Could WWE's 2015 roster be the best its ever had?


Pre-Show Stalwart
While watching the Network with some friends we started to talk about the best year and roster WWE has ever had and I realized that this coming year the main roster could potentially be the best its ever been. With additions from NXT like Hideo Itami, Finn Baylor, Adrian Neville, The Ascension, and Sammy Zane to the current roster, the amount of in-ring talent is unquestionably one of the best of all time (if not the best). Guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, and Cesaro moving up the card during the year also adds so much potential for fresh matchups and storylines, while potential part timers like Jericho, Batista and Lesnar can pop in and out throughout the year. I know its hard to say this group of talent will do more than say the 2000 Attitude Era roster did with mega stars like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Foley, Big Show, Taker, Kane, and its hard to see them reaching that legendary level but the potential is there if given the right opportunities.

Throw in the "fantasy booking" possibility of TNA going out of business and WWE grabbing guys like Bobby Roode, Angle, MVP, EC3, Magnus, James Storm, Hardys, and Samoa Joe and the roster has unlimited potential. I dont expect that to happen but after listening to an interview from Stone Cold noting WWE would be stupid to pass on these guys I would love to see them added to the roster.

So I guess my question to everyone is what are their thoughts on WWE's roster potential (feuds, storylines, etc) and what was/is your favorite roster/year of WWE?
It has the ability to be, but creative and Vince McMahon are the only things that can stop it from happening.

Look at Raw last night. It was a solid show, one of the better ones in recent memory. Why? Because it was heavily based on 'wrestling' and 'storytelling', something all those guys can do.
While they don't have the drawing power or character of The Rock, Steve Austin, Undertaker etc, their in-ring talents can change the business for the better and give us a quality product.
People across the internet and social media have been crying out for the new blood of guys like Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville to be called up to the main roster whilst signing guys like Adam Cole from the independents would help to buff the roster up for years to come. But just because they can sell a couple of moves well or do a few interesting tweaks on some flips doesn't mean they (collectively or singularly) have what it takes to make it in the business, let alone "improve the current roster" and inject some new life into it. They might be doing some of the best work right now but the WWE style is a completely different beast. You got to be charismatic both in the ring and behind the scenes, for one.

But, time will tell if these dudes have what it takes because even the face of the company who has reigned atop the WWE (as he should) for 10 years had to rough it out in the bottom leagues. Some of them seem "WWE ready" but honestly, until they are given the shot to go out and make a big performance, we won't truly know if the guys that they are signing and progressing through NXT will make the 2015 roster look as bright as you describe. Can't really see too far in the future objectively with what little light they have performing in gyms in front of small crowds.

Plus, who's going to realistically take John Cena's spot anyway? Dude is as popular as ever and always gets the support of the crowd. There might be boos but their wallets empty at the sight of any Cena merchandise.
Probably showing my age but I don't think any company will ever top WWF in 1992 with the main event talent of Hogan, Flair, Macho Man, Sid and Warrior with a hugely strong midcard of Bret Hart, Jake Roberts, British Bulldog, Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase, Roddy Piper, Kerry Von Erich. They also tag teams like Legion of Doom, Nasty Boys and the Rockers in the mix, new acts like Undertaker, Tatanka and Owen Hart and guys like Bossman, Slaughter, Earthquake and Rick Martell who were respected names.

Only one I'd consider a challenge to them are WCW in 1997. Hogan, Nash, Hall, Flair, Sting and the Giant mixed in with tag teams like the Steiners, Harlem Heat and the Nasty Boys as well as upcoming stars like Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, DDP, Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio and loads more.

WWE today just doesn't compare. Only serious main event stars they have are John Cena, Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan.
No way; the best talent WWF has ever had at one time was in 1991 or 1999 during the Golden Era or the Attitude Era.

I would say that in-ring talent the best time was 1991 as a roster, and for the promo guys; 1999.

1991 - WWF had Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Ted Dibease, Bret hart, Shawn Michaels, Marty janetty, Owen hart, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, Jake the snake, Undertaker, Bulldog, Rick Martell, Tito Santana/El matidor, LOD, Mr Perfect, nasty boys, Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper.

1999 - had some big time good workers starting out like Edge, Kurt Angle, Christian, Hardys, Y2J, HHH (he didnt get good til 1999), and some established main eventers already like Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker and Mick Foley.

