Crimson, Future World Heavyweight Champion Book It!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

We began talking about this a bit in the Who is the Future of TNA? thread, and once Crimson was mentioned I figured he's a polarizing/polarized figure who'd probably spark quite a debate on his own, so here goes:

JJYanks made the comparison to Ryback, alluding to Crimson's previous run with TNA before he was sent to OVW, obviously in reference to his build at the time which booked him as something of a "monster" (undefeated streak, and all). To me, that's a valid criticism of the time, but not one that holds weight if TNA simply humanizes Crimson once he returns instead of giving him another streak that'd probably ruin his chances/career with TNA's fans who didn't buy it the first time. Why? Because all he needs is a tweak, not an overhaul.

• Exceptional verbal skill/talent
• Great look/character (gimmick)
• Adequate in-ring ability/talent

That's what it takes to make a star, and Crimson is a minimum of 1/3 of the way there already. Unlike guys like Kaz, with a little hard work and a bit more time, one of his verbal skill or his in-ring performance will take him into star territory, because neither is inherently bad, just raw and unpolished — things that can actually be improved upon.

As I told JJ in the Future thread, all you need to do is shift the focus away from the "streak", or the fact he'd be coming off his first loss, and just make him a mean, angry son of a bitch. He's good at that. His look lends to it by default, in fact.

He doesn't need the "monster" build JJ was alluding to with the Ryback comparison (he's not "small" anyway…) because unless TNA tries to re-create the streak/Goldberg 2.0, Crimson's build will suffice as is. He's actually quite muscular and toned and has the size to achieve believability as a World Champion as far as I'm concerned. He's billed as 6'6, 252lbs for fucks sake — how can he be considered "small" by any stretch? Sting, by comparison, is 6'3, 250 himself. Smaller than Crimson, yet never gets discredited on his size.

It may be a few years (years he has to spare, since he's just 27), but he will wear TNA gold in his future, and we're talking big gold, not just some shit run with the Lege—err Globa—err Television title.


We began talking about this a bit in the Who is the Future of TNA? thread, and once Crimson was mentioned I figured he's a polarizing/polarized figure who'd probably spark quite a debate on his own, so here goes:

JJYanks made the comparison to Ryback, alluding to Crimson's previous run with TNA before he was sent to OVW, obviously in reference to his build at the time which booked him as something of a "monster" (undefeated streak, and all). To me, that's a valid criticism of the time, but not one that holds weight if TNA simply humanizes Crimson once he returns instead of giving him another streak that'd probably ruin his chances/career with TNA's fans who didn't buy it the first time. Why? Because all he needs is a tweak, not an overhaul.

• Exceptional verbal skill/talent
• Great look/character (gimmick)
• Adequate in-ring ability/talent

That's what it takes to make a star, and Crimson is a minimum of 1/3 of the way there already. Unlike guys like Kaz, with a little hard work and a bit more time, one of his verbal skill or his in-ring performance will take him into star territory, because neither is inherently bad, just raw and unpolished — things that can actually be improved upon.

As I told JJ in the Future thread, all you need to do is shift the focus away from the "streak", or the fact he'd be coming off his first loss, and just make him a mean, angry son of a bitch. He's good at that. His look lends to it by default, in fact.

He doesn't need the "monster" build JJ was alluding to with the Ryback comparison (he's not "small" anyway…) because unless TNA tries to re-create the streak/Goldberg 2.0, Crimson's build will suffice as is. He's actually quite muscular and toned and has the size to achieve believability as a World Champion as far as I'm concerned. He's billed as 6'6, 252lbs for fucks sake — how can he be considered "small" by any stretch? Sting, by comparison, is 6'3, 250 himself. Smaller than Crimson, yet never gets discredited on his size.

It may be a few years (years he has to spare, since he's just 27), but he will wear TNA gold in his future, and we're talking big gold, not just some shit run with the Lege—err Globa—err Television title.


