Could the PG Era produce another Stone Cold?


Turn Bayley heel
While I don't think it is terminal as some, there is no question that the WWE right now is relatively tame to what it has been in the past, and to the entertainment industry too.

The product is very similar to wrestling in 1995, only without people dressing up quite as much. In 1996 the nWo formed and Stone Cold cut his 3:16 promo, instantly pushing both WCW and WWF to hitherto unheard of levels of popularity.

We are presented with a similar situation now to what WWF faced in the beginning 1996: a tame product that wasn't as edgy as its rival. So what I am asking is, when the time comes for PG to go, could a wrestler make a name for himself as the guy who rides the crest of the wave of adult programming in the same way that Austin was able to?
There is absolutely no way in Hell that WWE can produce another mega-star in the type of programming they have today. There simply is too much restriction on what the wrestler can and can not do .... and it's because of the PG Rating. And unfortunately, I think there is a lot of talent really being held back in what they are capable of doing because of the content rating. And I'm sure nobody thought that Triple H would ever be held back by anyone after his marriage to Stephanie, but even he is being held back by something ... and it's the rating.

The next Austin could have easily been John Cena. If they kept Cena in the Rap character and pushed him to the Main Event in that rap character, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have been the next pop culture icon and would have essentially became "The Next Stone Cold Steve Austin". Almost like Eminem's character from 8-Mile. Instead, they opted to tone his rap character down, and then the programming with him. I don't know what else to say other than "they blew it".

Once the PG Era ends, yes I do think it is possible to create another Austin. However, one must tap into pop culture to do it. Nobody likes a nice guy goody two shoes anymore except little kids. And that is why Cena, in this form, has never caught on with the overwhelming majority of fans, like Austin did.

The only way this is going to happen is to allow the flexibility needed in promos, and in character development, to be edgy, and thus get over with the audience. You have to speak their language, and Cena and his poopy humor simply is not doing that. WWE knows it. But WWE's philosophy is "Advertising $$$ before fans ... since fans will watch whatever I (Vince) put on the air."

On a side note, WZ has a brand new Million $ Champion. Me.
Nobody likes a nice guy goody two shoes anymore except little kids.

You can be a nice guy goody two shoes, but there has to be some humanizing flaw.

Two and a half words: Kurt Freakin' Angle.

I loved his goody-two-shoes heel character. But part of the reason I loved it was that I knew that the cool people didn't like him. Angle was a dork. But I still think that he could have been successfully given a Hulkamania push after September 11.

To be loved, I think a character has to have some vulnerability, some weakness or flaw. Austin could be crushed by authority--that's part of the point of authority. That risk brought drama to the Austin vs McMahon program. Hogan faced overwhelming odds, and so did Goldberg, given the NWO's dominance and nefarious methods. Foley was/is kind of a goof. Cena has things about him people dislike.

What was The Rock's defining flaw? He was good-looking, physically powerful, had good enough relationship with authority. He faced authority and large odds during the McMAhon-Helmsley regime, but I think he was bigger at other times.

I don't think that it's the PG label that is hurting here. I think that the relevant factor is the quality of the writing and character development. Austin could never work with a PG rating, and Foley probably couldn't without the blood, but the Rock could, Hogan could. Cena the gangsta rapper can't work PG, but SuperCena works okay.

I think that the key is to go back to a different aspect of 1997--the split crowds. In the US Austin was the face and Hart the heel, in Canada vice versa. Cena creates those split crowds everywhere. The key is to find the rival to Cena who would mobilize the anti-Cena contingents. Then you'd have both Cena and The Rival walk the tweener line, without either one going full heel.

Who would be that Hero of Smark Nation? I think it needs to be someone who makes his fans think that they're better than Cena's fans because they're smarter, they know more about wrestling, they are above Cena Nation. It has to be someone known for very good in-ring ability while still being excellent on the mic.

Jericho? A returning Angle? Christian? AJ Styles? A face Edge?

Could it be someone not from the Attitude Era?

Jesus Effing Christ, I know the answer.

LAdies and Gentlemen, your Hero of Smark Nation, your Wizard of Workrate, your Choice of the Educated Fan.

Your Straight Edge Superstar, CM Punk.

