Could Ric Flair Come Back To WWE Due To Problems Within Impact Wrestling?

Ric was misused from the very start. The story with him and AJ should had never happen or at least not in a heel fashion. Ric should had been used as a manager and promote Impact Wrestling.

He has not business being in the ring to wrestle.

My guess is that Ric had some say in how his character would be used/portrayed when he arrived in TNA. Problem with Ric is (1) he needs the money, and (2) he can't seem to give up the business. At least he can't seem to let go of the idea that his best wrestling days are behind him. He's far past his prime or his ability to put on a good match. His best opportunity is to help groom the next generation of wrestling stars backstage. Teach them what to do (and not do) given how much they are on the road, teach them how to work a match, how to promo, and how to carry yourself in the ring. (note that I didn't say out of the ring; with good reason.)
Last I recall Ric was trying to avoid being put in prison for not paying up something to High Spots. i think it was an NWA Championship belt. Too bad the dirtsheets can' follow actual news stories.

Aside from that, Ric better shape up. If the idea is to stick in TNA because WWE doesn't want to use him the way he wants, then he better fall in line. Going out and saying hi during Basebrawl shows won't kill him or his reputation. He should know it's a smart and simple decision. And he better come around quickly. Because the last month showed that TNA clearly outgrew him.

I have to agree with you here Jack. TNA is moving on from needing Ric day to day. I still think he can be a valuable asset to the company but it's up to him to show he can be, without being disruptive.
I hope Flair leaves and returns to wwe. He has never seemed himself on the mic in TNA, and in the ring he is far beyond what he was even at the end of his wwe run and it's tarnishing his legacy.
I hope Flair leaves and returns to wwe. He has never seemed himself on the mic in TNA, and in the ring he is far beyond what he was even at the end of his wwe run and it's tarnishing his legacy.
He has never seemed himself on the mic in TNA? You do realize that this is the first time Ric Flair has been himself in a very, very long time, right? The man himself said in an interview that this is the most fun he's had since 1987 because they let him be The Nature Boy.
Okay. I'd like to ask a question. What can Ric bring to TNA television?
Pure fucking entertainment? Ric doesn't wrestle often and he's a hoot on the mic. He's great as a manager and I for one enjoy how crazy he is. That's what he brings to TNA Television. Backstage he seems to be a needy little bitch and a nuisance. I'd drop him if I were in charge. If I want a whackjob on the mic I already have Steiner so Woooooo!
Pure fucking entertainment? Ric doesn't wrestle often and he's a hoot on the mic. He's great as a manager and I for one enjoy how crazy he is. That's what he brings to TNA Television. Backstage he seems to be a needy little bitch and a nuisance. I'd drop him if I were in charge. If I want a whackjob on the mic I already have Steiner so Woooooo!

I'd like to argue the point that he's a great manager. He has POTENTIAL to be a great manager, but until he realizes that being one is not about him being nucking futs, he'll never be even an ok manager. We do remember Bobby Heenan for his antics, but he was great at getting over heel talent. Same with Jimmy Hart. Flair COULD be that guy, but as of now, he's made everything he's done entirely about himself.

With that in mind, he can leave and it shouldn't matter. Quite honestly, I haven't taken him seriously in years and it's getting pretty embarassing. If he can't behave behind the scenes and it carries over on screen to where he's ridiculous, I don't see the point. Yea, internet marks love it and think he's "gold", but will the mainstream? I doubt it.

Look at Fortune. They are all doing their own thing and are probably more over WITHOUT Flair. He hasn't helped anyone really and I think the show would be better off without him. That promo time is going to guys who need it now and the shows are better as a result. Thus, keep him away.
On topic, of course Flair will be back, tail between legs, for another payoff. Vince gives nearly everyone 2nd and 3rd chances and Flair's name (plus HHH his best bud) will ensure Flair a little exposure and coin. He'll show up like Dusty, IRS, Dibiase and Faarooq do from time to time.

He has no value as a wrestler anymore but still has some as just Ric Flair. There is a place for Flair on TV just not inside the ring.
I understand that Rick Flair has a tremendous number of fans out there and he is beloved. The fact is he's a lot older and he's at a point in his career that many great performers eventually find themselves at. They get old and they can't contribute the same way they use to or would like to. He went to WWE after WCW was done and was a vital part of Evolution then they retired him and put him in the WWE HoF. Then he had some type of problem with WWE. He floundered for a bit then he joined TNA.