A whole thread dedicated to me? I'm flattered!

That said, I have to do what you're goading me into doing, and that is give the other side of the coin. Crimson is NOT a future world champion, at least not from what I've seen. For me, the problem is inherent in the one quality you THINK he has. His look is one that is "stuck in limbo".

As I said before, his facial expressions, tattoos, and muscles suggest that he'd be a dominant monster type that can get past promo ability by being intimidating. The problem there is that guys who have succeeded in this role not only LOOK the part, but can actually BACK UP the part with a power style. I used Ryback as an example but we can look at Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Goldberg, etc as guys that fit into that mold. The thing all of those guys had in common is that their strength was their draw. All of them had a moment that made fans go "WOW!" as far as hitting a big power move on a large competitor. By doing so, fans know that this guy is stronger than everyone else and that gives him a competitive edge. At that moment, it becomes irrelevant if the guy has mic skills in a sense. People pay to see strong people. It's pretty simple. The problem we have is that Crimson isn't that strong. I'll even fight fair. If he is in fact a freak of nature with strength, we don't know it because he's never shown it.

If in fact he does have freakish strength, something needs to happen to show it. If he re-debuts and press slams a giant, then maybe I'll buy it. Hey, there's an idea! If you truly believe in the guy, re-debut him by having him do something just like that. The problem is that TNA doesn't have a "monster" in the sense of a giant guy he can slam. The biggest guy they have is likely Abyss who isn't THAT big. However, he could work. If Crimson were to hit a big power move and make it look good, that might give him some momentum as a power guy. The problem with his first run is that he was NEVER booked that way. In fact, it was the opposite. He had an undefeated streak, but he'd get beaten down in matches, hit one big move, and win. If you want people to buy you as a tough guy, you should be kicking ass, not taking ass kickings. Suffice to say, the first run was piss poor due to that alone.

So we have a formula for success for the guy.............if he in fact has great strength. I still doubt that though. His lower body is weak looking which likely means he isn't all that strong. Muscle guys always have HUGE legs. Crimson's legs and waist are tiny. It's an awkward look and like I alluded to early, it's a "stuck in the middle" look. He's not big enough to look like a big, tough monster, but the rest of him looks that way with the tattoos and mean face. So what do you do with him if he can't be essentially TNA's Ryback? Can he talk? Not really as we've seen him try and fail quite a bit. Can he wrestle? Decently, but it needs to be decided what his style should be. Like I said, last time the style was totally wrong for the gimmick. He worked with just basic moves and had nothing impressive AND he got beat down a lot while still being booked as an "unstoppable, undefeated guy". Either his moveset needs to both have more power moves and have those moves look like they hurt, or he needs to change his character so that his basic moveset could somehow work.

So here we are. Crimson. The non-dominant dominant guy. What makes him special? If not his strength, what is it about him that screams "future world champion?" Charisma? Nope. Amazing technical guy? Nope. The next Rock on the mic? Nope. Amazing physical specimen that can fly at his size? Nope. He literally has nothing going for him other than "he kinda looks cool.". That's why I don't believe in his future. The ONLY thing he has over anybody else, and it's arguable, is the "tough guy" look, but he doesn't have the "back it up" skills to make him a star. Unless he truly is the strongest guy on the roster, he's not a future world champ.

