Crimson v. Morgan: A Fine Mid-Card Feud (in the Making)!

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The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Obviously for those who didn't watch Victory Road last night, Crimson/Morgan are just about finished considering Crimson cost Morgan the match by spearing him after beginning to walk away from it. The writing has been on the wall here for weeks now on iMPACT! with multiple matches and back-stage segments hinting at an eventual split with Crimson developing a more selfish and pretentious ego/personality, where Morgan has repeatedly tried to "save" the tag team for the sake of the titles, apparently for naught.

While the tag team was short-lived, I did think they added a nice boost to an obviously fledgling division that's nearly completely depleted, but with the returning MCMG's and hopefully a young team or two to introduce into the mix in the coming weeks/months the Crimson/Morgan split could actually turn into a fine mid-card feud IMO.

Both men have size and a great look and while Crimson is still much more green in the ring, he's got enough of an arsenal under his belt now to make something of this, and frankly, this is the type of feud that could really help him to get over since he'll be playing a heel in this go-around (much easier to do than a fresh/force-fed baby face).

Is Morgan the one to break Crimson's "streak"? Could be…

Thoughts on this?
This was brewing since they first faced off months ago. Both are big men (Morgan more so), and Crimson is trying to make more of a name for himself solo. like someone mentioned in another post, he could be the one to take the TV title off of Devon. But if they want to keep his undefeated streak going, this feud between Crimson and Morgan could drag well past Lockdown. Right now I'm interested in seeing where both men take this.
Very Very Excited for this feud between a Heel Crimson and face Morgan. I enjoyed Crimson as a face and thought he was decent but as a heel I think he could be absoulutely fantastic as a heel he needs to be completely ruthless and just go out and destroy people and this could also really help his undefeated streak he should be extremely cocky and arrogant about it. I would just have him destroy some jobbers on Impact each and brag about how good he is and that he is unstoppable. I think that a heel Crimson could be absolute GOLD. I'm really looking forward to this and and heel Crimson in genereal.
i agree with everybody looking forward to the fued between Matt Morgan and Crimson i actullay dont think there gonna face each other 1 on 1 at lockdown i think they might captain lethal lockdown teams though or atleast be part of lethal lockdown and then begin fueding with each other i predict Matt Morgan will be the man to finally the end the streak of Crimson to end their fued in maybe 2 or 3 monthes cant wait for the fued
Crimson has not been beat one on one, but has lost a lot of matches to Joe and Magnus recently.
I expect him to go full heel and him and Morgan to have a great feud. The build has begun, and i expect a good product here.
How is a guy who just LOST the tag team titles undefeated?? WTH?!

I'm not looking forward to this for two reasons:

1.) Neither Crimson nor Morgan are great on the mic, and Crimson isn't that good in the ring.

2.) I want to see Morgan get a main event push, but I don't see Crimson loosing his first feud as a heel.
This is not TNA/WWE hate, but the idea of this feud is as Bloodcurdling as the Kane Cena one has been. Neither of these guys can talk or go worth a shit, and the last match they had together was probs the worst match of 2011 (yes i will include both Hardy/Sting and any Kelly Kelly match).

They did something great getting the belts off these two and onto Joe and Magnus (now there is a team and since its TNA, future feud that will be fantastic) but there match will most likely be 2 Mins of bad spots followed by how ever much longer of two people "sucking air so hard that the first few rows suffocated" to butcher a Jim Cornette quote.

Go find the Advert thing they both did to prove they talk like old people Screw, Slowly and with everyone who accidently sees it vomiting into a bucket.
I wanted to get some opinions on this one. TNA is building a good feud between Morgan and Crimson and they seem to be making Crimson the heel. Maybe, as a means of payback for the betrayal last Sunday, Morgan ends the undefeated streak.

What does everyone think? Possible? Likely? I mean the kid is going to lose eventually...even Goldberg eventually had that zero in the right hand column become a one.

My own opinion is that it should be done at a Pay Per View, clean, and with a pin. Make it final and official, no dispute.
I think it seems likely. They are really emphasizing Crimson's arrogance at never having been beaten, so I think it would be the ultimate justice to have him lose to Morgan.

This would be a good fued to drag out for a while. Maybe emphasize Crimson as the heel by having him cheat in a desperate attempt to maintain his status, and have it culminate in a no-dq or a cage match or something at BFG, with Morgan pulling out the win.

I think it could finally push Crimson into main-event status to push this fued hard, and could elevate him into a great heel or tweener, while at the same time putting Matt Morgan even more over.

Alot of people don't like Crimson. I mean he's not my favorite, but I've never really seen a problem with his wrestling style. I think he has quite a few moves for a big guy, as big guys are usually pretty limited in what they can do. Book this right, and I think we could have a truly epic match between the two to end the fued.
^ the problem with a cage match at BFG is that these to are more likely to meet in a cage match in a few weeks at lockdown.

