Crowd Reactions for the Big Show.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you ask the IWC, everyone hates the Big Show and for awhile, there might've been some validity to these claims. I do interpret "Please Retire" chants as the wrong kind of heat and when he turned babyface recently, everyone collectively rolled their eyes.

Yet it seems like he's getting pretty good babyface pops lately...I mean, I heard louder "Big Show" chants during the Wyatt Family match than I have heard for half of the roster. Admittedly, the voices sounded incredibly high pitched, so I presume he shares Cena's fanbase, but compare that to Kane (silence) or even Ryback (also silence; did his Royal Rumble reception kill his popularity or something?).

But why? I love the Big Show, but it just seems odd hearing positive reactions (Big Show even looks sort of surprised when he came out at Fastlane) after an entire year was dedicated to him being called the worst thing in wrestling. Do people just want him to stay babyface? Are people genuinely interested in seeing him face Braun Strowman? Or is it because they're using him sparingly but effectively that he works as a hot tag? Or is it just that the last few crowds happen to like him and soon, he will have more indifferent/negative reactions?
People don t care for Paul Wright anymore as ex WCW fans were tired of him there and when he debted into wwe as the Big Slow fans disliked him even more! He has switched heel and face as many times as I switched my lights on and off seriously he should retire and get lost
He looked good in-ring at Fast Lane honestly, and the reaction could have been partially based on his recent Stone Cold Podcast appearance where he pretty much told it how it is. He is a durable utility player whose character has been through countless turns - but he still acts as a gatekeeper to put over younger talent or play a variety of roles. He is quite agile for someone to be that massive and old/having wrestled that long. Look at Andre. He had no where near the mobility. I can stand Big Show in tag matches, he's okay on the mic, and even his face/heel changes are less silly than Corporate/Demon Kane off and on every week. He is better than Mark Henry as a big man. As far as live goes, let's not forget at the end of the day this is a 7 foot tall, 450 pound man we are talking about. It's going to be a spectacle visually no matter how bad he's booked.
I really wish they would just make Big Show a sole GM of RAW or Smackdown. And I mean for YEARS. He's really grown on the mic to the point where he can deliver speeches without flubbing. And visually speaking, it would make a LOT of sense for the entirety of the roster to take him seriously as a sole authority figure. He has also proven that he can transition seamlessly between the roles of babyface and heel. There's just about every reason to use him as a fictional authority figure instead of a wrestler.
To be fair the IWC hates anyone over 30, Ive seen him live and also at autograph signings and he seems extremely popular, Personally I think a guy like the Big Show does a lot of good to the roster, Allows some of the newer guys to work with someone with as much as experience as the Big Show and still a big enough name that can go in big matches when needed. and I would rather pay to see an actual giant who give a decent performance rather than watch some boring no personality 5ft 8 acrobat doing summersaults over the ring.
To be fair the IWC hates anyone over 30

AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe, and Kevin Owens all say hello.

Anyways, his "go away" heat was never derived from him as a person but rather how he was being booked, which was pretty atrocious. The guy is in his mid-40's and was being viciously protected and going over a bunch of guys he should be putting over at this point.

Remember last year when Cesaro started gaining traction again before becoming a needless casualty to Big Show during his IC title feud with Ryback and Miz? How about the stupidly long feud with Reigns where Show dominated him on a regular basis when it should have been Roman slaughtering Show like nothing since he was gearing up for his Rumble win. Or him winning the Andre the Giant memorial battle royal at Wrestlemania last year at the expense of Damien Mizdow, the most over person in the match who needed that moment FAR more than Big Show.

Like I said, it's his purely his booking that drives fans up the wall. It's not the Attitude Era anymore. No one takes Big Show has this serious threat, nor do they even want to. So seeing WWE go out of their way to protect BIG SHOW of all people at the expense of promising talent still trying to establish themselves is very frustrating.
AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe, and Kevin Owens all say hello.

Anyways, his "go away" heat was never derived from him as a person but rather how he was being booked, which was pretty atrocious. The guy is in his mid-40's and was being viciously protected and going over a bunch of guys he should be putting over at this point.

