Could a change in the MITB stipulation help it out?


Occasional Pre-Show
Ever since the WWE decided to have two seperate Money In The Bank matches for its own gimmick PPV the contracts have been for either the World Heavyweight or WWE Championships. Could simply changing it so the winner can challenge for whichever belt he chooses add a new wrinkle to it?

We've seen it cashed in many different ways. From Edge's first surprise, RVD cashing it in with advanced notice, and Cena being the only person to cash in and lose. I think it would be fun to see, much like this year, a face and a heel win the cases ,and also like this year, for it to be an established face and an up and coming heel. For the sake of this example i will use Dolph Ziggler and Curtis Axel. Let's say there is a face champ and on numerous occasions we are teased with a cash in only to have the other holder stop it or even have the same idea and the champ continues to get away. After a brutal match in Hell In A Cell, Ziggler hits the ring and cashes in. During the celebration Axel sneaks behind Ziggler and rolls him up with the ref he brought with him. This gives us something fresh and puts Axel, or whoever the heel is, over as a monster heel and even puts the face in an underdog position that everyone loves and rallies behind.

Another fun scenario could be to use it to finally unify the titles, even if it's only temporary. Let's say that the heel is able to win the World Heavyweight title legitimately and has the belt and the briefcase. After a tough match he then uses it to cash in on the WWE Champion, unifying the titles. After a couple of months of running roughshod with both belts a face is able to con his way into a match for one of the titles and wins to separate the belts again.

I just feel the current stipulation sort of handcuffs the winner and something can be done to make it even more exciting again. Does anyone else have any ideas to spice the MITB up a little bit?
Nothing wrong with the way it is other then i think there should only be one MITB match and one winner who as you pointed out could challenge for either title, but that wouldn't be a new would it and it should be a match at SummerSlam or WrestleMania not a PPV itself, Thats how it was to start with, but no i don't think so aslong as they have seperate brands with seperate world champions in any form they need seperate championship contenders.

as for the unifying of the titles well thats how the Undisputed Title more or less came about and it lasted a year b4 they split the brands.

there is also no brand draft which use to mix things up so the MITB winner could end up on either show and still challenge the opposing shows champion and take the title back to the other brand, but that was a daft idea cause they always found a very quick way to get the title back anyway.
current set up is fine, the only problem is that everybody who wins it is pretty much guaranteed a WWE or WHC Title run. Now Damien Sandow is not what I would describe as being main event talent at this point in time, and with a heel champion on Smackdown, unless Sandow is going face after his feud with Rhodes concludes, when and how does he cash in? Sick of seeing guys win the Championship to drop it staright away (Bryan for instance). Sandow should hold onto that briefcase through to after Wrestlemania XXX. But as we know, Sandow is also a HHH protege, just like Sheamus so he will be getting that main event run in good time.
Apart from that gripe, the format is great, and the pop that goes with an unannounced cash in has proven to be superb.
I, honestly, think that it should change every year for whatever they want to do with it/them, whether it be two matches for the case for either title, two matches for the case for each title, or one match for whichever or both titles etc.

This would keep it fresh and more unpredictable.
Easy thebarber, someone like RVD or Christian or maybe even Cody wins it only to have Sandow cash in, just like they did for RAW zzzz Creative usually copies each brands shows and just makes minor adjustments based on talent anyway so why would this be any different. but there's nothing stopping him cash in on another heel, why not? after all, heels only look out for themselves and technically Orton was a face when he cashed in on Bryan.

Sandow would be fueding with Cody for another PPV atleast you'd think, tho i think it fell flat so far. but i don't see him waiting til after WrestleMania that's just stupid, logic would tell you anyone (storyline wise) who had it would want to cash in as soon as possible, even if they only had a quick title run it's more pay then waiting for months at lower pay.

Ziggler tried to cash in how many times b4 he got a valid shot? and thats something they needed to stop in this time, having other people stop someone cashing in or cashing in only to have the match start overturned
It needs to be a bit more unpredictable when it comes to cashing it in. That means I think Sandow should try to cash in at some stage this year and lose, I also would like to see a face win next year and do an RVD on it but saying I'm going to challenge you at this PPV one v one and actually go through with it.

