Create Your Own Power 25

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I'm neat.
Most of us know that the WWE website has an official Power 25 that ranks the wrestlers on what they did in the current week and what they have been doing. So I thought why not have a Wrestlezone Power 25.

Mar.27th Power 25

Edge has been on the winning end recently most currently picking up a vocitry over Drew McIntyre by submission. Going into Mania it looks like has the definite upperhand against Alberto Del Rio.

It was an interesting week for the Miz. Before after showing his new championship belt John Cena attacked his old apprentice Alex Riley. The Miz's dominance has been stopped and who knows what will happen going itno Wrestlemania

3)Triple H
With one week Raw left until Wrestlemania, Triple H possibly made a huge impact by not only decimating Dibiasi but calling out the Undertaker to meet face to face.

4)John Cena
After suprising the WWE Universe by making an appearance on Raw and obliterating Alex Riley, it looks like Cena is back in the Road to Wrestlemania Race. Who knows what will happen when the Rock is at Raw next week.

It was a tough week for Orton. During a back and forth match with Rey Mysterio, Punk made him run to the parking lot where Punk attacked him with a wrench. Hopefully the Viper's knee will be fine next week.

Very good week for the Corre. Although being attacked at Raw this week, Wade Barett won the Intercontinental title in a very back and forth match. Who knows what this group will do going into Wrestlemania.

After two consecutive victories over Alberto Del Rio it looks like Captain Charisma is making huge wavs in the WWE. Moving ahead of Del Rio in the Power 25.

8)Rey Mysterio
After winning by Count Out on Raw and winning by disqualification on Smackdown he would appear to have a very good week until you factor in his vicious beating by Cody Rhodes.

9)Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio's huge moment has totally stopped after losing to Christian in consecutive weeks it looks like he now is the biggest underdog going into Wrestlemania. He needs to recover from the beating or else his Wrestlemania dreams might come to an end before they ever happen.

He had a very strong week by destroying Bourne on Raw, and punching his ticket to the grandest stage of them all.

Nexus and Punk I think are separate now. Punk had a decent week by scaring Orton's wife and by attacking Ortons' knee with a wrench.

He had a good promo going into the final showdown between Taker and Trips. The final showdown will be very interesting and the match will be very good at Wrestlemania.

Swagger is looking good going into Cole's corner. By destroying his opponents he is looking very good and looks like he will be a star in the upcoming future.

14)Cody Rhodes
He destoryed Mysterio in a vicious beatdown going into Mania. He has turned on a vicious mean streak and looks unstoppable on the road to Wrestlemania.

15)Big Show
He got his revenge this week on the Corre with help from Kane. A duble chokeslam to Big Zeke was more than vicious. It will be exciting seeing what he does on route to Wrestlemania.

16)Daniel Bryan
He is going to Wrestlemania. He won in a mix tag match on Superstars but was on the receiving end of a very powerful Brough Kick.

He looked very good in his six man tag match. By poicking up the win in a match similiar to Wrestlemania do we have to be worried that Team Ziggler will pick up the victory. Only time will tell

Also on the winning end of the tag match, these two divas are looking very good. Look for them to ascend the Power 25 if this continues.

19)John Morrison
You got pinned by Vickie Guerrero. Enough Said.

By ambushing the Corre on Raw, Kane and Big Show are causing more tsunamis in the world by making earth shattering slams on the massive Ezekial Jackson.

21)Michael Cole
As a commentator I refuse to move him higher than the 20 spot, he has been having several effective promos and is looking brilliant going into his match with Jerry Lawler. Hopefully he watches his back because it seems a few divas are getting annoyed by his interruptions in the diva's matches.

22)Chris Masters
This guy has been dominating on Superstars for the last few weeks. His feud with Tyler Reks is getting more and more interesting and every week it feels these two will finally be seen on Smackdown

23)Alex Riley
He is officialy back at Raw. It was an awful week for him by getting abused by Cena however he made a return and I am glad to see it.

She may have won on Raw by getting humiliated by Cole automatically gets you put towards the end of the list. She may have talent but Cole served her and well to quote Santino "it wasn't at a restaurant."

Yes you are reading this right. As long as Hornswoggle remains as a NXT pro he will have a spot on this list. He did however help his rookie Titus O'Neil get a victory.

What do you think and what is your Power 25.
Your top 25 is flawed first you HHH 3rd he hasn't wrestled a match on tv in almost a year thats bullshit, same with Undertaker hasn't wrestled in months, if your gonna have a power ranking for wrestlers then put people on it that have wrestled.

Same thing for Cole he hasn't even had a match ever, yet you have him in a wrestling top 25 power ranking that's crap. If your gonna have people on the list based on promos where is the Rock? You have three people on here based off of promos why not add a fourth.

Then you have the corre on here you shouldn't rank a group as a whole Wade Barret is the only one that has done shit and you base them as a whole off of his accomplishment, the corre sucks Barret is the only one that is worth a damn so he is the only one that should be ranked.

Do I really have to say anything about Hornswaggle give me a fucking break!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............Thats an insult to real wrestlers.
Your top 25 is flawed first you HHH 3rd he hasn't wrestled a match on tv in almost a year thats bullshit, same with Undertaker hasn't wrestled in months, if your gonna have a power ranking for wrestlers then put people on it that have wrestled.

Same thing for Cole he hasn't even had a match ever, yet you have him in a wrestling top 25 power ranking that's crap. If your gonna have people on the list based on promos where is the Rock? You have three people on here based off of promos why not add a fourth.

If you have ever seen the actual Power 25 you would have realized that the Power 25 is for for people who are making an impact on the actual shows. Superstars do not necessarily have to be wrestling as to be included on the list.

Take for instance the Miz. He has had one match since Elimination Chamber yet you have no problem saying he is on the list. It would have been nice if you checked the actual Power 25 on the WWE website before saying how flawed it actually is.

Also if you truly feel this is flawed then make a list of your own and give your reasons as to why they belong here.
If you're going to have a WZ one, why do it exactly the same way WWE does it then? Seems pointless. Good idea, poorly executed. Larry (although a bit of a dick) is right that it should be based on wrestling; and include TNA or ROH guys.
And if it's WZP25, we should have a vote among the users.

I dont see how I was being a dick, the op posted a thread and I gave an opinion on it with explantions as to how I felt without bashing him or his post by calling him a bunch of pointless names like alot of assholes on this site do when they dont agree with the post or opinion. When he called me on it I went to to see the rankings then manned up and appologized. I dont see how any of that was being a dick.

I do still feel that a ranking system should have to do with wrestling not promos and announcers and managers no matter what impact they have on the product it should be about wrestling, wins loses and titles period.

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