Critisizing Lashley

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It'd be funny to see a guy his size learn some technical abilities, he'd take over the business. Then again, he doesn't know what the word technical means. He hails from the United States Army yet he fights like the hulk, apparently the US Army is not as well trained as they will lead us to believe. Maybe that's why the war is lasting so long, actually it isn't but I thought I'd add that in there. On to the point, Lashley needs to get the boot by Uncle Sam, in this case Vince McMahon the arrogant man in charge of all things, but he won't, seeing as Vince thinks the biggest and lousiest wrestling school drop outs should lead his federation, no wait, did Lashley even go to wrestling school?

Lashley hasn't got anything good on the playing table, he has no skills, and no charisma, he even talks like a girl, "My name is Booby Lashley, all I can do is put you in a supplex with my syringe shot muscles." If you asked me he is on steroids, he's probably got no balls after all his shooting. After all that said, the WWE will push this guy to the tops, they think he represents wrestling and is fit for the US title, they think he is good because all the kids cheer him when his fireworks go off, they cheer cause he can cry when he gets the US title, if you asked me, this man is no more US than kung pow. He probably was never in the Army and never will be cause his size limits him to running no faster than a dial up connection. This guy is low in the wrestling world and by the WWE having him be their US Champion shows how much they are similar to the mud feds, like OVW, NWF, and WWA, Lashley makes the WWE look like the Harley Race wrestling school. The WWE is nothing but a beached whale unlike TNA which is like the harpooner ready to kill that whale.

- By myself.

Oh yeah, and Lashley was infact in the army.
Myko said:
Lashley hasn't got anything good on the playing table, he has no skills, and no charisma, he even talks like a girl, "My name is Booby Lashley, all I can do is put you in a supplex with my syringe shot muscles." If you asked me he is on steroids, he's probably got no balls after all his shooting.

If you look up close at his TitanTron, it actually says "Hard Hitting, Soft Spoken" They never show the latter part of it on television - that's just for everyone's information. When you think about it, it actually does make sense - Bobby Lashley isn't much on the mic. That may not matter - Vinnie loves big guys and will probably keep him at the top for a while. It helps that he's on SmackDown!, too.
He can't sell at all. I think I'd put him near Cena in that category. All he can do is show how strong he is....big whoop. I don't care about mic stuff much on smackdown, but at least have a good match. It's a shame that they are using Booker T to get this guy over. Pretty soon, I fear, I'll be saying, "RIP", to Booker T's career. *sniffle*
The Masked Vato said:
He can't sell at all. I think I'd put him near Cena in that category. All he can do is show how strong he is....big whoop. I don't care about mic stuff much on smackdown, but at least have a good match. It's a shame that they are using Booker T to get this guy over. Pretty soon, I fear, I'll be saying, "RIP", to Booker T's career. *sniffle*

Rey Mysterio was putting a lot of people over (including Mark Henry TWICE) before he won the World Heavyweight Championship. I honestly believe the same could happen to King Booker. I definitely have reason to believe that, with Batista likely to feud with Henry upon his return, Booker will probably challenge Rey for the Title, and maybe, just maybe, he will get a run as Champion for all his years of service with the company before he retires.
Eh truthfully I don't mind Lashley and Master so much because they are two big guys with alot of agility. If nothing else that seems to lend itself to the fact that at one point they might become better wrestlers. Its the Not Great Khali and Mark Henry that annoy the hell out of me as they just look like freaks, aren't particularly agile and have even worse move sets.

I agree with the lack of love the writers are showing Booker T - they don't seem to be digging it.
Yes, and they are definitely....................................................*wait for it*.....................................SUCKAS!!!!!
Lets go ahead 5-10 years... who will be running the show?

