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Could you kill someone?


Shawn Michaels ❤
I know looking at that, usually the first answer in someones head is no way. I mean, up until recently that was the answer I gave. However after debating about it with some friends, I realised there's a little more thinking involved. I mean, don't get me wrong I don't plan on going out on a murdering spree. I don't think I could ever kill some innocent stranger I knew nothing about.

But I was given some situations which really made me think about it. And I didn't say yes to these, but I also didn't say no because they just really made me think. These are the ones that made me think the most. In these situations, would you be able to?

If someone murdered your child, and you had the chance to kill them, would you?

If someone raped you/your wife/daughter/mother, would you be able to kill them?

Are there any other situations you'd really have to think about?
I used to think so. I train six days a week in kickboxing and jujitsu so I know how to cause damage to a human if needed (I don't like streetfights, they are pointless). I always used to say how I would kill anyone who harmed my family. One day, my brother was beat and hospitalized by two guys in Minneapolis simply because he wouldn't give them any money. They were two pretty well know thugs who hung out in the rich neighborhoods trying to rob people. When my brother got out (he is far tougher than I am) we vowed to beat these two within an inch of their lives.

We found them a few weeks later where they were doing the same thing they always do, and got in their faces. Once they shoved us we tackled them to the ground and hit them hard as their faces smashed against the pavement. I only hit the guy four times before I realized I didn't like the feeling at all. I haven't fought a streetfight since. In fact, when someone said they were going to kick my ass when I got off of work, I left out the back door and walked to a bus stop leaving my car at work eventhough I was fairly sure I could take them. Fighting, killing, any type of violence is best to avoid no matter what.
I'd love to be able to turn round and say no straight away simply because of my beliefs. however, i'm by no means perfect and there's a part of me that if put in a situation like those described, I'd like five minutes alone with the person and be allowed to bring a hard object with me.

I know that's probably not the right attitude to have, but no matter who you are, it's hard to ignore the anger and hatred you'd feel in that situation. if it came down to it, i don't think i could, even if i'd like to
Slim is right. Violence sucks. Even being on the giving end of it. Sometimes, its way worse being the person on the giving end of it. And no one here, can say if they would or wouldnt, could or couldnt. Its not something you can judge on a message board. Its different when you look into the person's eyes whose life your about to take. Its one of those things that is such an extreme, deep thing, that no one can comment on what they could do unless they were in the experience, or had experienced it before. Its not fighting, or scrapping. its TAKING A LIFE. its an entire different planet of emotions, and long term consiquences.
It's a very difficult thing to answer either way. I've been in a position where I had to make such a decision, and I couldn't bring myself to do it. Granted it wasn't the same sort of situation described above. If someone hurt one of the people I love, I really don't know what I'd do. The peopel I care about are my life, plain and simple. If someone hurt them, I don't know what I'd be capable of. Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't. It's just a hard thing to be able to commit to saying you'd do.
I think Pickins' post more of less gives the same answer everyone will (or at least should) give; which is you don't ever know untill the situation comes around.

Personally; I'd imagin not. I put up with quite alot of provocation in my adolecence without ever swinging a fist, but should some outlandish situation come around... who knows.
It's really hard to say in my present state of mind, just chilling in the Forum. If someone hurt/killed my mom or someone else I love, (I don't have kids,) I think I could.

Honestly, I've always pondered what it would be like if murder were not illegal. There have been times in my travels where I've become very, and I do mean VERY angry at someone for something. I tend to be the kind of person who gets violently angry if I witness something unjust, even if it's not happening to me. I never, ever learned to control my anger, just not RELEASE it. I still and always will get enraged, but I know enough not to act on it.

However, shit, in the exampled HBK gave, I would say that if the person who hurt my loved ones DIDN'T get the death penalty, yeah, I could kill them.

Interestingly, I've heard of MANY cases of revenge killing wherein the killer got off. More common than you think. This guy blew away some punk, monster animal fuck that raped his little boy. He did it right outside the courtroom, and a jury let him off. Good for them.

In a fit of rage I could kill, but I'm the type who regrets shit later, so I'd probably end up depressed.

Anything > Life

Life has too many absolutely, positively FUCKED UP choices to make. Better to be a dog. Eat, sleep, shit, piss, lick balls, repeat.
Yes, if the situation called on it. No to premeditated murder, dont think i would be able to plan it out and i certainly wouldnt kill anyone for money or to gain anything, i am just not violent, never been in a fight or anything like that. However If I were to do it it would probably be a heat of the moment and my or someone i cared about life was in danger.
Slim is right, violence is 99.999% not the answer
if I went off my meds long enough I don't know what would happen. I've had homicidal thoughts before when I was a child, but when I did they were usually the result of my paranoia getting the better of me. Usually I just try and block out any of those kinds of thoughts, and it only gets bad if I'm off my meds for a prolonged period of time and the thoughts just gradually build up.

