Could it work: Jericho


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Now the idea is he may turn heel this sunday and and if he does it is well known how many times he has flipped back and fourth. So what i was thinking is could it work once he returns from this break with fozzy if he could play both HEEL and FACE AT SAME TIME. A true tweener. His promos couod go something like this but better of course.

"It doesnt matter where we will be fighting i am the best in the world at everything I do and do not listen to these hypocritical Jericholoics in the house tonight cause this is Raw is Jericho and by the end of the night i guarantee your life will never evver be the saame ahain"

He could go on to feud with Cena Orton Punk Lesnar and maybe even a mania match with Taker if he can build enough thought we belive he could win. So your thoughts?
No I don't see it working. I see Jericho as the fan favorite who will always be cheered regardless. With him being part time and doing his tour thing with Fozzy, I just see it being a waste of time. He's been a heel way too many times and that whole switching back and forth thing becomes redundant.

We have seen this done with The Big Show, Kane and more veterans. It's just annoying to be frank, i'd rather Jericho was used in his current role. I sure as hell don't want to see Jericho team with Paul Heyman because it would pointless and would do nothing for his career. He has feuded with most of those guys you mentioned, at this point I think its best he stays face.
Jericho will be booed out of the building, there's no doubt about, but I don't see a heel turn coming. It just going to be a one-off match scenario, that's it. Let's face it, Payback is Chicago. It could be Punk VS Rock III, and the crowd would viciously heckle and boo the The Rock.

I also don't think WWE is going to start up another Punk/Jericho feud. Punk just needs an opponent with some real name value. Lesnar is on another one of his hiatuses, Cena and Ryback are busy feuding with each other, and Triple H is caught up in his own storyline. CM Punk isn't another guy on the roster. He's WWE's top heel, so you can't just throw someone like The Miz at him, and expect any kind of buzz to surround the match. On top of all that, Punk and Jericho have history together to build on after their heated feud from last year.

Also, heel Jericho is beyond stale. There's no more ground left for him to cover as a bad guy. The "condescending jerk, who speaks in a monotone voice, and uses big words" character has been done to death. Seeing Jericho as a face is refreshing, and there's no real need for him to return to heel territory, or be a tweener.
Honestly, I don't see the point in a Jericho heel turn at this point in time. No offense, but the promo you typed out sounded more like a split-personality disorder as if one moment he's behind the Jerichoholics, then he's calling them hypocrites.

I think the best scenario if to have Curtis Axel cost CM Punk the match, because IMO it would bring some real heat and interest to Axel because we all know he'd get booed out of the city of Chicago because "Michael McGillicutty just cost CM Punk his return match". Would give Axel a good rub by having even just a 1 month feud with Punk ending at MITB.
Interesting idea but I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think we'll see a "double turn" of sorts with Jericho turning heel and Punk turning face. Jericho is going to be booed out of the building. It's Chicago, it's Punk's big return, he's got new theme music, etc.
-I could see Jericho maybe not turning heel but with the ref down Heyman screwing Punk over and Jericho wins the match without knowing of help from Heyman
-Jericho could remain undefeated leading up to Mania and taking on Taker
-How this Sunday will play out should be interesting but I think most everyone believes even inside WWE Punk will be face after the event going after Heyman
-Never needed him anyways completely broke most of Punk's momentum along with totally screwing up the Ryback character
I for one would like to see another heel turn for Jericho. (But I don't see it happening)

Him being a face is just meh it's like he's trying so hard to live in the past and be the old Y2J he was. I personally believe that Jericho's just one of those natural heels. He's a mediocre face at best.
Jericho is getting to that point that no matter what he does he is going to get cheered. As to what the OP said, I could see Jericho feuding with faces and heel. He could do that without much change to his characters or promos though. I like him how he is now. He is kind of played out as a heel, and while he will get booed in Chicago I see him keep the same character he has now moving forward.
Sunday's PPV presents an interesting scenario. Presumably, Punk wants to function as a heel (every-damn-body outside of John Cena wants to play a heel, after all), yet WWE knows what Sunday will be like since it's all happening in the guy's hometown. Punk could slit Jericho's throat from ear to ear and still be massively cheered by the fans. Holding his comeback match in Chicago is hardly the way to set up a heel run, right?

Chris Jericho, meanwhile, seems set permanently as a face. With his unique (for WWE employees) schedule, it hardly pays for the company to invest in attitude changes, only to have the performer take a few months off right after the effort of turning him. To make Chris bad for one night, just for the purposes of opposing Punk, seems pointless. (Reminds me too much of Shawn Michaels going heel for one match....against Hulk Hogan.....only to turn good again right after)

I sense a swerve. Punk comes back to an immense reception, yet performs some dastardly deed during the match and shows himself to be the baddest in the world. In Chris Jericho, he has an ideal opponent; Chris can function in any manner called for by the script; whether the Chicago fans boo or cheer him won't effect his performance.....he'll bring it off flawlessly, as always.

They couldn't pick a better opponent for Punk, given the circumstances..... but I can't see Chris turning bad; this night is about Punk, not Jericho.
Jericho will be booed at Packback but he should remain a face. If he is making sporadic appearances than I cannot see him being a sustainable heel. He will return and get cheered. He is, and always will be, a fan favourite.

Y2J won't be in the WWE for the long-run: I think it is simply arrive, get people over and leave to tour with Fozzy. I like that system and it doesn't need changing. There are others that could use his magic touch after it helped Fandango and Ziggler.
Jericho will be booed in Chicago no matter what he does because it is in Punk's hometown of Chicago where Punk can do no wrong and if anything Punk has already proven that he is The Best in the World beating the self-proclaimed so called Best in the World at What he Does Chris Jericho not once but twice beating him at WrestleMania 28 and at Extreme Rules 2012 and then beating him on RAW Active in 2013, so Punk has nothing to prove to Jericho at all as far as I'm concerned

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