There have been a few incidents with him missing dates or something backstage, and those are just what we've heard. I don't believe Flair likes Bischoff or Hogan all that much so (if that's true that they don't like each other) it was a little surprising that the three of them have managed to get along so long.

If staying with TNA is out of the question, imo he has serious problems on his hands.

Problem 1) He's a name but the number of companies that want him and can pay him a decent salary is very few

Problem 2) Flair seems to want to be an active part of the roster wrestling matches not be a person behind the
scenes or managing or doing commentating.

Problem 3) I 'm not sure he left the WWE on the best of terms and Vince can hold a grudge.

The best thing for him to do is make amends keep his mouth shut and swallow his pride and do as he's told. Unless he knows for certain he can go back to WWE.
first ric flair needs to be wearing a sports bra if hes going to be coming to the ring shirtless at his age... look at them floppies go....

second in all seriousness.. i think flair has resigned himself to the fact that he will most likely die in the ring or on the road with the boys and not peacefully with family... i don't think he knows any better...
third if the rumors are true he may need the money and the lure of the filthy lucre is what keeps him coming back....

the biggest thing i wonder about ric flair and vince mcmahon is would he be wearing black and polka dots if vince brought him back?

ric flair in the retirement home... err.. mental asylum in WCW circa '99 probaly had some basis in reality.. clearly richard fliehr (the person, not the gimmick.) is a few cards short of the deck.
I've read quite abit of this and waited until much of it built up until adding my two cents worth. My take on this is simple; Ric Flair is not adding much currently to Impact Wrestling. Yes, he's a legend who deserves respect. I respect everything Flair did in the past that actually contributed to wrestling. Since he debuted in TNA though, think about it, what has he REALLY given them? NOTHING. While he has had a few briefly entertaining moments, he has done zero to get Impact Wrestling noticed. Nothing to promote the company. And the fact of the matter is that Flair has had numerous disagreements with whatever company he's been involved with for decades. Whether it was disagreements over money or his character, he's always valued himself as some sort of God in wrestling. He's a legend and hall-of-famer. A God? Not likely.

If in the future TNA has to cut costs, I'd say Flair is probably pretty high up on that list. Rightfully so. He's making a shitload of money and not providing equal value in return. Of course, I'm of the view that TNA should get rid of all the legends that cannot produce anymore maybe except Angle & Sting. Otherwise, get rid of the other deadweight and start using the young guys. The fans want it and it's just right for the wrestling business. Remember a little company named WCW? They didn't cut their deadweight fast enough and the company sank quicker than the Titanic. That was because the old guys held on too long and killed the company. Seeing Flair even 10 years ago was still great to watch. Flair now is just embarrasing himself and retirement should be his top priority. Save what little dignity is left Naitch before you totally tarnish your legacy.
I hate it when people say that Flair, Hogan etc should retire from wrestling. Why? Just because they are over the age of 50, people think they have nothing left to give to the business, when they do.

Flair, in his last few years in the WWE was my favourite, I found him so entertaining both in the ring and outside of it. Now that was only 2/3 years ago and from what I have seen of him on impact (I don't watch it that often) nothing has changed.

I would love to see him back in the WWE but I can't really see it unfortunately. I think once his run with TNA is over, that he won't be on tv again
He's a wreck. Period. He's not being a diva, he genuinely believes he's worth MUCH more than he is. He was a great character in his time but now he looks a mess, he talks a mess and he "wrestles" a mess. There's no reason to bring him in at this point. He made you look stupid with the whole ceremony after WM and made a joke of the ring that you gave him. If I'm the WWE I tell him to fuck off as soon as he disappears from TNA and let him fade into oblivion
I hate it when people say that Flair, Hogan etc should retire from wrestling. Why? Just because they are over the age of 50, people think they have nothing left to give to the business, when they do.

Flair, in his last few years in the WWE was my favourite, I found him so entertaining both in the ring and outside of it. Now that was only 2/3 years ago and from what I have seen of him on impact (I don't watch it that often) nothing has changed.

