Crimson: The New Goldberg?


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Normally Im not one to watch TNA/Impact but ill usually watch the PPVs on a livestream every now and then (Kurt/Double J final battle was a damn good match imo), so I havent really seen actual episodes of Impact in God knows how long, however I do know that Crimson is STILL undefeated in singles competition, so its got me wondering, we all know by now Impact is almost exactly like WCW. Goldberg stayed undefeated because the fans loved him, Crimson (so far) is undefeated and the fans are really getting behind him. With Russo and Bischoff being the rehashers they are does anyone think they are trying to make Crimson the new Goldberg? And if so what do you think of this? Do you like Crimson? Do you hate him? Do you think this is stupid? Is he Main Event material? etc
Not really. All big guys usually get a 'streak' going when they first start. Even in WWE: Kahli, Undertaker, Mike Knox, Umanga etc. Samoa Joe even had one in TNA.

At this stage, it doesn't mean much. Maybe if this thread was created in 9 months time, then yes, it would probably be a big deal....
I agree with Matth3w...I don't see Crimson as the new Goldberg..Even if thats how they want to portray him..Goldberg ran through his competition..Crimson just barely got past Samoa Joe
Yeh there's no chance here. I'm sure they were hoping for another Goldberg, but unfortunately, with a that smaller fanbase, that'd be so difficult to replicate. I was watching some WCW again and wrestling fans are a different breed now.

They used to be rabid, loud, whereas now it's predominantly young children who are scared to say 'boo' to a goose. Honestly, go back and watch some WCW and compare the crowds to a 'WWE Universe'. Quite depressing, actually.

And yes, also, many big men have an 'undefeated' streak. Unfortunately it's one of these ideas that's become so overused that it's actually lost alot of its impact, for the pun.

It's how I feel about the IC Title, too. It used to be held by all the good wrestlers who, for whatever reason, could not be 'top of the bill' at the time. Then, they started bastardizing is by giving it to guys that didn't deserve it, who they wanted to succeed but he just wasn't getting over. That's no way to treat such a prestigeous belt, and look where it's got them.

If anything they are making him the new Samoa Joe not the new Goldberg...Goldberg he basically never even had to sweat a match up to and threw Hulk Hogan. He steamrolled.
Sure Crimson is winning but more in a competitive tough guy way where he takes as good as he gets (like Joe) Goldberg never did that and it showed when he had longer matches that he was just mediocre.
No, I don't see Crimson as the new Goldberg. Crimson has proven to be an able bodied big man that has the ability to get some fan support, but Goldberg had, as Stone Cold would put it, "je ne say qua."

Maybe it was his epic entrance. Maybe it was the fact that he looked like a prison inmate let off his leash. Maybe it was his explosive power and athleticism in the ring. It was probably a combination of all those things, but Goldberg resonated with fans everywhere he went. Crimson has yet to do that, so I think the Goldberg comparisons are a little premature.
It was around this time last year that I recall there being a thread that was entitled Rob Terry the new Goldberg? Back then Terry had a winning streak and was mowing his way through anything that touched him. It seems that Crimson is in the same position (minus the championship) this year. We all know TNA didn't pull the trigger on Terry for whatever reason, so I don't expect them to do it for Crimson.
No, he's not the "new" Goldberg. He's not even the "old" Goldberg. He's just getting compared to the man because he's undefeated right now. Samoa Joe, if you remember back, got the same comparison, as would any man who's story centers around "the streak", as Goldberg immortalized it first.

Crimson is being built up through this streak as a strong performer, not a dominating force. That's the main difference between he and Goldberg, who squashed every one of his opponents and ran through the entire gamut of WCW's roster, Hogan included, to win the title. Crimson may one day get it, but he's being built (properly) as a mid-card star before hand, which will likely pave that path for him with relative ease.
I think TNA has a few rising stars, two of which are former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Gunner, and the other is Crimson.

I like Crimson, he is intense, he keeps coming, he has enough wrestling talent to do well in the ring, and has that sick looking Sky High Power Bomb that just makes you cringe when he hits it. But in the same token Goldberg was built to dominate, Crimson is not that physical stature.

I don't think Crimson is the next Goldberg, however I think he is a big part of TNA's future along with Fourtune, Gunner, and believe it or not Anderson. TNA could make huge strides with this if they play their cards right.
No, he's not the "new" Goldberg. He's not even the "old" Goldberg. He's just getting compared to the man because he's undefeated right now. Samoa Joe, if you remember back, got the same comparison, as would any man who's story centers around "the streak", as Goldberg immortalized it first.

Crimson is being built up through this streak as a strong performer, not a dominating force. That's the main difference between he and Goldberg, who squashed every one of his opponents and ran through the entire gamut of WCW's roster, Hogan included, to win the title. Crimson may one day get it, but he's being built (properly) as a mid-card star before hand, which will likely pave that path for him with relative ease.

Well said IDR. I think they are doing just fine with Crimson right now, slowly building him up. I definitely see this guy as a future champion, and I dont think TNA want to blow it with him. They desperately need a new home-grown talent to break through to main event level.