Chris Masters
Spirit Squad
Johnny Nitro (??)
Shelton Benjamin
Randy Orton
Matt Striker (??)
Rene Dupree (??)
Gunner Scott
Finlay (??)
Ken Kennedy
Bobby Lashley
Dizamn...Fit Finlay is gonna wrestle forever! Like that Oasis song...."You and I, we gon' wrestle forever..........."
Finlay won't be around in ten years, no Matt Stryker, Rene Dupree, no. Chirs Jericho, yes. Chris Masters, I hope they let him ahead sooner, he is a force and needs to use the master's lock more often, I just hope he doesn't have to leave wrestling because of his personal problems. :(
Wait a second. Ok, you talk all about Lashley, but what about the Great Khali, What about Mark Henry. All they do is just move around with their overwhelming force, beating up everyone that crosses his way. Lashley ins't that type of fighter, he mixes strengh with agility. Im not talking Benoit technique, or Rey's agility, i'm talking about how he performs a Suplex, how he performs all his moves. To me he is one of the best fighters the WWE could have found. I really enjoy watching him fight. King Booker I don't enjoy. It is always the same. Either he wins, or he looses, the opponent ends up being beaten "YOU PEASANT"
I like Lashely!!! He is a fantastic wrestler... I HATE Booker T/ King Booker. Wrestling isn't about microphone skills! Wrestling is about fighting and yes, Lashley is big and powerfull, wrestlers are supposed to be like that! He is one of the best on the SmackDown brand. Booker T is a joke, he is nothing. He's a little fish in a biggggg pond. Bobby Lashley is a fantastic United States Champion and he should of won King Of The Ring in my view and hopefully many people will agree with me! He would be a great Word Heavyweight Champion... Look at Rey, Rey should be the US Champ and Lashey be World Champ... WWE is on a low I think!!! If you put Rey in a 30 man over the top battle royal at number one you would never see him win in Real Life!
I agree with you over Lashley, and Rey, Ooo Rey (lol). Eddie's death was a shame, it is super sad, but really, It's time to move on. I mean, you're holding back Randy Orton, Lashley, even Benoit, who could easily carry that title even better than Rey. Rey can be the US Champ, he is in for that kind of league, not to World Heavyweight. JBL proved it the day he went away, he almost got rey pinned in about 1 min with that Clotheline from hell. I enjoy Rey, but it is time to move on
Lashley is not good with the mic.I dont like the idea of him using the mic much.He doesnt have mic skills plain and simple.Thats why i guess he's soft spoken.Lashley is all strength.He has good skills in the ring.He deserves the u.s championship.Why dont ya make a critizing thread about booker that would be fun!:D
Is this a thread for Lashley marks or can anyone join in? Sure Lashley is "big", but he can't sell at all. Booker T is a joke? Booker T has been made into a joke by doing what? Putting Lashley over. Holding who back? Orton is on RAW. Benoit is out. Who else? Threads like this are ridiculous because they are just playgrounds for marks. Has anyone even seen Lashley wrestle? He needs work in the ring. You might not like it, but it's true. Real life? That is the markiest thing I've heard since the "High flying moves" won't work in real life thing. You guys are funny. Bye.
Lashley has a long ways to go to improve, but I think eventually he'll get where he needs to be. He's been working with the best guys you can possibly work with to improve your wrestling skills (Finlay and Regal).

