Could this hurt WWE in the future


Dark Match Jobber
i was thinking about the new commericials im saw where your tv could hook up with the internet and you can watch on the web from your tv with got me thinking would it hurt vince and wwe if anonther promotion decides to put a show on monday on the web and wrestling fan decide to watch that show beacuse they
think its better that raw or smackdown.
As Gorilla Monsoon would say, highly unlikely. TNA moved to Monday night last year and that was a failure. What promotion do you suggest will be a threat? Do you really think Raw will suffer if some third rate promotion in New Jersey decides to broadcast their shows from a high school gym over the internet? If TNA hasn't been a threat to WWE with Hogan, Flair, Angle, RVD, Hardy, and other well known wrestlers I don't think a promotion that doesn't even have a network deal will be an issue.
Agree with the Brain. No other product right now can stand toe-to-toe with RAW. TNA is the 2nd biggest wrestling promotion and didn't put a nick on WWE's numbers when they went to Monday nights despite gearing up and fitting all the names they possibly could on the show. Plus they had a TV deal..

Also I would have to think that a show on the internet would be pre-taped. Why would they go through the expense of a live show if they don't even have a tv deal? So if someone really wanted to watch it they could at anytime.

Also most WWE fans would not even be made aware of such a show, or where to access it. Where would they see it advertised? Certainly not on a tv commercial.
Honestly, not anymore than the concept is already hurting them. As a matter of fact, I watched the Royal Rumble with a internet hook-up.

Their numbers are already dipping and that has a lot to do with; booking, the characters, etc. However, it has a lot to do with illegal connections and internet streams in particular.

It's something they will never be able to completely stop and will undoubtedly stop them from ever reaching the heights it once reached. Still, there are ways they can clean this up to an extent.

Eventually, what they have to hope for is a way of broadcasting that is harder to steal, essentially.

As far as another company finding a way to capitalize of off this. Not likely.

This company would need enough money to advertise their arrival and get as many viewers as possible. However, unless the company is backed by multi-millionaires, they'd be at a loss for money, because initially, they'd have no advertisement. They'd also reach less viewers initially, and would have to charge less for their advertisement. This would create a problem when trying to pay off the workers, which would mean they'd have less high-profile workers.

So, it's unlikely.
If WCW couldn't do...nobody can.
Now, I realize how ridiculous that statement is. For one, WCW was rocking the WWE for months at a time in ratings. Their product was far superior, and they came really close to over-taking the giant. If it weren't for business deals, some dirty politics, and...well...everyone knows the story. WCW almost did it. But WWE is the only relevant wrestling promotion in 2011 (Don't judge me TNA fans, I spend more time than most fans watching their product too). WCW would do it. ECW couldn't do. TNA surely won't do it. ROH doesn't want too, they're content with their product and I'm happy about that. But WHATEVER the reasons, nobody HAS hurt the WWE in the long run. If anything the competition has made the product better when it's been present.
Also, the only people who are likely to watch an online wrestling show are the same people likely to be watching Raw on streams or with torrents. It's not a bad thing, it just is what it is. Even if those people "jumped ship" to watch this new product, they'll still be watching Raw one way or the other.
i was thinking about the new commericials im saw where your tv could hook up with the internet and you can watch on the web from your tv with got me thinking would it hurt vince and wwe if anonther promotion decides to put a show on monday on the web and wrestling fan decide to watch that show beacuse they
think its better that raw or smackdown.

First thing: Dude, learn to use a freaking period and capital letters. I mean, I know I'm not the best poster in the world but come on.

Now to answer your questiong, I say no! Nothing on the planet could hurt the WWE unless John Cena, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, The Miz, and other big stars either die or quit wrestling all together. Then the WWE might be hurt for a few months until they grow other talent from FCW and other companies.
First thing: Dude, learn to use a freaking period and capital letters. I mean, I know I'm not the best poster in the world but come on.

THANK YOU. I was waiting for someone to say that. Jesus Christ.

And yes, this isn't even a debate. If actual promotions like TNA and WCW couldn't beat the WWE, do you think some backyard wrestlers can? I'm thinking this guy is just screwing around.

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