Crimson's Edge


Lord And Master
Staff member
On this week of Impact Wrestling, Crimson and Matt Morgan had an opportunity to win a rematch against Samoa Joe and Magnus for the titles at Victory Road. Their opponents were TV Champion Robbie E and his bouncer Robbie T. Prior to the match we had a segment that featured the former champions discussing their recent failures. Crimson seemed fixated on winning no matter what while Morgan felt a bit responsible. However Crimson seemed to obliviously rub salt in Morgan's proverbial wounds by saying "it didn't matter if Morgan got pinned both times" and especially rubbing it in without really admitting he felt it was Morgans fault.

As the match took place, Morgan hit his Carbon Footprint, but before he could go for a pin cover, Crimson blind tagged himself in and took the pinfall himself. Almost as if he didn't want Morgan to do it. Maybe out of fear of him "messing up" again or just him making sure he did the work and got the glory. At the end Crimson reassured Morgan everything was "fine".

Lets not kid ourselves. We've seen this scenario before. From Matt Morgan himself. Crimson clearly doesn't think Morgans a good partner. We know this is gonna go the old Barbershop way. But the question I have is if Crimson could have that edge if he indeed were to turn heel. One thing's for sure. There isn't much in terms of big name heels in TNA. Bully Ray, Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle are the only ones currently considered main event caliber and with all of them already feuding with the top faces, new top heels will be needed. I doubt Crimson will turn heads like Ray and Roode do, but he can be a fresh challenger at some point.
He doesn't seem to have the tools to play a face all that effectively, so honestly, why not?

The anger in his face and his generally angry demeanor would be much more suited to fit a heel persona, so I'm all for it, because on top of giving Crimson better depth, it gives TNA's mid-card a nice feud that could finally end his "streak" once and for all.
I think the heel role will suit him just fine. The only problem is that he's going to inevitably have to "snap" and take out Morgan. He can't be a cheating heel. He needs to be a ruthless, nasty, vicious one I'd think. It will take a lot for him to do that again a guy who's bigger than him though. It will be the biggest challenge of his career so far.

Oh, and he'll have to have matches where he hits more than one move. That'll be an interesting in-ring transition for him.

Still, his face run has been highly unexciting so I say let's see this through and hope this is the role for him. He can't be any worse as a heel than he is a face really.
I think the heel role will suit him just fine. The only problem is that he's going to inevitably have to "snap" and take out Morgan. He can't be a cheating heel. He needs to be a ruthless, nasty, vicious one I'd think. It will take a lot for him to do that again a guy who's bigger than him though. It will be the biggest challenge of his career so far.

Oh, and he'll have to have matches where he hits more than one move. That'll be an interesting in-ring transition for him.

Still, his face run has been highly unexciting so I say let's see this through and hope this is the role for him. He can't be any worse as a heel than he is a face really.

Totally agree. The ruthlessness is what would help to vault his career here.

I can see it now, too — they continue to lose matches including the re-match against Magnus/Joe at the upcoming Victory Road PPV while Crimson continues to blame Morgan for getting pinned. Crimson eventually snaps and goes ballistic on Morgan. Comes out the next week on iMPACT! and cuts a promo talking bout how he's tired of carrying Morgan around. I'd even have Crimson "injure" Morgan just to have the feud buy some time. Eventually Morgan returns and the two go head-to-head again to finally determine who the better man really is.
I've gotten Sick n Tired of Crimson as he finally needs to get pinned or Joe choking his punk A$$ out. Yes, he's technically no longer undeafeated but they are telling us he's not and that is by not being pinned or tapping or get choked out that's the so called "Streak". Crimson has the Heel look and attitude and not a face's look. So if it's not Magnus or Joe that pins or makes him submit 1st then I hope it's Morgan shoving that CARBON FOOTPRINT up his arse and to his face as he deserves it. Crimson reminds me of a young Randy Orton type. A cocky arrogant guy who thinks he's better than everyone. So in conclusion, I think Crimson needs a Heel turn as TNA needs another big fresh one.
I thought he was awesome when he was playing the mafia role for a month. Put the black and red suit back on him and let him be like that again.
Ah Crimson. He's a strange one. I think he's got a fair bit of potential, but a LOT of work is required to bring it out. It's going to be interesting to see how a fued with Morgan plays out.

As previous posters have said, he's definately got the look and attitude of a heel. He's so damn angry and scary looking. Back in the Russo-era, I think they were trying to make him some kind of current day Goldberg (eurgh) with his stupid streak, but for obvious reasons, this fell flat. His lack of charisma and in ring skills mean he's very unlikely to get over as a face. I mean, would somebody please teach him a move besides that t-bone suplex thingy he does?!? Oh, and the streak is more of a curse than a blessing now, as he's over-protected by his current booking, making proper fueds difficult. Morgan had better end the streak.

He's also one of the many (by which I mean THE ENTIRE ROSTER) who could make better use of the TV Title than Robbie Fucking E.

A mean, vicious mid-card heel. That's about as much all I can see Crimson becoming. Nothing wrong with that. He's got all the tools, to maybe one day become IW's answer to Heidenreich :rolleyes:
crimson definately should be the heel in this one and stay heel, then after his feud with morgan he can then be paired in some fresh feuds with aj styles, and even jeff hardy to help get him over. I would like to see him get a manager like a paul heyman type role, who does the talking for him.

But i must say as far as tna originals crimson is one of tna assets, and i would like them to put some new guys on the roster and start building them as well because crimsons progress is obvious, he came in as amazing reds brother which was just a spot and then became allot more than i thought he would be.
This thread-:wtf:
Crimson needs future endeavoured not a main even heel push! They guy is HORRIBLE, bland, boring, like a big, ginger Randy Orton without the dumb mat pounding. Moves horrible in the ring aswell, dosen't know how to be a "big man" (neither does Morgan tbf) and judging by how protected he's been in his matches his workrate probably sucks.

Put him with a manager, use him as a mid-card job heel at the most, give him a little heat maybe but I'd only ever use him good to get over someone else comin' up (one of the MCMG's would be my pick). He's a "stepping stone" guy, not a main-event guy.

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