Crossovers: WCW To WWE


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This one could have the most discussion, or it could be a complete bust. Even before the "Invasion", there was a number of guys that left WCW for the Attitude that was the WWE. Who do you think did the best at crossing over?

My choice, Booker T, made the biggest crossover, and is still using the push now, in TNA. He is the only member of WCW to win the WWE Title after the invasion, and is the only one still at the top of the card of his company. His gimmicks may not have been the best, but they kept him on top, and got him a ton of heel heat. He even teamed with Goldust for a run with the tag titles.
I will also have to say Booker T. Lots of WCW originals came & went from the WWE but Booker not only stayed for a long ass time but also had the most success out of any former WCW star & is still getting a decent push today in TNA.
what about jericho?

the man has earned numerous accolades since swapping to the wwe, including the first ever undisputed world champ, world heavy weight champ, wwe champ, main evented wm 18, etc
There are so many that made a great transtion for WCW to WWE(f)

1. Steve austin (Mid Carder in WCW to full blown SUperstar)
2. Kevin Nash (Went from Being the Wizard of OZ to WWF Champion)
3. Chris Jericho (Mid carder-Crusierweight to Heavy weight championship)
4. Rick Flair (The first time in the early 90's)
5. Mark Calloway-Undertaker (Mid card tag team player to the PHENOM)

These are just 5 that took me all of 2 seconds to think og
Let's not forget Eddie G. and the Big Show. Both become champions. Unless you're just talking about the invasion WCW guys. I'd take Jericho over Booker T. anyday. If Jericho were to go to TNA. He'd be instant top star next to Angle and more used than Booker T. But, if you're just taliking invasion guys, then yes, Booker T was the best.
there was actually loadsssss of transitions that went well.

the big show
eddie g
rey mysterio
booker t
chris benoit

all of the above were either wwe or world heavy weight champs at some point. i forgot about austin when i mentioned jericho earlier.

yeah austin has to be classed as the best transition as he became a mega star
What about HHH? He spent a few months in WCW jobbing to Alex Wright, and he went on to become the boss's daughter, future HOF'er.
Jericho is my choice. I still remember his debut in what then was WWF. It was amazing and I still enjoy it each and everytime I watch it. But yeah also I would say Booker T is a close second there because he had the most success of anyone who came over in the Invasion angle. Won King of The Ring and later on the World Title.
Jericho.....first Undisputed Champion. Multiple time heavyweight champion, IC champion when the belt meant something. He is a huge star, and more over than WCW ever let him be.

Austin is also an obvious choice, but I just feel Jericho benefited the most from crossing over.
Jericho. He came over before the whole invasion angle and right away achieved success in the WWE. He came out and cut a heel promo against The Rock, but got as big a pop as anyone. After a dumb feud with Chyna, he feuded with guys like Angle and Benoit. Two other accomplishments early in his WWF career were his importance in the Invasion Angle (I absolutely love the promo he cut with Edge and Christian where they mock Stephanie for her zit) and beating the two biggest names to ever come out of professional wrestling to become the first Undisputed Championship. He's not only the best guy to come out of WCW, he's one of the WWE's best wrestlers ever.
Chris Jericho. He was a bottom of the card wrestler for WCW that had a lot of talent. But when he went to WWF he became a superstar. He was finally able to use his talent to climb the ranks and become a top tier talent in the WWF. In WCW he had all the talent but he really wasnt allowed to showcase it. I'm a huge Y2J fan, and I know for a fact that he wouldnt have been as big as he is without his jump to the WWF.
I would have to go with either Austin or HHH. Austin was seen as nothing special in WCW, even though i really liked stunning steve. In WWE he became the biggest star since Hogan. Thr rock arguably surpassed him, but fopr my money Austin was a better performer and igger star. For HHH he was a low card guy and in a tag team with regal, that supposedly was going to get teh tag titles. In the WWE he is the only guy to be a grandslam champion, royal rumble winner, king of the ring. say what you want about his screwing the bosses daughter but he ws already the top heel and 2 time world champion before that came about.

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