I would love to see him back in the WWE but I can't really see it unfortunately. I think once his run with TNA is over, that he won't be on tv again

Let me clarify for those who want to twist words or make of it what they want. I'm not saying Flair doesn't have a place in wrestling. Not at all. He shouldn't remain an active in-ring wrestler and should retire from that. I believe he could still be an effective manager of the next big TNA star. So, he doesn't have to retire alltogether or anything like that. But, Flair and Hogan should both end their flirting with retirement and make it official that their in-ring days are over. Hogan is on the same level of Flair and could still contribute if given the right role. I'm not sure exactly what it could be, but, they can still produce given the right circumstances.
Ric didn't get Jay Lethal over. Jay was TNA's version of WWE's Alberto. Neither man can get any fan reaction.

I don't count Jay mocking Ric was getting true fan reaction. Fans would had reacted to anyone in that situation. The fans showed they didn't care much for Jay. They didn't give Jay reactions during other promos and matches.

I disagree that was a true reaction. It's just that as usual, TNA didn't follow up on it. We didn't see any feud between Fortune vs Lethal. Jay could have at least become their achille's heel.
Ric was misused from the very start. The story with him and AJ should had never happen or at least not in a heel fashion. Ric should had been used as a manager and promote Impact Wrestling.

He has not business being in the ring to wrestle.

I thought his association with AJ was great. AJ was a dominating champ, Flair did his promos but did not overshadow AJ. I think it was a fantastic pairing. TNA fucked it all up when they had RVD beat him for the belt. It was never the same afterwards.
I thought his association with AJ was great. AJ was a dominating champ, Flair did his promos but did not overshadow AJ. I think it was a fantastic pairing. TNA fucked it all up when they had RVD beat him for the belt. It was never the same afterwards.

TNA is well-known for sabatoging their own storylines by either doing something stupid[making RVD champion when AJ should've retained] or ending an alliance alltogether[splitting Flair & AJ when they should've remained in Fourtune together]. I enjoyed Flair's manager type of role when he was a part of Fourtune and he did alot to get that group over. I will always believe that TNA could've become a bigger company if they'd have kept AJ Styles & Flair as a team with Flair being the manager. They were too shortsighted to see it and ended it before it really had enough time to develop.
Ric Flair is a spotlight junkie if there ever was one. It would be nice if Flair used his experience to help the kids from backstage, but I don't think he would do it. If what they say is true and Ric Flair WAS the man, then that's one thing, but he still thinks that he IS the man. I hope he's saved his $$$ because it's time Ric Flair faces the fact that it's over.

In my opinion if he came back to WWE, instead of helping the young guys, he would be wanting to steal air time from them. I love the occasional appearance from the vets such as Bret Hart, SCSA, Piper etc. But Flair is different from those guys in the effect that he still thinks it's HIS spot. So to answer your question, WWE could bring back Flair, but I sure as hell hope they don't.

Flair has always had a reputation for "being There" for the younger guys, whether he was going out of his way to make Lex Luger look great in the ring when other stars did not want to, putting over loads of younger talent through the years from Goldberg, Benoit, etc - helping to elevate existing stars like Edge, Jericho, Orton... in WCW and WWE Flair was known as a guy who did whatever was necessary to make the product a success. That's why he was one of the first people approached about joining WWE when they purchased WCW, not Hogan, not Nash, Flair. Vince knew that even if he wasnt wrestling he was valuabe to the product and the locker room.

Compare that to Hulk Hogan's rep and they are like night and day.

As for what he offers now, much the same as he did in 2002. He is way over with fans, great on the mic, can play a face or heel convincingly with little difference in character. He'd be a great GM or manager. Plus he'd likely be available on a regular basis, not the occassional "I need a payday" guest spots that Steve Austin makes.

TNA has grossly misused Flair, he should have been used as the mgr & mouthpiece to get talent like Beer Money & AJ Styles over so the company can start building around their own talent and not just the ageing vets on their last days (Sting/Kurt Angle) or the mid carders already discarded by WWE that the wrestling audience is not that invested in (Hardy, Kennedy).

