Could the Hornets really trade Paul?

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
To be clear, the Hornets have not said they are out shopping Paul. However, rumors are swirling that the Hornets are taking calls regarding Paul. They have said they are listening to offers about all their players, but it has been said that teams have offers for Paul. One is the Nets offering Devin Harris and the #3 pick for Paul. CP3 has said that if the Hornets aren't committed to winning then he's open to a trade. This would be a huge trade if he were to be traded, and could change the draft and possibly free agency. My question is do you think the Hornets should/will trade Chris Paul? If so, what would you ask for in return?
Sadly enough yes. The Gulf Coast has been rocked by so much and they're simply broke. Not just the team but the entire region (thanks BP). WIth so much money gone and so few people being able to afford tickets to ball games, especially after Katrina's aftermath just really starting to be over, they have to cut salaries, and why not the biggest of all? Paul is by far and away the best player and one of the best in the game today. The problem is he can't bring in money that simply isn't there. It's a bad situation for everyone, but it's reality and they might have to trade him.
First off, let me start by saying that Chris Paul is easily one of my least favorite players in the NBA. It's nothing personal, but I just do not like the guy. However, that does not mean that I don't know his talents and what he is capable of doing. I still think he is the 4th best PG in the league right now. Which explains why I don't think the Hornets should even think about trading him now. If they do, however, it'd most likely be for the money or because they want a PG who is less injury-prone. Next season, if they have the same team, with a healthy Chris Paul and Peja Stojakovic, then they should do a lot better. So, as a non-Chris Paul and non-Hornets fan, I really don't care whether they trade him or not, but if I were them, I'd keep him until he wants to leave.
First I'd like to say that having the Hornets move to new Orleans was not a good decision even before the hurricane. It just isn't a good basketball city. Secondly, if they do trade CP3 then they are done. Chris Paul IS that franchise. There is nothing they can get in return that will make them a better team.

For Chris Paul it may be good. There has been recent talk that if a team lands Paul then LeBron could shortly follow. A team like the Nets may be able to send a combo of Brook Lopez and the number three pick for Chris Paul but a lot of these deals are long shots. New Orleans isn't stupid either. If they are trading CP3 then they will try to dump Emeka Okafor's big contract on that team as well which would make it nearly impossible for a team, like the Nets, to pick up another big name free agent.
Well Ive also heard these rumors and trading CP3 would be THE DUMBIEST MISTAKE the hornets would make this offseason. Just like the poster above me, Chris Paul IS THEIR FRANCHISE.They are probably going to try to get some talent around Chris Paul so the hornets can go somewhere.Well back to the subject, no I dont think the hornets are going to trade their star player, Chris Paul

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