Criticizing my Personal Favorites: CM Punk


That's all folks.
PART TWO of my "Criticizing my Personal Favorites" series. No matter how perfect the said Superstar is, criticize him. Now's your chance. Feel free to rip posts apart piece by piece.I want a dicussion here Please, explain your answer and don't Spam. In this thread, you have a chance to criticize...


CM Punk

The Straight Edge Superstar, CM Punk joined the WWE on the ECW Brand in 2006. A year or so later, Punk captured the ECW World Title from John Morrison on ECW. Seemed as if Punk was destined for success. Punk would turn out to win Money in the Bank at both Wrestlemania 24 and 25. Winning World title number one and number two. He eventually turned heel after cashing on the World Champion Jeff Hardy. He ended Jeff's WWE career and had some great matches with The Undertaker. After putting on some more great matches with Mysterio in early 2010,he began feuding with Big Show only to be lowered to mid card eventually getting injured and now is currently sitting behind the announce desk for the time being. It seems as if we're going to see a John Cena/Punk feud to possibly launch him back into the main event. Punk is pheomenal in the ring, Punk has very little flaws but no superstar is flawless. Which leads me to the discussion questions;

What is one flaw you see in CM Punk?

Would fixing this flaw make CM Punk any better than he already is?

If you see no flaw in Punk, state why. And please don't fuck up my thread with spam. Explain. Feel free to rip posts apart piece by piece, I want a discussion here.

Discuss this shit.
CM Punk is currently flawless, atleast by comparison to his peers. He's one of the best in the business on the mic, he's excellent in the ring, he makes an excellent commentator, and he gets heat like nobody's business. There's a reason this guy is already a multiple time WWE champion when others his age have barely sniffed the main event, and it's because he's one of the best talents to emerge in the business over the last decade. Don't be surprised when he's main eventing Wrestlemania this year against John Cena.
Punk's greatest flaw is his greatest strength - his arrogance. Like every great, Punk's character appears to be an exaggeration of himself. Due to this, he has been known to have been slapped back down from main event status on a number of occasions for making comments that have angered backstage power players like the Undertaker. For this reason, Punk has repeatedly been knocked back down from main event status into the mid card.

However, like I said in the first sentence, it is also his greatest strength. Punk is accepted by the Universe whatever level he is wrestling at and whether he is a face or heel - he is ALWAYS over and management knows that when he is directly involved in a feud he will draw and give great performances on the mic and in the ring (no matter his opponent).
No matter Punk's opponent, he puts them over, win or loss. He put over Serena and Luke Gallows, until they were released, and now is hopefully getting the push he deserves, over Cena. It has already been said before, but his arrogance is incomparable in and out of the ring. He will get heat from the fans, but can mix it up and get cheered, all in the same night. That's just how scary good this guy is. People like The Undertaker, and Triple H do have power backstage, but should not knock someone down because of a personal problem, which they have done many many times. In the next few years, mark my words, he will be the face of the WWE. I haven't seen someone that good, not make it to that level. Of course, Cena should not be compared to Punk, by any means.
A definite flaw has been his immense regression in match quality. Punk he can have a great match but a lot of the time he doesn't. The WWE is restrictive yes but still Punk should have had more good or great matches then he currently has.
The thing is CM Punk is for one, been inactive for a number of months and number two, he's pretty much the total package. Great wrestler, great mic skills, great storyteller, great character. It's all there. It's hard to compare seeing how he's so much superior to most of the locker room. If anything his size may be a bit of an issue, but matches with Kane and Undertaker still say otherwise.

If there's anything to really criticize, it's his finishing move, the GTS. It's not exactly something that fits his style or look. For one, most of the other guys can't sell it right, and if that's not the case, he's outweighed by anybody else. You'd think a guy with such good striking ability and agility in the ring would set up his opponent for a quick and surprising finishing move, but that's not the case with CM Punk. The 220 pounder has to set up his opponent for a Fireman's Carry in a company where the standard weight is around 240. It doesn't help at all. first thought is CM Punks flaw really doesnt have alot to do with what he is doing now. He really hasnt been wasted in any real capacity since he first started working up the ranks. Maybe not utilized, me....his least professionallys is...

