Could Raw Become The Home Of BOTH World Titles?


As I was reading over the results of the Supplemental WWE Draft a little while ago, a few questions started to run through my mind after noticing a unique happening.

As of today, Sheamus, the reigning WWE United States Champion, is a member of the SmackDown! roster. Simultaneously, Wade Barrett, the reigining WWE Intercontinental Champion, is still a member of the SD! roster. Both the WWE's mid-card titles are, at present, exclusive to SmackDown!. It's quite possible that the WWE will simply have one of them drop their title to a Raw star in the near future but I guess my entire question hinges on what if that's not how it goes down.

Last night, Alberto Del Rio, Co-#1 contender for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship, was drafted to Raw. This Sunday, he has a ladder match for said vacant title against SmackDown! star Christian. It's been speculated for a while now that Del Rio will be the WHC before too long and I think most people believe that he'll win the title this Sunday. No matter how the WWE Championship match ends, that particular title will be staying on Raw.

Do you believe both World Championships will wind up on Raw?

Will one of the titles be moved to SmackDown! in some ham fisted way?

If they do wind up on Raw, could this potentially be a first step towards unifying them into a single World Championship?
No chance. There will be some way one of them goes to Smackdown. What would Smackdown compete for. The ic and us belts? I think Christian is favorite to win on Sunday with an interference from Brodus Clay or something.
There is a possibility of this occurring, but I just don't see it happening. It's would do Vince no favours at all to diminish one of the brands by having both World Titles on one show permanently. It would alienate the other roster totally and really give the fans no major reason to watch SmackDown. I'm almost certain that Barrett or Sheamus will be losing their championship on Sunday or at the SmackDown taping this week, and Christian will be claiming his World Heavyweight Championship on Sunday. It's be foolish of McMahon to put the titles on one brand. Totally moronic if it were to occur.
I have to agree with Punk and FunKay here in saying there isn't a legit possibility of that happening. I would imagine Barrett loses the IC title on SmackDown or at Extreme Rules to bring the IC title to RAW and Christian wins the World title at the PPV to keep it on SmackDown. Everything will balance out in the end, just like it always does.

Besides, if RAW had both World titles, what would be the point of bringing Orton over to SmackDown? To fight for the US title?
with Kofi going over to Raw, I can see him winning the IC title and taking it over. But Vince likes to do weird things so I can see Alberto Del Rio winning the title and Raw having both titles for a month or so similar to what they did a few years ago when Batista was the World Heavyweight Champ and the last person drafted over to Smackdown. Christian can win it at the next ppv and be the megaface on Smackdown. not saying I would like to see that because I think those short title reigns tend to come off a fluke wins and not really mean anything, but I wouldn't ber surprised if it did happen.
Why does everyone say there is no "Legit Possibility" of this happening. What grounds do you have to support your "legit" reasoning for why this could never happen. It would be something different, which is what Vince is apparently pushing for. It would probably be experimental if it happened. I can understand people not wanting this to happen, but how do you say "there is no chance?"
If they did move the two titles to Raw it would just be stupid and would not help them in any way. As far as i'm concerned the mid card titles are just props and WWE just chucks them around like hot potatoes with no real storylines involved so SmackDown could not survive with just mid card titles.
your right there is a legit possibility of it happening but that doesnt mean it should. what would be the point of even watching SD then if there is no world champion? Edge just left, why would they shit on ratings even more taking away their world? Honestly I wouldnt even watch SD if there was no world champ. What are they gonna do have a number one contender set for a month in advance and wait till the June PPV, that would be quite stupid. Just give Christian his day
It happend 2 or 3 years ago at the draft when SMACKDOWN had all 3 of the world title for a good week or 2, but I don't see it happening again. Christian I.M.O will probably win for the same reasons Kane won it last summer and that is for loyalty to the company.So I dont see it happening again, or at all for that matter.
It is certainly a possibility of both major titles being on RAW, but I would agree with each of the people that have already commented. It really would make no sense to do it. Smackdown will not have a title and it would essentially diminish the purpose of watching Smackdown, in my opinion. Now, its always a possibility McMahon might get a wild hair up his *** and decide to unify the titles on Raw, but that would require the champ to make appearances on both Raw and Smackdown. I just dont really see that happening either. Hopefully they put the title on Christian and give him a chance to be the face of Smackdown.
The fact that people are already writing off the possibility of it happening shows that WWE will probably give Raw both titles for 1 PPV cycle just keep everyone guessing, Its not unheard of to see cross band Rivalries, especially with rematches, I can't see Christian ADR ending after 1 match even though they're cross brand, they've built this rivalry since ADR Debuted and almost immediately put Christian under the surgeons table, and Edges retirement just pushed the inevitable battle forward.

