Could Ric Flair Come Back To WWE Due To Problems Within Impact Wrestling?

Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
Recently it has been rumored that Ric Flair has been having some issues with management inside Impact Wrestling and that management has been having their own issues with the legendary Flair. While details are sketchy, it appears that Flair's issues are stemming from house shows and a decision to not appear in front of the live crowd at one of the house show events in New Jersey. Also, it seems like Flair has been having some issues with management not having him on any of the Impact tapings leading to Destination X. So I pose the question, with all these things considered, and who knows whatever else is going on, could you see Ric Flair back inside WWE either by the end of the year or the beginning of next year?

Also, a few more questions. If Impact Wrestling's Management team were to fix this, then how would they or would it be too late? Also, does Impact REALLY need Ric Flair after all? Sure, he's a legend and has two wells of knowledge but at the end of the day, it seems that he's being more a problem than a help, which is something that Impact doesn't need another of. With the recent walk aways of the likes of Booker T., Kevin Nash and Mick Foley, is Flair the next one to go? How would WWE take his coming back, would he be an on air personality (maybe the Raw GM) or just a behind the scenes person like his friend Arn Anderson, or just like Impact, does WWE need Flair? Just curious what you guys think. Weigh in with opinions. Thanks.
If you were Vince, would you want him back? He made you and the entire company look like fools with the whole retirement show the Monday after Wrestlemania.

Flair definitely needs the WWE because he was the complete opposite of Randy Savage as in he spent every dime he had when he was younger. Plus, he's still shelling out cash from his divorces.

But the WWE definitely does NOT need him.

Plus, I wouldn't want that type of cancer being around the young guys.
No. His problems aren't sketchy, he's simply being a diva and not appearing for meet and greets at house shows and being a team player which would never work in WWE. He also had surgery on his arm.

He would probably be a manager or be a Guest Host but WWE would mismanage him.

Flair still has alot to offer Impact Wrestling. He can manage Roode, Morgan or do commentary.
Ric Flair is a spotlight junkie if there ever was one. It would be nice if Flair used his experience to help the kids from backstage, but I don't think he would do it. If what they say is true and Ric Flair WAS the man, then that's one thing, but he still thinks that he IS the man. I hope he's saved his $$$ because it's time Ric Flair faces the fact that it's over.

In my opinion if he came back to WWE, instead of helping the young guys, he would be wanting to steal air time from them. I love the occasional appearance from the vets such as Bret Hart, SCSA, Piper etc. But Flair is different from those guys in the effect that he still thinks it's HIS spot. So to answer your question, WWE could bring back Flair, but I sure as hell hope they don't.
Here's my opinion. It couldn't hurt to bring him back, but it'd be for shock value and not for long term commitment. The problem with Ric Flair (And Hulk Hogan) is that everyone praised them as if they were God Almighty and so they never wanted to accept what reality was obviously telling them. They have an entitlement, or so they think. I don't know everything about the Ric Flair issue, but I do know this may be what caused him to leave WWE the first time. Flair COULD be bigger than what he is, if he let other people put him in that position without himself doing it. Every week I watch WWE Classics and I see someone whom I used to admire, find humorous, entertaining and so on, when it was first going on. Now, I just see (or hear about) a man who is trying so hard to cling onto every little bit that's left and I doubt WWE would wanna take THAT risk once again. Flair needs both companies which is sad, but it's sad for a lot of folks like him. The WWE doesn't need him and I doubt they would want him. He's been in the media for legal issues and so on, and right now, WWE would not come knocking on his door. Just not gonna happen.
Ric was misused from the very start. The story with him and AJ should had never happen or at least not in a heel fashion. Ric should had been used as a manager and promote Impact Wrestling.

He has not business being in the ring to wrestle.
Now I've looked at three threads with idiots thinking CM Punk will be RAW GM.

To answer your question, no probably not. I'm a big Ric Flair fan, I've been one of the few who would defend and respect his decision to continue on wrestling into his 60's, I think wrestling fans need to show him more respect because Ric Flair is one of the guys who helped build the actual industry as well as that, he's always highlighted for his accomplishments in wrestling in the majority of wrestling related polls/lists etc, etc.