As far as Booker T's concerned, I think he may be in line to hold the world title next considering that he's been a large part of Smackdown! programing recently and a stable's actually been formed with Booker T as leader. Since Rey needs surgury and Smackdown needs a heel champion to job to Batista. All the signs are pointing to Booker T winning the title.
Lasley only has two modes, high power offence/getting beaten up.There is no real counters or thought in his impluaseabile comebacks. The story telling aspects of Bookers offense are good(In thier recent matches) then it goes downhill when Lashley takes over the offense. He's not very good on the mic, his promos do nothing for me. He's Brock Lesner minus the abilty or The Ultimate Warrior mark II.:wwf:
Mr Kennedy said:
Wait a second. Ok, you talk all about Lashley, but what about the Great Khali, What about Mark Henry. All they do is just move around with their overwhelming force, beating up everyone that crosses his way. Lashley ins't that type of fighter, he mixes strengh with agility. Im not talking Benoit technique, or Rey's agility, i'm talking about how he performs a Suplex, how he performs all his moves. To me he is one of the best fighters the WWE could have found. I really enjoy watching him fight. King Booker I don't enjoy. It is always the same. Either he wins, or he looses, the opponent ends up being beaten "YOU PEASANT"
thanks for seeing it my way, dude. Lashley is one of the top stars on Smackdown rite now, and this considering a roster of wasted talent, including Booker. Lashley needs his spot on SD becuse his push is whats makin people still watch SD, or was now that Batista's back.
I think most of you bashing Lashley have amazingly unrealistic expectations from someone who has only been in the WWE for less than a year. I do not recall any of the great wrestlers whose names you hold in a lofty light as technical artists being terrific within their first year. From what I have garnered, Kurt Angle was pretty nondescript and untidy in his first year as a wrestler and recieved minimal response from the crowd. I think you can place Stone Cold, HBK, Triple H, Rock, Benoit, Guerrero, and countless others in the same boat of being verdant in their inaugural year. Obviously, Lashley has the credentials to become an excellent wrestler being a NCAA national champion and an Army champion. I think it would only be fair if you guys give him sufficient time to acclimate his wrestling skills to the demands of a diametrically opposed professional wrestling style. I agree Lashley will never be a crowd pleaser with his mic skills, but the WWE should have done their homework and marketed him more as a stoic Army killing machine because power wreestlers of that ilk are the ones who get over most easily as we saw with Brock and Bill Goldberg. Once the WWE started giving these guys emotions, it completely corrupted their gimmick and the fans stopped caring about either. There are many wrestlers who can compensate for skimpy mic skills with being just plain sadistical and destructive. That is what WWe needs to transform Lashley into- a sadistical and callous monster.
He reminds me alot of Ahmed Johnson. As I said I don't mind Lashly because he's big and fairly agile. But to me he looks like he probably should have spent some more time in OVW or Deep South working on his technical skillset. He's no where near as bad as Mark Henry, or the Great Khali. But it seems like he's going to need a few years to polish his moves and ability to sell. The potential seems to be there though.
SasuurKaNaathi said:
I think most of you bashing Lashley have amazingly unrealistic expectations from someone who has only been in the WWE for less than a year. I do not recall any of the great wrestlers whose names you hold in a lofty light as technical artists being terrific within their first year. From what I have garnered, Kurt Angle was pretty nondescript and untidy in his first year as a wrestler and recieved minimal response from the crowd. I think you can place Stone Cold, HBK, Triple H, Rock, Benoit, Guerrero, and countless others in the same boat of being verdant in their inaugural year. Obviously, Lashley has the credentials to become an excellent wrestler being a NCAA national champion and an Army champion. I think it would only be fair if you guys give him sufficient time to acclimate his wrestling skills to the demands of a diametrically opposed professional wrestling style. I agree Lashley will never be a crowd pleaser with his mic skills, but the WWE should have done their homework and marketed him more as a stoic Army killing machine because power wreestlers of that ilk are the ones who get over most easily as we saw with Brock and Bill Goldberg. Once the WWE started giving these guys emotions, it completely corrupted their gimmick and the fans stopped caring about either. There are many wrestlers who can compensate for skimpy mic skills with being just plain sadistical and destructive. That is what WWe needs to transform Lashley into- a sadistical and callous monster.
If I'm nit picking I would say Brock had a great first year and was great in ring, also whilst I realiase Lashley is a rookie there were people posting how great he is in the ring and currently that is not true, I was just pointing that out. I do see your point however he does need to be givien more time to improve. Sadly due to the state of SD at the mo, he is needed to main even even though he is not ready yet. I like your idea about him being a "monster" this would have been a far more effective and intresting character than the seemingly non exsistent one he has now and would work a lot better in ring due to the style of his offence and poor selling skills. It would give him time to work behind the scenes on selling and (if coupled with a mouth-peice manager) his mic skills. He DOES have poteniel but at the moment that's all it is.:wwf:
IP said:
He's not very good on the mic.

Just thought I'd add on the titontron it says, "Hard hitting, soft spoken."

Also, for all of you saying it's just his first year, does that really matter?, a guy should be up to par and not have to wait a year after signing a WWE deal, and he should not win a title with no talent, sure you could say if Cena and Hogan can, anyone can, I guess you are right there, I guess Vince is just that stupid. Lashley, Cena, Hogan, RKO, Kahli, Taker(Has aged.), the list goes on and the people not getting pushed are people like Gunner Scott(He actually got sent back to OVW for not succeeding Vinces expectations.), Fit Finlay should have the title right now in my opinion. If Vince is gonna throw Gunner out his first month for being the best talent SD! has, then why not send Lashley to training school for being the worst talent they have?
what about Brock lesnar how many wrestlers did he hurt with his stiff shots in his first year
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