It actually doesn't make sense for a wrestler to win it and not use it to get themselves in the Wrestlemania main event when you actually think about it. We're constantly told that main eventing a Wrestlemania is the highlight of any wrestler's career and is something they should all strive for. They've mentioned the pay day that comes with Mania enough times for us to know about it too.
It would give the concept some life if similar rules to the 24/7 rule for the hardcore title were applied.
In a PG environment it may be a little unrealistic but I'd love to see a cash in while the champ is arriving at the arena or in the locker room.
I just preferred when it was one briefcase with the winner being able to go after either title. It left things more unpredictable, you didn't know which person the MITB holder would go after, they could tease going after the WWE title for months only to have them swerve everyone and cash in on the WHC the night everyone believes they will go after the WWE title.

It shouldn't be a PPV to me, it should go back to being the spectacle at Wrestlemania that is was designed to be. Even that would open the opportunity for someone to win and cash in during Wrestlemania.

Having that would also open up the original posters idea. Have the briefcase, win one title, use the briefcase to go after the other.
"Could simply changing it so the winner can challenge for whichever belt he chooses add a new wrinkle to it?"

Not really. Every wrestler, even if they know that they're probably never going to be main eventing, has to at least project that their ultimate goal is to be a World Champion in a major wrestling organization. As I said, some have to know that it's almost certainly not going to happen for them, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't do their best, which can lead to a main event push. As a result, whenever a wrestler has an opportunity to challenge for the top championship, it makes no logical sense whatsoever for any wrestler to pass up such a chance. Now, I know that there are often some pretty significant holes in pro wrestling logic, but a hole like that is FAR too big to simply ignore. The IC & US titles are important, but they're not as important as being a World Champion and being a main eventer.

In my opinion, if WWE wants to make a chance to the MITB concept, I think the most logical choice is also the most obvious: go back to basics. Stop having the MITB ppv and have a single MITB match in which the winner has an opportunity to go after the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. It doesn't even have to be at a WrestleMania, I think it'd work out well as being part of SummerSlam. Maybe WWE could even have some sort of tournament that lasts over the course of the summer to determine who takes part in the SummerSlam MITB match. After WrestleMania, excitement starts to die down and I think a concept has the potential to alleviate the doldrums of the following few months post WrestleMania. Eventually, I do believe WWE will go back to having a single MITB match because I don't see WWE having two World Championships forever. I might be wrong, but it's a change that I could easily see Triple H making.

The thing about the mid-card titles is that they're not treated with the same level of prestige as the main event title(s). They're not supposed to be, that's why they're the mid-card titles. I know that there's sort of a mentality among some fans of every champion being built & pushed as though they're really main eventers as well, but it's just not feasible. Just like in 100% "real" combat sports, like boxing for instance, there's a hierarchy in pro wrestling in which the World Championships are going to be viewed & treated as being more prestigious.
I like that idea or to add a twist to it and to finally unify the titles have the money in the bank winner either win the royal rumble choose the opposite champion to face them at Mania and after he wins that title cash in either at Mania for the other title or the next night on Raw. Totally out of the norm and kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
I think the current set up is fine, But I disagree with the competitors.
Every time the MITB rolls around there are qualifying matches or people are chosen to be in it, Then you usually know by the entrants, who is going to win. Make it less obvious, like they did with Sandow this year. Its is really nice to see someone win that no one thought had a chance. I also agree that unifying the belts would be good for the right heel, However there are no heels on this roster that I can see right now, that are ready for that.
At least one year, what if out of the blue they had the same entrant in both mitb competitions. Have it "high flyer" and someone that isn't really expected to win. Have him go in and win both MITB cases. That would be another way to get the titles unified and it would be something different.

Also if we are wanting something different we could make the cases at MITB for the midcard titles and have the big one at Mania for both the World Titles. it puts a lot more emphasis on the midcard titles by making them seem wanted, and that is desperately needed.
I don't understand why they NEED to have two MITB matches at the MITB pay-per-view. They don't have two Royal Rumbles. It seems to me that it's only really so creative has two wild cards to play with; a get out of jail free card if they need it or an extra injection of excitement. So, I agree with the people before me who say they could easily just go back to one who chooses whoever (cutting into creatives options a little), or they can just leave it alone. But if they needs to tweak it some how, having two that could choose whoever should never happen, except maybe once.
It wouldn't make sense to have them be able to cash in on both. It's the same problem I have with the Rumble anymore. Why would anyone cash in on the WHC when they could go after the WWE title?

