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Could a dual singles champion work?

Could a Superstar hold two singles titles at once and it be believable?

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  • No

  • maybe

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Sucker for Stables
I've always wondered this, and even done it in the WE games for lulz, but on actual WWE TV could a superstar hold two singles titles and it be believable? there's been times like with the two man power trip and Mix teaming with big show where a guy has held a singles title along with a tag team title and Triple H did unify the IC title with the WHC title back during the brand split, but could a superstar hold either the WWE or World title and the IC or US title and wrestle two different feuds, or multiple matches per TV show and it still make sense in the grand scheme of things?
Its been done, Shawn Michaels had the European and WWE titles at the same time, Kurt Angle was European and IC champ at the same time. And I think thats why the Euro title isnt around any more. It pretty much devalued it beyond repair.
Shawn Michaels held the European and WWF title at the same time but they never had him defend the European title so it was kind of pointless.

Ultimate Warrior held the Intercontinental title and WWF title at the same time but had to vacate the Intercontinental title due to a "rule" at the time about holding both titles.

Really I wouldn't see the point of your World champion also holding a mid card title. I can't see any logical reasoning of why you would want one of your top guys feuding with other top guys and mid carders. It wouldn't elevate the guy holding the title and if a mid carder is good enough to wrestle a top guy then why is he not good enough to challenge for a top title?
They could do this if they wanted to combine the wwe title and the wht. Or the us and intercontinental belts.. Would make a nice story instead of vinnie mack coming out and saying theres too many belts and dropping 1.
I think it would be a good idea actually. To me it would make the belts look more like actual championships than just angles or enhancement tools.
A wrestler could definitely hold two different belts at the same time. For example, a wrestler could hold both the World Heavyweight Championship and the US title. At the current moment in time there is very little going for each respective belt so maybe one super champion would bring interest. I can't really think of a good name for this - Ambrose already holds one belt so he would be a logical choice. Even someone like Sandow or Barrett who could run with it and give us an entertaining few months for two different titles.
No I don't think so. There are only four titles now. Before there was European, hardcore, ECW, Cruserweight, and a lot more. Now it wouldn't work as well because there are less.
I don't really see the point in it but if it were to happen I think Wade Barrett would be a good choice for it I can see him defending the WHC and the IC titles just because he feels like he's good enough to do it. I could visualize how it would happen and who I would want it to happen with but I can't visualize why it would happen unless they want to build the guy up as the best on that roster if the brand split was still effective but like an above person said if they get beat for the lesser title why wouldn't they say they beat them so they should hold the world title the person was holding at the time. In the end, there would be a lot of plot holes that wouldn't be easily resolved unless they took the DX way out where HBK basically gave the title to Trips.
There's really no point to one person holding two singles titles in the same company. The only thing I'd see is if they wanted to merge some of the titles. With the brand extension pretty much over, they don't need as many.
I've always wanted them to develop a heel champion who just won everything, and had a stable behind him so who can keep the titles. And have his reign fall to pieces at a PPV like Night of Champions. It's possible with Orton in my opinion, but I highly doubt that will every happen, with anyone.
Sure, it's possible. All it really takes is some consistently strong booking of the dual champ. Of course, there's also the distinct possibility of that dual champion running himself ragged if he remains dual champion for any reasonable length of time.

Generally speaking, however, I don't really see a purpose in having a dual champion aside from giving a guy two titles for the purpose of ultimately unifying them. If you're a wrestler and you already have the World Championship, then why would you want to be a mid-card champion simultaneously? The ultimate goal is to be the "top guy" by becoming World Champion, so the wrestler doesn't really gain anything by winning a mid-card title too. As for a mid-card champion ultimately winning the World Championship, again, what's the point of holding onto the mid-card championship? World Championships are ALWAYS supposed to be more prestigious, they're ALWAYS supposed to be the standard for being the top title. Every wrestling company worth anything always pushes or promotes their World Championship as THE best title in the world and that anything else is a distant second.
As some mentioned, they already had such scenarios in the past and it never was a very good idea.

Kurt Angle's run as IC and European champion comes to mind. It culminated in a Wrestlemania Two-Fall Triple Threat match where it was arbitrarily determined that the winner of the first fall would be IC champion and the winner of the second fall European champion. The match was a bit of a dud despite the incredible talents in it.

The concept of someone having, say, both the IC and US title and having two different feuds for each belt simultaneously, is terrible. Only hardcore nerds (like us :icon_redface: ) would be able to follow. Most people would just be confused by what to them must seem like a clusterf***.

