Crusierweight Title Done?


Before I begin, I should mention that there are SPOILERS including this Fridays Smackdown Taping, so if you don't want to be spoiled, go away!

Anyways... On Smackdown, Vickie strips Hornswoggle of the title, saying that "it's for his own safety". I don't care about that, but what are they gonna do now? They've been talking about getting rid of this title for a while, is this it, or are they gonna give it to any random wrestler in a match no one will watch?

And a note to the staff, this is the first thread I've created, so if I've done anything wrong, let me know.
IMO there are only three valid people who deserve the Cruiserweight Title. One is injured, one is suspended, and one is continually buried when he was close to becoming the Champ.

One is Gregory Helms
Two is Chavo Guerrero
Three is Jimmy Wang-Yang.

(I havent counted Rey as he isnt classed in the division, hes a main eventer)
This is so stupid. They shouldv'e made him lose the title in a match with Noble to end their feud properly. They couldv'e had it on Smackdown or a PPV and let Vince get involved (maybe H). Hornswoggle will be moved to Raw permantly and the title will probably be contested in a battle royal involving the other Crusierweights. Moore, Yang or Noble will win it.
Chavo should be a main eventer do we really need to put the belt back on him, it didnt give the belt any credibility, i think they need to just let the division showcase its talents instead of burying it week after week, you know what i mean?, i think they should start fresh with the title bring it back and give it some meaning and stop the crappy storylines just let them do what they do best and thats wrestle dammit!!!
Honestly, this is the best thing that could've been done to the Cruiserweight Championship. Hornswoggle holding the Championship to begin with, was a pure joke to each & every cruiserweight in the locker-room.

If W.W.E. wants to pure market-ability back on this title, they'll hold a Cruiserweight Open at No Mercy & have all their Cruiserweights in it. Chavo Guerrero, Shannon Moore, Funaki, Jimmy Yang.. even bring over some extras, like Nunzio.

I don't know if Gregory Helms will be returning with the rest, as his injury could still limit him to being gone for a while.. but if he is capable of returning, this would be the best chance to put it back on him, as well. He could be a surprise return.
This also contains a smackdown spoiler. They strip Hornswoggle of the title but still had Noble/Moore match. I was wondering if that match was for the new champion?
Meh. They dont promote it properly anyway. In my opinion WWE's smaller talent is superior to TNA's. And yet they are never showcased properly. On PPV there just throw into an invitational match, and nobody cares. They have one of the best wrestlers in the world Jamie Noble, and he's a comedy character.

I dont think there getting rid of it. But I think it will certainly be gone for a few months if the Moore/Noble match is not a title match.
This is great news for the Cruiserweight Division. Also, I like the fact that they made Jamie Noble the . . . head of talent for the Cruiserweights, or some sort like that, which have meant more focus back on the Cruiserweights with Noble, Shannon Moore, Jimmy Yang Wang, and even Funaki at times. Even though it looks like Jamie Noble is the only heel at the point in time, the belt will be most likely put on him.
i really wanted to see the climax of the noble/hornswaggle feud to see his but get kicked around by noble and totally build noble up as a heel, now with stripping hornswaggle of the title has made noble into a joke and totally destroyed the titles credibility.
WWE wont let the Crusierweight championship completely go away as what will there smaller wrestler compete for? I mean not like WWE gives a shit about the title now, but they need something the smaller guys can go after. I see some sort of invitation at No Mercy like someone else said to get a new champion and end the Hornswoggle era.