It simply makes no sense from a logical standpoint for someone to willing choose to go after the weaker belt, when they have a chance at the real world title.

Personally, I don't mind the two cases anymore than I minded one. My biggest issue is the timing of the event. If it were up to me, MITB would be held at the December ppv, with one minor stipulation change, the briefcases are only valid during the following calendar year. This would allow for something I'd love to see.

Have whoever wins the WWE title case also win the Rumble. They choose the WWE title at Mania for their RR reward. Hard fought, long match, back and forth, when the champion looks like he's close to retaining, have the challenger get dq'd beating him down with a chair/case/whatever, then prop the champion up in the corner, cash in the case and win the title. It's one of the few ways of cashing in that would feel new. Purposely losing one match by getting dq'd in order to have the opponent weak enough to cash in.

By moving it, they could bring back the KOTR tournament for the July ppv with a slight change. Whoever wins the KOTR tournament also gets a WWE title match at Summerslam, have that ppv be summerslam's version of the Rumble.

Another slight change for the MITB match, would be busting out WCW's old triple cage and hang the belt above the structure. Have ladders on each level and they are the only ways up. I also wouldn't mind a tag team version of the match. This would add a third MITB match and would give the tag belts more importance by being viewed as worthy of a case as the world titles.
It wouldn't make sense to have them be able to cash in on both. It's the same problem I have with the Rumble anymore. Why would anyone cash in on the WHC when they could go after the WWE title?

It simply makes no sense from a logical standpoint for someone to willing choose to go after the weaker belt, when they have a chance at the real world title.

Personally, I don't mind the two cases anymore than I minded one. My biggest issue is the timing of the event. If it were up to me, MITB would be held at the December ppv, with one minor stipulation change, the briefcases are only valid during the following calendar year. This would allow for something I'd love to see.

Have whoever wins the WWE title case also win the Rumble. They choose the WWE title at Mania for their RR reward. Hard fought, long match, back and forth, when the champion looks like he's close to retaining, have the challenger get dq'd beating him down with a chair/case/whatever, then prop the champion up in the corner, cash in the case and win the title. It's one of the few ways of cashing in that would feel new. Purposely losing one match by getting dq'd in order to have the opponent weak enough to cash in.

By moving it, they could bring back the KOTR tournament for the July ppv with a slight change. Whoever wins the KOTR tournament also gets a WWE title match at Summerslam, have that ppv be summerslam's version of the Rumble.

Another slight change for the MITB match, would be busting out WCW's old triple cage and hang the belt above the structure. Have ladders on each level and they are the only ways up. I also wouldn't mind a tag team version of the match. This would add a third MITB match and would give the tag belts more importance by being viewed as worthy of a case as the world titles.

Why would moving it allow that? They have a year from holding the case to cash it in, so your scenario (which I quite like by the way) would still be workable if they have the MITB when it is now.
I think it's a neat enough idea on its own. Indeed, it's not nearly as interesting as it was when Edge cashed in, or when <deleted by Titansports> used his briefcase to choose which champion he wanted to face and eventually fought HHH at <deleted by Titansports>. There's only so much they can do with the idea of cashing it in that they haven't already done.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE I talked to regarding the Summerslam finish predicted that Randy Orton would cash in and take the belt after Daniel Bryan beat Cena. I think Mark Madden was the only person who thought this wouldn't happen, but we all know how far his opinion goes. I honestly thought that Randy Orton would only tease cashing in up until HHH was named as the guest referee, then the commonly predicted finish made perfect sense. The fans have a hard time recognizing HHH unless they're booing him.

