Create a NEW WWE Championship


Luck is on my side
Thinking about the possibility of a IC/US Title unification down the road what if by unifying these two championships WWE decides to unviel a brand new WWE Championship Title. We're playing a little make believe here obviously but what are some names you would call this championship and how would it be defended?

Personally I feel that there should only be A World Title, A secondary title, Tag Titles and DIvas Championship. So this new title would be upper mid card to mid card and would be very presitgious. It should be handled almost like a "Junior"Heavyweight Championship without having the word Junior in its name. But I would put the name Heavyweight in it too increase prestige.

What are your ideas?
So basically, you want to WWE to go and do exactly what it was doing, for all intents & purposes, with the World Heavyweight Championship, only with a completely different title that's still called a heavyweight championship? Not only does it not make any real sense, but it kind of defeats some of the purpose in unifying the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships.

Now that there's only one World Championship again, WWE has the opportunity to better the lot of the Intercontinental Championship. The IC title can perfectly service the slot of the upper mid-card championship because...well, it was the upper mid-card championship up until several years back. When WWE stopped booking the WHC with as much prestige as the WWE Championship, it was unofficially relegated to the spot that'd been occupied by the Intercontinental Championship.

The Intercontinental Championship has history on its side and it's been in existence since 1979. If WWE was to create a different championship, they'd be better off creating a lower mid-card title that ultimately serves in the same role as the Television Championship did in WCW. In my opinion, they'd be better off merging the IC & US titles, thereby retiring the US title, and creating a championship for guys who're lower on the mid-card while the IC title is kept for the upper mid-carders.
But it wouldnt be another WORLD Championship, it would be a secondary heavyweight championship for upper mid carders. By simply placing the name "heavyweight" in its name would increase the prestige of it. In the early days of The IC title it was specifically named The WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship before removing heavyweight out of it.
The WWE needs two mid-card level championship belts. The WWE has 65 male performers (counting part-timers but still) and three singles championships. That ratio isn't good at all, it wasn't good with four singles championships and people now say they want two? They need to add at this point, not take away unless they do some serious cleaning up to their roster. They already have tons of people that are irrelevant, taking a title away will only further that.
Personally I feel that there should only be A World Title, A secondary title, Tag Titles and DIvas Championship. So this new title would be upper mid card to mid card and would be very presitgious. It should be handled almost like a "Junior"Heavyweight Championship without having the word Junior in its name. But I would put the name Heavyweight in it too increase prestige.

Completely pointless. They just unified the two world titles. There's your clue that they do not need a secondary heavyweight title. The Intercontinental Championship has a chance to regain the importance and prestige it once had now that it is the #2 belt once more. From 1979 up until 1992 it was called the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. Want to make a title more prestigious from adding the word "Heavyweight" to its name? Congratulations, bring that word back to the Intercontinental Championship which is already the #2 belt, and there's your answer. No need to create any new titles that nobody is going to care about. They have two midcard titles, the giant pennies, and even the divas title that need importance restored to them before they worry about adding any others; considering the fact that only the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is currently treated with the respect it deserves.
Putting 'heavyweight' in the name of a title isn't going to give it more prestige. Prestige is added by how a title is booked, how much attention it's given, who holds it etc. If you already have a title with a lineage like the Intercontinental Title that allows you to mention the greats that have held it, why would you get rid of it in favour of a new title with zero history?

If you specify that it's specifically a heavyweight title, what happens when you want someone to hold it who isn't a heavyweight competitor? If you only have four titles, those guys have nothing else to go for unless they're in a tag-team.
WWE needs to make new belts period.Their getting a new logo in 2014 anyway so why not.The WWE World Heavyweight Championship only says WWE Championship.Their gonna need a new belt for that anyway maybe just siply call it the WWE Heavyweight Championship.If they unify the IC/US title it probably would be the WWE International Championship.They need to get rid of the word diva (except for the name "Total Divas".And call it the WWE Womens championship again instead of the womanizing word "diva

My Titles:







they need to keep both mid titles. im beginning to wonder if they are gonna keep one heavyweight champion. Orton continueing to carry around both titles makes me think its temporary. unless i missed something, one world champ one belt. anyway they should keep both. the ic title should be considered above the us title. maybe make the us title like the tv title was. its tricky cause both mean alot to me. a lot of great wrestlers have held both. i would change the look of the us title though, more gold looking with a small american flag on side plates. Do not unify the two
Why do we need the US Title so badly? What purpose is it serving? It almost never gets defended and I'm sure the majority of fans don't even notice.

The WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Intercontinental Title, Tag Team Championships, and Divas Title is plenty. If they can restore some prestige to the IC Title, then maybe I could see the need for 2 midcard belts. The US Title has just been collecting dust around Ambrose's waist the past 7 months.
The WWE needs two mid-card level championship belts. The WWE has 65 male performers (counting part-timers but still) and three singles championships. That ratio isn't good at all, it wasn't good with four singles championships and people now say they want two? They need to add at this point, not take away unless they do some serious cleaning up to their roster. They already have tons of people that are irrelevant, taking a title away will only further that.

Disagree. By having just two titles like they did in the past adds much more prestige to the titles, and makes them far more significant and interesting when it comes to booking, and title changes. Get rid of the us stick with tradition and keep the ic, just make it more important. In the past the ic title was a big big deal and was a mark of you really excelling within the company, from my day the like of ultimate warrior, bret hart, Shawn michaels, stone cold, the rock all guys who were there coz they were on their way up and deserved it, real stars. Having that belt meant something. With all the belts they have had it has dissolved the prestige of each of them. On top of that booking the amount of title changes they have in more recent years doesn't help either.
WWE needs to make new belts period.Their getting a new logo in 2014 anyway so why not.The WWE World Heavyweight Championship only says WWE Championship.Their gonna need a new belt for that anyway maybe just siply call it the WWE Heavyweight Championship.If they unify the IC/US title it probably would be the WWE International Championship.They need to get rid of the word diva (except for the name "Total Divas".And call it the WWE Womens championship again instead of the womanizing word "diva

My Titles:








What's the difference between the Heavyweight and International Champion? If they're both equal, why not just de-unify the WWE and WHC titles?

The cruiserweight title implies a weight restriction, which would hinder guys like Mysterio, Guerrero or Daniel Bryan when trying to win the top title in the company. I think weight restrictions in pro wrestling are nonsense.

I sorta like the Mayhem championship though. Would be cool if it were a Smackdown exclusive or something.
Disagree. By having just two titles like they did in the past adds much more prestige to the titles, and makes them far more significant and interesting when it comes to booking, and title changes. Get rid of the us stick with tradition and keep the ic, just make it more important. In the past the ic title was a big big deal and was a mark of you really excelling within the company, from my day the like of ultimate warrior, bret hart, Shawn michaels, stone cold, the rock all guys who were there coz they were on their way up and deserved it, real stars. Having that belt meant something. With all the belts they have had it has dissolved the prestige of each of them. On top of that booking the amount of title changes they have in more recent years doesn't help either.

It's been a long, long time since the WWE had two singles championships. The WWE has had at least three since early 1997. It's not just a matter of how big the roster is, it also has to do with the exposure of pro-wrestling now. WWE runs three shows a week, and you see a good portion of the roster appearing on all three. Back when WWE had the two titles, in the seventies and throughout the eighties, wrestlers didn't appear weekly, there was no true weekly episodic show. When RAW was created you saw a big boom in the roster, wrestlers were now much more prominently featured than they were before and therefore more titles were created. Back in the day, two titles worked because the roster wasn't nearly as big or as stable plus on top of that they were shown sporadically.

Not to mention that back in the day, wrestling fans were a lot more easier to please than they are now. It's evolved so much since the early 90's even that if the WWE ever regressed back to two singles championships, I'm not sure they could keep the fans entertained without it. People say that "no one cares about the US title", but when it's featured, people do care.

^ Part of not being able to keep the fans entertained definitely falls on the WWE, a major part in fact... but still.
in wwe so many mid card wrestlers are working, so they need two title belts but us title. IC and US title are similar type belts, so they unify those belts and retire US belt. wwe bring back the light heavyweight belt and used lower mid carders so those wrestlers have a chance to hold a wwe belt.

My choice are

1. wwe Heavyweight Championship
2. Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship
3. Light Heavyweight Championship
4. World Tag Team Championship
5. Womens Championship

They bring back King of the Ring and Queen of the Ring.
Money in the bank for WWE Heavyweight Championship and Never win a Championship wrestler for Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship.
The WWE Intercontinetal Championship sounds like a pretty damn good name for the title should they be unified, its what it has been called since 1979. and Vince isnt going to throw away its history in favour of the US Title which was created in what, 2003(it has no relevance to the NWA/WCW version.
Titles winnable at the beginning of 2010:

WWE Championship
World Heavyweight Championship
ECW Championship
Intercontinental Championship
United States Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
World Tag Team Championship
Women's Championship
Divas Championship

Titles winnable at the beginning of 2014:

WWE Championship
Intercontinental Championship
United States Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
Divas Championship

In just 4 short years, the # of active championships have been cut in half. Outside of replacing the US title with the European Championship for Grand Slam purposes, I honestly don't think we need any more unifications.
I'm not even going to address the elephant in the room because that's just stupid.