Also, everything you want him to be, Matt Morgan is a better version of and should get a crack at that title WAY before Crimson. Plus, Morgan has charisma, it factor, and is more comfortable on the mic. Morgan is everything Crimson needs to be but will never be. Not a future world champ, sorry.
Crimson has a lot of potential and a great deal more than Matt Morgan because from what I've been able to see, Morgan has all the tools for success except one: wrestling ability. Matt Morgan can do basic shoves and tackles just fine, but those are not the foundation of a good match and Morgan's ring work constantly suffers for it. Morgan quite simply hasn't progressed as a wrestler, something that Crimson is doing very well. Crimson has made great strides in every way in his short tenure with the company and while he may not be a great talker or a compelling personality, he stands out nonetheless. Crimson has the potential to be a good World Champion one day, even if that day is most certainly far away from happening in the near future.
to me Crimson should be signed by WWE, repackaged and introduced to the masses as "Callaway", son of Undertaker. Thsi guy would be unstoppable, booked strong, never losing, and obviously the guy to end the streak. The Undertaker's legacy lives on through his "son", he could be pushed so hard that he ends his Uncle Kanes career first when he is ready to hang them up, then moves on to his own "father".
He has the zsize, height, the look. Good on the mic.
Laugh if you will, but WWE could really do alot wioth this guy in a role that only a select few could pull off I believe Crimson is the guy who could do it.
In TNA, he will be nothing.
I thought Crimson should have gotten a title shot at a minor PPV but lost to kind of test him out to see if he is ready for the main event. I wanted to get behind Crimson, I wanted to say that TNA had a young talent that WWE had missed but he just never won me over. Instead of having the Aries-Roode rematch at Hardcore Justice I would have had Aries-Crimson for the title and have Aries end the streak in a competitive match and see how Crimson performed in a main event. At this point I don't see how you even get him back ready for a main event shot. In TNA the World Title picture is pretty clouded as is so thrusting Crimson into it when he was squashed by a contender who's not even champion in his last appearance i think would be a mistake. Crimson is a pretty young guy so years from now yea, you cant predict, so im not going to say i NEVER see him being a future World Champion but i don't see it in the next 3-4 years.
There is no doubt Crimson has the look of a dominant Champion or a "Believable" Champion. but that is about it. I am actually a really big fan of Crimson because i love his Bad-ass Ex army look he has and his name is perfect for him.

But....... I for some reason watch OVW every week (Which is free to watch on their website) and I mainly watch to see Crimson and he is far away from being a World Champion. He isnt to bad in the ring, He's better than most guys in OVW actually besides for Alex Silva. But his talking ability lacks something horrible. Im not saying he's not charismatic im just saying he shouldnt talk.

If TNA does decide to put the TNA Strap on him they better make sure they have a high profile manager do his talking for him. I for one would LOVE to see Crimson get built up as a HEEL because i think he'd flourish the best as a heel, then bring Karen Jarrett in to do his talking for him.... Karen Jarrett is an AMAZING HEEL and extremely sexy! Think about the duo Karen Jarrett managing the TNA World Champion Crimson. Karen could get Crimson over as a major heel and Crimson would have to do that many promos.

Basically what i am saying is that Crimson already has the look of a champion so if he improves his in ring ability and stamina then he will be World Championship bound.
His look? I don't see it.

Crimson does NOT have the look of a monster. He doesn't have the size of a Goldberg, or Brock Lesnar, or Ryback. These guys were HUGE, built like houses, and not only could you SEE the strength, but it was easily displayed. Crimson is tall, sure.. but he's lanky and has the same build as a poor man's Wade Barrett. Barrett is not portrayed as a "monster", because he's not a monster. He's a large man who has assets, like brawling.

That's exactly why Crimson's "streak" doesn't work, and why he'll never break out based on being some dominant monster. He doesn't have the look! They need to re-package him, forget about the streak at all, and focus on developing the skills he does have and creating a character people can really get behind that works for him. He doesn't have a great look, in my opinion. He's only average at best in the ring and on the mic, so he definitely needs to improve and become much better in both of those areas before I'll ever view him as a credible Top Star.
The worst thing that happened to Crimson was the streak and I actually kind of want the guy back, but not for some serious push.

Crimson has what a lot of guys on the TNA roster lack and that's size. Last time I saw him, he was oddly shaped, but if he puts on a little more muscle mass, he definitely could have an impressive physique.

He also already has a decent entrance theme.