As far as would Vince take him back, remember Vince had a 500 grand per year contract on the table for Flair in 08 which he turned down so he would have more control over his own bookings (in hindsight, not a great move). Flair himself said in a radio interview back in 03 that at the end of the day Vince is about making money and if he could pump up ratings, get talent over, sell more DVDs, etc he would bring Flair back in a heartbeat. If he was willing to bring back Hogan after he testified against him in federal court and almost got him sent to jail, then jumped ship and took his name and trademarks to WCW, if he brought back Brett Hart after all the times Hart skewered him publicly, literalyy blaming him in the press for his brother's death like Vince kiled him, if he brought back HBK after all his prima donna outbursts, general refusal to put anyone over in the ring, and his well documented drug problems, their is no doubt in my mind that he'd bring back Flair who has never crossed Vince publicly and always maintained a professional relationship with him.

The biggest problem Flair has in TNA (besides lousy booking with affects the product as a whole) is they don't have the cash flow WWE does. When you read reports that wrestlers don't get waling around money when they are working overseas or that they do not financial assistance with surgeries for injuries suffered while wrestling you can see this outfit handles things differently than WWE. I doubt they have the catered buffet dinners WWE has for talent before shows (correct me if Im wrong on that) and I doubt the payoffs from house shows or PPV are even close to the same. Ive also heard stories that pay is not regular, and sometimes it takes a very longtime to get bonusses, etc.
I wonder why we don't see him on Impact Wrestling anymore. Is it part of his punishement?

Flair's TNA contract originally was for a set number of dates - I know it's been renewed at least once, not sure if it was renewed under the same deal (X amount of money for X amount of dates) or if he just has a set pay now regardless of appearances.

There have been stories about TNA not always paying on time, as well rumors about bonusses for house shows and PPV not always being paid ina timely fashion. Not sure how true that is, although the ESPN article on Flair noted that his TNA pay is set around 22 grand per month gross pay (before taxes) but they don't always pay it in a timely fashion and that sometimes "fluctautes" - not sure that means he is paid per appearance, therefore sometimes his pay would be more or less, or if it is a sign TNA doesn't have a lot of cash flow and doesn't make pay regularly.

In terms of money, Flair was taking home after taxes and an additional IRS deduction for back income tax owed around 35 grand per month at the end of his WWE run, which means his gross pay was likely in the 800 grand per year category. Remember WWE pays a base salary, plus commission for PPV appearances (based on the finacial success of the PPV and your match position on the card) as well as house show bonusses. Before he left Flair was offered a base 500 grand per year salary to be an "Ambassador", do public appearances, TV shows, autograph signings, and if they could use him appear on RAW or Smackdown.

Right now Flair is recovering from a serious arm injury suffered during his match vs Sting that reportedly needs surgery. He may have already had the surgery, not sure.
TNA is well-known for sabatoging their own storylines by either doing something stupid[making RVD champion when AJ should've retained] or ending an alliance alltogether[splitting Flair & AJ when they should've remained in Fourtune together]. I enjoyed Flair's manager type of role when he was a part of Fourtune and he did alot to get that group over. I will always believe that TNA could've become a bigger company if they'd have kept AJ Styles & Flair as a team with Flair being the manager. They were too shortsighted to see it and ended it before it really had enough time to develop.

It's like Hogan panicked when the ratings did not do well and decided to put the belt on a WWE star, RVD. Wich did not make things better. The ratings and buyrates did not get better. I think it's around that time where they figured, "guys nothing works, let's come up with a big nWo-type storyline". And They was born.

A whole year of AJ-Flair where AJ fights contenders one after the other would have resulted in more success for TNA down the line, imo. The matchs would have been better than what we got and I believe in the "keep it simple" booking. Instead of trying to come up with a big storyline Hogan and Co should have continued doing what they were doing in early 2010, not overdo it, just take what worked in TNA and take them to another level. Pairing AJ with Flair was doing that as AJ was getting better at being an entertainer and his promo skills had dramatically gone to the better. I didn't like Evad Abyss but brushing off Hogan he was getting better at talking too. All they needed was put the X Division to another level like they tried to do this year before Destination X but do it in 2010 and do that with most of the TNA concepts and the guys on the roster. Instead they brought in the ECW guys.