It was funny because I was just discussing with my friend that watches Raw with me, how they should just re-draft someone drafted, but having 4/5 people potentially walking out of ER with titles on Raw kind of writes the results, but WWE's proved to throw curveballs when matches are too predictable, and keep in mind WWE always likes to toss random trades out when they feel like it.

There's the possibility this could bring the IC or US title upto a world title level, but that would also mean throwing the WWEC or WHC down... Which the WWE title wouldnt play 2nd fiddle, and the WHC being a midcard title? Ric Flair will need to go die, then roll in his grave then get back up and slap the taste out of Vince's mouth, then go die and roll some more before that happens.

Also remember that they could introduce Jericho or someone out of nowhere into the mix, I could EASILY see Jericho walk in and take a world title for Smackdown, Wouldn't be the first time he came out of nowhere to win a world title, but thats a moderately low possibility.
In my opinion, no it's not going to happen (I'd love to be proven wrong) and i won't be ordering Extreme Rules because of the matches being too predictable. It just makes zero sense how they gave ADR this huge push for nothing, now he's going to lose another title match and this time it's to someone that's barely been back for two months.

With Alex Riley going to SmackDown, Miz may be turning face and ADR might be coming after him to face him in time for the next PPV. A title is just way over-due for ADR here and they know it..
So far, most people have said there is no chance ADR wins, or, if he does win, he drops it in a few weeks.

Let's look at this from another angle. If both the WWE Championship and WHC end up on Raw, it automatically makes the US Championship and Intercontinental Championship much more valuable to SD stars. If both the Heavyweight titles are on Raw, now guys like Christian, Orton, Sheamus, Big Show, Kane, etc are fighting over the US and IC. It brings much more credibility to them and makes them more coveted.

I would like to see the WWE do this and see how it goes for a few months. Worst case scenario, they can always move one of the belts back over if it doesn't work.
There are only 5 announced match on the Extreme Rules card, so no doubt one or two more are thrown in. Since the draft doesn't take effect until next Monday, they'll likely put up the IC or US title on the line in some sort of gimmick match, and a Raw-destined star will take it to Monday nights. As for the world title, maybe. It could stay on Raw for a few months until the MITB PPV. The ladder matches wouldn't be announced as Raw and SD, but WWE title and WHC. Winner gets a title opportunity at the title its branded for, and some SD guy takes the World title back.
I believe the world heavyweight championship and WWE championship was on Smackdown on the same time when Triple H is came to smackdown and Edge was the world heavyweight on smackdown at the time. But Edge lost the world heavyweight championship to CM Punk by him cashin in the money in the bank very soon. But in this case the world championships can stay on there seperate shows with out goin through all that. Like someone said before people have cross brand fews before and I don't think the WWE will unify the titles any time soon. If the brand extension would end I would understand it but I just don't with the brand extension. If the titles unified then he would probably have to go on both shows and what's the point of the champion doin that? Wouldn't he have double fueds then? It wouldn't work. So if the world heavyweight goes to Raw then I think one of those world championships would make it's way on smackdown.
Honestly, I've been kind of hoping something like this would happen for the simple reason that the title scenes (yes all of them) are becoming boring...With the US Title (Sheamus) and the IC title (Barett) being on the same show, there is really only one way the road can go for the World Heavyweight Title, and that is to RAW with Alberto Del Rio come Sunday at Extreme Rules. If you look around right now, there really isn't that many "Big Faces" in the WWE right now so by bringing the number of titles down, it could help make certain stars and titles worth more. Here's how...

Have Del Rio win the WHC at Extreme Rules thus bringing it to RAW. Have John Cena win the WWE Title at Extreme Rules. Have Miz lose the rematch and then have Cena enter a fued with Del Rio over who is the better champion. Have them face each other at one of the upcoming PPV's have Cena win and Unify the titles into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Next, have Sheamus and Wade Barett do the same thing and unify the titles. Probably keep the IC belt.

So now you have: WWE World Heavyweight Title
WWE Intercontinental Title (Mid-Card)
WWE Tag Team Titles
WWE Divas Title

Now there's only 4 titles so I'd probably bring back the Cruiserweight or Light-Heavyweight title so that the small guys have something to fight for. Each title can be defended on both brands.
I don't see how it's not out of the question. With Cena/Rock set for Wrestlemania next year...Might add some more marketing value to have Cena labeled as a former Unified champ. Have Del Rio and Cena both win at Extreme rules, Maybe keep them in a brewing rivalry and unify the belts at Summerslam, thus boosting SS's rating's as well. Cena wins and carries both belts for a short period and puts the WHC on the line against Orton or Christian at an early fall PPV and goes back to Raw as the WWE Champion and holds it till WM.