If he isn't forced down our throats, Crimson is definitely a solid guy for midcard feuds and who knows where that can evolve too. With the right story and right people involved, perhaps Crimson could be a future World Heavyweight Champion.

But for now I'd just like to see him come back and develop his character/abilities before talking about the title.
A whole thread dedicated to me? I'm flattered!

That said, I have to do what you're goading me into doing, and that is give the other side of the coin. Crimson is NOT a future world champion, at least not from what I've seen. For me, the problem is inherent in the one quality you THINK he has. His look is one that is "stuck in limbo".

As I said before, his facial expressions, tattoos, and muscles suggest that he'd be a dominant monster type that can get past promo ability by being intimidating. The problem there is that guys who have succeeded in this role not only LOOK the part, but can actually BACK UP the part with a power style. I used Ryback as an example but we can look at Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Goldberg, etc as guys that fit into that mold. The thing all of those guys had in common is that their strength was their draw. All of them had a moment that made fans go "WOW!" as far as hitting a big power move on a large competitor. By doing so, fans know that this guy is stronger than everyone else and that gives him a competitive edge. At that moment, it becomes irrelevant if the guy has mic skills in a sense. People pay to see strong people. It's pretty simple. The problem we have is that Crimson isn't that strong. I'll even fight fair. If he is in fact a freak of nature with strength, we don't know it because he's never shown it.

No, his facial expressions, tattoos and muscles suggest that he could be a "dominant monster" type, and that theory was put to the test and didn't pass once they realized he couldn't get over as one. There's no reason to suggest he can't be shifted away from that. Do I really need to provide you the laundry list of failed characters that preceded star gimmicks over the last number of years as far as World Champions go?

Once again, you have this all wrong, because you are still hinging your entire argument on his being booked as a "dominant monster". He's not, and he won't have to be. I already illustrated that with a few tweaks to his character and a push to forget the streak, he can easily become a strong, angry type that doesn't require dominance as his gimmick's hinge.

He's already moved well away from the "monster" stuff in OVW, in fact. There's no reason at all he can't get over as Crimson, the angry/mean character, as opposed to Crimson, "the undefeated" one.

If in fact he does have freakish strength, something needs to happen to show it. If he re-debuts and press slams a giant, then maybe I'll buy it. Hey, there's an idea! If you truly believe in the guy, re-debut him by having him do something just like that. The problem is that TNA doesn't have a "monster" in the sense of a giant guy he can slam. The biggest guy they have is likely Abyss who isn't THAT big. However, he could work. If Crimson were to hit a big power move and make it look good, that might give him some momentum as a power guy. The problem with his first run is that he was NEVER booked that way. In fact, it was the opposite. He had an undefeated streak, but he'd get beaten down in matches, hit one big move, and win. If you want people to buy you as a tough guy, you should be kicking ass, not taking ass kickings. Suffice to say, the first run was piss poor due to that alone.

So we have a formula for success for the guy.............if he in fact has great strength. I still doubt that though. His lower body is weak looking which likely means he isn't all that strong. Muscle guys always have HUGE legs. Crimson's legs and waist are tiny. It's an awkward look and like I alluded to early, it's a "stuck in the middle" look. He's not big enough to look like a big, tough monster, but the rest of him looks that way with the tattoos and mean face. So what do you do with him if he can't be essentially TNA's Ryback? Can he talk? Not really as we've seen him try and fail quite a bit. Can he wrestle? Decently, but it needs to be decided what his style should be. Like I said, last time the style was totally wrong for the gimmick. He worked with just basic moves and had nothing impressive AND he got beat down a lot while still being booked as an "unstoppable, undefeated guy". Either his moveset needs to both have more power moves and have those moves look like they hurt, or he needs to change his character so that his basic moveset could somehow work.

Once again, why does he have to be a monster? Why do you keep pigeonholing him into being this one specific type of performer who's make or break moment will be a show of strength to prove he's capable of handling the role? Again I'll give you a list of guys of similar builds, all of whom were former World Heavyweight Champions.