WWE will never fully respect their own Crusiers and I think we all need to understand that. The belt wont go away but does it really matter.
it should matter, if they dont have room for it on smackdown why not place it on ecw, or even heat, instead of doing re - runs give the cruisers heat along with the womans divison so you dont need to keep throwing the damn thing down the tubes, as i am getting really annoyed with the way they are treating not just the title but cruisers in general
You all need to realize somthing. Although Hornswoggle as champ was a joke, ever since Noble was put in charge of storylines for the crusierweights, the Crusierweight title has been focused on every single week on Smackdown, and with a new champ, that will continue, only this time, the champ will be credible. Hopefully this actually is the beggining of the new Crusierweight Divison.
this is the best thing that could happen to the crusierweight division becasue now they can remake everything in the division and givi us a credible champion.But i hope that they don't just throw the title in a trash can and they never establish the title again
I'd like to see them hold a battle royal, but have Hornswoggle enter as a mystery oponent in disguise, kinda like they did with Hogan and Mr. America, where he kept denying Mr America and Hogan were the same person, even though they wrestled the same and talked the same. Hornswoggle is funny as hell, and it would give them a chance to further the noble/hornswoggle feud and then end it properly, by having Noble finally figure out they are the same person.
I'd like to see them hold a battle royal, but have Hornswoggle enter as a mystery oponent in disguise, kinda like they did with Hogan and Mr. America, where he kept denying Mr America and Hogan were the same person, even though they wrestled the same and talked the same. Hornswoggle is funny as hell, and it would give them a chance to further the noble/hornswoggle feud and then end it properly, by having Noble finally figure out they are the same person.

yeah then well have kurt angle re debute in the wwe with his wife karen as his tag team partner. and they will be called the real team angle, they can get all the titles and completley stink up the show with angles back stage politics and crappy moves,

Seriously though just move on with the title and stay away from that little leprichan coz he is now a mcmahon and he should stay on raw and leave the cruiser title alone
I dont know about that. Yes they have Helms who is very good and Noble but really i have never been that impressed with Moore and well frankly chavo just stinks now.
Sure Tna makes them look bad but they have guys like Petey, senshi, Daniels, Sabin, Alex Shelley are really good. the only problem is all the good ones either get promoted and then buried (Styles and Joe) or just fade into obscurity like the whole divison has. They had a real chance to do something with the title with 2 hours instead we are now getting women's titles and talk shows. I f i want that i have the WWE. I watch both but for differnt reaons.
Meh. They dont promote it properly anyway. In my opinion WWE's smaller talent is superior to TNA's. And yet they are never showcased properly. On PPV there just throw into an invitational match, and nobody cares. They have one of the best wrestlers in the world Jamie Noble, and he's a comedy character.

I dont think there getting rid of it. But I think it will certainly be gone for a few months if the Moore/Noble match is not a title match.
thats partly jarrets fault, he doesnt know what the companies about he instead promotes it like wcw and that is gonna get him knowhere.

i just think they should use the cruisers properly on smackdown to step up their game and give the cruiser title some meaning-
I agree but it is too bad he dosent promote the x divison like they did in WCW.
Other than the post David Arquette era(which i think of as the true day WCW died they treated them well. Sure they promoted top guys (Jericho, benoit, Rey and Malenko) out but like ECW they always had new guys to make it eciting from the luchadores, to 3 count , to jung dragons and the filthy animals. I mean I would much rather scarafice a Peep Show segment to give us a Daniels v Sabin match. I started with TNA when even on the one hour show they often had 2 X divison matches. But in the last year it is every WWE guy who is not there come on down. Cage, Angle and even Rhino okay but does anybody think we need Morgan, Test(thankfully gone), Rikishi, The Outlaws or Goldust. With those guys I almost hope WWE dosent release Kahli or Boogeyman or they will be here too
thats partly jarrets fault, he doesnt know what the companies about he instead promotes it like wcw and that is gonna get him knowhere.

i just think they should use the cruisers properly on smackdown to step up their game and give the cruiser title some meaning-
I think this could work well for the Cruiserweights. Get the belt around Noble's waist. Have the other cruisers continue to ridicule him that the only way he could get the title off Hornswoggle was by him relinquishing the title, let Noble go frickin' schizo on their asses and tear up the division for a while, let him work it out of his system, then it can get back to the normal, competitive division it should be.