He's having a bad spell in TNA - A spell which I do believe is going to ultimately cost him his job, because in fairness they don't really need Flair anymore and I hate to say it, but I know it. Ric is a legend, he served his purpose in the creation of Fortune and he got a guy like Jay Lethal over, but there isn't much I can see him doing within TNA.

Ric going back to WWE, I don't see either. Not a wrestler, Vince McMahon wanted him to legitemiately retire, he got it, it was a great moment that headlined a WrestleMania and money was made. They wouldn't let him out when the fans probably respected him the most, lingering around the time of the bout with Shawn Michaels, why let him back now?

And Ric Flair in a teacher, Producer, Road Agent role is laughable. He still enjoys going from town-to-town partying, its common knowledge that he may have slowed down from his younger days, but the guy is still running. Just don't see it, he may get a Legends contract, but that's as far as it would go.
Ric didn't get Jay Lethal over. Jay was TNA's version of WWE's Alberto. Neither man can get any fan reaction.

I don't count Jay mocking Ric was getting true fan reaction. Fans would had reacted to anyone in that situation. The fans showed they didn't care much for Jay. They didn't give Jay reactions during other promos and matches.
If you were Vince, would you want him back? He made you and the entire company look like fools with the whole retirement show the Monday after Wrestlemania.

A lot of it would hinge on why he left WWE in the first place. At the time, I heard he left on his own because he wanted to schedule outside appearances for himself and, of course, Vince doesn't allow that.

But since then, folks on this forum have said he was let go by WWE because they didn't have anything for him. That seemed odd: How can a wrestling organization have nothing for Ric Flair? With all the havoc he could wreak as a GM, it makes you wonder, no? Still, if they told him to leave, I don't blame him for wrestling for another organization, retirement ceremony or not. If he had the money to retire, I think he would have.....but since he doesn't he chose to keep doing what he's done his entire adult life; wrestle.

On the other hand, maybe Flair was as big a pain behind the scenes at WWE as he's been at TNA; it could be that WWE was just better at keeping it hidden.

In all, I think Flair could be an asset to either company (in a non-wrestling capacity), but he's not worth the trouble if he thinks he can still call the shots at this stage of his career, a la Hulk Hogan.
In my opinion there have been two types of legend that have came into TNA.

On one hand you have guys like Kurt Angle, Sting and Christian (Cage). These are guys who came into the company and have made every effort to add to their legacies and forward the company.

On the other we have gentlemen like Kevin Nash, Booker T and Jeff Hardy. These are the reason that detractors go on about WWe rejects. They have contributed nothing to the product.

Unfortunately, whilst I love Slic Ric, he definitely falls into category two. He has stolen the spotlight from the younger guys during promos and matches. He's been so lazy in preparing for promos that he didn't know members of his OWN faction and buried TNA legend Daniels TWO WEEKS after his return to the company. His attitude has also been questionable between the behaviour that saw him left out of part of the tour promoted on his name and the recent refusal to appear before the crowd in NY. As such, I think it is time for these two parties to part ways.

WWe? Possibly, there is no way that Vince would let Ric behave like a diva. I've seen it claimed McMahon wouldn't have him back but he has already been backstage at WWe events and Trips and him are still tight, I believe. If Vince has a position that suits the Nature Boy, I think he'd be hired in a second.
Flair's been having problems with Hogan and Bischoff? The Network?

Or did you mean real life management which would mean you should change your title from "Impact Wrestling" to "TNA" since the initials are still the actual name of the company while Impact Wrestling is the name of the tv show?

Corrections aside, I had this conversation with a few people I know a couple of weeks back and we all pretty much agreed that we could see Flair back in WWE in some capacity.

Being the GM wouldn't make sense because there would be people complaining about confusion with Flair in TNA while the Anonymous GM crap was going on in WWE. WWE could and no doubt would forget that just like they forget Christian has held World titles during his absence from McMahon Land but I doubt it'd be Flair.

I have a funny feeling it might end up being someone like Lawler for some weird reason but yeah, likely Flair might end up in WWE again because he still has to pay off his ex-wives so it's not like he could leave or be fired from TNA and get the chance to sit at home doing nothing. He HAS to wrestle or do whatever he's allowed.
If I was Vince McMahon, HELL NAW I wouldn't re-hire Ric Flair back to a WWE contract of anykind! Not even a legends deal. If so then it would be for little money.

