Could The British Invasion Comeback?


Big Papa Panty Droppa
For months now I have seen them make a mockery out of Douglas Williams!!!!! He is a very good mat wrestler, not only that, he is being buried on a deep, deep Fourtune group.

Then we got Brutus Magnus, he was with Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea as London Brawling, and now is doing nothing now that Desmond is contemplating retirement because of injuries. He was, and still is a huge up and comer IMO, but has nothing on his plate right now.

And Rob Terry, Ah Mr. Robby Terry, if his muscles were wrestling skills he'd be up there with the AJ's, Daniels', and Danielson's. Unfortunately he's not so he is an enforcer, plain and simple. yo could repackage him, but Bischoff and Hogan won't so make him an enforcer.

So I ask you, could they, and will they make The British Invasion again??????
Should they bring in Desmond Wolfe, if he's healthy????
Should they bring other people from "England"????
naaaaaaaa london people are boring they need to bring in more luchadors and urban black/spanish is whats in right now just look at cain V the ufc champ hes mexican and take a look at some legacies like eddie G also cryme tyme would of worked if pushed right but bring in more urban black/ hispanics that can WRESTLE and have attitude not any more boring ass people from london with the exception of wade barret
It's been done too often. Not just England, but all countries. Team This and These Initials. I think they should keep pushing guys separately and not base their booking, storylines, pushes and partners on other guys around them with the same gimmick or same creed or descent.

It becomes too much of a commodity and guys become lost in the shuffle when the groups disband for one reason or another.

If Williams was to be in a group. Why not something like Fourtune? That way his gimmick stands out and he isn't the same as the rest of the group. It may not be working in Fourtune because the group is so deep. But, if it was Douglas Williams and another wrestler or 2, he could stand out some and make his own name.

I think the ideal thing for Williams at this moment is a tag team. Not with another English partner, but maybe someone that totally wouldn't be expected, thus making Williams, as well as the team stand out and get over. Like Williams with Morgan. Or Williams and Pope.

Who knows what could happen with him? But I know this, if they think he can be a star, they shouldn't lump him in with guys that are doing the same exact thing as he is.
I agree with crooked's first argument, and I'll expand on it.

TNA has been doing power-groups for a year now. The people that are being pushed are all in a faction. They mostly wrestle tag-team matches and can't shine on their own. My opinion is that after The Immortals are defeated, all the groups in TNA should disband in a logical way and start pushing people on their own. That will cause a LOT of people to disappear off our screens. TNA lacks time NOW when everyone's in a group, let alone when they're all singles competitors [hopefully they'll form some tag-teams to support the division. If you're wondering why The Guns are not on TV, wrestling, it's because there's only one heel tag-team who they had 2-3 programs with already, and Beer Money is too busy with the Immortals SL ].

On topic : Could it come back? Yeah. Will it come back? No. I've had enough of stables for a WHILE now. I'd like to see a LOT of international superstars come along, but not in a faction. I want them in the X-Division. It gives it a unique color. I want a bunch of Japanese guys, I want some Luchadors, Brits, you know what I mean.
I recall me putting forward this idea in another thread when Wolfe was out injured, but I'd like to see it incorporate Wolfe, Magnus and Williams. These three are pretty decent wrestlers, good on the mic and have the option of getting "cheap" heat by saying "America sucks" etc...

I also posted yesterday or the day before about me wanting TNA to come to the UK, this would seriously help if they do decide to come to UK.

Furthermore if TNA does do this and make them heels (or faces if they are planning to come to the UK) they could work a deal with a company like AAA? or literally any Japanese wrestling company *they're ftw xD, although half the time I don't get what their saying... but still ftw nonetheless*. An "international fued" (?) between UK and Mexico or Japan could work, but I really don't know if they would get the TV time needed.

EDIT Just a little edit, if this does become an "international fued" of sorts, TNA shouldn't be the only promotion that benefits. In other words if they do this and bring guys from other promotions in different countries, do it in a way that the "UK group" have to goto Japan. *It's a bit unfair bringing a group to a country when they barely speak english, so the same to the "UK" group is what I'm proposing --> goto Japan or Mexico...*

erm... 2nd EDIT (?) Know I've thought about it, Zeven your idea about basically giving the X-division a unique prestigous international belt feel might work.... <-- obviously it wouldn't be called that xD
naaaaaaaa london people are boring they need to bring in more luchadors and urban black/spanish is whats in right now just look at cain V the ufc champ hes mexican and take a look at some legacies like eddie G also cryme tyme would of worked if pushed right but bring in more urban black/ hispanics that can WRESTLE and have attitude not any more boring ass people from london with the exception of wade barret

More pearls of wisdom from the little kid who pretends to work at TNA. Lol don't stop believing young un.

