Could a Vito-type character work today?

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Little Jimmy
A character like Vito from ~2006 return, so an openly crossdressing/openly gay character like Vito.

For anyone who doesn't remember, here's a brief history:

Vito and Nunzio were tagging together, several superstars would tell Nunzio that they had seen Vito wearing dresses and such. Eventually, Vito, wearing women's clothing, would start coming out and wrestling (there's that word again...) matches while wearing dresses.

Vito's character turned face and he became a fun loving guy, dressed as a woman. His character even got a date with Ashley Massaro.

Regal and MVP then threatened sexual harassment lawsuits on Teddy Long if they forced him to wrestle (sorry Vince) against Vito while JBL.

If I recall correctly, the character was fairly over but Vito would eventually get his future now come the questions...

1. Would you like to see a Vito type character return?

2. If yes; who would portray it?

3. Would the character be face or heel?

4. How would you book the character's development?

For me:

1. Yes; I would, that's why I'm making this thread.

2. I'd be looking for someone who's not doing much right now so this way if the story line flops, you can do an injury angle and FCW the person for a character repackaging, my top choice: Darren Young (after NXT ends)

3. Face: hopefully like Vito, the character can get women behind him

4. I'd book the character as someone who's ridiculed by heels for being different, but stands up for himself..and has other faces stand up for him. The character would be someone that kids could look up to for tolerance and since the heels would lose (whether it be too Young or Young teaming with John Cena, or another face). The character could beat midcard heels and an easy way to turn a heel face would be to have a heel turn on another heel for bullying the different guy.
Unfortunately, I don't think this type of character would work. Not in the society that we live in today. The harsh reality is that as long as there are people who are not tolerant about alternative lifestyles (and that's still the very large majority of people), there is no way that a character such as this will work and get over with the crowd. Case in point: Orlando Jordan.
Unfortunately, I don't think this type of character would work. Not in the society that we live in today. The harsh reality is that as long as there are people who are not tolerant about alternative lifestyles (and that's still the very large majority of people), there is no way that a character such as this will work and get over with the crowd. Case in point: Orlando Jordan.

you are right on the money with this. In what world cross-dressing is PG? Even in TNA they tried to do something like this with Orlando Jordan and it didn't work and TNA is not PG. Imagine if WWE does it now, it would be a PR nightmare for Vince Mcmahon because the sponsors would pull out and he would lose money. The next thing you know CNN has a special report about Vince Mcmahon about to jump from a bridge. So in closing, there is no way this is going to happen again.
Yes, I think it would work if done correctly as in interestingly and entertaining. Not just doing it for the sake of doing it. I would like to see such a character return only if as I said it makes worthwhile TV..I am all for gimmicks or something that would make sombody stand out in quite a bland roster as far as individuality goes.

I like it when the WWE have a camp/gay character gimmick going on and aslong as they are put in feuds with the right people it can be very entertaining. Goldust being a good example and he happens to be one of my favourite wrestlers of all time. I loved some of the promos he did with the Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker.. the contrast in characters made for some very entertaining viewing.
Poppycock, to be fair Goldust wasn't cross-dressing he was only effiminate. Even that was borderline for WWE at the time. No way in hell it would work with today's WWE audience. Parents are liberal with things like this but it wouldn't take much for a religion right-wing parent to bitch and moan about something like this being viewed by their kid. And who buys WWE merchandise? Thats right, parents not the kids so....
you are right on the money with this. In what world cross-dressing is PG?

In 1986 when Adrian Adonis was doing it before most members here were born. More misunderstanding of PG and using it as a cop out.

I don't think the character would get over but it has nothing to do with PG. It's just a pretty lame character. It's nothing new in wrestling. It would be ok in the beginning for some laughs, but soon the shock would wear off and the character wouldn't have anywhere to go. This kind of gimmick is not meant for long term.
Vito's crossdressing character was openly gay? Or was were you just adding that as some sort of preset?

You pointed out his date with Ashley but I dont think it was ever put out there he was gay...he was just a wrestler in a dress or wrestling in a skirt no different than Piper, The Headbangers and Saturn before him or Highlanders and Drew after him in their scottish kilts.

*cue someone pointing out the difference between them*

Obviously, I am refering to the fact that a dress and a skirt is similar.

But if anything even if the character was straight but he crosseddress on TV I am sure it would be just fine with the PG Era because GLAAD would back it UNTIL WWE did something with it that GLAAD didnt like then they would hate it and say it was bashing a way of life and putting it in a bad light.

The only real problem here is that there is no real gimmicks anymore and no one in the WWE (currently) could do a gimmick like that. I guess someone like Justin Gabriel or sadly someone from FCW like Seth Rollins could do it but that would kill any future a wrestler had in the WWE as soon a promo pop'd up.

Maybe, Big Show will put a dress on and wrestle KHARMA at Mania this year and that will be his way around the whole men vs. women in the WWE.

BTW, I never noticed any ratings sign when TNA comes on but SpikeTV website lists TNA as being Rated PG.
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out but didn't WWE recently do this with Santino?? While he was "dating" Beth Pheonix did he not pretend to be his sister or cousin or something like that and compete and (if my memory is correct) win the diva's strap? Also if I recall while funny at the time eventually was just a big flop?
An openly gay character, or at least what the OP has defined as an openly gay character can never work in the WWE or in any other promotion for that matter. It is a character basically designed for a few cheap laughs at what are percieved as the infirmities of a gay person. Not only will it become lame after two weeks, WWE might also face an extreme backlash.

What I would like to see someday is a storyline featuring a gay wrestler who is denied opportunities the other wrestlers get due to the fact that he is gay. It is no secret that gays are looked down upon in this industry and in the society in general, so the trials and tribulations of a gay character might make an interesting story.
In 1986 when Adrian Adonis was doing it before most members here were born. More misunderstanding of PG and using it as a cop out.

The Brain, like you said i was too young when he was doing the character. Anyways like most people said, it would never work long term because after a week or two people would be bored.
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