Successful feuds usually keeps things straightforward and simple. You know, the good old KISS formula. Keep it simple stupid.
it would be possible , and a great way to put someone super-over, but right now and seeing that of the 5 men-titles they have, including tag belts, only 2 have any storyline involving the belt AT ALL (wwe and whc), the difference would be nonexisting.
defending meaningless belts against what would be essentially a stream of mid-card jobbers would be just as boring as not having the belts in the first place.
It would depend on the wrestler and which titles it involved. I'll eliminate the giant pennies since this is about singles titles and I also will exclude the Divas Championship since only females should hold it. A wrestler could hold both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship to declare himself the Undisputed (or WWE World Heavyweight) Champion. This is something I could see happening again. It would work great for someone like Punk as then he could truly claim to be "the best in the world".

Then there's the outcome of a wrestler holding both of the midcard titles. While it might seem cool on paper, I'd rather not see that happen. They have more than enough midcarders with seemingly nothing to do. Why put both belts on one wrestler unless the intent is to unify them? I would rather they stay separate and not on the same wrestler so that more midcarders have belts to challenge for. As for any of the combinations of a world title and a midcard title at the same time.... Why? It would serve absolutely no purpose and the midcard belt held would be overshadowed by the world title the wrestler held.

A lot of the various combinations of two belts being held by the same wrestler seem a lot better on paper than they actually would be. I voted "maybe". It depends on the wrestler involved and which two belts he is holding at the same time. If it's two midcard belts intended to unify, I'm against him holding both of them. A world and midcard title together really serves no kayfabe'd purpose so I'm against that idea. I would, however, not mind an undisputed title storyline if they wanted someone to hold both of the world titles. Even if they do not intend to unify them it could make for quite an interesting angle if the right wrestlers are involved.
Yes. It could make a wrestler look dominant if done right. Like example:

In WWE 13 I had Samoa Joe hold the Television Title and the US title after being dominant enough to beat RVD, and then Kurt angle. Though both titles couldn't be defended on the same card, he would alternate weeks. Until finally dropping one title in a triple threat match where he was never pinned outright, so he still looked strong in defeat.

I actually think its a great idea if its done every blue moon to make things feel realistic, like anything can happen if you're talented enough.
I think a Dual Singles Champion could work and work very very well!! However, I wouldn’t do involve the WWE Championship or the World Championship. Instead, I would run this angle with the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship. This way, the WWE and World Title pictures are still as is, and this could potentially raise the IC and US Titles to the WWE / World Title level. For example, let’s say Curtis Axel is Intercontinental and United States Champion. He could start the show and defend one of the Titles, and then halfway through the show, defend the other. How “Perfect” would he look walking out with 2 victories in one night?? This could be a better alternative than unifying and consolidating all of the current Titles. United-Continental Champion!! I still love the sound of that!!
I think a Dual Singles Champion could work and work very very well!! However, I wouldn’t do involve the WWE Championship or the World Championship. Instead, I would run this angle with the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship. This way, the WWE and World Title pictures are still as is, and this could potentially raise the IC and US Titles to the WWE / World Title level. For example, let’s say Curtis Axel is Intercontinental and United States Champion. He could start the show and defend one of the Titles, and then halfway through the show, defend the other. How “Perfect” would he look walking out with 2 victories in one night?? This could be a better alternative than unifying and consolidating all of the current Titles. United-Continental Champion!! I still love the sound of that!!

Exactly. It's a great idea and something that SHOULD be done soon. It makes for a great story line and something different that hasn't been done in a while, since Kurt angle really. It can really make a wrestler look good, plus brings prestige back to the titles and attention back to the mid card. I'f booked right, it would be great. Who says someone can't be that good?
Exactly!! Holding two would make things so much better for the lower Champ, and one can say they are the better than the best and they are real and they are spectacular. What’s better than one?? Two and there is nothing like holding two at the same time. What are we talking about again??
I remember when Lance Storm held three titles in WCW simultaneously. I'd never heard of him before, and then he came in and collected the US Championship, the Cruiserweight Belt, and the Hardcore title. It has been so long that I can't remember if he defended all of the titles or not. I remember him giving the belts away to other members of Team Canada at some point. Anyone that remembers this better than I, please help me out.

To me, that got him Super Over with me. I'd never seen anything like that before. And even though I did not even up being a fan of storm, it FIT him. I think if you were going to have someone do it today in WWE, it has to be a heel. And, it has to be a legitimate heel that everyone hates. I think it would have to be a new guy coming in (like with Lance new to WCW) so that people do not know who he is. Instead of a lower card, and the heavyweight title, I think it would have to be either both mid card titles, or both heavyweight titles.