....the WWE didnt MAKE him.

He is/was CM Punk where ever he went. So much so, that during his first televised match in 2005 against (man it seems longer than 5 years) Justin Credible, he had the New York crowd from the get go cuz they had seen him before. Most of his audience has given him his respect MONTHS before he stepped foot in a WWE ring. Thats gotta be scary for alot of guys in the company. I dont know who exactly, but thats not what the question was.

His "aroggance" is a big part of what got him known within the WWE, no doubt about that. But him, his name, and his talent was KNOWN before WWE came along. They like making there own characters.........they made him bigger, but they didnt MAKE him. Automatic handicap. Automatic flaw....professionally speaking. of course.
I agree that Punks greatest weakness is his GTS. Not only does it look bad when the guy is too heavy for him to lift easily, but so many people have kicked out of it that it's not threatening anymore. I'd like to see him use some kind of modified reverse DDT. He does have the anaconda vise too, and he should use it as a finisher more.
Punk's greatest flaw is his greatest strength - his arrogance. Like every great, Punk's character appears to be an exaggeration of himself. Due to this, he has been known to have been slapped back down from main event status on a number of occasions for making comments that have angered backstage power players like the Undertaker. For this reason, Punk has repeatedly been knocked back down from main event status into the mid card.

However, like I said in the first sentence, it is also his greatest strength. Punk is accepted by the Universe whatever level he is wrestling at and whether he is a face or heel - he is ALWAYS over and management knows that when he is directly involved in a feud he will draw and give great performances on the mic and in the ring (no matter his opponent).

I couldn't agree more! :)
I wasn't his biggest fan when he ended my fav wrestlers career :\
But I can't deny the fact that he's a cunning wrestler (compliment) and also great commentator and keeps the listeners interested with his humorous lines, whether it be critizin or not!
And looks like it's gonu be SOMETHIN between him and Cena for the next few weeks XD
I believe Punk's greatest flaw is the GTS. While an effective finisher, it has been stated that most of the people he wrestles are pretty big. The innovator of the move, KENTA, wrestles light heavyweights usually. Putting Go 2 Sleep on a smaller guy is better because not only can they sell it better, but the move won't look weak as people wouldn't kick out as much.

I believe that CM Punk has a lot of Shawn Michaels qualities as a wrestler. But HBK had a universal finisher. Sweet Chin Music. If Punk wanted to steal another move from KENTA's arsenal, maybe the Busaiku Knee Kick. It's a running strike, similar to the Shining Wizard, hell...maybe Punk should use that instead!

The point being, he needs a finisher that would look good on anyone. The Anaconda Vice is a great move as well, but even "submission specialists" these days have an alternate finisher.

So in closing: biggest flaw? His finisher.

*on a side note* I just noticed a hiccup in the CM Punk pic used...his Cobra and Pepsi tattoos are missing. I assume the WWE guys shooped them out?
Punk is definitely one of my favorites and I hardly find the opportunity to criticize him. I probably would have said his arrogance like some people have said already. From tales of attitude backstage, to (possibly exaggerated) stories of treating fans like garbage when they approach him, it's not always easy to want to be a fan of his.

But upon reading this thread, I have to agree about the GTS, which never really occurred to me until now. I actually like the move, on paper. But yeah, thanks to his smaller size and how often it turns out not looking too good, I think he should debut a new finisher. If he was a bigger guy it would look pretty brutal being launched upwards from a fireman's carry and dropped onto a knee, but not from him. So maybe my answer is his finisher, with an additional footnote, his size. I think he could be in better shape if he wanted to be. He's always on Twitter talking about tearing it up in the gym but maybe his diet isn't too great or something. If he dropped a little fat and had just a few extra pounds of muscle he would really look pretty intimidating. But he has come a long way from how skinny he used to be, and assuming he of course gained his muscle naturally, it's easy to start gaining fat too when you're trying to consume more calories. He's never going to be a 250lb monster, so if he could just lean out a bit I think he'd be set. Hopefully he's not getting in worse shape during his time behind the desk while he rests his hip.
Xfear more or less hit it on the nail. CM Punk is flawless currently. He's great in the ring, and always have been, he has great microphone skills and he's able to keep the crowd entertained as a face, as well as get major heat when he's a face. And all he has to do, is play off the EXACT same gimmick all the time, there's hardly any chance, it's just a change of attitude. If you can do that exact thing, then you've got something going, and going good.

