Could Hall & Waltman Actually Help TNA?


iMPACT! Player From The Start
First things first, I am intending this to be a discussion on if Scott Hall & Sean Waltman could actually be used as assets to help TNA and it's younger wrestlers. This IS NOT a topic to be flooded with "Hall's fat and old, he SUX!" OR "Waltman is a Bitch, plz go awy!" This is to have a good point/counterpoint oppinion on this.

Watching Impact we saw a (seemingly) sober Scott Hall deliver a promo that was actually pretty funny. We all know how great of a buisness mind Scott has. Perhaps not as a full time wrestler (if a wrestler at all) I can see Hall being an asset to TNA. He would play a great manager and could be a good mouthpiece for someone who may not be gold on the mic. He's an instant heat magnet and on the other hand can get great cheers when he's the good guy. I think Hall (staying sober) would make a great asset to the young guys. Hell he's proven he (along with The Band) have no problem putting guys over as they proved at Genesis with Beer Money.

Waltman is a guy I'm kind of on the fence with. He showed at Genesis he can still go when he needs to. With Hall he could be a great tool to get guys over as he seemingly has no problem losing, at long as he is getting paid. Grantit yes Pac has been kown to be a screw up and a no show. But that's why the short term deals were decided on.

So the question is do you think Hall & Waltman could be assets to the company in either part time or full time positiions?
I could see Hall and Waltman both being useful to TNA if they are given good direction. They need to be put into a solid story first. They need direction, so far their purpose in TNA has been undefined. I cannot tell if they are with Hogan or against him and with Easy E or not, but that can easily be fixed. Also, TNA needs to decide if they want to go with this NWO 2010 or not, they will not benefit from Hall and Waltman turning on Nash and then two weeks later all being good again.

I could easily see Hall being a spokesman for Waltman and lets not lie, Waltman can still go, regardless of all the pills he is on. The dude is still good in the ring when he wants to be and could still be a potential force in the X Division. But, like I said, TNA needs to give them both some direction first before either can do any good for the company.
I wasn't sure how well Hall was gonna do, but I gotta say I was impressed by how well he sounded tonight. If he can lay off the booze I think he's got a good chance of having one last run. Waltman obviously still has it as far as wrestling since he's never really stopped. He's been in AAA in Mexico for a while before coming to TNA. I'm still iffy about his mic skills tho. I guess we'll see, but I think they'll do good.
I would love to see Hall as someone's manager. I think that is something that has been sorely lacking in wrestling today. Good stickmen used to managed talented in ring performers who lack the charisma to get over on the mic. Hall is definitely an asset as long as he can stay off the sauce. He has always been solid on the mic and if he can do what he did tonight on a consistent basis, he could totally help get someone over.

Waltman on the other hand, I don't see as so much an asset. He has grown pretty lame over the years and although he can still wrestle, was never all that compelling of a character. So I am yes on Hall and no on Waltman as assets.
If you could convince Waltman to be a solid mid-carder, or put him in the X-Division to put over younger guys, he could be a very good asset. I don't want to see him main eventing any PPVs and I'd rather keep a mic out of his hand as much as possible, but I do enjoy seeing him on TV and I think he has enough in-ring skill to be valuable.

As for Hall... I honestly don't know. If he could do what he did tonight on a regular basis, by all means, I'd love to have him around. He was genuinely entertaining tonight and reminded me what I used to love about him. Is that the Hall we can expect to see in the future, though? Maybe it's worth a shot.
For those following Scott Hall, most of you know that Sid vicious gave him new life getting him sober and focused. Hall is still overweight but is thinner than what he was a year ago. So its coming off slowly. I think give him 6 months time and he will be better off with TNA. He is doing well so far, he has not been a cancer, and is looking like he is having fun with his friends again (Pac/Nash/Hogan) He has been trying to change his life around since 2009. From what I understand his main goal is to be a color commentator not to be a wrestler. So I can see him joining Taz at somepoint. I can also picture Sid coming to TNA as well since he is his life mentor and has really gotten HALL on track. Kudos to Sid for being a real friend to him.

