Crusierweight Title Done?

I can't see them moving anyone or any titles over to ECW, not untill they land a second hour anyways. Out of those 12 wrestlers, How many do we see weekly? Pretty much the Champ, whoever that is at the time. We see lots of others, but I find the rivalrys are constantly changing back and forth. If your an ECW superstar, you have a month long rivalry, and then your gone for a month before returning. (Balls, Burke, Thorn a while back even.) Point being, theres no room right now.

And after watching No Mercy last night and seeing how the WWE can afford to toss in 2 extra matches no one saw coming (The FIRST of three WWE titles matchs, the other two were planned), and the 6 man tag, as well as the Eating Contest, why couldn't they stick a Crusierweight title maytch of some sort in there? All I can hope for is that they have some kinda match at Cyber Sunday. Even just handing the fans an actual chance to show how we feel about the crusierweight division might pen their eyes. They should take ALL crusierweight in the WWE, have them as options, and then have one of those Gauntlet matchs, where it goes from least votes to most votes, or vise verca, do Somthing! I miss the crusiers!

EDIT: For the post above... You want to see the crusierweights in a Ladder or TLC match on ECW? When has anything like that ever happened with ANYONE on ECW?
I just think that moving the Cruiserweights to ECW could open the brand itself up a little more that's all. The Cruiserweights that are high flyers would add some insane stuff should there ever be a TLC or Ladder match. No it has not happened yet with ECW. ECW right now has really nothing to do with being extreme or hardcore at all. Bringing the Cruiserweights over may add some "extreme" to ECW.
The Cruiserweights IMO act as the silent heroes sort to speak. The Cruiserweights for the most part really have potential. Shannon Moore comes to mind, but WWE is just refusing to realise this and give them a chance. For Vince the bigger, the better, but I really don't think that's the case at all.
i say move the cruiser title over to ecw, use it as a mid card title rename it into something else, that way there will be no predajice against the cruisers, that way at least we can have a title for the guys on ecw, i like the ecw championship but feel that the brand needs more diversity in regards to making it a stand alone brand from the other two wwe style brands
THey can't get rid of the cruiserweight title. It is Smackdown's equivilant to Raw's Women's title.

I would love to see Shannon Moore with the belt. He is really talented in m yopinion and I think he and Jamie Noble could have a decent feud. Noble is very well liked with creative right now so why not push him and Shannon?

Jimmy Wang Yang as much as I hate his gimmick can pull of some decent matches. I believe Chavo should be returning sometime soon.

I would send Super Crazy over to smackdown to compete and if you want to add prestige to the title put it on Rey.

there are options there, it just seems creative doesn't care about the cruiserweights and only uses them for squash matches.
I like the idea of having the cruiserweight title in ECW. Since there's only one title on there now and with not much else going on, why not?

With that in mind, movie Jamie Noble, Super Crazy, Jimmy Yang, Chavo Guerrero, Gregory Helms, Shannon Moore, Funaki, Daivari, and hell, if you really want it to succeed, London and Kendrick and not only would you have a hell of a cruiserweight division on ECW, but that would raise the talent pool of ECW and eventually you could give C.M. Punk some fresh feuds in Chavo Guerrero, Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms.
Listen if they aren't going to have any significant amount of cruiserweights on the roster(s) then get rid of it . All it does it tarnish the title. And lose its credibility. WCW had the best CW division imo.
I cant see why people hate the Hornswaggle title run. It may have slipt your notice but his run as champ was the first time in years that the average WWE fan gave a crap about the cruiserweight division.

Only mistake the WWE made was not having Hornswaggle drop the belt to Noble, Noble destroying Hornswaggle would have gained Noble pretty good heat and could even have set up Finlays long overdue face turn.
A Noble vs Finlay feud would be great to watch and established Noble as a credible wrestler.
My theory is that they have lowered the credibility of the Crusierweight Division and this is a complete shame. You have so many tremensous talents out there who are credible workers and they dont get the break they deserve. Guys Im thinking of include, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Yang, and especially Gregory Helms who I say was the best Cruiserweight titleholder of recent memory. Who here besides me recalls the fantastic feud between Helms and Matt Hardy last year? You need only look there to see how good these matches were.
the cruiserweight division is dead, they need to get rid of the title like they done before with the ic title in 2003 then maybe bring it back when it most matters but that aint gonna happen, as the title is now vacant i think jimmy wang yang will be the next champion or maybe jamie noble but after them two who will be the champion, shannon moore would be an option
I agree, tank the title. There isn't enough to keep it going. Replace it with the old WCW TV Title or something of the like. Give a mid-card title a chance. Or, heaven forbid, put the cruisers with a big guy and revamp the damn tag team division.
Kill it. Sucks for wrestlers like wang yang, and even chavo who at this point can pretty much only hope for a run with the tag straps. It can't go to ECW seeing how the 2 top stars look like they belong in the cruiserweight division.

With the belt gone maybe Helms can finally get the US title push everyone knows he deserves.
I think that Shanon Moore would be the better choice for Cruiserweight Champion right now!!
I dont see why the cruiserweight title isnt already on ECW. ECW has mostly lightweights anyway. Also, bigger guys havent had much luck developing in ECW, just ask big show, test, the guy who used to team with burke (forgot his name) and snitsky. big daddy v wont last long either as hopefully mcmahon will realize he's not a solid heel. the only big guy doing somewhat well is mike knox. but if macmahon wants to keep that title on smakdown, he should at least bring back the hardcore title, i mean, it is ECf'nW for god sake. ECW has been broken for a long time, and nothing has been done to rectify it.
If theyre gonna drop the cruiserweight title they should bring back the Hardcore Title.