CM Punk has been consistent on Smackdown, even if some might go as far as to say that he was treated like shit in the past few months before he was drafted to RAW. He was jobbed out, and he continued to loose - Yet there wasn't really any specific credibility lost, because all still know that this guy, he's a small guy sure, but he's as dangerous as they come. He has a lot of things available to make himself not only a top face if booked properly, but also a top heel if booked properly. And that says a lot about CM Punk's talent.

And that is exactly why he's flawless.
The only thing that I can criticize punk with is that he doesn't kiss ass. Ofc I respect that he does that, but in wrestling if you don't kiss ass, get the blessing of someone with backstage power, then 90% ull be underused. Loosing to both Rey and Big show to the point of jobbing has made his loose alot of credibly and that all happened because he doesn't have any backstage power.

He's one of the best talent in WWE. Well for me he 2nd to Jericho. But will he get his push? somehow, not the one he deserves. I know im dreaming, but I wish he beats cena in the "final" showdown, instead of being humiliated, and that's the only road back to ME for CM punk
CM Punk flaw? Being a fan only since November 2007, I didn't see Punk until he was established as ECW former champion. Then he won MITB. To me, he seemed like a hometown young man that wasn't going to do anything really big very a while. He didn't seem like a threat. Then when he cashed in on Edge, I was in shock. I hadn't witnessed something like that yet. I was mad when he got punt kicked. For a while he was my favorite wrestler. Then he was intercontinental and tag team champion, which I enjoyed seeing him still relevant. I really wasn't expecting him to win MITB AGAIN! He did, and then feuded with Umaga which was brutal and made me support him. He cashes in on Jeff, and I didn't hate him immediately. But then he started taunting the crowd, and i hated him so much. He was the most evil wrestler I had seen. But he didn't do anything wrong, the whole reason he really started to get heat because he kept trying to be innocent. He retired Hardy and then dressed as him, which really made me mad. Fast forward to now, he is feuding with Cena, and retutning from injury and a brief commentary run. I really don't see a flaw, he has the mic skills, in ring talent, and just the air about him makes him heel. By that I mean just looking at him gives him heat in my opinion. In conclusion, no flaws are apparent when you analyze CM Punk
note- I do know wrestling is "fake" and a work, but i am saying how i feel from my perspective
ok i dont mean to make cm punk fans pissed but i really dont see him being flawless or really all that great to me. i mean i could barely hold any intrest at all with any of his championship reigns imean to me his just a regular wrestler to me....
Other than the GTS, I have NO flaws with this man. He has to have the best ability to get a guy over in a long time. As for the GTS, I'm not sure what he would use. Probably a kick, or the Pepsi Plunge, but anything that doesn't involve a Fireman's Carry is fine.
Yep, probably my favorite wrestler right now. I don't know why someone can see a problem with the GTS, I mean yeah he can't sold that move to Big Show, but whatever. Only SuperCena can do that... I honestly think he could be THE face of WWE. Seriously being straight edge?! What a better message could you give to kids? Anyway, I think he is flawless, look at him he has been jobing this year on SD! and he is STILL relevant. He is a commentator and appears on TV: That has to mean something. His has the package, charisma, mic skills, in-ring skills etc...

The problem isn't with him, the problem is with the creative team or assholes like Rey Mysterio.
i think he is one of the best wrestlers in the wwe right now, but he just seems like an asshole. He seems like one of the guys that just start shit, just to start shit. Other than that i think he's great.

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