Could this actually be Game Over?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
It's now been a total of four pay per views and the game has still yet to make his grand return... even more of a shocker is that he didn't do it at SummerSlam (which seems to be HHH's return home)... And not only that, but the end of the Irish Era has come which means that rumors of HHH being the man to stop his reign are not put out of the window...

So here's my question... could the Game be out of the WWE for good in terms of an in-ring competitor now that HBK (HHH's recent shoulder to lean on) has retired?

In my opinion, I think this is exactly the best way to get HHH out of the WWE picture but keep him recognized. Yes, he got the big win over Sheamus twice in a row, but the fact is that could've been how HHH wanted to leave. It doesn't take a man winning a match to get the torched passed down to him, and let's face it, that rivalry only put Sheamus in line as a top contender.

Could HHH's feud with Sheamus be not only done, but the last we see of the game?

And if so, how do you think this would affect Raw in the long run?
If HHH does come back in the ring, it won't be for very long. I would love to see HHH do a few more years, but in reality that probably will not happen. Especially since his new promotion within the Company.

HHH will be back, but at what capacity? It would be a great angle to bring him back as a managing leader of another group to feud with Nexxus. Something along the lines of the Four Horsemen or Evolution. HHH in more of a JJ Dillon role with more "hands on" interference. But the current PG role WWE is taking would not really allow a decent feud to play out.

HHH was one guy that quite frankly I don't think anybody felt "had the Championship too long". He always raised the bar each time he was in the ring. Again, I would like to see him in the ring again but I just don't think it will ever be at the capacity that HHH is capable of.
Absolutely not.. No way in hell is Triple H done wrestling. You gotta remember the guy had bicep surgery I believe in July and it was reported that he would be back around October, November, December. Also if Triple H was really done which he isn't he would of got a big send-off, not him being taken out on a stretcher. When Triple H comes back I think he will undoubtedly feud with Sheamus for a while and then turn heel. So far there has been no affect on Raw with Triple H out in fact some people will tell you their enjoying Raw alot more without The Game.
well put 16mikey.... everyone seems to forget that he had bicep surgery a few months ago... i cant remember who it was but a big star back a few years ago .. but they were out for 7 months then... i look for Trips if he isnt the gm to be back around Royal Rumble time...and to start wrestling a schedule similar to Takers or HBK's...
I think he's going to come back at the rumble just like Cena and Edge did to win it and with this he will challenge for the belt at Wrestle Mania. If not I wouldn't be surprised for him to be the mystery GM
Absolutely not.. No way in hell is Triple H done wrestling. You gotta remember the guy had bicep surgery I believe in July and it was reported that he would be back around October, November, December. Also if Triple H was really done which he isn't he would of got a big send-off, not him being taken out on a stretcher. When Triple H comes back I think he will undoubtedly feud with Sheamus for a while and then turn heel. So far there has been no affect on Raw with Triple H out in fact some people will tell you their enjoying Raw alot more without The Game.

I agree HHH is not done wrestling. He still has a few years left in him and he will turn hell after the feud with Sheamus since hes been whating to turn hell for awhile now.
I doubt if Triple H is out of the WWE, but he may be retiring from wrestling, at least for a time. Let's face it, everybody's body wears out eventually and a wrestler's body probably wears out at twice or three times the rate. Just look at all the young deaths among professional wrestlers. He may just decide he'd rather enjoy what time he's got left with his wife and kids. That being said, he's still the boss' son in law and very active in the business end of the WWE in that capacity. So it's unlikely he'll go away completely.