I like tht they arent just feeding Crimson jobbers on a weekly basis as WCW did to Goldberg. How many of his matches were just squashes against nobodys? You ALWAYS knew Goldberg was going to win! Crimson is facings guys like Samoa Joe and Matt Hardy and having competitive matches, which I think is great.

If he is still unbeaten in another 6 months, you may be able to say he is being given a Goldberg style streak, but not now. He is just on a good run after his debut, and long may it continue. I hope to see Crimson as the TV champion in the future, and then moving up to the main event at some point.
Crimson is getting compared to Goldberg at this time due to the fact that, like Goldberg, he's still relatively unknown, he's a big guy and he has an "undefeated streak". Whenever you have a big, muscular guy that goes undefeated, or even if it's just a big guy in general, you have to expect someone to bring up a Goldberg connection.

Generally speaking, Goldberg was pretty one dimensional but it worked. Goldberg had a great look and there was a legit intimidation factor with him. He wasn't just some guy with big muscles, he had a presence and something of an it factor that I just haven't really seen with Crimson. Crimson just comes across as a big guy with muscles to me at this point.

Most of Goldberg's matches were squash matches. A big reason for that is because Goldberg was pretty weak. If he wrestled for longer than 5 minutes, he looked progressively worse as the match went along.

WCW promoted Goldberg in a different and, in my opinion, much better way than TNA has done with Crimson. Goldberg's streak wasn't talked about very much or heavily hyped until he had a pretty good string of victories under his belt. TNA started promoting Crimson's streak after he'd only wrestled 2 or 3 matches on iMPACT! stretching over a period of several months. It immediately made Crimson's "streak" come across as a storyline with little true validity about it.

Like him or not, Goldberg was a dominant force in WCW. He was a one dimensional guy with a great look and presence that plowed through almost everyone set in front of him. He beat some of the biggest names in the history of wrestling. Crimson isn't anywhere near Goldberg at this point in really any legit way. A few little coincidences here and there, but that's about it.
Well Crimson could be the next Goldberg, but its still too soon. Crimson debuted around December right and now we are near the middle of June, so its been 6 1/2 months since he came to TNA. What helped Goldberg is that he squashed jobbers, until he won the US-Title from Raven and went on to beat Hogan for the World Title and that took him at least 1 year to do. Lets wait and see if Crimson is still undefeated in another 6 months to compare him to Goldberg.

"Sorry about your damn luck!!!" - James Storm
Does that mean Crimson will botch a mule kick and end Kurt Angles career? You did say the next Goldberg right?
Goldberg had squash matches for a streak. Crimson doesn't. From what I have seen, Crimson's bouts look very down the line, wherein Goldberg's were meant to practically destroy his opponents. I dislike how people compare him to Goldberg, because without the streak we wouldn't be comparing them two period.

Every "streak" that comes along now has to be compared to Goldberg. Why? Many wrestlers had streaks that lasted longer than his, yet no one will ever compare Crimson to a guy like Tatanka.
I'm surprised there isn't a thread calling AJ Styles the next "Showstopper" for his Elbow Drop at Slammiversary. Or is that role limited to WWE guys only?

There've been hundreds of guys who come in with a big look and just rack up wins. Kurt Angle, Bobby Lashley, Mr. Anderson, The Undertaker, Samoa Joe, etc. But did any of those guys ever seem like the "Next Goldberg"? Come on. Quit it with the prejudice, people. I know it's a nice comparison. But don't pick leaves and make them look like brushes just because there's one parallel between two superstars. If the were the case there's a laundry list of guys who could be called the next *insert older wrestler here*.

Comparisons doesn't do modern wrestlers any favors. You cast an invisible shadow and expect them to do just as well as the person you compare them too when in reality that may not be the goal in mind.
People were psyched about Goldberg, who was pushed to the moon. People are lukewarm about Crimson, who's getting a push, but a halfhearted one. Ask this question in a year when he's fluttering around the midcard- but people will have moved on to asking if the next guy that got pushed is the next Goldberg.
I really hope not.

Why don't we let Crimson, be the new....CRIMSON!?

Surely that's better right? Just let him be himself. He's not like Goldberg really, but he is undefeated right now, which makes him look brilliant. Whether he gets a "Goldberg-like" push or not is right now not known, but I'd like to see him go on to getting into the TNA Title Picture, it'd be much deserved in the future.
I agree with Matth3w...I don't see Crimson as the new Goldberg..Even if thats how they want to portray him..Goldberg ran through his competition..Crimson just barely got past Samoa Joe

God forbid there should be any sort of competition.

Can only imagine the reaction on here if he just cut through Joe in 60 seconds.

As Jesus said: Theres no pleasing some people.
Personally, I have absolutely no interest in Crimson, whether he's undefeated or not.

The only more confusing push than his is Gunner's.
I base it on the fact that any person with little to no knowledge of TNA has any clue who he is, and that would be something like 80-90% of wrestling fans. This topis is as stupid as the one about Crimson and Gunner, I mean really? You people have nothing better to do than discuss this pointless crap? Crimson will never be Goldberg, Crimson and Gunner are not the future of TNA let alone the wrestling business. Give up, this board is ridiculous Zack Ryder this Crimson that, why do we hate John Cena? Who gives a flying pig's shit? How about discuss relevant goings on in wrestling.

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