And he wouldn't have to cuss once or spill (much) blood to set crowds on fire with dueling cheers. You just need compelling characters.
There is absolutely no way in Hell that WWE can produce another mega-star in the type of programming they have today. There simply is too much restriction on what the wrestler can and can not do .... and it's because of the PG Rating. And unfortunately, I think there is a lot of talent really being held back in what they are capable of doing because of the content rating. And I'm sure nobody thought that Triple H would ever be held back by anyone after his marriage to Stephanie, but even he is being held back by something ... and it's the rating.

The next Austin could have easily been John Cena. If they kept Cena in the Rap character and pushed him to the Main Event in that rap character, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have been the next pop culture icon and would have essentially became "The Next Stone Cold Steve Austin". Almost like Eminem's character from 8-Mile. Instead, they opted to tone his rap character down, and then the programming with him. I don't know what else to say other than "they blew it".

Once the PG Era ends, yes I do think it is possible to create another Austin. However, one must tap into pop culture to do it. Nobody likes a nice guy goody two shoes anymore except little kids. And that is why Cena, in this form, has never caught on with the overwhelming majority of fans, like Austin did.

The only way this is going to happen is to allow the flexibility needed in promos, and in character development, to be edgy, and thus get over with the audience. You have to speak their language, and Cena and his poopy humor simply is not doing that. WWE knows it. But WWE's philosophy is "Advertising $$$ before fans ... since fans will watch whatever I (Vince) put on the air."

On a side note, WZ has a brand new Million $ Champion. Me.

I completely agree that the PG era will soon come to an end.I have heard that the ONLY reason wwe went PG is because of Linda running for senate.I completely think that is true.If wwe was doing anything edgy and/or remotely "attitude era-esk" would hinder any chance of seeing her win.Thus vince had to change things to be more child friendly to appease Linda's supporters and parents.Seeing as how she is targeting the parents,you would think that she would associate herself with positive things.But I can definitely say that when she loses (no one's going to take her seriously enough in whatever state shes running in to vote her to senate while being connected to wwe),wwe will then start going back to the pre-PG era programming that was so popular.

So to answer the question,the possibility of a superstar catching the imagination and hearts of the IWC,smarks,and general/casual "wrestling" fan is at this point slim to none with Linda's current endevour.But if or when wwe goes in that direction there are only 2-3 superstars I see being able to capitalize is.....

1.The Miz-he has the look,style,and most importantly carries with him the attitude of today's youth and younger to middle-aged males.He dresses the part,he's cocky and brash like Austin.And when they give him the space to REALLY say what he wants to say,look out!!!!!Now I am a Miz fan,but that is not what got him on my list.Something about him screams fututre star to me.He just brings it on a regular basis.If they take the handcuffs off I think and truly believe he could ride the wave of next generation gans and older fans alike to superstardom.Like Sidious said,"WWE blew it with Cena".He had the best chance but now is swimming in "post-push limbo" (trademarked by NEAR_EXPERT22 lol) with Batista and Randy,but not so much randy because he's still semi-relevant.Miz has everything Austin had,with the exception being ring prowess which he's improving in and a slightly smaller range on the mic.But Miz is taking the necessary steps.

2.CM Punk-he's straight-edge.Primarily where I live I see alot of young adults living that lifestyle.So if he and wwe can get that demographic to identify with him and he captures their attention long enough,we might CM Punk ride the wave also.But the most important factor is,WWE MUST TAKE OFF THE HANDCUFFS AND LET HIM BE HIM!!!!!When he was in ROH his heel promos were phenominal.If they give him the opportunity to let loose and really be the cm punk we (IWC) know that he is,we might see another heel become a face,while being a heel.the same way he was with jeff hardy.

