually hosting. Otherwise it becomes too obvious that the guest hosts have no real power.

I do agree with this 100%. It makes no sense that the guest host for only one week has the "power" to lay out pay-per-view matches (mainly the main events) when they're not even going to be at the pay-per-view itself. That dilutes both the guest host position as well as the match making decisions.

One more item that I just don't get whatsoever (and I'm sure this has been mentioned on here, I just haven't read everyone's post yet) is the obvious breaking up of Jerishow. Why on earth would the bookers do this?

I can understand slowly removing Ted DiBiase from Legacy. Ted does need to start being on his own while leaving Cody where he's at, but Jerishow? Why? They brought some sort of credibility back to the title picture and now they ruin it because of Jericho's self righteous kick? That was the reason they started the damn tag team in the first place, right? This is by far the worse booking outside of Chavo and that little guy that I've seen this year (of course, I don't watch TNA that much so maybe I'm wrong). So that's my spill.
Where Storylines should have went at Bragging Rights

TO have Cena on Raw I assume makes some sense now if WWE can pull it off right. I'll discuss this further down. What would have been ideal would have been to have Cena lose the ironman, go to Smackdown, and turn heel. He could go after the Undertaker, and having Cena turn heel would have been very interesting.

Having D-X turn on each other would have been nice, within a feud with Orton. Having Triple H or Shawn Michaels join Legacy would have been awesome. Things can still turn like this; I'll explain further down.

Where Storylines should go now

I think Shawn Michaels should turn on Triple H in this Triple Threat Match. It could be a great storyline, Michaels could say he wanted to turn on his partner before HHH does him, as it always was in the past.

I extremely dislike Cena so I would hope HBK won the belt, but that is just my opinion.

Though Orton/Kingston feud would be awesome, it looks as if Survivor Series Match: MVP, Henry, and Kingston vs. Legacy
The Batista/Mysterio feud definately doesn't make sense. For years these two have been on-screen as well as off-screen friends. Why would we believe that all of a sudden, Batista has had a change of mind.

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