Critical thinking, a trait that the IWC SORELY needs to learn!


A Fan Of Wrestling Not Backstage BS
I am not sure how many of you folks feel here and it almost sounds hypocritical of me to say this considering that I browse the WrestleZone forums and post on here. But to be honest there is a lot I LOATHE about the Internet Wrestling Community.

Why? It's simple, I am not here to take away from anyone's opinion or tell people how to think necessarily, however I do have a BIG problem with people who have very unfounded opinions and say stuff just to be hateful and resentful. There's just no room for critical thinking in the majority of the Internet Wrestling Community's opinions and that's a sad thing to not have when you want to discuss a topic you are passionate about or claim to be passionate about.

(I.e. Saying a wrestler sucks and not even acknowledging the ability it takes to make a living in this profession. It's one thing to not like a particular wrestler but to question his or her ability, is a horse of another color. Another example is lambasting TNA, yea I'll admit they're not looking too good right now in the ratings, but hey I gotta give them credit for trying, because obviously no one else has tried to offer a solid alternative to WWE in the past decade. Oh on a side note whoever on this web site posted a link that said: "AM RAW beats TNA Impact", well if you want to get really technical even though AM RAW outdrew Impact, they weren't actually competing, considering AM RAW airs on a Saturday morning. Then again I guess that's what you would expect from someone who thinks they are a journalist but isn't actually one. That's another thing on here, people who post links on here and either copy the news from another website or claim this posting as their own is in no way shape or form an actual journalist. I can't help but laugh at anyone who thinks they might be one.)

A good number of people are just out here to be negative and say pointless, foolish things, instead of speaking about wrestling in a more constructive and open minded way.

I just can't stand it, another thing too are these headlines that are written on this web site as well as other "dirt sheet sites", the latest one that really caught my eye was in regards to Dixie Carter's commenting on Shawn Michaels' retirement segment. Who REALLY knows what the TNA locker room thinks of this, seriously! Because of that posting now...EVERYONE that's a TNA hater is going to have a field day. I mean do people ever forget how WWE sometimes isn't any better when it comes to making references to the competition. If my memory serves me right, when the then-WWF was losing all their big stars like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage to WCW, Vince couldn't help but create the Billionaire Ted skits. I am sure quite a few of you remember that period in the World Wrestling Federation's history.

I'm sorry but I can't help but hold some degree of contempt for people who talk about this and criticize the people compete in both organizations. There's a myriad of wrestlers that I just can't stand the personas of. John Cena is one of my least favorites. I HATE everything about that persona, it bores me, I'm not into the whole Chain Gang Soldier schtick. However that guy is an incredibly vibrant and energetic figure in that ring and you can tell that he puts every bit of himself into his career. I'm not buying what he's selling but he's doing something I am not doing so therefore I just can't rip the guy on a personal level like most people on these forums do.

That's why the next time people want to spew HATE about the workers in either WWE or TNA, evaluate what you don't like first. Not liking someone on a personal level is a ludicrous platform for not liking a wrestler. If there's something about their style you don't like, I can understand that, that's how I feel about many of the wrestlers I don't like. I'm just not a fan of certain styles (i.e. Lucha Libre, don't care too much for, but some of the most amazing athletes ever...plain and simple. Rey Mysterio being possibly the greatest in that group. The man's a great and even if I don't care for his style, I respect that greatly)

Personally, I don't care if people thumbs down me for this comment or don't respond positively to it. I just want to be someone that gets out there and just calls people out on their unfounded hatred of things in the wrestling business and their preoccupation with speculating on things that happen behind the scenes that they have no clue about.

If anyone here thinks they can do a better job than John Cena in wrestling a match or you think you can do a better job than Dixie Carter at running an organization, go do so. It's one thing to just sit behind a computer screen and type all these things, but why not just try critical thinking.
I challenge you to find another forum on the internet with a more positive view on wrestling. I seriously do.

Also, you seem to be confusing untamed optimism with critical thinking.
It seems to me that you have NO idea what you're talking about.. Personally, I like and respect Cena. I'm sure a lot of others here do too. However, there are going to be a few who happen to dislike him. Its all general opinion.
It seems to me that you have NO idea what you're talking about.. Personally, I like and respect Cena. I'm sure a lot of others here do too. However, there are going to be a few who happen to dislike him. Its all general opinion.