I think he'll be returning to T.V., but only fighting on rare occasions and instead be a sideline personality. On that note, we still don't know who the mystery GM is that keeps sending these e-mails. Could it be that the game is not as far away as we might think? Hmmm...
He'll be back. I just wonder how. Will it be a full face turn like he does EVERY time he returns or could he return as the super hated Cerebral Assassin that wrestling fans loved to hate. The whole face HHH has gotten stale over the years and with the almost certain loss of Jericho, arguably Raw's best heel, a heel HHH might be the right move. Hell, what I am I saying, OF COURSE its the right move. I could see HHH coming back in a future PPV aligning himself with Sheamus out of respect for him. We've seen many wrestlers take this route before and I think it would be a great way to put Sheamus over even more. Everyone already knows how high on Sheamus, HHH is.
See, the thing to remember is HHH will NEVER not be an Onscreen character. Even once Vince is gone, they're going to need the "Boss" to come around from time to time. That will be HHH. Is his wrestling career over? No. I think he's got a year or 2 left in him. He'll go out at a WM, just like some of the others have.
The original plan was for Triple H to come back at "Summerslam" (he had taken time off to film a movie). However, apparently he injured himself on the movie set, and was put out for another six months.

I think that he is not due back until end of 2010, start of 2011.

Triple H will always be a part of WWE. When he no longer wrestles, I could see him working with the company as long as Stephanie is working in WWE (or as long as they are married). Maybe they will give Triple H a TV presence by making him a permanent Raw GM or something.

If Triple H IS finished, maybe they should introduce him to the GM role by revealing that he is the internet GM who sends Michael Cole the e-mails.
Some of you guys don't realise that torn muscles take a long time to recover from. It can take up to 6 months before you're back to "normal." And then you have to figure he needs to get back in to shape (I'm guessing they probably won't be testing him for the wellness policy while he's on the IR so he can be doing the Jose Canseco training program to get back in to shape).

So I could imagine HHH might not even return until the Rumble. But I know he'll always be involved with wrestling. In fact, I dare say we'll be seeing him wrestle in to his 60's. Just like Natch.
There is absoolutely zero chance of that being true. There is no way someone like HHH, one of the biggest names ever, is just going to randomly dissapare from WWE TV and not come back. When/If HHH decides to retire he is going to get some form of a send off, a chance to say good bye. The reason we havent seen him return yet is because he is still recovering from his injury, he will be back eventually and when he is he will most likely fued with Sheamus.
I think now that Sheamus doesn't have the belt, it's a good time for HHH to return, simply because we don't need a clusterfuck of guys all chasing the belt at once.

-The Miz, assuming he'll cash in the MitB soon
-Randy Orton
-John Cena

All of these guys would be in the same exact feud. With Sheamus out of the title picture, HHH can come back, and they can devote some more weekly air time to this feud, rather than have some meaningless matches weekly until every big name on the roster hits the screen at once, come 11:03 PM, and stays there for 5 minutes.
Well, considering Triple H himself has been quoted numerous times stating he will not be returning to in ring competition until December, it has not been too shocking at all. Triple H will no doubt return at Survivor Series in some capacity, but due to his injury rehab, the birth of his third child, the two back to back movies he filmed and the fact he wanted to really get Sheamus over by selling his storyline absense for so long, it has all gone according to plan.
No, Triple H is not done, and I'm not expecting him back till December at the latest, I have no idea what the fuss is about. Anyways, I'm a Triple H mark, but I think he needs to come back as a heel, that's when he's at his best. Not bad as a face, but I'm kind of happy Sheamus didn't retain since now we won't see HHH-Sheamus, it'll make HHH a face, i'm hoping for a return as a heel, they rarely ever do this, especially with triple h.

I don't see him being done with wrestling in ring yet, plus he's always had some say backstage so it's not a big change, just now it's official. Even if Triple H was done with the ring, we'll see him at some capacity. I think Triple H is going to be around till death.
Tbh I wanna see Game as GM... lol and occasionally pedigree some idiots for the hell of it.

Triple H will return but he is actually injured... you dont expect someone to return from a seemingly horrendous injury in like 3-4months. I put my money on him returning and then who ever is GM atm stays as GM till they do something to annoy the fans. Then the Game actually returns in like a big PPV like err Wrestlemania =] and pedigrees the GM and takes spot as top dog *... GM* of RAW.
Triple H needs to come back to Raw.

Mainly because I won’t accept the final picture of Triple H on WWE programming as him removed on a stretcher. To me, that is not what Triple H was about and it after all he has done for the WWE he definitely deserves more than that.