I think at this point it should be allowed to be just another normal, often mudane, part of the way the WWE writes their story lines. The only really good thing about it, in my opinion, is that it can force the writers to imagine a way for a guy like Damien Sandow to be a World Heavyweight Champion. Instead of dealing with the same stagnant set of number one guys playing hot potato with the strap, we're allowed to have our unlikely contenders prove to us that they're worth their salt as performers.
current set up is fine, the only problem is that everybody who wins it is pretty much guaranteed a WWE or WHC Title run. Now Damien Sandow is not what I would describe as being main event talent at this point in time, and with a heel champion on Smackdown, unless Sandow is going face after his feud with Rhodes concludes, when and how does he cash in? Sick of seeing guys win the Championship to drop it staright away (Bryan for instance). Sandow should hold onto that briefcase through to after Wrestlemania XXX. But as we know, Sandow is also a HHH protege, just like Sheamus so he will be getting that main event run in good time.
Apart from that gripe, the format is great, and the pop that goes with an unannounced cash in has proven to be superb.

1.What exactly is your gripe? You talked about how Damien Sandow is a heel and there's a heel champion, but then you immediately brought up one possible solution: Sandow can hold onto the briefcase until after WrestleMania. He has a YEAR to cash in, so why are you griping about how he can't cash in right now? Not to mention there's nothing stopping a heel from cashing in on another heel.

2.Daniel Bryan held the title for 105 days after he cashed in. I'd hardly call that "dropping it straight away." Don't confuse losing a match in 18 seconds with losing the title that quickly. He had a very good reign.

3.What does HHH have to do with anything? Drew McIntyre was supposedly a HHH or HBK or whoever protege too, how did his word title run go?

4.You're right, the pop from unexpected cash ins(or the possibility of unexpected cash ins) alone makes it worth it to have two.

Easy thebarber, someone like RVD or Christian or maybe even Cody wins it only to have Sandow cash in, just like they did for RAW zzzz Creative usually copies each brands shows and just makes minor adjustments based on talent anyway so why would this be any different. but there's nothing stopping him cash in on another heel, why not? after all, heels only look out for themselves and technically Orton was a face when he cashed in on Bryan.

How would a face Randy Orton cashing in on a face Daniel Bryan after he beat a face John Cena be anything remotely like a heel Damien Sandow cashing in on a face RVD/Christian/Cody after they beat a heel Alberto Del Rio? I'd love to see some examples of how creative copies each brand's shows.

Sandow would be fueding with Cody for another PPV atleast you'd think, tho i think it fell flat so far. but i don't see him waiting til after WrestleMania that's just stupid, logic would tell you anyone (storyline wise) who had it would want to cash in as soon as possible, even if they only had a quick title run it's more pay then waiting for months at lower pay.

What the hell does pay have to do with anything? They're trying to be world champion to win the belt, not get more pay. And logic would tell you that anyone (storyline wise or otherwise) would wait until they had the best chance to win, whether that's in a week or 11 months.

It would give the concept some life if similar rules to the 24/7 rule for the hardcore title were applied.
In a PG environment it may be a little unrealistic but I'd love to see a cash in while the champ is arriving at the arena or in the locker room.

They can cash in anytime, anywhere there's a referee. Sandow could take a referee to Del Rio's hotel and cash in if he wanted to. The rules allow for what you want to see.

"Could simply changing it so the winner can challenge for whichever belt he chooses add a new wrinkle to it?"

Not really. Every wrestler, even if they know that they're probably never going to be main eventing, has to at least project that their ultimate goal is to be a World Champion in a major wrestling organization.

You are confused, my friend. The question refers to the ability of the MITB holder to cash in on either World Champion(the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion), not the IC or US titles.

I think the current set up is fine, But I disagree with the competitors.
Every time the MITB rolls around there are qualifying matches or people are chosen to be in it, Then you usually know by the entrants, who is going to win. Make it less obvious, like they did with Sandow this year. Its is really nice to see someone win that no one thought had a chance. I also agree that unifying the belts would be good for the right heel, However there are no heels on this roster that I can see right now, that are ready for that. don't like that you know by the entrants who is going to win, and you want it be to less it was this year? More winners are unexpected than not, really.

I don't understand why they NEED to have two MITB matches at the MITB pay-per-view. They don't have two Royal Rumbles. It seems to me that it's only really so creative has two wild cards to play with; a get out of jail free card if they need it or an extra injection of excitement. So, I agree with the people before me who say they could easily just go back to one who chooses whoever (cutting into creatives options a little), or they can just leave it alone. But if they needs to tweak it some how, having two that could choose whoever should never happen, except maybe once.

