Could this be a good idea for the Three Brands?


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Its only a suggestion, but What if the WWE changed the shows into a different manner?

Like RAW would still become the Flagship show, and would probably contain all M.E & Veterans(HHH, HBK, Taker, Batista, Show, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Christian, MVP, Kane, etc) and Smackdown would be the brand to replace ECW as the showsfor the young & the Up/Comers (Morrison, Swagger, Hawkins & Ryder, Matt/Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Kofi, Miz, Shelton, and Edge, although a ME now, would be the one to carry the brand somehow), while the WWE would allow ECW to be the only PG-15 or 13 Brand so that we can at least have a show with a bit more edgy wrestling and Extreme Rules with a few up and comers/veterans mixed (Dreamer, Mysterio, Hart Dynasty, Jimmy Wang Yang, Mark Henry, Finlay, Regal)

What do you guys think? It this one better or are we satisfied with the product we have currently?
yeah sounds good better than what we have now. i would make Raw the flagship show base the heavyweights belt there the main event guys on raw smackdown i would base the tag belts there and have the womans champ and have few up and coming guys as well ecw needs to back to old school extreame matches base it round up and coming suoerstars there and bring back the cruiserweight or have a x divison type belt
I think I may have said this on another thread, but putting all of your money makers on Raw will only hurt Smackdown and ECW. The ratings would then be one – sided. It’s internal competition created by Vince and it’s basically his only hope for right now in terms of putting out multiple shows. If, let’s say they do this and put the World Titles on one show, in this case Raw. Who would want to watch a 2 hour Mid – Card show with only Mid – Carders. I think the Stars, as far as what level, should be even for Raw and Smackdown. You don’t want to make Smackdown look like the WWE minor league, by any means whatsoever. That’s the “beauty” of ECW. They were always a step below the WWE and WCW, and in today’s world, the WWE wants everyone to think Raw is WWE and Smackdown is, well, WCW, or to put it in better terms, their version of competition. ECW is a third option, but you don't want it to be too different. The formula works and is still running today. Paul's ECW is nowhere to be found and for a reason, I might add. My idea suggests Raw having the WWE and Women’s Title, Smackdown having the World and Diva’s Title, ECW having the ECW and Tag Titles, and Superstars having the Intercontinental and United States Titles. (Oh and give ECW and Superstars another hour)
I've always thought pretty much this exact idea was the best route to go as it would give an "identity" to each brand and actually make cross-over matches, WWE-wide storylines and the transition of a superstar from one brand on another really impactful and special. Also, it would be like they are competing with eachother and bump TNA down to like the number 4 wrestling promotion in States which just makes sound business sense...
The problem with having all the midcarder's on one show is they can't get over with the crowd by having top stars to face. So when they do end up on the Prime show, they aren't over and shouldn't be expected to beat SUPERSTAR A. Having Top stars on both shows helps.

Look at MVP. He was on SD, built himself up, was built up as legit, came to RAW and had a short "feud" with Randy Orton, and people bought it. They would run into a similar problem they have now with the Miz, as everyone would be appearing to do what the Miz is doing. The difference is the Miz can pull it off.

That's what ECW is for now in a way. To build up guys, to get them over guys like Finlay, Mark Henry, ect. WWE has built Henry up, and Henry continues to ride the wave of his feud with Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22. They build him up at legit to challenge the Undertaker. And every once in a while, they'll give him the ECW strap to not make him look too cheap.
I'll be honest, I have heard the idea before and I still hate it. At least you aren't bitching just to bitch. The truth is, we wont be getting any edgy storylines anymore, so just drop it. There is nothing wrong with the current rosters on Smackdown and ECW. There would be absolutely no benefit to this, other than oversaturating the already oversaturated Raw roster. So I'd say no, this is not a good idea.
Its only a suggestion, but What if the WWE changed the shows into a different manner?

Alright, let's see what's up.

Like RAW would still become the Flagship show, and would probably contain all M.E & Veterans(HHH, HBK, Taker, Batista, Show, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Christian, MVP, Kane, etc)

Only problem is, you're stacking this show with all the heavyweights, so guess what? All of your ratings are going to go to Raw. No one is going to watch ECW or Smackdown if they can just watch Raw and see all of their favorites there.

Smackdown would be the brand to replace ECW as the showsfor the young & the Up/Comers (Morrison, Swagger, Hawkins & Ryder, Matt/Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Kofi, Miz, Shelton, and Edge, although a ME now, would be the one to carry the brand somehow),

So, a mid-card show? This is what ECW is now. Seriously. Look at any of the ECW wrestlers and tell me with a straight-face they could main-event a PPV and get the buys Cena or Triple H could. And no, Christian could not.

ECW to be the only PG-15 or 13 Brand so that we can at least have a show with a bit more edgy wrestling and Extreme Rules with a few up and comers/veterans mixed (Dreamer, Mysterio, Hart Dynasty, Jimmy Wang Yang, Mark Henry, Finlay, Regal)

A comedy wrestling show is going to result in a horrible, horrible death. Thing is, people like comedy segments. But they don't like a comedy wrestling show. Make an hour worth of Santino flopping around and Goldust wrestling/babysitting Hornswoggle and ECW is going to die a horrible, yet relatively quick, death.

What do you guys think? It this one better or are we satisfied with the product we have currently?

Honestly, I'm satisfied with today's product. Except for Orton. But that's beside the point.

I think the ratings are evenly split as of today, or as evenly split as they can be with Smackdown on MyNetwork TV and losing some of their audience and ECW with a mid-card main-event.

Splitting it up as you have results in one show with all the ratings, Smackdown the new ECW, and ECW dead. Good showing though. And that's not being condescending or anything. At least you're trying to find a solution instead of whining because someone isn't having sex on your tv every time you switch to Raw.
I like you're idea, but how about if WWE did away withe brand split, and have one world champion, one IC/US Champion, one women's champion, and keep the ECW belt (for that show only) now have RAW/Smackdown used where wrestlers can go each week, and wrestlers can only be on one show per week (minus PPV's) have ECW as it's own entities, it's got a small roster at present but add a few more wrestlers and veteran or two to the mix, and use that show to as it is at the moment to build up the younger guys.

RAW have that as the flagship show (since it's live) revert back to the attitude era days of booking surprise swerves etc, have that the more edgy show, hell bring back the hardcore title to give RAW that different kind of match rather then have No DQ, Cage matches etc also split the main eventers up, give Smackdown the Undertaker, Batista, John Cena and have RAW the more edgy show with Edge, Jeff Hardy Triple H.

and Smackdown let that be the more PG like show, after all it's taped so they're isn't much eleminte of surprise and I've seen WWE announce title changes on their website the same Tuesday night it's been taped so have that show the more family friendly, and RAW the more 18-34 friendly, and ECW give it a mix of both, have the ECW title match be conducted in extreme rules matches (if they don't bring back the hardcore title) and have the fun comedy side promos and the attitude style matches.
ECW and Smackdown would definitely be hurt by that. Basically, you're putting all the main eventers on one brand and stuffing all the up and new comers on another, and some Veterans on another. Basically there would only be no reason to watch anything but RAW.

The Product today needs some work, because the PG ratings aren't helping us enjoy it more. They might want to send some main eventers over to Smackdown in my opinion, that would help it out.
To many big head would bump on RAW if you put all the vets on the show. This would also result in the two other shows lacking the star power that generates ratings.

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