The key point to all of this is wwe taking the restrictions off the wrestlers and let them truly BECOME the characters they are portraying.Until then it will not happen.
I agree that CM Punk could be that guy to ride the crest of post PG popularity into another "Attitude Era", however, that will not happen in any capacity as long as the writing staff is as bad as it's been.
WWE Creative has been terrible. They don't know how to produce compelling product, and they rely too much on these stupid, pointless guest GMs. Add to that the fact that Vinnie Mac seems to have given up on establishing new talent for the next generation. Look at CM Punk. He's become Taker's Job hound. I'm waiting for them to squash Kofi Kingston's push with the whole Randy Orton angle, and you don't really see talented guys like MVP, Morrison, or Miz being pushed to main event status.
I think guys like the ones mentioned above are WWE's future. Any one of them could be prime candidates for a post PG attitude adjustment so to speak, but it'll only happen when the company as a whole gets their crap together and realizes that the writing staff as it is needs to go, the guest GMs need to go, and that Vince can't rely on HBK, HHH, and Taker forever.
I agree that the PG era is holding alot of wrestlers back simply because like previously stated they are restricted on what they can an can not say/do. without so much restrictions it allows wrestlers to open up an improvise alot more witht their characters an during promos. guys like MVP, Crime Tyme, Miz, Orton, & CM punk could have edgier charcters. we could have stables that involved more of a thug gimmick ( crime tyme an Rtruth, maybe even throw mvp in it an create more of a modern day Nation of Domination. I feel MVP could play the roll of The Rock in this stable.) Theres so many different dircetions wrestlers could go but thats for a different topic. I also heard about the PG rating is due to Linda running an there has been parties that are competing against LInda who have shown footage of her past involvment in the WWE. I hope she loses b/c i could see them keeping the PG rating if she wins in fear of losing supproters. sorry im going off topic so ill jump back on track.

My choice would also go to a Cena/Punk but being most people already explained an made good arguments as to why these 2 would fit, ill throw another possible guy out there. i truely supported Mr Kennedy as a future (austin-like) character. its a shame he failed drug tests an got injured numerous times which would always put his pushes on hold. I thought during the whole iligitmate son angle that Kennedy would def be revealed an this would throw him into a great storyline involving him an Vince. kennedy would be revealed as his son which in the end it could turn into a whole work that was made up by kennedy himself in order to gain momentum, fame, & power by making vince believe he is his son an allowin Kennedy to gain access to vince's power and fortune. eventually Vince would find out that this was all a work which would turn into a long term rivalry. I still feel if he made a return there are numerous ways to springboard him into a major role. He can roll with the whole "injury Prone" incident that led to his release, plus his numerous online videos where he'd bash WWe for the decision to release him cause he is "injury prone." This could make him a wrestler who is rebellious to Vince and the WWE's rules and regulations. he is here to wrestle an succeed for himself and he doesnt care or trust vince or anybody else. he came back because his fans wanted him back an he believes he is destined to make a major impact in wrestling. he is here to prove that he is not some injury prone SOB. kennedy is great on the mic he has the look, and IMO he has a nice in ring style. idk what it is i just really feel before and especially after this whole injury prone incident he was always destined to fit perfect in a Vince Rivalry. which just like austin help mold him into a major superstar
I would say no.

I think what with the current PG ratings and restrictions, the current WWE product wouldn't be suited for an Austin type character.

Also, while the Television restrictions don't help, I don't think there is the talent level in today's WWE.

What with the WWE being so strict on scripted promos, pleasing the sponsors, and the conduct of it's Wrestler's both inside and outside of the WWE 'Universe', most new Wrestlers look the same, most WWE Wrestlers wrestle the same and most WWE wrestlers sound the same.

Plus I don't see there being a breakout star amongst the Roster.

While there are guys I love such as The Undertaker, Michaels, Jericho, Orton, Edge, Christian, Orton, C.M Punk, Dibiase, Rhodes, but with the guys that have come into the WWE in the past year or so I just don't see it happening with any of them.

Most of the newer Wrestlers don't seem to be able to just go for it, and see where the match/crowd will take them, which is where Austin, Flair and others were masters.

It's a different time now anyway.

While there will always be room for the Anti-Hero, Wrestling isn't popular like it was then.

Hopefully this will change. Wrestling has always gone in and out of fashion and hopefully it will become fashionable again.

But I don't think the WWE in it's current for is capable of producing a star like Hogan, Rock or Austin that kicks Wrestling into overdrive and that everybody has to watch whether you are a Wrestling fan or not.

Those days, great as they were, are sadly gone.
We don't really need another Stone Cold, per se`. We were lucky enough to have one. Let's let the current superstars forge their own path, create their own history.

But to answer you question, CM Punk vs. John Cena could potentially do the same thing Hart vs Austin did at WM 13. The famed double-turn. Both guys keep their character the same, but through the booking, they switch roles. And trust me, with that talent, it would work.

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