• Sting — 6'3, 250lbs.
• Jeff Jarrett — 6'1, 235lbs.
• Jeff Hardy — 6'2, 215lbs.
• Mr. Anderson — 6'2, 243lbs.
• Rob Van Dam — 6'0, 237lbs.
• AJ Styles — 5'11, 215lbs.
• James Storm — 6'0, 230lbs.
• Bobby Roode — 6'0, 240lbs.

Why is it every one of these men can be credible, but Crimson is "too small"? This is absurd logic. Once again, Crimson is 6'6, 252lbs. He's actually larger than EVERY SINGLE PERFORMER on that list, yet he doesn't' have "the look"? Who are you trying to kid here — us, or yourself?

Oh, and Abyss is fucking huge. He's 6'8, 350lbs. You talk about that like it's something to scoff at. It's not.

So here we are. Crimson. The non-dominant dominant guy. What makes him special? If not his strength, what is it about him that screams "future world champion?" Charisma? Nope. Amazing technical guy? Nope. The next Rock on the mic? Nope. Amazing physical specimen that can fly at his size? Nope. He literally has nothing going for him other than "he kinda looks cool.". That's why I don't believe in his future. The ONLY thing he has over anybody else, and it's arguable, is the "tough guy" look, but he doesn't have the "back it up" skills to make him a star. Unless he truly is the strongest guy on the roster, he's not a future world champ.

Also, everything you want him to be, Matt Morgan is a better version of and should get a crack at that title WAY before Crimson. Plus, Morgan has charisma, it factor, and is more comfortable on the mic. Morgan is everything Crimson needs to be but will never be. Not a future world champ, sorry.

What makes him special? All the things I listed in the OP. He has a great look, a good build, tattoos and even his own logo. He's got a toughness and intensity to him that's simply not shared universally on the roster. His entrance alone is enough to separate him from the pack. Watch the way he reacts as he comes out to his music, the way he interacts with his pyro and the way his intensity comes across as he gets in the ring and engages the ringside camera. If you don't consider that unique, I'd invite you to watch again and again until it sinks in.

I also have to laugh at the idea that you don't believe in his future because he has nothing else going for him. Gimmick is what makes up for that. His original gimmick I've already admitted wasn't a success, but you treat that like he's now a leper for it.

In fact, remember how they started calling Gunner "Mr. Intensity"? Give that gimmick/role to Crimson. Boom. Instant success.

I agree that Morgan deserves an opportunity, and is something of a larger version of him, but Morgan is not Crimson. The two are only similar in build — their gimmicks could likely be vastly different if you'd just learn to live and forgive the way you sure seem to have done just fine with ol' Skip Sheffield. You hang Crimson's past on him like a noose, but that fuckin' hillbilly "Yup Yup Yup" bullshit never happened? Again, do I really need to provide you the laundry list of failed personas and gimmicks that preceded some of the most famous World Champions of all-time?
I agree with most everything the OP is saying, except for labeling Crimson as "Mr. Intensity."

I don't see Crimson as a baby face, just yet. I would like to see him bring a little "attitude" to TNA, which he seems to have plenty. Instead of comparing him to Goldberg or Ryback, I'd rather see him as a heel that's mouthy like CM Punk.

Now I'm not saying he'll ever be Punk on the mic, but I can see him being a sort of hybrid between Punk and Randy Orton.

He may never have the mic skills of a Punk or the psychology/made to get over move set of Orton, but with his size and a smart ass heel gimmick we saw a little of last we saw him, if he can step it up in the ring and brawl with the best of them, there is no reason not to consider him a threat for the title.
I agree with most everything the OP is saying, except for labeling Crimson as "Mr. Intensity."

I don't see Crimson as a baby face, just yet. I would like to see him bring a little "attitude" to TNA, which he seems to have plenty. Instead of comparing him to Goldberg or Ryback, I'd rather see him as a heel that's mouthy like CM Punk.