I'm not sure how one who can choose whoever cuts into creative options any more than two who can only choose one, to be honest. But I do agree that there should never be two who can choose either one. Either one who can choose both or separate briefcases for each title is the way to go.

It wouldn't make sense to have them be able to cash in on both. It's the same problem I have with the Rumble anymore. Why would anyone cash in on the WHC when they could go after the WWE title?

It simply makes no sense from a logical standpoint for someone to willing choose to go after the weaker belt, when they have a chance at the real world title.

The WHC and WWE Title are both World titles. If there's a difference between the two, it's extremely minor and not enough of a difference for a wrestler to choose one over the other. A World title is a World title.

Personally, I don't mind the two cases anymore than I minded one. My biggest issue is the timing of the event. If it were up to me, MITB would be held at the December ppv, with one minor stipulation change, the briefcases are only valid during the following calendar year. This would allow for something I'd love to see.

Have whoever wins the WWE title case also win the Rumble. They choose the WWE title at Mania for their RR reward. Hard fought, long match, back and forth, when the champion looks like he's close to retaining, have the challenger get dq'd beating him down with a chair/case/whatever, then prop the champion up in the corner, cash in the case and win the title. It's one of the few ways of cashing in that would feel new. Purposely losing one match by getting dq'd in order to have the opponent weak enough to cash in.

Why couldn't somebody do that now? Dolph Ziggler had the MITB briefcase and entered the Royal Rumble earlier this year. He easily could've won and done that. And that wouldn't even have to happen at WrestleMania. We've seen the MITB winner earn a title shot before, they just didn't go that route.

Other than that, I agree with you that it is somewhat surprising they haven't done this yet. It's kind of like in Iron Man matches where a guy gets himself DQed once to inflict enough damage that it'll earn him multiple falls and make up for the DQ loss, which we've seen a few times.

I think it's a neat enough idea on its own. Indeed, it's not nearly as interesting as it was when Edge cashed in, or when <deleted by Titansports> used his briefcase to choose which champion he wanted to face and eventually fought HHH at <deleted by Titansports>. There's only so much they can do with the idea of cashing it in that they haven't already done.

Just so you know, The Murderer earned his title shot against Triple H by winning the Royal Rumble, not MITB. He was the first to use his Royal Rumble win to switch brands. That was a year before the MITB match even existed.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE I talked to regarding the Summerslam finish predicted that Randy Orton would cash in and take the belt after Daniel Bryan beat Cena. I think Mark Madden was the only person who thought this wouldn't happen, but we all know how far his opinion goes. I honestly thought that Randy Orton would only tease cashing in up until HHH was named as the guest referee, then the commonly predicted finish made perfect sense. The fans have a hard time recognizing HHH unless they're booing him.

Aside from the fact that it's obviously absurd hyperbole to say "everyone" predicted t hat would happen...nobody, and I mean NOBODY - as in NOT ONE of those "everyone" would predicted it - included a Triple H heel turn in their prediction, which obviously changes the entire dynamic.

Anyway, as I said above, I think the current format works just fine. If there's going to be two briefcases, I think they should be designated for a specific title. If they're going to allow the briefcase holder to choose either title, it should go back to one briefcase...but I really do like having two briefcases. I just wish they would, for at least one year, have one single match at WrestleMania where BOTH briefcases are on the line. Either where they hang one briefcase up and once somebody grabs that they hang up the other one and restart the match(like the Eurocontinental triple threat match) or, preferably, both are hanging at the same time(but not close enough that somebody could grab both at the same time). That would be awesome. It'd combine the awesomeness of having one single match at WrestleMania with the creative flexibility of having two briefcases. If they ever decide to get rid of the MITB PPV, I hope this is what they do.
The WHC and WWE Title are both World titles. If there's a difference between the two, it's extremely minor and not enough of a difference for a wrestler to choose one over the other. A World title is a World title.

Why couldn't somebody do that now? Dolph Ziggler had the MITB briefcase and entered the Royal Rumble earlier this year. He easily could've won and done that. And that wouldn't even have to happen at WrestleMania. We've seen the MITB winner earn a title shot before, they just didn't go that route.

