Could a steel cage ladder match happen?


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Well, could it?

It seems to me that, on paper at least, it's a good idea. But could it work? I don't know of one ever happening.

The obvious flaw in this idea is 'where are the ladders and how do the guys in the match get them?' My theory is that either there are ladders in/around the ring, but within the cage as well (ie between the ropes and the cage, one on each side), or that the cage is Hell In A Cell sized, to the floor, allowing each guy to check under the ring for ladders.

It would, of course, be more dangerous than a normal ladder match, anyone being pushed off a ladder would be flying into the side of a cage, and in a normal steel cage, landings could be 'bowling shoe' ugly, with it being much more difficult for anyone to 'safely' straddle the top rope.

It would open up the opportunity for the wrestlers in the match to attempt unique spots, such as jumping from the top of the cage towards the title belt in an attempt to grab it.

So what do we think? Is it something that could realistically happen, or is it too dangerous?
No. That is a horrible idea. End of. A steel cage and ladder match in their own work very well, but you better not combine them. Not only will it be an eyesore on the eyes, but it would be just a rediculous concept overall. So no, a steel cage ladder match would be a terrible idea.
There wouldn't be a logical point to it, but to try and pull off a ridiculously dangerous spot.

Steel Cage is meant for escape. Ladders are meant to be used to reach the belt/case/contract/etc. If the belt or whatever is suspended above the ring, what is the point of the Steel Cage? To jump across the ring, hold onto the belt/case for dear life, and somehow try and untie the cable as gravity pulls you down? Not bright. Not bright at all.

Think about Jack Swagger's two minutes of shame for a second and ask yourself why they don't add a Steel Cage to a Ladder Match. In the end it will look corny and WCW Russo-worthy. Probably why you don't see a Hell In A Cell Elimination Chamber. Though at least that would look better on paper.
Yes it would be too dangerous, the wrestlers could very well end up hurting them self more than they could in a regular ladder match, or a regular steel cage match, besides the problem with your setup is that I would assume the ladders would either be inside the ring, causing more dangerous potential spots, or the ladders would be outside the cage, which would eliminate the whole reason for the cage.

Nobody should make an attempt in making such a match, mostly because it would be a very clusterfuck like match, too messy to watch and the dangers the cage mixed with the ladders would present is more than enough for the promotions not to make this match happen.
nah, it'd just be a mess and would make no sense, I mean, storyline-wise why would you want to do it? or maybe I should be asking how could you do it?, the only way I could ever see anything like this happening would be if it where in a 3 stages of hell match with one fall being cage match, and the next being ladder, and someone in the back lowering the cage during the ladder portion of the match, otherwise the whole idea would be pointless and stupid
Will it ever happen? NOOO!!!

It's too complicated and would be too dangerous...the booking would be awful...i have the idea that the aladders could be in the ring at the start or hung up at the top of the cage...but there is no can just climb to the top and dive off to the grab (object) at the top of the ring...

WWE would never do this....maybe TNA...but it would be a weird and bad idea...
Maybe they could have a match where you start out in a HIAC that's surrounded by fire, then have them break out of the Cell, drag a ladder from underneath the ring to the top of the cell where a title or something will be hanging about 15-20 feet above the cell, climb the ladder, & get the belt, oh but before you even think about escaping the Cell first you have to bust open the other guy, and make him bleed perfidiously (cause we all know blood instantly makes a match 100x better:rolleyes:), and then pin him, now THAT would be an awesome match!... ah sarcasm

See one of the problems with wrestling these days is that there are too many over the top gimmick matches and they happen far to often, a gimmick match should only happen to enhance a feud/storyline, and even then should be used when things reach a boiling point and a regular match isn't enough to settle the issue, if a wrestler can't get over without the use of gimmick matches then he flat out sucks, & if promoters just focused and did a better job crafting better feuds and stories, not only would wrestlers prolly stay healthier, and have longer careers, but the gimmick matches when used would have a FAR greater effect
Worst.Idea.Ever.I mean come on,this match would never be anything other a spot match with crazy spots and cheap pops.Just a crazy idea to try make another gimmick,if I ever saw this happen I would leave Pro Wrestling Forever.It would be like ECW Garbage Wrestling all over again and would do nothing but have cheap pops,shorten careers and devalue gimmicks in the long term.
It already did at Summerslam 08. That was a ladder match in a cage. I don't see why not at all, but I completely fail to see the appeal of it. The point of a cage match is keeping two people inside of a small area rather than jumping all over the place doing his spots. A ladder match is about flying all over the place rather than being in one small and confined area. I could see it happening, but I'd likely shake my head at it as they would be cutting either match away at the knees. It would be like taking a man and a woman and putting them together. You wouldn't want Trish's face on Randy Orton's body or John Cena's head on a figure like Stacy Keibler's. It just wouldn't work at all.
Im confused as to how it would work? If there is a ladder then whats the point of the cage and vice versa? It seems like having them together makes one of the objects completely pointless. It also seems like there would be waaaaay to much going on in a match like this and it wouldnt be very visually pleasing. honestly gimmick matches have gotten ridiculous enough as it is so even if they could make this work i wouldnt want to see it. what happened to the days when you could just have a regular match and people found it exciting? Too many gimmick matches nowadays

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