Au contraire, my good man, just look through the threads on this web site and you'll see plenty of unfounded hate and diatribes. I just saw one on Cena not too long ago, I was just using general ideas nothing too, too specific. And I feel valid opinions are weighted heavily on how well you can articulate them,and sadly enough I see a lot of threads where people don't. I could definitely have a field day picking apart quite a few threads that explain this.

I got a lot better an idea of what I'm talking about then you may think. But more likely than not judging from how you accused me of not having a single idea of what I am talking about, you're probably in that same category with most of these people that don't put any true weight or critical thinking into any of their statements here on this site.
you're probably in that same category with most of these people that don't put any true weight or critical thinking into any of their statements here on this site.

Woah, back the fuck up here a sec. I do put true weight and thinking into my posts. Look at some of them, they are actually well thought out on my part. You however, are now accusing me of being a moron? Absurd
Woah, back the fuck up here a sec. I do put true weight and thinking into my posts. Look at some of them, they are actually well thought out on my part. You however, are now accusing me of being a moron? Absurd

Well, I'll definitely give anything you've said in your posts some fair thought when I come across something, and I will keep an open mind.

However, using profanity and going so far as to be presumptuous in accusing me of calling you a moron is quite over the top. All I am trying to say is that the IWC is full of people who really do have some outrageous things to say, and in my view, I can respect any opinion, but a lot of what I see on here are ideas and thoughts that are very absurd and just outright counterproductive to having a constructive and engaging conversation in regard to a topic that we all share a common interest in called professional wrestling.

I will apologize if you think I called you a moron, but I'll tell ya one thing boss there definitely isn't any need for the profanity, I can respond to you accordingly and admit any wrong on my part without you having to throw f bombs.
I'd challenge you to find another Wrestling Forum that has as many strong posters that are Pro-Cena. Never mind the noobsteaks or the people that are under 100 posts, look at the stronger posters on here, and it is very Pro Cena.
I'd challenge you to find another Wrestling Forum that has as many strong posters that are Pro-Cena. Never mind the noobsteaks or the people that are under 100 posts, look at the stronger posters on here, and it is very Pro Cena.

If you'd bother reading my actual post, I only cited Cena as an example, not the only individual that is talked about, I NEVER said that this was the only place where you would find people like that. NEVER EVER, take a second and read what I said in the first place.

I am just saying that the IWC in general loves to have a field day lambasting wrestlers, and key word I said IWC, not WrestleZone in particular, I'd like to CHALLENGE you to tell me where it says WrestleZone accounts for the ENTIRE IWC.

If you can do that, then I owe you a Coke my good man...but until then, actually read what I have to say before you go any further...
Jose Ole, you are very right about critical thinking being something that most people lack on this site. It's kind or ironic that they like to throw around such phrases as "flawed argument" and "flawed logic" when they truly have no clue what they properly mean.
If only our admin wasn't such a huge Cena mark...

Hahaha, I guess I just got to be careful how I phrase thing sometimes, because they might be misconstrued, I probably should have been a little broader in what I was trying to say in regards to how I feel about the IWC.

It just sucks that we have such an awesome communication medium like the Internet, and most of it is just abused to make some absurd and unfounded comments. I guess it's the "armchair expert" mentality that gets me really off the wall more than anything.

All wrestlers even the ones I don't in particular follow or care for the characters they portray I still respect their abilities, whether you're a jobber or a main eventer, to make it in that business is admirable, because not everyone can do it.

It's just that I see on forums like this and all over the internet that a lot of people just post one sided hate comments on these people but yet never really talk about the artform and how great it is.

Again, I'm not saying that I am completely right, but I just haven't seen a lot of engaging threads. Most of them are just very one sided and negative.
Jose Ole, you are very right about critical thinking being something that most people lack on this site. It's kind or ironic that they like to throw around such phrases as "flawed argument" and "flawed logic" when they truly have no clue what they properly mean.

Thanks tdigle, I appreciate the positive reply there boss, and hell man even I would be the first to admit if I am wrong, because I even noticed there were some flaws in my first post.

I just have a certain way I feel and I got a feeling that it will more than likely make me unpopular here on this forum or any other on the net, but I just wish there were more people that separated the behind the scenes and the speculation, and in alternative just appreciate what pro wrestling is all about. Sadly, I don't think we see enough of that.

By the way, badass avatar bossman!

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