Other than that, I agree with you that it is somewhat surprising they haven't done this yet. It's kind of like in Iron Man matches where a guy gets himself DQed once to inflict enough damage that it'll earn him multiple falls and make up for the DQ loss, which we've seen a few times.
Acting like there is no difference between the two titles is laughable. One title is the primary focus of the flagship show and the ppvs, the other is a throwaway belt that gets passed to one unworthy title holder after another. Do you think The Rock would ever challenge for the second tier title? How about Cena? It's even too good for someone like Punk now. Why would anyone choose to go after the belt that has been deemed inferior by the company itself?

The timing of the event doesn't make it impossible to pull it off, just more unlikely. Not often do the briefcases make it anywhere near Mania. Even when one did, for some unknown reason, it was decided it was a better idea for a cash in on Raw the following night instead of getting a title win at Mania.

More importantly, the briefcase that gets held on to the longest is for the inferior title. Which brings me back to my original point, why would someone ever choose the world title in the rumble or with a briefcase when given a chance? Even if Ziggler had won the Rumble, why would he have chosen to go after the whc when he could have been in the main event against the Rock?

However, a lot of my biggest qualms with anything in wrestling is the lack of logic. Like a no dq match, can't understand why no one has ever just walked to the ring with a baseball bat and cracked their opponent in the skull and won in under a minute. Or a cage match, there are no rules so why not bring a zip tie or handcuffs in the trunks and tie the opponent up to the ropes and just walk out the door? Vince himself had the most realistic RR finish in history, he went out under the ropes and waited until the idiots threw each other out before returning. Why they don't put just a shade of realism or logic into the booking is beyond me. Just as an example, ring of fire match at summerslam, the Wyatt family are supposedly sadistic followers of Bray. Why wouldn't one of them just carried a bottle of lighter fluid and when Kane got close to the flames, squirt him and watch him go up in flames? Wouldn't that have been sadistic? Wouldn't that give an excuse to write Kane off tv? Wouldn't it have actually used the gimmick match, fed into Kane's backstory of being set on fire? Of course, that wouldn't have been family friendly entertainment, so there is no way we would have ever seen that.
I admit that the original concept of The Briefcase was more unpredictable. For instance, in 2008 during CM Punk's first run with the briefcase, Punk kept messing with Orton and Edge. Nobody knew who he would cash in on. He eventually cashed in on Edge once Batista destroyed Edge but it was an unpredictable storyline.

However, I think the way it is now is fine. It gives two superstars instead of one a chance to shine.

I would like it to stay at two Money in the Bank cases but with the stipulation that they both can cash in on any world champion at any time. Of course, they would need to find a good enough reason to let them both run around with the ability to cash in on whoever.

Imagine the twists though. For example: Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton have a hard fought battle for the WWE championship but in the end, Randy Orton retains. Then CM Punk comes from nowhere and hits GTS on Orton. He cashes in his briefcase and wins the WWE title. Then as everybody thinks that was a heck of a swerve, the lights go out. They come back on and Bray Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Punk. He cashes his briefcase in and he ends the night as WWE champ. That would be a double cash-in, double swerve.
I'm tired of the notion that MITB has come to mean that a bad guy is going to cash in on an exhausted (or incapacitated) champion. Yes, they've managed to spice things up by having the guy with the briefcase approach the ring as if he's going to cash in but, seeing the champ with some fight left in him, change his mind and save his cash-in for another day.

That was an exciting shift, but it grew tiresome quickly enough, too. When Dolph (as a heel) held the MITB case and kept showing up at ringside after a champion had a brutal match, but not going for the cash-in because he figured the champ still had fight left in him, was there ever a doubt that Dolph was eventually going to get the win?

Similarly, did anyone think Randy Orton was going to cash in and lose his title match? Sure, he went for it much sooner than we thought....and that was a pleasant surprise.....but he still won by cashing in with an easy RKO on an exhausted Daniel Bryan, who had just won the damn title after a grueling battle with John Cena.

If I were to suggest a change to the MITB concept, I'd stipulate that challengers have to set a match up in advance rather than cashing in after a champion has already fought his match. The way they've been taking shortcuts has gone on long enough.