Now I'm not saying he'll ever be Punk on the mic, but I can see him being a sort of hybrid between Punk and Randy Orton.

He may never have the mic skills of a Punk or the psychology/made to get over move set of Orton, but with his size and a smart ass heel gimmick we saw a little of last we saw him, if he can step it up in the ring and brawl with the best of them, there is no reason not to consider him a threat for the title.

The "Mr Intensity" thing was just an idea, but I tend to agree with your assessment as well. The point I was trying to make wasn't that he needs a specific gimmick, or my specific gimmick for him, but rather that he could benefit greatly from a tweak that took him away from having to be booked as a "monster", which JJ seems to think is his only path to success. It's not. What you just laid out is precisely what I'm getting at. Why can't he play more of the weasel type he's playing now in OVW? Why does this all come back to his first run and haunt him to the point he's considered a leper for it? WWE fans don't seem too reluctant to forgive Ryback or the WWE for Skip Sheffield, so why can't Crimson get past his past too?
to me Crimson should be signed by WWE, repackaged and introduced to the masses as "Callaway", son of Undertaker. Thsi guy would be unstoppable, booked strong, never losing, and obviously the guy to end the streak. The Undertaker's legacy lives on through his "son", he could be pushed so hard that he ends his Uncle Kanes career first when he is ready to hang them up, then moves on to his own "father".
He has the zsize, height, the look. Good on the mic.
Laugh if you will, but WWE could really do alot wioth this guy in a role that only a select few could pull off I believe Crimson is the guy who could do it.
In TNA, he will be nothing.
He should sign with wwe because it is wwe?And I dont understand when a tna talent get signed by wwe,no one complains and if a wwe talent goes to tna then everybody complains and everybody knows that undertaker still has a very young child(new born or still in the stomach) so it doesnt make sense but since we are talking about wwe then it could happen
The "Mr Intensity" thing was just an idea, but I tend to agree with your assessment as well. The point I was trying to make wasn't that he needs a specific gimmick, or my specific gimmick for him, but rather that he could benefit greatly from a tweak that took him away from having to be booked as a "monster", which JJ seems to think is his only path to success. It's not. What you just laid out is precisely what I'm getting at. Why can't he play more of the weasel type he's playing now in OVW? Why does this all come back to his first run and haunt him to the point he's considered a leper for it? WWE fans don't seem too reluctant to forgive Ryback or the WWE for Skip Sheffield, so why can't Crimson get past his past too?

Yeah, I agree just like my idea is just an idea. There is so many possibilities for his character and the bottom line is that he is a guy TNA can capitalize on.

The streak is over and done with and there's no reason for it to hinder him going forward. At least in Crimson's case, the Goldberg chants and comparisons will end while Ryback continues to hear them, streak or no streak.

The funny thing is the discussion about Crimson's size. Crimson is much taller then Hardy, Roode, Aries, Storm, Styles, RVD, Anderson, and even Bully Ray. He's kind of like Razor Ramon in that you have guys like Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Macho Man, HBK, Flair, who he's bigger/taller then but he's not a monster because he's not Sid, Undertaker or Diesel.

Razor Ramon/Scott Hall is the type of character I'd like to see Crimson become as far as how he portrays heel/face alignments and general attitude.
Yeah, I agree just like my idea is just an idea. There is so many possibilities for his character and the bottom line is that he is a guy TNA can capitalize on.

The streak is over and done with and there's no reason for it to hinder him going forward. At least in Crimson's case, the Goldberg chants and comparisons will end while Ryback continues to hear them, streak or no streak.

The funny thing is the discussion about Crimson's size. Crimson is much taller then Hardy, Roode, Aries, Storm, Styles, RVD, Anderson, and even Bully Ray. He's kind of like Razor Ramon in that you have guys like Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Macho Man, HBK, Flair, who he's bigger/taller then but he's not a monster because he's not Sid, Undertaker or Diesel.