However, I don't think they should unify the mid-card titles. If anything, simply relegate the US title to more of a European championship level. Plus, as it stands, WWE has the fewest titles that it's had since at least 1996 [WWF, IC, European, Lightweight, Tag, and Women's]... It also gives WWE a chance to build two potential world champions up at once.
To the OP, I get what you are saying and think the unified US and IC belts could use a new name. I can see where you are going with that, and wouldn't mind if a new title was invented from the merging of these once-prestigious belts. Personally, as a fan from back when the IC belt was very important, I would rather the IC belt swallow the US belt and keep its IC name. But, I do feel there should be less title belts in WWE. And for one very important reason...

I think having more belts creates lazier writing. I know I am of the old school and that many of today's fans need titles involved to have interest in a match--even when the title is watered down and irrelevant, as most of them are these days. I also see write-ups of old events by the likes of Klunderbunker, or whatever his name is, that piss on the product of old and do an extreme disservice to all that read it for historical and/or nostalgic purposes. (Which is almost everyone, Klunderbunk---no one reads because they care what you thought of a PPV)

The WWE Universe is too title crazy. The Golden Era was full of cards that had fun matches--with no titles involved--that had the audience's attention and had them enthused and excited about what they were watching. Back then, thousands and thousands of people came to the arena to see Hulk Hogan. Hulkster was the reason they were there. However, everyone knew he would come on last. Some would also have their favorites like Junkyard Dog or Hacksaw Jim Duggan--guys who had a limited move set and rarely got close to a title match, but who the fans absolutely loved. Fans would have a favorite tag team like the British Bulldogs, Demolition or Hart Foundation, who would be in the Tag Title match, or fun teams like The Rockers or The Bushwhackers who were not in the title picture as much, but had amazing entertainment value. There was a place for simple gimmick matches that fit the opponents' charcters (Ex. The Big Boss Man vs. The Mountie in a Jalihouse Match) or a match between two wrestlers that had the same finisher (Ex. Hercules vs. Billy Jack Haynes in the Battle of the Full Nelson) or a gimmick match that fit the storyline (Ex. Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Rick "The Model" Martel in a Blindfold Match) And, of course, there was an IC match that people went crazy for because of Ultimate Warrior or Tito Santana or Randy Savage. The card was put in place to entertain people while they waited for Hogan. And, as crazy as it seems these days, the fans allowed the other wrestlers to entertain them. They didn't shit on the show until Real American started and Hogan came through the curtain. Did they chant "boring" during the other matches? Did they yell "What?" like a bunch of idiots? No! They simply enjoyed the whole show and looked forward to Hulk defending his title. DEFENDING his title. For most of Hulkamania, the fans didn't see Hogan win a title. The excitement was seeing him slay the latest giant thrown at him. People were actually rooting for the title to NOT change hands...and they loved their expereince when it was over.

Having many titles lets the writers off the hook. (Wrestler A vs. Wrestler B for no reason? Ok, make it a lame title match, that's good enough.) Less titles would make the writers put thought into programs with the rest of the talent. You know why the titles were special back then? Because only the best had them. Nowadays every mediocre wrestler has some kind of strap on him at one time or another. That is the reason the titles have lost significance. I could go into a whole other rant on reasons too many PPVs and too many hours of TV a week, which require rushed storylines and illogical matchups/feuds. But, I won't. I will just be glad I was around to experience the best days of wrestling. I will also hope that another era of interest is around the corner; but, for the most part, wrestling and all that I loved about it will exist in fond memories and DVDs--and hopefully the WWE Network. I'll take a rerun of The Killer Bees vs. The Islanders at MSG from 1988 over Big Show vs. whoever for the 200th time on RAW.
This isn't boxing, and its not the UFC. Horrible idea by the OP. I could see the IC/US title becoming one title, it what you would call the IC title, enough said.
Hey, I have a great idea to satisfy everyone! Let's get rid of the us title and replace with the tv title!

Or better yet.....

WWE World Heavyweight Championship

WWE Intercontinental Championship

WWE Television Heavyweight Championship (Defended Every Night!)

WWE Tag Team Championship

WWE Womens Championship

WWE Cruiserweight Championship


WWE Jobber's Championship! (For Zack Ryder and company!)

Can I go home now? Oh, wait, I am already home!

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