Then itd give jobbers like Masters and Dykstra something to compete for instead of been squashed every week.
Yeah i agree with you all pretty much espicially that they should drop the title if they are just going to destroy its history. I wish they would take advantage of the talent in that division though. They have enough guys to have a very stout division. They have noble,yang,helms,moore,funaki,chavo and that there is enough. As it looks for now they wont take advantage.
As much as it would suck, I think the WWE should split London and Kendrick, put them back on SD!, turn Kendrick heel, and let the two of them fued over the title. This would make for new matches and some more excitement in the division. It's not like there really doing anything in the tag division any way.
I agree with big city, or even build up Moore with a big win over someone or put him on a hug winning streak, and then bam, instant credibility back, otherwise, The Cruiserweight Title doesnt mean shit... thats how i feel anyway
I think they should drop the belt for a few months. Durring this time they should send some new cruiserweights over to smackdown "Super Crazy, Londrick, Nunzio) and also get some new talent maybe from ROH or TNA(Sabin, Shelley, Styles, Strong, Aries, ect) Then once they have enough good talent bring it back and bam instant credibility if u have some of this guys there.
So what would you guys rather have to determine the new Cruiserweight champion?

1. Battle Royal with all Cruiserweights
2. King of the Ring style tournament to unfold week by week on Smackdown and the final match at a ppv?
3. Just announce two candidates out of nowhere (which would most likely be Noble/Moore or Noble/Yang)
4. Cruiserweight Open - First to score a pinfall wins.
5. Something I'm not remembering as an option?

I personally would like to see either 2 or 4. If Smackdown and ECW are going to be switching on and off, I'd rather see a CO, but if they have nobody on ECW that they'd want to be in the Cruiserweight picture (ie Nunzio, Miz, Richards) then give us a tourney. Without the KOTR, we don't get a tournament every year, so it'd be a fun little "watch who progresses next week" thing. Naturally, it would come down to Moore/Noble/Yang, but it'd be interesting to see Noble squash Funaki and whatnot lol.
In my opinion who I think should have the cruiserweight championship is Jimmy Wang Yang. He should have been champion for a long time. He is a good flyer. Chavo just sucks and Gregory is just consided!
WWE has quietly removed the Cruiserweight Championship from the SmackDown superstars page on the official WWE web site. It is unknown whether or not WWE dropped the title altogether or just took it off of because there is no current Cruiserweight Championship with Hornswoggle moving to RAW.

I think they will move it to ECW in the very near future, which I think would be a very good thing to do. SmackDown is starting to get a lot like RAW these days and the Cruiserweights are left hanging with nothing. They should move the main Cruiserweights over to ECW(Crazy, Wang Yang, Moore, Noble, Helms, and Chavo), it will increase ECW's low roster and will give it a reasonable second championship, something the fans wanted for a long time.

That way the belts will be spread out like this: ECW= 2 titles(C brand), SD= 3 titles(B brand), RAW= 4 titles(A brand). RAW has the biggest roster so it only makes sense for it to have the most titles and SmackDown won't be affected by losing a handful of Cruiserweights because they could hardly fit one Cruiserweight match in each week anyways.
Or even beter than the above post, now that ECW and Smackdown are sharing Superstars, no one would even have to change shows. Just have a bottle Royal and have an ECW guy to win it, then the title will switch shows and the superstars from both brands can fight over it!
The Cruiserweight Title has been off the Smackdown superstar page since Hornswoggle was stripped of it. I'm not sure weather I wan't the title to return or not. The titles worthless but on the rare occasions the title does get on PPV the matches are entertaining. And WWE have some of the best Cruiserweights at there disposal. The title might not mean much but at last certain superstars can say they've held a title in WWE.
Since they have pretty much combined Smackdown and ECW, it seems stupid to get rid of the title.

One, your smaller guys have nothing to compete for seeing as even the top cruiserweights get squashed by any heavyweight. Two, the merging of the shows creates new fueds for the belt. Third and finally, Gregory Helms is coming back early next year. This would be the perfect time to start buidling the credibilty of this belt so that it means something when he comes back.

I hope its just off the page since there is no current champ, but I thought I saw it say vacant one day before it disappeared.
This is just another example of W.W.E. taking something that worked greatly for one company, but is failing through their eyes, badly.

W.C.W. was more or less built off their cruiserweight division carrying their mid-card. However, because Mr. McMahon apparently isn't high on smaller wrestlers, he never gave them the proper time or ability to showcase their talent.

Although I highly enjoyed almost every one of the matches.. the most McMahon ever did with the cruiserweights was bundle them together in Cruiserweight Opens & 5-6 man matches. He'd have single's matches here & there, but no build to them. Thus, no build means.. no fan reaction. No fan reaction makes McMahon assume noone cares.

Its more or less the same with E.C.W. - W.W.E. takes something that was huge else where, repackages it with their style.. & it turns to crap. Thats what has happened with the cruiserweight division.

Ultimately, I WANT the Cruiserweight division to return.. otherwise whats the point of keeping smaller guys at all? Half of them won't ever be considered for the Intercontinental or United States titles.. so they're glorified jobbers.. thats way too much talent to waste just having them lay down show after show.

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