Ric Flair is a real transformer by jumping ships all the time like from back in the day where he would jump from WCW to the WWF, and then back to WCW, and then crawl back to the WWF/E when WCW went out of business. Now he's in TNA wrestling, where I thought that I would never see him end up personally.

So yeah if I was Vince McMahon I wouldn't hire Ric Flair back to the WWE. Because Ric Flair is the complete oppisite of Bret Hart. Flair has NO loyalty!
Well never say never. I mean eventually Flair will either get canned from TNA or he'll just leave because he's had enough. Vince has always said that he'll consider any option if it's "good for business". The problem is as some of you have mentioned that the WWE doesn't need him. He had his big send off and after decided to go off and test uncharted waters. Nothing wrong with that, but he hasn't made the best choices since he's left.

I think it's a given he'll be back one day, but not in the ring obviously. Maybe an appearance here or there on Raw, but more than likely some behind the scenes job.
If I was Vince McMahon, HELL NAW I wouldn't re-hire Ric Flair back to a WWE contract of anykind! Not even a legends deal. If so then it would be for little money.

Ric Flair is a real transformer by jumping ships all the time like from back in the day where he would jump from WCW to the WWF, and then back to WCW, and then crawl back to the WWF/E when WCW went out of business. Now he's in TNA wrestling, where I thought that I would never see him end up personally.

So yeah if I was Vince McMahon I wouldn't hire Ric Flair back to the WWE. Because Ric Flair is the complete oppisite of Bret Hart. Flair has NO loyalty!

Well you said it yourself. Flair jumps from ship to ship and always has. So why are you surprised he jumped to to TNA? If anything you knew it was coming.
I do not see Ric Flair in the WWE anytime, I think that "retiring" to go work somewhere else is pretty low and as employer 1 (wwe) I would not trust him to stay and do his job if he were to come back. Aslo that his problems were PR, joining a bigger company that is more of a spotlight would only intensify the problems. Another reason is the anti blood policy, seriously does he need to blade anymore, his forehead must just have an ezbleed zipper or something.

As for how Impact could fix this, I think they are doing the right thing by suspending him for blowing off his job duties. They can only a childish act by treating the offender like a child, and with the suspension being a timeout of sorts.

Does Impact really need Flair? No they do not. Legend he is but he is also not nesscessary. Impact is entertaining enough without him on the mic and his current match quality is disturbing, so he isn't needed to make the product good. That isn't saying that they wouldn't benefit with him on the mic it's just pointing out that he isn't a key to a better product

How would WWE use him. Talent scout, to unreliable. GM, Maybe but I don't see the Nature Boy as a authority figure. Commentator, Sometimes his promos can get annoying because of his craziness, so imagining a Raw or a Smackdown with him talking for a few hours would be much much worse than Michael Cole, and much less entertaining than decyphering Booker T. Promo Coach, yes that is it, Flair is a promo man and teaching some of the younger generation how to use the stick would be a great assest. That is the only way I'd use him on WWE TV
I would love for Ric Flair to return to WWE. I think he can be an asset as a manager or Commentator.

I would love for Flair to sit behind the announcers desk, possibly replacing the Booker man. He's getting better, but he's still so bad.

Also if he returned I can see him managing a guy like Tyson Kidd, or even starting a new group such as Fortune or Evolution. He was a great mouth piece for both of them, and I think he can do it again.

His problem in TNA is that he thinks his bigger, better, and badder than TNA, and he's right, but its not a good attitude to have in a company.
I can see Ric Flair signed to a WWE legends deal before the year is out. Triple H loves Flair, as to many of the higher ups in WWE. If there is one thing Vince McMahon has proved over the yeas its that nobody can truly burn bridges with him (Bret Hart in 97, Stone Cold in 02, Hogan with the steroids case). I doubt Ric Flair going to TNA will have caused much heat with the WWE.

It seems pretty clear that the best days of his relationship with TNA are over, and i doubt WWE will pass up the oppurtunity to sign him.