Hall still has a rep for being a drunk even though he has been sober for many months, it will take a while for him to loose that rep. But for those that follow Sid Vicious and Hall we know the truth behind the scenes. I say that X-pac is still young an could still go,.. Hall is doing his job and is still funny aand charismatic even though overwieght.
They can be an asset for one easy reason. I haven't bought a wrestling t-shirt in 10 years and I want a shirt with "The Band" logo on it badly. I'm in a band so I got ulterior motives but I could see that shirt topping their sales list either way.
Unfortunatly I don't see Hall or Wattman helping TNA. People are tried of riding the nostalgia train. If this business is going to be takin serious they need to start moving foward. With todays tweeters and thousands of gossip sites we all know too much about the wrestling world. these too are too far gone from the pubic eye and with all their past indescertions they are just too far gone.
First off, Hall needs to be taken off TV until he is in shape and ready to perform at an acceptable level. Fans just tuning into TNA don't need to see an overweight, out of shape Hall trying to convince people he can still be that bully of the nWo years. Hall is still good on the stick but no fans, young or old, can take a fat out of shape guy seriously. Especially when he was SO good back in the day and is just a shell of his former self

As for Xpac, I don't have a clue. Nobody really cared when he was in nWo or his return to DX. He gets lackluster pops, nobody buys his stuff, so I really don't see a need for him in TNA. TNA has too many guys that have yet to show their full potential to waste time on a guy given ample time, angles, and opponents fed to him to succeed.
These guys were all great years ago. Hall, Nash, Waltman they were the bad boys of wrestling they started a revolution & were amazing, but this is 2010. These guys should be at home raising their kids & grandkids. The one reason I dont see them doing any good to TNA or the business cause they are taking time away from the young guys who can make a difference.
Give Joe, Daniel, & Styles the time you give the outsiders. The topic just angries me I hate seeing what is going on with TNA. It has become Total Nursing Home Action. Hogan came in and has brought all these old farts with him & it makes me sick.
I wish I could see the positive by I cannot .
Sean Waltman has been in TNA before and has done pretty well. I still can't forget that match he had with Jerry Lynn. So yes, he can help out TNA.

Scott Hall has also been in TNA before, even though it was short lived, he wasn't strung out on alcohol like he is now. If he could somehow get sober and back into shape mentally and physically, he could help out TNA.

I seriously hope Hogan firing Hall and Waltman is a storyline.
This is where I stand on Hall. I love the man basically. Met him a few times over the last x amount of years (to the point where he actually remembers my face, which is quite an achievement for Hall) and he's always been very nice to me. I met him at the back end of last year at a hotel bar (no surprises there I thought) where I had an extended chat with him. The funny thing was he wasn't on the sauce. He was drinking orange juice and appeared to be genuinely enjoying himself. He was clearly sober on this week's Impact, so maybe he really is turning a corner.

I've always thought if he got sober he'd make an amazing commentator. He's got a head for the business and what with his mic skills he could be a living legend in that position. Certainly better than the frankly annoying Tazz in any case. Also, as previously mentioned by others, he would be a good manager too. Ric Flair has always worked in that role, because aside from the heat he can get, he can compensate for someone who isn't good on mic quite comfortably. He'll probably succeed in doing that with AJ from now on to be honest. Hall can generate heat effortlessly and can talk until the cows come home as well. I think on that type of level, be it commentary, manager etc, Hall can be a massive asset. It's in his own hands to prove it though.

As for Waltman, I've never been a fan of him in the ring or on the stick. I'm not sure how much he wants to sort his life out, because I've not heard it from the horses mouth like I have with Hall. I can take him or leave him to be honest.
I think Scott Hall and Sean Waltman could be an excellent asset for TNA. This nWo rebirth could be the perfect merchandising counter to WWE's D-Generation X. Now granted, Nash, Hall, and Waltman are nowhere near the level of Hunter or Shawn in terms of in-ring skills, they could still be a major merchandising hit for TNA. Remember the sea of black that used to cloud WCW back in the day? TNA could easily replicate that without getting their asses sued off by WWE. Come up with a more creative name than "the Band", make the new nWo a brawling team, and thrust Hogan's support behind them. Alot more steps would have to be taken, but this would be a start.
This was always going to attract crap from people saying "oh but Hall is fat and drunk". Hall was drunk 15 years ago, so that bit makes no difference. And being fat doesn't stop you cutting amazing promos. Bringing Hall back isn't like bringing in cretins like the Nasty Boys. Those 2 idiots haven't been on TV in fuck knows how long, and they couldn't find they're arses with both hands. Hall was part of the biggest moment in wrestling history (for me anyways) and that is definitely still worth something. Have him and Waltman feud with Nash and Young if you're intent on having him wrestle. Have him feud with the whole fucking company for crying out loud, but fucking do something with him. Something except for a drinking contest with James Storm!
I used to like X-Pac about ten years ago. Right now, I can't remember why. I'm sure I had a valid reason. Probably not, actually.