But the truth is - when I think of 1999; and those wrestlers; I think of how good they were that year on the mic. not in the ring.
Probably showing my age but I don't think any company will ever top WWF in 1992 with the main event talent of Hogan, Flair, Macho Man, Sid and Warrior with a hugely strong midcard of Bret Hart, Jake Roberts, British Bulldog, Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase, Roddy Piper, Kerry Von Erich. They also tag teams like Legion of Doom, Nasty Boys and the Rockers in the mix, new acts like Undertaker, Tatanka and Owen Hart and guys like Bossman, Slaughter, Earthquake and Rick Martell who were respected names.

Only one I'd consider a challenge to them are WCW in 1997. Hogan, Nash, Hall, Flair, Sting and the Giant mixed in with tag teams like the Steiners, Harlem Heat and the Nasty Boys as well as upcoming stars like Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, DDP, Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio and loads more.

WWE today just doesn't compare. Only serious main event stars they have are John Cena, Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan.

I'd have to agree with this. Today's roster can't hold a candle to the roster of the early 1990's both in name recognition and depth of talent. Almost every wrestler from that era was a well known name that still stands the test of time today.

If you listen to interviews with today's superstars, the people they looked up too and the ones who influenced them the most, are on those rosters. Today's doesn't even begin to compare.
While watching the Network with some friends we started to talk about the best year and roster WWE has ever had and I realized that this coming year the main roster could potentially be the best its ever been. With additions from NXT like Hideo Itami, Finn Baylor, Adrian Neville, The Ascension, and Sammy Zane to the current roster, the amount of in-ring talent is unquestionably one of the best of all time (if not the best). Guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, and Cesaro moving up the card during the year also adds so much potential for fresh matchups and storylines, while potential part timers like Jericho, Batista and Lesnar can pop in and out throughout the year. I know its hard to say this group of talent will do more than say the 2000 Attitude Era roster did with mega stars like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Foley, Big Show, Taker, Kane, and its hard to see them reaching that legendary level but the potential is there if given the right opportunities.

Throw in the "fantasy booking" possibility of TNA going out of business and WWE grabbing guys like Bobby Roode, Angle, MVP, EC3, Magnus, James Storm, Hardys, and Samoa Joe and the roster has unlimited potential. I dont expect that to happen but after listening to an interview from Stone Cold noting WWE would be stupid to pass on these guys I would love to see them added to the roster (also kinda hoping they actually have Zayn and Steen teaming up or feuding before bringing any of them up).

So I guess my question to everyone is what are their thoughts on WWE's roster potential (feuds, storylines, etc) and what was/is your favorite roster/year of WWE?

Yeah the roster looks a lot better than a couple of years a go. Altought I doubt they'll bring many guys from NXT up yet. Or at least I hope so, since NXT is currently the best WWE show and without signing more talent I wouldn't deprive it of its stars.

Personally my favorithe was the roster throught the ruthless aggression era, when the brand split still helped pushing more great workers (rather than putting the belt on useless people like in the PG era).
As mentioned by another roster, the potential for a very good roster for the first time in a long time is there.

Now, it is all on Vince and Creative to make the best use of what they have. Yesterday night's RAW was the best in quite a while, and that was due to the fact that it was done in a way that focused on multiple superstars, rather than just have Ambrose and Cena running after Rollins the entire show.
No way in hell!!! Not even a small chance. AE, Ruthless Aggression, and Golden Era all had far better rosters. This roster isnt even good enough to have two top guys in a long feud because Cena has no peers at the moment and our champ is a part timer. This maybe the best midcard ever but the lack of true main eventers, tag teams, and divas that people actually care about will hurt this roster.
How are you judging "the best roster", on raw "talent", potential, drawing power, proven success?

Rosters at different times have played to different strengths so it's hard to say one was definitely "better".

Take August 1991 - That roster was arguably the strongest of all time in it's mixture of all the above.

