Crimson's Look


every time i see crimson on my t.v screen, i am impressed. but i cant take him serious, and i think its because of his look, his attire just dosent seem to match him. i think its the color red that just dosent seem to mix in with his ''look''. i think he should change his leg attire, and dye his hair black. so that he looks more of a bad ass type character. and his tights seem to small for his large body.

what i wanna know is, is it just me, or do you think crimson should change his attire a little bit?
Just simplify the tights. He's wearing tights that match Amazing Red's because when he came in he was brought in by Red, but now that he's separated himself from Red, there's no reason for him to match attire any longer.

At this point he should just simplify things by getting a set custom designed for him.

Dying his hair is pointless.

Very little needs to be done to his character, just small tweaks, if any.
I would say change the attire, make him look different not completely the same from Amazing Red. all he needs is attire change that will matches his personality. he looks like a bad ass, but change a thing or two, he is set
I love it. Making his hair black makes him look like every other superstar in the business. The guys impressive and has a very original look (except for Amazing Red who's supposed to be his brother). Leave him as is and let it ride.
Just simplify the tights. He's wearing tights that match Amazing Red's because when he came in he was brought in by Red, but now that he's separated himself from Red, there's no reason for him to match attire any longer.

At this point he should just simplify things by getting a set custom designed for him.

Dying his hair is pointless.

Very little needs to be done to his character, just small tweaks, if any.

His character is fine. Angry man #8 works for him I guess. What needs to be "tweaked" is his ability in the ring, or lack thereof. He is pushed as intimidating and his look might be, but his ring work doesn't back that up in the slighest. Either change his push or give him a license to kill in the ring. Weak strikes and clotheslines are not that impressive.
Agreed. Give him a much more powerful move set, or even some really quick deadly moves and Ill be happy. A believable streak would work wonders for a guy that could put you out with any move in his arsenal.
Not a TNA fan saw this guy Crimson and he kind of seemed goofy to me, the way he speared Abyss looked like he was playing it safe and it looked more like a running clothes line to his mid section, when he was driving his shoulder into the midsection of the other guy looked half speed(honestly dont remember who he fought) the look he had just didnt fit the big powerful guy they were portraying him as. Now befor Crimson fans come after me yelling how he is the greatest wrestler who ever live, remember I have never seen the guy fight and thats exactly what he looked like to me, not biast at all, he could have a better look but I guess thats the 10% there not paying attention to
What is he supposed to be exactly? Randy Orton rip off? Goldberg rip off? A rookie working with veterans and hates Hogan because.. er.. not sure why?

It's his character that needs work not his tights.
I don't think you're going to get a hair colour change, unless a name change with it. I assume his name "Crimson" is based on his hair. crimson is a strong, bright, deep red colour.
What is he supposed to be exactly? Randy Orton rip off? Goldberg rip off? A rookie working with veterans and hates Hogan because.. er.. not sure why?

It's his character that needs work not his tights.

why does he have to be a rip off of anybody? he is his own thing.
when he first debuted he was being used to say they were coming for Immortal, but since then I don;t think he has had any involvement with Hogan.
I love Crimson but he needs a makeover, I can see this guy as the next big dark side character, maybe they should give him a face paint job or a Kane type mask, it could be done without riping off anyone. That name " Crimson'' has a dark side sound to it.
He doesn't need a mask or face paint. My dream for Crimson is eventually an evil Goldberg reign. I want to see what Goldberg would have been like had he been a bad guy. But everyone can dream...
So, If TNA made him look like Goldberg, Batista or anyone else. He would be a rip off.

Now, Crimson has his OWN look and it's not good enough. Classic example of why the IWC is irreverent.

He looks different to any wrestler in TNA, WWE and ROH. His look is perfectly fine. He just needs more in-ring matches and more mic times to establish himself.

His name is CRIMSON because of his red hair look. Does anyone complain about Sheamus and how awful looking he is? Crimson is fine.
I have no problem with his attire, nor do I care about his hair color. Problem I have -- he's really not that big.

He's being portrayed as some sort of monster, and he isn't. He's tall, but he's skinny, and not all that muscular. He looks like Randy Orton, with red hair..and less talent. I like the guy, don't get me wrong, but he doesn't look like a monster. Tonight, Taz said Crimson had the clear strength and size advantage over Matt Hardy, and he didn't. I think Hardy is probably stronger than Mercer. Crimson is much better than Hardy, but not bigger.

I hope Crimson puts on some size (same with Matt Morgan). He's a bit too thin for the role he's playing, and whenever that happens, with any wrestler, it bothers me. Maybe it shouldn't, but it always does.
I completely agree. He can play the destroyer role just fine but it doesn't have to be as some strong monster. Just a guy that can manipulate the hell out of you in the ring.
His look is fine. The only thing that worries me is that he might be related to DDP.


His look is great. He isn't Kevin Nash sized, but he looks intimidating and he's tall (I think). I'd rather have Crimson around than someone like Nash who's slow as fuck or any other "big guy". Crimson looks different and that's a rare thing these days.
When you have no personality and are very green in the ring, I think how you look would be the least of your problems. I would put any attire changes on hold until he can figure out just what he is. A change has to be coming, he can't survive on being an angry guy who doesn't do anything of note or interest all his career.
Are they really building up Crimson to be the next Goldberg, amazing, and his tattoos are just fucked up. They keep saying he is on a streak and so on, just come on.
I hit submit by accident...I would think a pair of tights similar to Sean O'Haire with a tattoo-esque design on back and his name on front. Or something like a Road Warriors Design. I don't know exactly why, but he reminds me of a Road Warrior. I could see him Reliving the LOD with Animal as Manager. Maybe find another physique to put with him. Possibly a Murphy...
Crimson is ok just the way he is (except the tights). For those who want to change his hair color, are you insane? Why do you think he is called Crimson? Its because of the color of his hair. You can't call him Crimson if his hair is black:rolleyes:. Could he use new tights? meh, he should wear some type of pants like Kevin Nash and Andrew "Test" Martin.

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