Right now, Waltman just irritates. He's a never-was that probably-never-would-have-been either. What was it Edge said? 1998 called and they want their ____ back. I guess in this context it would have to be "wrestlers". I'd be surprised if most people who even remember Sean Waltman even think that fondly of him.

Then again, he is a great unknown who's never been in a major company and never had a chance to shine and should go on an incredible European Tour with Ric Flair and upon his return to America be crowned king of the forever, right Mark Madden?

I don't have as much of an issue with Hall. Don't get me wrong - I don't think he's good. He can't wrestle (no, he literally cannot wrestle) and all he seems to do in promos these days is tread on other people's lines. "Give me a pay rise! HUR HUR HUR!"

They actually made me hate Kevin Nash less.
I don't know if they would or not, but I do know that they make any storyline that they are in that much more interesting. If TNA did sign them to a full contract, i honestly wouldn't mind it. I would just want to make sure that the creative staff knows how to use them, and get them over with the fans. If TNA were my company, I would want to try to bring them in as faces because I know that Hogan is their boy, and if they can somehow tie him and Eric Bischoff into the rivalary somehow than they would be set. It would almost just be like the old days of WCW, except a much better WCW that won't die anytime soon.
For sure, Hall and Nash and Waltman can be great assets to TNA. The main focus for these guys is to put over the younger talent. Hall and Nash dont need to win titles anymore. They've been there and done that. Waltman yes could be a contender for the x division championship. If TNA revolves the company around hall and nash and hogan, then younger talent will be buried. Well for sure, hogan is gonna be in the spotlight because he's running the company on TV, but I believe hogan is serious about pushing the younger guys and the mainstream tna talent. So hall and nash and waltman could be very good assets to the company because they know the business inside and out and they know what works and dont work.
i can see them helping a lot. pac still got some moves and i think he should go straight to the x division...or the world title picture if anyone is down with two words if ur not though...cuz xpac does still suck and always will. scott hall is still fat. not as fat as he was wen he came back last time so maybe hes trying. but hes still entertaining but not manager material. as good as he is i dont think he has the kind of personality to boost somebody else up from the sidelines. i can actually see him(and nash) running the show instead of hogan/bischoff. what better way to let the two biggest bullies play, then to let them run the show.
As far as Scott Hall goes, I'm not all that confident as to what he can offer TNA at this point. At the Genesis ppv, the story floating around is that Hall had a groin injury that kept him off the show. However, I've read that the actual reason he wasn't on the show was that he put on a pair of tights, saw just how out of shape he really is and was so embarassed that he asked to be taken off the show. Call me crazy, but common sense should dictate that Hall get himself into shape before he decided to make his latest appearance in TNA. I don't know if this is completely true or not, but Hall is said to be taking a lot of pills backstage and just kind of zones in and out. I dunno about all that, but I do know that he's in bad shape. Couple this with Hall's history of no shows and screw ups and I'm just not all that confident. Truth is, Hall doesn't really have anything to offer that I can see.

Sean Waltman is just....well he's there. Waltman is a guy I just never really warmed up to. He always struck me as someone that was more of a hanger on. He was associated with a lot of big name talent and, because of that, he sort of had the image of being a big name talent himself. Comparing him with Hogan, Hall and Nash, I just look at him and see someone that achieved much of his success by hanging around with the biggest names. It was kind of the same thing with DX I think, only to a lesser degree at that particular time. Waltman, like Hall, has become a bit of a joke due to drug usage and his relationship with Joanie Laurer, which was something of a never ending sideshow attraction.