Steamboat is coaching in FCW, Nash & X-Pac are working the talent development with Triple H, Undertaker is too. Arn Anderson been working with WWE for years, I'm sure they can find a role for Flair even if it isn't on TV.
Well you said it yourself. Flair jumps from ship to ship and always has. So why are you surprised he jumped to to TNA? If anything you knew it was coming.
Because TNA wrestling isn't on the same level as the WWE and not even on the same level as WCW was even in WCW's worst shape. You see he was in ROH for a quick minute. But I thought that Ric Flair wouldn't take it as far as going to TNA.

Ric Flair should have known that TNA could never pay him that money that he still thinks that he's worth. So really Ric Flair played himself in the long run. And burning his bridge with the WWE was just the iceing on the cake. Ric Flair is just a parasite!
R.I.P. Ric Flair (1972-1991)

THAT is the Ric Flair I respect. Ric Flair 1981-1991 was THE BEST in the ENTIRE WORLD - and he literally proved it in countries all around the world.

I really enjoyed watching Flair from the mid-80's until 1991. Honestly, I have been saying ever since the early-90's that Flair should have retired in 1990 after Sting beat him for the World Heavyweight Title (Sting's 1st of now 15, and counting). Ever since, the torch was passed, Sting became THE MAN in the NWA (and later, WCW), and Flair has never been the same since. Ever since that 'Black Scorpion' crap.......

Really, Flair from 1991-on has gone WAY downhill in the ring, and over the past 15 years he has become a bigger and bigger disgrace and embarrasment outside of the ring as well. In the ring he went from wrestling CLASSIC matches, 60-minute matches, beating other legends, etc... to only being able to chop, punch, low-blow, and go WHOOOOOO 10-million times per match. Outside of the ring, the divorces, DUIs, assult charges, lawsuits against him, domestic violence, no-shows, bankruptcies, and all the nasty attitude and ego.......

WWE doesn't need Flair, TNA/Impact doesn't, ROH doesn't, NWA doesn't ever again, AAA doesn't, NJPW doesn't, NOBODY does! He has gone from being 'the greatest of all time' to being the biggest cancer in wrestling not named Hogan. Watching those old tapes & videos of Flair's matches and interviews in the 80's don't even matter anymore because he has actually tarnished his legacy THAT BAD. At this point, Flair should just go away forever and NEVER come back EVER again. Honestly, I doubt anyone would care if he did, anayway.

No wonder Ole Anderson hates his guts. Maybe Rev. Tully Blanchard can help his old buddy find Jesus.
The reason for my question is what everyone has been saying about him being a spotlight hog and so on. If Flair were the type to have pulled a "Shawn Michaels" and legit stayed retired, that'd be one thing. But Flair refused the offer laid out to him by Vince, and he tarnished that relationship, it seems, along with the one that's going on in Impact (or TNA). Again I say that Flair's services are no longer needed and since he NEEDS to be on TV (in his own mind) somehow, then eventually I can see him trying to convince McMahon to let him back on TV. It would NEVER be as a wrestler though. Never. Just don't see that happening due to Vince not wanting to have his show being laughed at. But stranger things have happened so we shall see what happens by year's end I suppose.
Ric needs to go back to the WWE, sign a Legends Contract which is basically a lot of money for very little work, and be happy with it. Flair was a great mentor to Robert Roode, Matt Morgan, and AJ Styles but let's face it, the guy has been a pain in the ass since he first started working for TNA.

Dixie Carter does not have the clout to control Ric Flair, Vince does, Vince is the only one who ever has, Ric needs structure and in the WWE he has Trips, Arn, and Vince right there, Ric needs the WWE.
Last I recall Ric was trying to avoid being put in prison for not paying up something to High Spots. i think it was an NWA Championship belt. Too bad the dirtsheets can' follow actual news stories.

Aside from that, Ric better shape up. If the idea is to stick in TNA because WWE doesn't want to use him the way he wants, then he better fall in line. Going out and saying hi during Basebrawl shows won't kill him or his reputation. He should know it's a smart and simple decision. And he better come around quickly. Because the last month showed that TNA clearly outgrew him.
This is just crap,garbage.ric is a legend and allways will be.he is nature boy.wwe and hhh will sing flair and make him the annormes fucking gm,he will make raw become woooo.

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