Orton would be used on Smackdown to push new talent rather then go after a U.S./I.C. championship until the WHC comes back to Smackdown, at which time he establishes himself as the face of Friday Nights for good.

It would hurt Smackdown's ratings a little...but Raw's would spike leading all the way up to WM. Just a thought.
I guess one question we should be asking too is "would it matter?" The brand split was supposed to create 2 seperate "companies" with their own champs and shows but we have seen the titles move back and forth between the brands, the champ from one show appear on the other show, etc. The split, much like the draft, is pretty much meaningless right now. In the end, if both the World Heavyweight and WWE title were on Raw and the IC and US title on Smackdown, would anything really change? The World Heavyweight title would become the secondary title to the WWE title and the US title would become secondary to the IC title. Truthfully, the only title that means anything is whatever one they decide to have Cena wrestle for - so right now the WWE title. All the rest are secondary to that. The only real question is what do you want the top title on Smackdown to be.
You know, I feel its way too predictable to have Christian win the title this sunday just because Del Rio got drafted to Raw. Sorry to say this since I like Christian but putting the title on him does nothing for the WWE. Del Rio is a future superstar and Christian has a few years left tops. I see the WWE putting the title on Del Rio and having him in some sort of a one upsmanship feud with the Miz on Raw eventually leading to some sort of unification of the titles.
Well if there is no incentive to end the brand split, then I really don't think it would be a wise move to keep both World Titles on Raw. Without a World Title on Smackdown, there is nothing for people to chase with any real significance, since the IC and US title has lost so much prestige over the years. However if there was to be no world title on Smackdown, then the prestige of these once midcard titles would be raised, but where does it leave the guys who used to fight over these mid card belts, but now are pushed aside to let the major players have a go at them. We want to see new guys getting pushed to the top of the world, improving their character to the point where we say, they’re going to be a world champion. There are guys above the IC and US title now, so having a World title around keeps them satisfied, while the younger stars can battle it out to get noticed, win the mid card titles, and make their way up the WWE ladder of success.

It is a possibility though, as WWE tossed around title unification a lot recently, and with the current booking, they do have a chance to do it, whether they want to pull it off yet, or keep two titles on Raw so in the near future, they can start plaaning a unification feud.
Two belts on the same show might happen, but only for a short time like they did before. Period! No need to read too much into this. There is just no way world titles will stay on Raw with SD superstars have to fight for midcard belts. That is a joke! That is worse than Arquette winning the title. That is worse than Hogan winning by a fingerpoke. That is worse than the worst mistake in history of wrestling. Yes I'm making bold comments because it simply won't happen. Even the thought and reading too much into this is funny
I like how people fantasy book around 'net rumors.. Just sayin'.

Anywho, if this happens, one of them will be neglected like one of the mid-card belts. This is Raw we are talking about here. They have enough time for more than two or three big programs, but never really do. If Del Rio wins on Sunday and continues to be a part of the Raw roster, I really suspect he will be the champion that gets pushed down the card.
Only and only if Del Rio wins, and Cena wins, and we have some kind of title unification match at Summerslam cause damnit theres too many titles!

Unify the World titles, unify the IC/US titles. Fire all the divas with the titles and boom. We might have a good time watching this crap.
Wow everyone's crowning Christian already. I don't believe he's going to win. They can find a creative way to get one of the titles over to SD without having him beat Del Rio. Remember they stressed that next week people from BOTH shows are welcome to RAW for The Rock's birthday celebration. What better way to cap off such a big episode than a big title change? Or what about the whole R-Truth scenario? Maybe he takes out Morrison at extreme rules and a SD superstar ends up in his spot and takes the title? Or maybe they could do something with Miz and Del Rio challenge each other and the loser has to go to SD?
Anything could happen at this point. It seems like the most logical answer would be for Christian to win the WHC Sunday since he is on Smackdown and the other main event is all Raw talent. On a different note, I would be highly surprised if Miz didn't retain here. I would be even more surprised to see two heel champions in Del Rio and Miz on the same show. Its too early for Cena to be champion, and R Truth will probably take out John Morrison before or during the match.

I don't see WWE unifying both championships at this point. This is something they would make a big deal of at WrestleMania. Then again, they might just say the hell with it and have two champions on Raw. One champion defending the title on Raw and Smackdown. Christian winning makes more sense though.

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