Razor Ramon/Scott Hall is the type of character I'd like to see Crimson become as far as how he portrays heel/face alignments and general attitude.

I completely agree. I think that's a solid comparison too. Not in a sense that Crimson will ever really have the same charisma as Hall, but in that he should always be something of a tweener in that respect, where even as a face he's still not a "babyface", rather more like what we've seen out of guys like Aries and Anderson more recently in TNA there.
I completely agree. I think that's a solid comparison too. Not in a sense that Crimson will ever really have the same charisma as Hall, but in that he should always be something of a tweener in that respect, where even as a face he's still not a "babyface", rather more like what we've seen out of guys like Aries and Anderson more recently in TNA there.

The problem with everything you are suggesting though is that if he's not a monster (which he looks like), he has to be a "normal guy". Mr. Intensity? That ACTUALLY COULD WORK.......with Gunner. Gunner has a better look than Crimson for that and he did the F-5 which looked physically imposing. What I keep saying is that Crimson CAN NOT work a power style, at least from what we've seen. If he can't, he has to do something else.

Of all the names you list, every single one of them had great charisma and mic skills. Oh, and original Sting was and might still be stronger than current Crimson. Heck, John Cena is 6'1" 250 pounds and is a freak with his power stuff. It's not about the size listed to say he has "the look". Crimson's look is poor because if you actually look at him, his lower body is small. It's awkward looking.

What I've been saying, which you aren't getting, is that Crimson's look suggest an intense persona but I'm not sure he can back that up. He may not be strong enough to work a power style. If he can't, then he needs to become a personality. Jarrett, Anderson, Sting, etc had real personalities that required them to have mic skills (we won't get into Anderson though). At no point have I seen that ability in Crimson. To me, the only reason people think he has potential is because he's tall and young. Outside of that, he has nothing going for him. As I said, he's not built enough to be the "big guy" and he's not charismatic enough to be a Scott Hall type. I just don't see "it" in him. To me, he's as generic as generic can be.

Oh, and Abyss is NOT 6'8". Having stood next to him, he's no more than 6'4". Pretty fat though so maybe he's 350, but he is nowhere near 6'8". That's why I don't consider him to be a true huge guy.
The problem with everything you are suggesting though is that if he's not a monster (which he looks like), he has to be a "normal guy". Mr. Intensity? That ACTUALLY COULD WORK.......with Gunner. Gunner has a better look than Crimson for that and he did the F-5 which looked physically imposing. What I keep saying is that Crimson CAN NOT work a power style, at least from what we've seen. If he can't, he has to do something else.

Of all the names you list, every single one of them had great charisma and mic skills. Oh, and original Sting was and might still be stronger than current Crimson. Heck, John Cena is 6'1" 250 pounds and is a freak with his power stuff. It's not about the size listed to say he has "the look". Crimson's look is poor because if you actually look at him, his lower body is small. It's awkward looking.

I'm aware they had great charisma and mic skills, but your point was that Crimson LOOKED small. That claim is absurd to me based on the fact that he is in fact larger than EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. Either your eyes need to be checked or you're seeing some serious optical illusion, because by no means is Crimson "small".

What I've been saying, which you aren't getting, is that Crimson's look suggest an intense persona but I'm not sure he can back that up. He may not be strong enough to work a power style. If he can't, then he needs to become a personality. Jarrett, Anderson, Sting, etc had real personalities that required them to have mic skills (we won't get into Anderson though). At no point have I seen that ability in Crimson. To me, the only reason people think he has potential is because he's tall and young. Outside of that, he has nothing going for him. As I said, he's not built enough to be the "big guy" and he's not charismatic enough to be a Scott Hall type. I just don't see "it" in him. To me, he's as generic as generic can be.