While I can't say for sure if I'd actually kill someone, even if I had nothing left to lose, I can say that I would have absolutely no problem torturing someone to make them wish they were dead.
Wouldnt think twice about it if the need arose, some people do deserve to die in this world! The funny thing is that all the answers you will normally get are "I wouldnt like to say that i could but..." which to me is the standard PC answer where most people wont admit that part of them would WANT to do it let alone feel justified depending on the situation.

Every single person could kill given the right circumstances, some are just more willing than others to admit it.
If it came down to someone hurting, or fatally hurting my Family. Especially my Wife, Daughter or Parents, then I'm pretty sure I could without thinking twice.

The fact is this. I would never willingly take a life, regardless of most situations. But I also realize if everything in my world is suddenly taken from me. If the things in my life, my Daughter, my Wife, are suddenly taken from me without it being natural.. then my life would fall into a deep, dark tailspin and if they were taken by the hands of someone heartless, soulless and uncaring in general.. I'm likely sure at that point in my head I wouldn't be thinking clearly. All I'd want, would be vengeance.

The fact is, and I've said this before in another thread. You can't avenge those you love. You can't kill someone for killing those you love, it won't replace the pain, it won't bring them back. In the end, taking their life for taking yours (in theory) would be the easy way out for them. And in the end, you're left with two things.

1. Misery over losing your loved ones, and the guilt of taking a life when you know deep down its not you.

2. Spending life in prison. Because the law doesn't take into account that vengeance is justice.
Anybody is capable of killing. I could happily do it to a lot of people. But I know it's wrong so elect not to do it. Not because I'm scared of going to prison. That sounds like a cool place imo. But because I'm more concerned about what would be said about me in the papers. They would probably make mention of the tattoos and shaved head. Because everyone knows that with these features you're a bad person.

There are a couple of ways I could see me killing somebody. If anybody did anything to my daughter and possibly friends. Or if I hit somebody anjd they banged their head. Both are a possibility. If you mess with somebody I love then it serves you right. If I hit you and you somehow die then it serves you right as well, because I wouldn't hit anybody for no reason.
The only way I would be able to kill somebody is for self-defence purposes only, or to save another person's life if they are in jeopardy. I wouldn't kill for revenge, that's too quick and easy, I will torture the son of a bitch who fucked with my family or with me and make sure they regret every bad decision they ever made in their miserable life. Afterwards, I would get their ass throwed in jail where they belong.
There is no possible way I could do it. I honestly don't think I could bring myself to do it. Just the way I was brought up, although I would probably hurt someone. Something inside me says I couldn.t bring myself to do so.

Although in fairness, if the situation did come about in any way that made me out of my mind, and I had no control over what I was feeling or doing, I might lose it and kill someone. But I couldn't because I am generally too kind hearted.
I wouldn't be able to kill someone, it's too barbaric for me. If my family/friends/loved ones were harmed in some way I wouldn't want revenge. I'd just let that person suffer in jail. Not to mention, I also believe in karma and the afterlife; and a lifetime of suffering and damnation is where the person who wronged me is heading.
To be honest, even at 12 years old, I've felt like I wanted to kill someone. Shocking, yes.
Like one time, this nob nearly knocked me down the stairs at school. I glared at him, and he ran off. We've been enemies ever since. But I could never kill. I feel guilty whenever I step on a bug, so just imagining killing someone makes me feel sick.
Sorry for bumping an old thread. But I was going to make this before I found it.

Could I kill someone. Yes. Would I probably not. If it came down to someone hurting or threatening my friends or family I wouldnt think twice. I would take a bullet for them why wouldnt I also protect the any way possible. So yeah I could kill someone if it came down to that.

The real question is could I kill someone in cold blood. Now thats where I sit down and think about it. I mean yeah its wrong. Yes its taking a life. But I could do it. No questions asked. Would I though? Definitley not.
I've been thinking about this recently after seeing the one person I've always thought it'd be possible for me to kill given the opportunity. Truth is, I'd never be able to do it. This is something I worked out very recently, maybe only yesterday. But if I was so angry at someone hurting someone I know, what makes me any better for going out and killing them?

Especially when you think about the fact you probably would end up hurting innocent people, such as the persons family or friends. Some of the people who know them will not be innocent. However, there are many that will be. If your child killed someone, and then someone killed them for that crime, yes they may have deserved it, but you don't. It'd feel like you were losing your child twice.

That's the only thing I'd feel guilty for. If there was someone I hated that much who had no family/friends I don't think I'd feel guilty, as I'd just think about the reason I hated the person so much and what a better place the world is without them. But as much as I know I wouldn't feel guilty, I still don't think I'd be able to go through with it.