On a related note, I think both the Cruiserwieght title and the women's title should be cross-promotional. Since there are cruiserweights and female wrestlers in all 3 brands, why are the titles limited to one brand? There are good cruiserweights on Raw AND ECW, and there are good women wrestlers on Smackdown and ECW (not so much ecw for the women, but...); I say give 'em all a chance.
wwe needs to get more new cruiserweights from ohio valley or the other shows to put on smackdown because there is only three ok cruiserweights wrestling now moore,noble,and wang yang and you cant have a good division with three people i think they could promote it more like TNA and the x division but they choose not too becuse vince seems to like the heavy weight a whole lot so i think the cruiserweight title might be done for
I dont think i can see WWE getting rid of the cruiserweight title for good just maybe for a little while until they get more cruiserweights on smackdown!
Maybe WWE should take some of the RAW cruiserweights and put them on smackdown! in a trade of some sort because RAW isnt a place for cruiserweights because theres no title for them to win besides WWE and I.C but i really dont see vince letting super crazy or Davari or any other cruiserweights win those 2 titles
i absolutely hate the wwe cruiserweights. they are overated and pointless. tna talent however actually can pull of 'high flying' and original moves. unlike the wwe washed up has been talents such as : shannon moore, and jamie noble.

i seriously think that they should dispose of the cruiserweight championship. until gregory helms returns from his injury. which i am praying is soon. he is the only cruiserwight deserving it on the smackdown brand. however. jimmy wang yang. is a good wrestler with creative moves, but his gimmick is stupid and annoying.

the wwe needs new, fresh cruiserweights and fast. none of these leprechauns or prince of punk gimmicks or even red- neck texans. seriously i meen come-on.
i absolutely hate the wwe cruiserweights. they are overated and pointless.

In what way are they overated? They certainly aren't overated by WWE Staff. There very rarley pushed properly.

tna talent however actually can pull of 'high flying' and original moves. unlike the wwe washed up has been talents such as : shannon moore, and jamie noble.

WWE restricts the amount of moves wrestlers do. Less is more in WWE. More is more in TNA.

Yeah that Jamie Noble is washed up. He's only like WWE's best talent. And that Shannon Morre. Damn glad he escaped TNA's X-Division.

i seriously think that they should dispose of the cruiserweight championship. until gregory helms returns from his injury. which i am praying is soon. he is the only cruiserwight deserving it on the smackdown brand.

So you want to just see Helms wrestling himself. Could be good. Could get old fast though.

however. jimmy wang yang. is a good wrestler with creative moves, but his gimmick is stupid and annoying.

Jimmy Yang invented the Moonsault.


the wwe needs new, fresh cruiserweights and fast. none of these leprechauns or prince of punk gimmicks or even red- neck texans. seriously i meen come-on.

Because copying another wrestler is so original. A punk gimmick will have longer legs than a Black Machismo one.
I think the best thing to do would be to scrap the smackdown cruiserweight divison. The burial of it has been going on so long that there is little to no chance of it gaining any credability there.

The best way forward as i see it would be to rename the division and move it to ECW-a fresh start. ECW is in need of many things but the two main ones are 1) a secondary title and 2) new talent - there are only 12 active wrestlers on the ECW roster at the mo - assuming you class V and Boogeyman as wrestlers.

By starting afresh on a different brand, different brand and different channel with a different guy in charge (Noble) it gives them a chance to reinvent the division.

Given a lillte more freedom to do what they do best (as they wouldn't have to tone it down so much as most of the main talent would be on the other brands - no offence Punk). This could be a chance to get back the glory of the old WCW cruisers or 2005-06 x division and allow ECW to have something unique about it - a style of offence that's a little more extreme - excuse the pun
I can see the cruiserweight division being removed from Smackdown soon and actually moved to ECW. ECW has one title right now and twelve... Count them... twelve wrestlers on the roster. Moving the whole Cruiserweight division to ECW would benifit both the division and ECW. With the amount of talent on Smackdown not counting the Cruiserweights, there is still more then enough talent to run a show. Sometimes the Crusierweights don't even make an apperence on SD! On ECW the Crusierweight dividion could really take off I think. Since it is ECW I could also see some sort of extreme twist to the division. I'd love to see some of the Cruserweights is a ladder match, or TLC for that matter.

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