Remember last year when Cesaro started gaining traction again before becoming a needless casualty to Big Show during his IC title feud with Ryback and Miz? How about the stupidly long feud with Reigns where Show dominated him on a regular basis when it should have been Roman slaughtering Show like nothing since he was gearing up for his Rumble win. Or him winning the Andre the Giant memorial battle royal at Wrestlemania last year at the expense of Damien Mizdow, the most over person in the match who needed that moment FAR more than Big Show.

Like I said, it's his purely his booking that drives fans up the wall. It's not the Attitude Era anymore. No one takes Big Show has this serious threat, nor do they even want to. So seeing WWE go out of their way to protect BIG SHOW of all people at the expense of promising talent still trying to establish themselves is very frustrating.

To be fair, Big Show did put Cesaro over at the previous Andre the Giant Battle Royale. When he beat Cesaro those few times last year, it was only to set up his match with Brock Lesnar, while Cesaro was about to take time off for surgery.

The Mizdow thing still infuriates me, although I've rarely seen him win at all, making me wonder if he seriously pissed off someone in the back. He even lost to the Ascension at least once when he was teaming with Axel.

Big Show is usually only put over guys whom WWE has no plans for or long term interest in. I'd say if anything, he loses too much, which is why no one can take him seriously in any kind of main event.
I'll just speak for myself. I like Big Show. I do not want him to retire. For someone his size, he is pretty good in the ring. Despite the huge difference in size, he is able to work well with many people, and he has no problem cutting promos. Honestly, I don't see why people would want him to retire for real. It's like people in the IWC thought that going along with the "majority" opinion is the cool thing to do. Well, I just go by what I see.
Big Show has a few issues right now. First, he has been around for too long as far as the public is concerned. Second is the face/heel turns. But third and most important is he is doing nothing on the roster. He has turned into the modern day equivalent of the stooges from back in the Attitude Era. Worse than that, he is a jobber to the big names yet still goes over the talent they should be pushing. Didn't he talk about how little he has won over the past few years on the Austin podcast? Yet what happen at the last ppv? And that's the problem - he wins at the times he should lose. Big Show is a case of someone who has stuck around too long and no longer serves any purpose yet gets pushed because of what he has done in the past.
Big Show has a few issues right now. First, he has been around for too long as far as the public is concerned. Second is the face/heel turns. But third and most important is he is doing nothing on the roster. He has turned into the modern day equivalent of the stooges from back in the Attitude Era. Worse than that, he is a jobber to the big names yet still goes over the talent they should be pushing. Didn't he talk about how little he has won over the past few years on the Austin podcast? Yet what happen at the last ppv? And that's the problem - he wins at the times he should lose. Big Show is a case of someone who has stuck around too long and no longer serves any purpose yet gets pushed because of what he has done in the past.

I agree that he should've lost, although I was under the impression that his victory was a last minute decision, as it was obvious that WWE originally planned on the Wyatts taking on Lesnar for wrestlemania.

Nevertheless, I think the problem with this point is more to do with the Wyatts than the Big Show. WWE doesn't seem to trust the Wyatt Family gimmick enough to really do anything with them. Actually, in a lot of ways, Bray is almost the modern day Big Show, as he only wins in order to build up a loss to someone more relevant.
I like him as a wrestler and he can surely be used rightly to put over young talents. But what makes me dislike him is his booking and a bunch of heel/face turns in a short time.( Hello, Paige :p) Him going over Cesaro for hyping his match with Brock was too dumb idea.

I would like to see him until Wrestlemania 33 if he is booked rightly, but if he is gonna go over youbg talents and booked wrongly, Wrestlemania 32 should be his last match event.

To be fair the IWC hates anyone over 30, Ive seen him live and also at autograph signings and he seems extremely popular, Personally I think a guy like the Big Show does a lot of good to the roster, Allows some of the newer guys to work with someone with as much as experience as the Big Show and still a big enough name that can go in big matches when needed. and I would rather pay to see an actual giant who give a decent performance rather than watch some boring no personality 5ft 8 acrobat doing summersaults over the ring.

He would have made a good replacement for Corporate Kane but that ship has sailed. However, it could still happen since he turns so much lol.

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