With that in mind, I doubt he will be off of our TV’s for too long. Let’s not forget that Triple H has made his name in Hell In A Cell matches before and I could definitely see him returning at Hell In A Cell in a couple of weeks… Depending on the matches that are announced.

Either way, Triple H won’t allow himself to go out that way and it might be a good thing. This feud with Sheamus needs to be resolved first and foremost and I would love to see him play a heel one last time. When he does return and he will, I would love to see him stay around in some capacity, even if it is not for his in-ring work. Being the Raw GM could definitely work.
Everyone saying that HHH is too big to not get a send off needs to look at how The Rock left. He put over Lesnar and slowly but surely faded out of the WWE... Who's to say that HHH won't do the same?

As for the injury, I realize he was injured on the movie set but even still, knowing HHH, he would've been back by now in some form or another... hell, he could've even been seen riding down in a wheel chair at NOC last night just to cost Sheamus the title, but he didn't...

Now I also know that Triple H would never fully step away from the ring as it's the only thing he really knows how to do... but I do know that at some point he's gotta think about his three kids. Him as a wrestler puts him on the road a lot more than him as a GM or maybe even an authority figure would do. And because of that, I would say that Triple H would rather spend more time with his three kids and that beautiful MILF he has for a wife.

So like I asked before, in terms of an in-ring competitor how far along is it before his game ends?
For all the criticism HHH has received from Internet forums about putting the title belt on himself too much, I think he's been terrific about not doing that in the past few years. Even as the boss's son-in-law, HHH has recognized that he's getting older and that it's in the best interests of the organization to let the younger stars take over. Then, he proved it by having Sheamus go over him in a big way.

Sure, the man will be coming back as an active wrestler for a few more years, but I think he and the creative team will be smart enough to keep HHH in the title picture but keep the belt off him, except possibly for a transition run that lasts a very short time.

Call him selfish if you want, but watch him when he gets back. He'll be putting over younger talent and using his still-considerable ring skills to strengthen the company.

He's still The Game.
The Game will return for sure but not at PPV....whan nobody expect he will return and it will be just another normal regulan monday can bet on that...
Is Triple H done wrestling?


The Game will get back in the ring, and will soon be once again sitting on top of the mountain, with the World Heavyweight Title strapped around his waist. With his influence in the company, Triple H will be the man to eventually equal/or beat Ric Flairs record of 16 title reigns in my mind.

He will come back to an almighty pop, but I think that WWE need a mega-heel Triple H, he has been face for a long time now, and with Orton turning face and Y2J leaving, the time is right for the evil Game to return, and go 1-on-1 with Orton for the title in a no holds barred match at Wrestlemania!
not a chance your talking about an icon bowing out at a minor stage with no type of send off... he is one of the all time great with a few years left no way will he walk away now that the nexus has emerged and orton is face and the miz is becoming a big timer... there is space for hhh
Could HHH's feud with Sheamus be not only done, but the last we see of the game?
Na...we will see this feud close..Seen as he has a new role in the WWE, he will certainly be taking more time off, and have a more relaxed schedule!

And if so, how do you think this would affect Raw in the long run?
Raw has been doing JUST FINE!! I do miss seeing him wrestle, im sure most do..but with the other young stars coming up fast, it'll be oryt!
not a chance your talking about an icon bowing out at a minor stage with no type of send off... he is one of the all time great with a few years left no way will he walk away now that the nexus has emerged and orton is face and the miz is becoming a big timer... there is space for hhh

And it's apparent that you have never watched wrestling before 2005... The Rock was sent off that way when he put over Brock Lesnar and The Rock was WWE's bread and butter at the time... If he can do it, then I see nothing wrong with Triple H doing it... In fact, I've read in places that he'd rather have the send off similar to the rock's than the one to HBK or Flair.

And seriously, we know HHH will be back soon but again how soon and for how much longer?
Triple H will be back, no doubt. And he will further his feud with Sheamus.
What I'd like to see is Sheamus beating Triple H CLEAN in a match that ends the feud, so he can stay in the upper card level, without people thinking he doesn't belong there.

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