Main Event
Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Slaughter, Iron Sheik (4 of the last 5 WWF Champs)
Ric Flair (Former NWA World Champ)
Sid Justice & The Undertaker
Ted DiBiase

Ricky Steamboat, Kerry Von Erich (Former NWA World Champions)
Rick Martel, Curt Hennig (Former AWA World Champions)
Bret Hart
Davey Boy Smith
Jake Roberts
Jacques Rougeau
Big Bossman
Legion of Doom (former NWA and AWA World Champs)
Nasty Boys
Mike Rotunda/IRS
Tito Santana (former IC Champ)
Jim Duggan

Lower Mid
The Warlord
The Barbarian
Skinner/Steve Keirn (Multi time NWA Tag Champ)
The Rockers (Former AWA Tag Champs)
The Bushwhackers
Power & Glory

Brooklyn Brawler
Jim Powers
Koko B. Ware
Orient Express/Bad Company (Former AWA World Tag Champs)
Big Bully Busick
John Nord/The Berserker
Beverly Brothers/Wrecking Crew (Former AWA World Tag Champs)

Throughout that roster there was proven, successful talent that had drawn in their own areas. Even a team like Paul Diamond/Kato and Tanaka, while jobbers in the WWF were in fact a storied, well drawing tag team in their previous incarnation and it showed in their work. They were bottom of the card, but never acted like it. You had hungry new talent embarking on their first national pushes like The Undertaker, Bret Hart, Davey Boy and Sid and proven, bankable talent throughout the midcard and bolstering the main event scene. Sheik was horrid in the ring by then but his role was important, like wise someone like Ric Flair was coming into a place where several of his best known opponents from the NWA were...Steamboat, Piper, Von Erich.

A lot of that talent started to disappear after Summerslam that year... some like Warrior through more sinister reasons but guys like Greg Valentine, the Barbarian and Jimmy Snuka were jettisoned as they had outlived their purpose and new talent came in to replace them...indeed one year later Razor Ramon, Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Tatanka, Crush and Papa Shango had taken their place.

The difference with today or 2015's Roster is more that all the "success" is WWE created except for these guys coming in now...this last crop like Steen/KENTA and Devitt are going to be the very last to have major "achievements" outside of a WWE system. List out that roster like I have above and only a few will stand out as having unique or "real" achievments... there rest will be stupidly high numbers of WWE title reigns etc... There are no actual former WCW champions left other than potentially Sting so it's hard to judge today's crop against the 1991 crop... guys like Ziggler have been a champ but didn't draw to the level even a Kerry Von Erich did with his 3 week reign and all of Orton's 12 reigns don't mean as much as Ricky Steamboats one in terms of real merit or experience... it just shows guys know how to play the WWE game better than others.

That 1991 roster needs far more credit than today's... it was STACKED with real talent, it drew and it was memorable... even the lowest guys had a feud...even someone like The Rockers who never actually "made it" were memorable. Look at those names again and how many are now the legends that surpassed the guys at the top... Bret, Shawn, Taker... that roster was loaded with potential and achieved it... BUT it set the template and WWE has nearly to a man, slavishly followed that ever since, which condemns so many talents to faliure cos they didn't get over cos of that... they made it cos of an enforced change and working with all that great talent above them... Shawn learned from losing to Flair all those times as half of the Rockers...

Austin and the like only made it cos of another enforced change when the company was headed to the wall...

You'd like to think the new recruits will get the same chance... but they won't... WWE isn't capable of it unless they are dragged kicking and screaming, in this case either by the SEC investigation taking Vince out the picture or fate intervening. They have the tools now and the talent... not sure they have the will to let this be the best roster ever.
The roster most certainly has a high amount of talent. 2015 may possibly feature the most athletically talented roster in a while. And a lot of the roster members whale the talent to be great characters as well. All that holds them back is how they're presented. If Vince does't let them have a good storyline, than no talent will get over. I don't know why, but for some reason the WWE just doesn't put out a good product for no reason. I just don't get how they can mess everything up. And from what I've heard, everything goes through Vince. As far as I know, he's the problem. The writers are supper scrutinized, and we hear all the time how Vince orders RAW re-writes. So until Vince McMahon gives the creative staff and the talent room to breath and do their own thing, it don't matter how talented the roster is, it'll look like crap.
There is definitely a strong argument to be made that it is. Ever since WWE started grabbing top guys from the Indies, and ROH the roster has gotten better and better. I'd say from a wrestling ability standpoint WWE's roster has never been better. However it all falls on whether or not the guys can master their character, and charisma skills, and if WWE creative can put the right pieces in the right places.
How are you judging "the best roster", on raw "talent", potential, drawing power, proven success?

Rosters at different times have played to different strengths so it's hard to say one was definitely "better".

Take August 1991 - That roster was arguably the strongest of all time in it's mixture of all the above.