Since I believe it would work best with new guys; I'm thinking the mid card titles.
I'd love for them to do it again. I thought it was hilarious when Angle was wearing both belts at the same time calling himself the Eurocontinental champion.

I think it really just boils down to booking. The storyline would have to be logical, and it would have to be done with somebody who could really make use of the attention. This would be the perfect thing for somebody like Ziggler, who wants to "show off" by having the US and Intercontinental at the same time.
It could work. Probably the best way to do it would be to have a powerhouse rookie come in. Go undefeated for like 2 months and win the IC championship. Then have him continue being undefeated and gain the WWE championship. He could on to both but probably have him vacate it to focus on the WWE title. Exactly what they did with Warrior and I think Goldberg held the TV and WHC at the same time as well. But I may be wrong.
I don’t think this would work with one SuperStar holding the WWE / World Title and the Intercontinental / United States Title. I think this can only work if the 2 Titles are on the same level. I think WWE and WCW agreed with my line of thought when they had Ultimate Warrior vacate the Intercontinental Title and had Goldberg vacate the United States Title respectively. Now, if someone held the IC and US Straps, that would be interesting to watch, similar to when Kurt Angle held the Euro-Continental Titles and defended them as two separate Championships.
I've never seen the point in having one wrestler hold two titles for any real length of time. Sure it looks impressive to have two belts, but he can't defend them both so there's no point.
Could it work? Possibly if booked correctly. I mentioned some potential situations in the thread were people asked about dropping a title completely or in the one nearly identical thread about creating a new title.
If booked properly it could work. but they've had so much trouble booking in the last few years i have no faith in them doing so.
Now a lot of people mentioned the videogames and I got a chuckle. In every game since the first Smackdown, I've had my created character hold EVERY SINGLE title at the same time at some point in their 'career'. This includes in some games, the WWE, WHC, IC, US, European, Harcore, WWE Tag, WCW Tag, LHW, and even with some characters prior to 2008's when they stopped allowing a female created character to compete against male wrestler's, Woman's and Diva's Belts simultaneously, so bringing up what you have in a videogame like it matters in a real world situation is pretty silly. Especially if you've only managed to win and hold 2 titles in any of the games at the same time since there's a progression in the games that forces you to go after them in some kind of order, and once you win it, you move on to the next and barely have to do anything to defend since the game's plots focus on winning the next belt and not keeping the one you have. It's actually gotten worse each year. The original Smackdown series that moved into the SDvsRaw games had some actual story modes in them instead of what was essential just a one season worth of matches(start just after WM and going to next WM) with the same matches against hte same people no matter how many times you go through the cycle. In then first game, My character's career lasted about 12 years before I stopped playing because I started on the next game. Each year had a totally random series of matches instead of the same ones against the same people at the same events. And If you won a belt it changed the reactions and cut scenes and if you lost, you had to work up to get another shot.
Could it work? Possibly if booked correctly. I mentioned some potential situations in the thread were people asked about dropping a title completely or in the one nearly identical thread about creating a new title.
If booked properly it could work. but they've had so much trouble booking in the last few years i have no faith in them doing so.
Now a lot of people mentioned the videogames and I got a chuckle. In every game since the first Smackdown, I've had my created character hold EVERY SINGLE title at the same time at some point in their 'career'. This includes in some games, the WWE, WHC, IC, US, European, Harcore, WWE Tag, WCW Tag, LHW, and even with some characters prior to 2008's when they stopped allowing a female created character to compete against male wrestler's, Woman's and Diva's Belts simultaneously, so bringing up what you have in a videogame like it matters in a real world situation is pretty silly. Especially if you've only managed to win and hold 2 titles in any of the games at the same time since there's a progression in the games that forces you to go after them in some kind of order, and once you win it, you move on to the next and barely have to do anything to defend since the game's plots focus on winning the next belt and not keeping the one you have. It's actually gotten worse each year. The original Smackdown series that moved into the SDvsRaw games had some actual story modes in them instead of what was essential just a one season worth of matches(start just after WM and going to next WM) with the same matches against hte same people no matter how many times you go through the cycle. In then first game, My character's career lasted about 12 years before I stopped playing because I started on the next game. Each year had a totally random series of matches instead of the same ones against the same people at the same events. And If you won a belt it changed the reactions and cut scenes and if you lost, you had to work up to get another shot.

You must be playing the games from the 90's/early 00's, because for the last couple of years maybe you don't HAVE to win anything. You basically book the matches. I've never had one wrestler hold EVERY TITLE at once, that's an example of how not to do it in real life. And people were just using the game as an example of how you can do it. Having one superstar hold both mid-card titles can be done very effectively and would be a great storyline if the people booking are intelligent enough.

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