Why not? Why does intensity mandate power? Was Brian Pillman intense? Was Steve Austin intense? Was Roady Piper intense? Would you consider any of them powerful? I sure wouldn't. Yes, again, I'm aware they all have better personas/charisma than Crimson, but that's not the point — the point is that intensity does not necessitate power. He can be intense and still be a weasel.

Oh, and Abyss is NOT 6'8". Having stood next to him, he's no more than 6'4". Pretty fat though so maybe he's 350, but he is nowhere near 6'8". That's why I don't consider him to be a true huge guy.

Fair enough, but not really relevant to our continued discussion. Let's move on.
Why do people keep going on about Crimson having to be a 'monster' just because of the streak? His streak run wasn't about being a monster, it was about durability - especially in the blue eye period were he would take large amounts of punishment only to come out with the victory by frustrating them into rushing into the Red Dawn.

If history teaches us anything, wrestlers are generally most successful when they are portraying a version of their true selves. Crimson is a genuine Screaming Eagle who performed two tours of Iraq. As such, he has a solid base for a full blown character and the perfect guy to help him cultivate it in Kurt Angle. Kurt has used the American Hero role to excel as a face and a heel plus he used his true background to create his in-ring style. A hard hitting combat style from his military training could create a dominant performer that doesn't have to resort to being all power moves associated with being a monster. The great benefit of this sort of persona is that you don't have to be the greatest orator, the commentators can be prepped into upping the significance of the stylistics and build the character from there.

For me, Tommy Mercer has as much potential as Nick Aldis who gets more respect because Magnus is strong on the mic. Who's to say if Crimson can develop to being great on the stick but wrestling has shown us through the years, a dominant character doesn't have to be.
In watching his OVW stuff, he's not cut out to be the arrogant heel. He's struggling on the mic to carry a feud. But, if he were a man of few word's, he could be OK. He's not a powerhouse, but he's not small either. I think the word we're all looking for is lean. He's lean. In terms of body type, he's like a Randy Orton, but taller.

Could he get over in a character similar to Orton's? I think so. Let's look at Orton. Randy is very monotone and the basics of every promo is: I'm going to be you with my finishing move, blah, blah, blah. But, you can't argue that Orton is over. He's intense in the ring. He's very calculated. Stomp. Back Breaker. Stomp. Clothesline. Stomp. DDT. Stomp. Off the Rope Powerslam. RKO. Done.

Personally, I think Crimson could be that "type" of character. Very intense. Calculated. Simple promo's that get to the point. I don't think they should do the whole voices in my head...i'm a snake persona. But, he could be opportunistic and hit his move at any moment kind of a guy. If this were the case, he could be a big success. Plus he's 26/27 years old. He can get better.

Again, this is personal opinion, but I'd love to see him in a tag team with someone who has a little skill on the mic. Not sure who that would be in TNA right now. I actually think he would have been a neat pairing with Kaz, but that shipped has sailed. Kaz and Daniels are doing great together.

All in all, I'm not sold 100%, but I think it's a definite possibility.
He should sign with wwe because it is wwe?And I dont understand when a tna talent get signed by wwe,no one complains and if a wwe talent goes to tna then everybody complains and everybody knows that undertaker still has a very young child(new born or still in the stomach) so it doesnt make sense but since we are talking about wwe then it could happen

Undertaker has a number of children, McCools bun in the oven isnt his first. We are talking pro wrestling, Kane isnt Takers realc life brother, so why cant a guy in his mid 20s play the character of a son to a guy in his late 40's??????

It makes perfect sense.
Disclaimer: I don't watch much TNA so I don't know much about Crimson.

I kinda like the son-of-Undertaker idea. Whoever came up with that I think is onto something. I haven't seen if he can work but he looks like a guy who could play that role.

Undertaker's real life age isn't often brought up in storyline so I think that element is irrelevant...nor is his marriage...he's part of a kayfabe family with Kane and Paul Bearer so why not a son that comes back to take him out?

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