Wade Barrett is from Preston near Manchester not London firstly. Secondly I'd take Desmond Wolfe over Hernandez in the charisma and in ring skill departments any day of the week. That is just an example.

The British Invasion shouldn't reform and probs won't do so. Compared to other TNA stables from the past (XXX,LAX,Planet Jarrett) they were not that great or memorable maybe more so as part of World Elite.

Make sure you tell your boss Dixie Carter that all people from London (The UK?) are 'boring ass' and to bring in more 'urban black hispanics that can WRESTLE and have attitude' I'm sure you have the pull in your imaginary job to make it happen ;)

Just what TNA needs, load of gangster and chicano stereotypes. Dammit why didn't anyone think of that before? That will beat Vince's army for sure lmfao!
Desmond Wolfe, ahhh what a waste. This is the first guy that grabs my complete attenstion as a "great" future wrestler from his first match. His skills showed that Kurt putting him over in 3 matches seem "logical". He has the charisma, the technicality, the finisher, the in ring abiliy.

I have a feeling that since he and Drew McyIntire came together, he was the "chosen pne" but failed the test, so they gave it to Drew. Anyways, I hope desmond comes back and leads another british invasion.
For months now I have seen them make a mockery out of Douglas Williams!!!!! He is a very good mat wrestler, not only that, he is being buried on a deep, deep Fourtune group.

I completely agree on this. Douglas Williams is an awesome in ring performer. When he got the chance to speak, he was pretty good. I loved when he would criticize X division stars and call them acrobats. His run as the X division champion really kept me interested in TNA. He put on some great matches and carried the division. I love his finisher, the Chaos Theory Suplex is sweet. Douglas Williams reminds me of Stunning Steve Austin...yep, I said it.

naaaaaaaa london people are boring they need to bring in more luchadors and urban black/spanish is whats in right now just look at cain V the ufc champ hes mexican and take a look at some legacies like eddie G also cryme tyme would of worked if pushed right but bring in more urban black/ hispanics that can WRESTLE and have attitude not any more boring ass people from london with the exception of wade barret

Absolutely ****** BTW Crime Tyme sucked my hairy bean bag. :banghead:

...But back to topic, A Reincarnation of The British Invasion could work if done properly. If done, it should be just Williams, Wolfe, and Magnus. They should ruthless and barbaric, while still claiming to be proper gentlemen. I'm not sure if we'll see it. I've read that Wolfe has serious health problems, and it would be a step back for Williams.
I think the British Invasion should comeback in the form of Magnus and Williams. Leave Terry and Wolfe out of it. There are too many stables in TNA right now, but a great tag team could be helpful. I do think its obvious they will feud with fortune, but they shouldn't start a stable to do it. IMO if they do take on fortune in a 4v4 match they should just team with two other guys that don't like fortune like Kendrick and Morgan.
I agree with LegendKiller716. Williams and Magnus should be a tag team without Terry or Wolfe. Because if Wolfe is coming back, I would much rather see him as a singles wrestler fighting for the TV Title now, and The World Title in the future. Rob Terry on the other hand dose not have much skills. I think if they are making cut backs Terry should be one of the first ones to go. Another tag team like the British Invasion will help the divison, especially if they are heels as there is not enough heel tag teams(even though it looks as if Williams is turning face).
Sure they could but why. All members arguably went on to bigger and better things 'cept magnus but that isn't entirely his fault and I'm sure he'll get his shot. The problem is that the group ended highly conclusively. It broke apart piece by piece just like evolution did in WWE and it would be preposterous to have seen those guys get back together. Everybody from the group has split into such different directions that currently I would see it as completely unfeasible for them to come back again. Based on that I think my answer would be know, and I think that is for the better.
I could see them bringing back this stable. It could definitely happen. They should feud with Fortune and enlist Desmond Wolfe to join them! I would honestly rather see the guys from the British Invasion in singles action though. Especially Magnus, how is it that HE is the one that didn't win a midcard title? Magnus was easily the best member of the British Invasion. I wouldn't mind seeing them reunite though because they could have Wolfe join them and feud with Fortune. That would be awesome and much better than seeing Fortune feud with EV2 again. It would also give the British Invasion (and Wolfe) something cool to do.
I could see them coming back, but with the focus on Immortal and Fourtune right now I could see The BI just getting lost in the shuffle, with a small bit of TV time here and there. So I dont think it would be worth bringing them back right now.

Once the Immortal/Fourtune storyline has run its course then perhaps the BI could comeback, depending on whether Williams/Terry/Magnus etc were not already in storylines, and I would like to see Desmond Wolfe as the main guy here, again if he is back from injury.

So, in the future they could come back, but not right now

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