Ultimately, these two have been out of the spotlight for such a long time and have gained such bad reps that I just think their time is past. Hall is in this 50s and his best days are definitely behind him. Waltman, while he's only 37, he's just a guy that's a burn out. If TNA were to use these guys to put over young talent, then I could probably tolerate them. I'm not going to hold my breath on that however.
LOL to anyone that thinks Hall or Waltman will contribute anything positive to TNA besides a bunch of jokes about who falls of the Wagon first. Not that falling off the Wagon is anything to laugh about, but my god how many times can you give these guys breaks before you realize that they are just broken and beyond repair.

Scott Hall is what, 45 or older? He's using a stale character from a dozen years ago that was based on an even staler character from a dozen years before that. Scott Hall was already billed to be on a pay per view, and couldn't perform on that pay per view because he was so far out of shape.

Waltman on the other hand is 15 years removed from actually being a wreslting talent as the 1,2,3 Kid. Everything since then, including Syxx and X-Pac has been nothing but an utter failure.

Anyone that honestly believes that these two will make a differense is dillusional.
Shocky summed it up pretty well as he always does. Hall and Nash are the only things that people care about. Pac was always more or less a joke. the underdog thing can take him only so far and it did that thirteen years ago. As Syxx he killed the Cruiserweight title until Rey and Jericho brought it back to life. He's just not interesting at all. Hall on the other hand is just old, period. he can't even look right in trunks to work a match. Seriously, why is he there? Oh yeah, he's referencing a team that broke up 12 years ago. They're living off past successes and taking up way too much TV time. Again, I fail to see the point to this.
I'll have to say no. Waltman and Hall were hot, but that was a long time ago, and I don't think they have the legend status to remain popular through the years like a Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, or Stone Cold. These are two guys that had their runs in WWF and WCW, and haven't really been able to re capture that magic ever since. Now a lot of that has to do with the personal problems both of these guys had, but still, they never were able to re capture what they once had.

At first The Band seemed like something that could go some where, but it fizzled out pretty quickly. I'm way more interested to see what's going to happen with Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley,and Kurt Angle.
LOL to anyone that thinks Hall or Waltman will contribute anything positive to TNA besides a bunch of jokes about who falls of the Wagon first. Not that falling off the Wagon is anything to laugh about, but my god how many times can you give these guys breaks before you realize that they are just broken and beyond repair.

Scott Hall is what, 45 or older? He's using a stale character from a dozen years ago that was based on an even staler character from a dozen years before that. Scott Hall was already billed to be on a pay per view, and couldn't perform on that pay per view because he was so far out of shape.

Waltman on the other hand is 15 years removed from actually being a wreslting talent as the 1,2,3 Kid. Everything since then, including Syxx and X-Pac has been nothing but an utter failure.

Anyone that honestly believes that these two will make a differense is dillusional.

Damn you for stealing everything I could have said.

They've been nothing since they arrived, and they aggravate me, and a million other fans, every time they pop up. They're like an annoying pimple. Just go away, dammit.

That "sneak attack" on Impact was awful. They didn't make it look convincing, and you can tell they've got nothing left in the tank. Waltman showed flashes at Genesis, but Hall holds him back, and makes himself look even worse every time he shows his mug in front of a camera.
Hall and Waltman are both mostly past the point where they could be very helpful for TNA. They are big names from the past however so once the novelty of them being in TNA has worn off (which will be soon) then they could still be helpful if they are part-time members of the roster (NOT full-time) and eventually put over somebody new. These guys had their fame many years ago, they can be a big help if they assist in creating new stars by putting them over though. Other than that, there is little else they can do because neither are in the physical condition needed to deserve a huge push.
I always thought Waltman was alright in the ring, and he wasn't that bad at Genesis, so maybe there is some mileage in keeping in a team with Nash, but probably not really. I believe the dictionary definition of Over The Hill has a picture of Scott Hall next to it. The man was never that big of a deal and he is now in the worst shape of his life, over 50 years old, and it has to stop. I'm not a believer that using wrestlers real daemons as storylines is a very good idea, and I think it would be better to get rid of these two before they make a mockery of themselves and the company by association.

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