But I think the AJ reign went south because Hogan wanted Abyss to be his progect and didn't want to see his progect being made like a fool vs Flair's progect(AJ). The match AJ vs Abyss, especially the finish was like a circus and Lockdown Fourtune vs Hogan's forces was a big awful clusterfuck. You could see then that Russo was somehow infecting Hogan and Co, coming up with stupid finishes, instead of focusing on the basics.
Flair's TNA contract originally was for a set number of dates - I know it's been renewed at least once, not sure if it was renewed under the same deal (X amount of money for X amount of dates) or if he just has a set pay now regardless of appearances.

There have been stories about TNA not always paying on time, as well rumors about bonusses for house shows and PPV not always being paid ina timely fashion. Not sure how true that is, although the ESPN article on Flair noted that his TNA pay is set around 22 grand per month gross pay (before taxes) but they don't always pay it in a timely fashion and that sometimes "fluctautes" - not sure that means he is paid per appearance, therefore sometimes his pay would be more or less, or if it is a sign TNA doesn't have a lot of cash flow and doesn't make pay regularly.

In terms of money, Flair was taking home after taxes and an additional IRS deduction for back income tax owed around 35 grand per month at the end of his WWE run, which means his gross pay was likely in the 800 grand per year category. Remember WWE pays a base salary, plus commission for PPV appearances (based on the finacial success of the PPV and your match position on the card) as well as house show bonusses. Before he left Flair was offered a base 500 grand per year salary to be an "Ambassador", do public appearances, TV shows, autograph signings, and if they could use him appear on RAW or Smackdown.

Right now Flair is recovering from a serious arm injury suffered during his match vs Sting that reportedly needs surgery. He may have already had the surgery, not sure.

It's strange though that before his match with Sting he was nowhere to be found. Look at what's happening now compared to his 2010 run. He was on Impact every week. Now he leaves for months.
It's like Hogan panicked when the ratings did not do well and decided to put the belt on a WWE star, RVD. Wich did not make things better. The ratings and buyrates did not get better. I think it's around that time where they figured, "guys nothing works, let's come up with a big nWo-type storyline". And They was born.

I hate Hogan & Bischoff's philosphy when it comes to ratings. They are arrogantly idiotic when it comes to this. They believe having an established WWE/WCW/ECW name on top is preferable to letting a TNA original remain as the company face. AJ Styles was screwed the moment RVD was even in contention for the belt. And doing another nWo-type of thing is just the sort of storyline you'd expect from two guys who had a major role in the death of WCW. Add in Vince Russo and his awful style of booking and you get a perfect trifecta of morons screwing up what was once a great wrestling show.

A whole year of AJ-Flair where AJ fights contenders one after the other would have resulted in more success for TNA down the line, imo. The matchs would have been better than what we got and I believe in the "keep it simple" booking. Instead of trying to come up with a big storyline Hogan and Co should have continued doing what they were doing in early 2010, not overdo it, just take what worked in TNA and take them to another level. Pairing AJ with Flair was doing that as AJ was getting better at being an entertainer and his promo skills had dramatically gone to the better. I didn't like Evad Abyss but brushing off Hogan he was getting better at talking too. All they needed was put the X Division to another level like they tried to do this year before Destination X but do it in 2010 and do that with most of the TNA concepts and the guys on the roster. Instead they brought in the ECW guys.

Even though I'm not very high on having Flair wrestle in Impact Wrestling, they could've kept AJ & Flair aligned long enough to build upon a future turn and blowoff match between the two. Teacher vs. Student is always a great angle to play up. At least having Flair turn and wrestle AJ later on would've made sense as opposed to giving RVD yet another accolade he didn't deserve. Gone are the days of working your way up to deserving a title shot. Let's just panic and give the belt to RVD and disreguard all the years of AJ Styles being the face of TNA and helping build the company. Makes sense, doesn't it? Don't even get me started on TNA rehashing the ECW concept. That was a blatant attempt to cash in on something WWE already did, which TNA has been doing more often since Hogan & Bischoff arrived.