Morgan is very likely to end the streak but now crimson is heel he is more likely gonna steal victory after victory until he meets a top level star at BFG - maybe Sting or AJ Styles? If he gets a win over someone like that then the streak will start be something worthy of a young star breaking. At the minute, His streak is nothing like the undertakers so it wouldn't help a young superstar because it doesn't mean much yet. In my opinion, give it another year but have him actually win some matches cleanly and not steal every victory now. Also let him go over so top guns and then the streak will be worthy of breaking.
Its possible that Morgan can end the streak. But I'm wondering if it would be a good idea at this point. Morgan is on of the big guys/monsters that could make a good champ. Crimson looks like the type of big man TNA would want to push as an unstoppable heel. They are gonna square off on Impact next week, but I don't see it ending there. I smell this feud lasting for a couple of months. A match at Lockdown could very well be in the works, and it sounds like it could be a good bout. I think Crimson will come out on top some how though, and beating Morgan perhaps could elevate him up the card. Perhaps he's being considered to take the TV title off of Devon.
Yes he should but not yet.

I like their current feud a lot more than when they first fought. Initially I would like Crimson to go over Morgan doing anything and everything possible to obsessively keep the streak intact. He shows a more vicious side to him, and thusly has to also take a few shortcuts which ultimately protects Morgan because it shows Crimson had to be sneaky to beat him. Crimson should move on from this and beat a few more high profile guys. If Morgan was to end the streak anywhere in the near future it wouldn't mean much he'd just be a guy who beat the guy with the streak that had no notable names beaten during it.
However if they push Crimson like they're with him embracing the idea that he's a winner, and he plays up the smug I'm better than everybody card and he goes over a few people that matter he might actually get a little traction and it'll be worth it for anyone who finally snuffs the streak.
I like the idea of him keeping the streak and beating some big names like Sting, Angle, Hardy, etc; That would really bring some prestige to the streak.

Will they do that? I don't know. But it does make alot of sense. Although, it seems like this fued with Morgan would have no payoff, if that is the case, unless they plan on him being "injured" or something and letting him come back for vengeance later in the year.

I'd say that if they decide to push Crimson's streak harder, against the big boys, then don't look for Morgan to be the guy to beat him. Otherwise, I'd say it's incredibly likely.
I really, REALLY hope it doesn't play out like the match they had at Turning Point a few months ago. Wow. Seems people forgot these two were already feuding. I have no real interest in Morgan. Like at all. The man has become very uneventful over the course of the last year. Crimson on the other hand, has been working with nothing but hidden potential for a good while now. He's his Streak (never pinned or submitted ala Samoa Joe for the uninformed) and turning him into a ruthless, egoheaded jerk can make that streak mean something. So that's something I'd keep an eye on.
I really, REALLY hope it doesn't play out like the match they had at Turning Point a few months ago. Wow. Seems people forgot these two were already feuding. I have no real interest in Morgan. Like at all. The man has become very uneventful over the course of the last year. Crimson on the other hand, has been working with nothing but hidden potential for a good while now. He's his Streak (never pinned or submitted ala Samoa Joe for the uninformed) and turning him into a ruthless, egoheaded jerk can make that streak mean something. So that's something I'd keep an eye on.

I don't get it. You're not the only one to say this but I don't see it. If you watched Thursday's Impact, Crimson cut one of the most uninspired heel promos in the history of wrestling. No energy, no conviction, nothing. This is the first promo being cut after a heel turn. Those are often the most important promos you will cut as you are convincing the audience of your attitude change. His came off as "here's my lines and I have no clue how to say them so they'll just come out and hopefully these sunglasses sell the douche thing". It was bad, really bad. The only thing to breathe life into the segment was Morgan coming in and having REAL emotion as he made the attack. To me, I see a major difference as one guy puts time and effort into what he does while the other clearly doesn't. Potential is a scary word and Crimson was labeled with it early on which was and probably is a detriment to him. The problem with "potential" is that 9 times out of 10, it's a word people use when they hope someone can be good but they usually aren't. I think this might be one of those cases.

It comes off to me like one guy cares in this feud and one guy doesn't. That's what I see so far. I've seen it in their ring work, in their promos, and just in the way they carry themselves. Crimson has no ability to sell a character and it's showing poorly. If I'm TNA, I'm getting my head out of my ass and humbling this kid. Have him lose the feud and his "streak" and then sit him down and be like "dude, either shape up or you're gone". Also, it might be useful to take their head out of their ass about Matt Morgan. That guy has been over with crowds for years, he works hard, he is a solid public speaker, and is a really good representative of the country. Unfortunately, he's treated like Kane's ******ed brother. He rarely gets a push and when he does, even if he's over like crazy, he's just a placeholder. It's a shame and I often wonder why he'd be happy with this. He deserves better as very few on the roster work harder than him.

I'm not expecting gold out of this feud..........more like copper. That will depend on Crimson though. I know Morgan is capable of good matches and good feuds because I have tangible proof. Crimson I've never seen have a really good match nor have I seen him doing good enough work to make me care about any feud he's ever been in. This feud is all on him as we know Morgan will do his best to make it work. I hope for Crimson's sake that he does work his ass off because if he doesn't, this thing could come off horribly. Their only match already did and that's on him. Shape up or ship out.

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