Main Event
Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Slaughter, Iron Sheik (4 of the last 5 WWF Champs)
Ric Flair (Former NWA World Champ)
Sid Justice & The Undertaker
Ted DiBiase

Ricky Steamboat, Kerry Von Erich (Former NWA World Champions)
Rick Martel, Curt Hennig (Former AWA World Champions)
Bret Hart
Davey Boy Smith
Jake Roberts
Jacques Rougeau
Big Bossman
Legion of Doom (former NWA and AWA World Champs)
Nasty Boys
Mike Rotunda/IRS
Tito Santana (former IC Champ)
Jim Duggan

Lower Mid
The Warlord
The Barbarian
Skinner/Steve Keirn (Multi time NWA Tag Champ)
The Rockers (Former AWA Tag Champs)
The Bushwhackers
Power & Glory

Brooklyn Brawler
Jim Powers
Koko B. Ware
Orient Express/Bad Company (Former AWA World Tag Champs)
Big Bully Busick
John Nord/The Berserker
Beverly Brothers/Wrecking Crew (Former AWA World Tag Champs)

Throughout that roster there was proven, successful talent that had drawn in their own areas. Even a team like Paul Diamond/Kato and Tanaka, while jobbers in the WWF were in fact a storied, well drawing tag team in their previous incarnation and it showed in their work. They were bottom of the card, but never acted like it. You had hungry new talent embarking on their first national pushes like The Undertaker, Bret Hart, Davey Boy and Sid and proven, bankable talent throughout the midcard and bolstering the main event scene. Sheik was horrid in the ring by then but his role was important, like wise someone like Ric Flair was coming into a place where several of his best known opponents from the NWA were...Steamboat, Piper, Von Erich.

A lot of that talent started to disappear after Summerslam that year... some like Warrior through more sinister reasons but guys like Greg Valentine, the Barbarian and Jimmy Snuka were jettisoned as they had outlived their purpose and new talent came in to replace them...indeed one year later Razor Ramon, Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Tatanka, Crush and Papa Shango had taken their place.

The difference with today or 2015's Roster is more that all the "success" is WWE created except for these guys coming in now...this last crop like Steen/KENTA and Devitt are going to be the very last to have major "achievements" outside of a WWE system. List out that roster like I have above and only a few will stand out as having unique or "real" achievments... there rest will be stupidly high numbers of WWE title reigns etc... There are no actual former WCW champions left other than potentially Sting so it's hard to judge today's crop against the 1991 crop... guys like Ziggler have been a champ but didn't draw to the level even a Kerry Von Erich did with his 3 week reign and all of Orton's 12 reigns don't mean as much as Ricky Steamboats one in terms of real merit or experience... it just shows guys know how to play the WWE game better than others.

That 1991 roster needs far more credit than today's... it was STACKED with real talent, it drew and it was memorable... even the lowest guys had a feud...even someone like The Rockers who never actually "made it" were memorable. Look at those names again and how many are now the legends that surpassed the guys at the top... Bret, Shawn, Taker... that roster was loaded with potential and achieved it... BUT it set the template and WWE has nearly to a man, slavishly followed that ever since, which condemns so many talents to faliure cos they didn't get over cos of that... they made it cos of an enforced change and working with all that great talent above them... Shawn learned from losing to Flair all those times as half of the Rockers...

Austin and the like only made it cos of another enforced change when the company was headed to the wall...

You'd like to think the new recruits will get the same chance... but they won't... WWE isn't capable of it unless they are dragged kicking and screaming, in this case either by the SEC investigation taking Vince out the picture or fate intervening. They have the tools now and the talent... not sure they have the will to let this be the best roster ever.

They have the tools and the talent? What freakin talent? WWE is full of midcarders at best.

Rock, HHH, Austin, Taker, Mankind, Jericho....that is all the same era and there is nobody on the entire roster, besides Cena, that is anywhere near those guys talent wise. Not to mention the amazing Tag team division that the AE had. This question is a joke imo. I dont understand how anyone is even taking this seriously.
We have a World Champion that is part-time and a tag-team division that consists of 3 or 4 tag-teams that aren't that good.

So no it's not the best roster, and in fact I would say it's far from it. We're already hearing rumours that WrestleMania will again be dominated that top of the card by 'returning legends'.

On thing the current roster has is potential.

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