But I think the AJ reign went south because Hogan wanted Abyss to be his progect and didn't want to see his progect being made like a fool vs Flair's progect(AJ). The match AJ vs Abyss, especially the finish was like a circus and Lockdown Fourtune vs Hogan's forces was a big awful clusterfuck. You could see then that Russo was somehow infecting Hogan and Co, coming up with stupid finishes, instead of focusing on the basics.

Russo is alot of the problem with TNA's booking. His affinity for numerous run-ins and non-sensical storylines having been evident whether it was in his WWF days, in WCW, or now in TNA. He gets alot of credit for being creative when I've never seen anything special in what he does. At least in WWF he had McMahon to keep him in check.

AJ Styles was the perfect guy to build the new Hogan/Bischoff TNA regime around and prove they'd changed since WCW. That didn't happen and they reverted back to doing the same infamous things that made them bad for WCW.
I hate Hogan & Bischoff's philosphy when it comes to ratings. They are arrogantly idiotic when it comes to this. They believe having an established WWE/WCW/ECW name on top is preferable to letting a TNA original remain as the company face. AJ Styles was screwed the moment RVD was even in contention for the belt. And doing another nWo-type of thing is just the sort of storyline you'd expect from two guys who had a major role in the death of WCW. Add in Vince Russo and his awful style of booking and you get a perfect trifecta of morons screwing up what was once a great wrestling show.

Not only their obsession with known star they think works like it's 1997 but I think at this point in the game, at their age i'm disappointed how they panic so much and change what they are doing on a dime like booking a wrestling show is as simple as jerking off. "Alright it's done, let's do something else". With disregard to everybody else. AJ and Abyss never recovered. Hell their impatience with Anderson by turning him face so quickly even though him as a heel was working was another damaging decision on their part.

Even though I'm not very high on having Flair wrestle in Impact Wrestling, they could've kept AJ & Flair aligned long enough to build upon a future turn and blowoff match between the two. Teacher vs. Student is always a great angle to play up.

That's what I thought at the time would have been a great move, AJ vs Flair at BFG. And maybe Hogan vs Abyss.

At least having Flair turn and wrestle AJ later on would've made sense as opposed to giving RVD yet another accolade he didn't deserve. Gone are the days of working your way up to deserving a title shot. Let's just panic and give the belt to RVD and disreguard all the years of AJ Styles being the face of TNA and helping build the company. Makes sense, doesn't it?

The whole disrespect for AJ in this matter with RVD beating him for the belt disgusted me.

For one thing, I think it should have been done differently. Have RVD win on a fluke, right. A la Jericho beating HHH in 99 when noone expected it. Then have Abyss beat him up but not with a spiky stick. AJ, the true heel, ask for his re-match on the next Impact or the same Impact. AJ win his belt back when RVD is in no shape to wrestle. Next week, commish Hogan says he strips AJ of the belt (because he says it was non-sportsman-like) and start a tournament for the belt THERE. AJ reachs the final because Fourtune keeps intervening on his behalf. But in the final AJ beats RVD clean without the help of Fourtune at the surprise of everyone. Frustrated, you could have RVD start teaming with the ECW guys later on and attacking Fourtune, etc...Then you do the lights out thing with payback from Fourtune.

Don't even get me started on TNA rehashing the ECW concept. That was a blatant attempt to cash in on something WWE already did, which TNA has been doing more often since Hogan & Bischoff arrived.

So pathetic what they did there. So bush league, so "hey these guys did it, we can do it too!". Mixing One Night Stand with Nexus, basically.

Russo is alot of the problem with TNA's booking. His affinity for numerous run-ins and non-sensical storylines having been evident whether it was in his WWF days, in WCW, or now in TNA. He gets alot of credit for being creative when I've never seen anything special in what he does. At least in WWF he had McMahon to keep him in check.

I don't remember one good thing he did post-WWF. I bet he doesn't know what he is doing either.

AJ Styles was the perfect guy to build the new Hogan/Bischoff TNA regime around and prove they'd changed since WCW. That didn't happen and they reverted back to doing the same infamous things that made them bad for WCW.

What's frustration was that they had it right early on! On the first show after AJ and Angle had their match, Hogan showed up and said "These are the two best wrestlers in the World!". What changed his mind? It's so frustrating.

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