To sum it up, basically I don't want to be known to be as bad as the person in the first place. If I went out and murdered someone that makes me no better than someone I have all the hatred for.
Of course.. Don’t think I’m a ruthless killer or nothing.. Lol but Yeah I defiantly could - But only if they did something like : Kill one of my family members or someone who is trying to kill me, etc. But yeah I hate murderers, and I think all child molesters, rapist, and murderers should all be killed. In my opinion they don’t deserve to live (if they did one of those things).
Of course.. Don’t think I’m a ruthless killer or nothing.. Lol but Yeah I defiantly could - But only if they did something like : Kill one of my family members or someone who is trying to kill me, etc. But yeah I hate murderers, and I think all child molesters, rapist, and murderers should all be killed. In my opinion they don’t deserve to live (if they did one of those things).

Now this is going to differ from my previous post. But i have a question for you. How can killing someone, who killed someone show that killing is wrong? I mean yeah it doesnt discount what they did at all, and the should be punished for it.

Its just always bugged me that someone will always say. "Well he killed this person, or he did this to another, lets kill him." It's very hypocrititical. Again I leave you with the question. How can killing someone, who killed someone show that killing is wrong?
This topic has always made people who know me a little uneasy... Reason being is that I would honestly have no problem, given certain circumstances killing someone. I am not a violent person, and I only resort to violence if it is absolutly needed, which most of the time it's not. Under the following conditions would I kill someone......

1.) If a person is hurting my friends and family. They mean more than anything to me, and I always put them before myself. If they are in serious physical trouble due to someone trying to kill them for example... Then as far as I'm concerned your trying to kill off one of the reasons I exist, so your might as well be killed off yourself.

2.) People being cruel to animals. There actually was a story in the paper about some guy beating a 1 month old goose to death with a shovel because it was on his lawn... That's the kind of thing that really pisses me off. You have an innocent little baby goose sitting there, and some freak runs out of his house and kills it for no reason. People like that make me want to kill them. Espically when they're excuse was " It was on my property." Ok let me go on your property and come at me with a shovel... We'll see what happens...

3.) Self defense. This goes along with my number 1 reason... If someone comes to try and kill me... I'd feel like a real idiot if I didn't even try to defend myself against it... What better way then to turn the tables and get your attacker on defense...

Sorry about some of the post... Thinking about that stuff gets me kinda mad... Hopefully you folks understand where I'm coming from here... Hopefully no opinions on me change either lol...
I couldnt just randomly walk up and kill someone. i dont see the point, no matter how much someone pissed me off i couldnt kill them. But on the other hand there is some way's where i could. (most of these have probly been said already)
1. Self defense, if someone came up to me with intent to kill me i wouldnt be able to just sit back and say ok do it. i read somewhere that to be able to survive in a situiation like that you have got to want to kill him becouse he has to things to do. one being to kill you and the other is to stay alive. he is not going to stop half way through and say i give up.
2. Rape/Sexual Harrasment. if some one has tried or has raped anyone i know, i think i would be able to kill him. becouse i think that is the worst possible thing that can happen.
3. If some one has murdered a friend in cold blood, i take the What's good for the goose is good for the gander saying. I know if that was to happen i would not hesitate to go after him
The only reasons I would ever kill or attempt to kill are the following:

ANYONE who abuses/ hurts/ kills animals. Here's my perspective: Animals are innocent. They don't rob stores, break people's hearts, or kidnapp children. Basically, what I am getting at is that animals don't sin like we do. Animals don't deserve anything like that. If I was anyone near one of those people that train dogs for dog fights where they basically kill themselves, I would attack him/her.

That story of the guy who killed a goose with a shovel is truely revolting. Yesterday, me and my mom were jogging around my neighborhood in the early morning when we came across a mother duck and about 6 baby ducklings following her on the sidewalk. We were not really sure what to do because whenever we got within 10 feet of them, the mother went beserk. (or however you spell it) What scares me is that there are alot of crazy people in my neighborhood that would gladly kill them if they got on their property.

The only way that I could see someone killing an animal is if you or somebody else were getting killed by an animal. If a pitbull came running at a relative i would do what I can to save them.
Yes, I could kill someone. It all depends on the circumstances. If we are just talking about normal, everyday situations, absolutely not. However, I am prepared to take a life to protect my family from harm. I couldn't do it as retaliation for something already done, it doesn't change anything. IE, If someone killed my child, I couldn't kill them out of revenge. But, I would certainly be capable of killing them to prevent them from killing my child.
Wow. What an odd thread topic.

I will freely admit to having a really bad temper. After getting frustrated earlier today, I found myself muttering "I really want to dropkick someone in the head". Obviously, this did not happen.

However, generally (with the exception of said bad temper), I am a passive guy. I have never gotten into any physical altercations, and I doubt I ever will. As for killing, I really don't see that happening. As I said, I'm a passive guy and, although I get pissed off from time to time, nothing violent has ever transipired out of it.

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