If that's too rigid for you, how about having only one MITB match a year, with both briefcases suspended above the ring. It would be known in advance that grabbing the Smackdown case would entitle the holder to cash in whenever he wants (including after the champ has fought his match) while the Raw briefcase winner has to schedule his match with the titleholder. It might be fun to see the guys climbing the ladder, trying to nail the Smackdown case because it offers a better chance to surprise a champion in the coming year, but watching someone "settle" for the Raw case.

The year after, WWE could switch and make the Raw briefcase the one that offers a chance to launch an unscheduled cash-in. Either way, we would at least see one MITB match a year that offers something different from the predictable stuff we've been getting all along.
Similarly, did anyone think Randy Orton was going to cash in and lose his title match? Sure, he went for it much sooner than we thought....and that was a pleasant surprise.....but he still won by cashing in with an easy RKO on an exhausted Daniel Bryan, who had just won the damn title after a grueling battle with John Cena.

Did you watch that match? Orton didn't hit an rko, he didn't touch Bryan until he pinned him. HHH hit Bryan with a Pedigree and Orton rolled him over and covered him.
There are a couple of ideas I wouldn't mind seeing happen. The briefcases are red and blue so why not make it to where you can cash them in for either title, but the red one HAS to be used on Raw. It cannot be cashed in on Smackdown or during a PPV event. The blue one, then in turn can only be used on Smackdown. This makes it to where both world titles are available to the briefcase holder and it justifies them still having two. Another idea is to make one only be useable at Wrestlemania. We have yet to see a cash-in at the biggest show of the year, so why not add this stipulation to one briefcase to see how that goes? We have been robbed twice now of a Wrestlemania cash in. Kennedy was going to do a year-long countdown before he got de-pushed and Edge got the briefcase. Bryan had said at first that he was going to wait until Wrestlemania as well, and they really should have waited with his cash-in. I want to see somebody cash in at Wrestlemania at some point whether they have a stipulation of that being the only event they can cash in at or not. It's a surefire way of getting someone their Wrestlemania moment.

Another idea I am not against is adding more briefcases. Sure it may seem a bit much, but what harm could there be in adding a yellow briefcase for the Intercontinental Championship? How about a green one for the United States Championship? It could help make these belts seem more important again. A purple one for the giant pennies is even an idea that could be considered, even though a tag team MITB match for the briefcase has a much larger chance of someone getting injured. It seems too dangerous. They could add a pink one for divas, but with male wrestlers representing the divas if they feel it is too dangerous for the girls. Make an angle out of it. The male wrestler who wins gets a midcard title shot while the diva he represented gets a pink briefcase. I don't see them adding any more briefcases, although it would add something more to the gimmick and the importance of the other belts. It's better than seeing the same old cash-in by opportunistic heels every year.
If they did go the route of changing the rules up every year, I'd like to see one round where you can't just run out with a referee and cash in on the spot, but instead have to give advance notice a la RVD. To me, the whole thing where a guy runs down and capitalizes on an opponent that's already been through the ringer is what's stale about the idea.

And I sort of half like the idea above about having a briefcase for every title. I definitely think that part's overkill, but I wouldn't mind a year where one briefcase could be used for either the WWE or World championship and the other had to be used for the Intercontinental or United States.
Did you watch that match? Orton didn't hit an rko, he didn't touch Bryan until he pinned him. HHH hit Bryan with a Pedigree and Orton rolled him over and covered him.

You're right, and it illustrates the point about MITB even more. If the briefcase holder is able to win the title without having to do any work at all, it might be time to either eliminate the concept or make changes.

MITB was a fine new idea when first conceived, but seeing the same thing over and over could be an indication that it's time has come and gone.
I prefer actually giving the briefcases to the stars who are over. Until then, all these hypothetical situations are window dressing.

Take this year for example; the wrestler who was booked strongest and was the most over in the World Heavyweight Championship MITB was Dean Ambrose. If he wins it, he is a credible threat especially cause he has friends to help him. Instead, Sandow wins it. What had Sandow done in 2013? Lost to Sheamus, left off the WM card in a mixed tag, and form a run of the mill tag team with Cody Rhodes. I like Sandow as a character, but he was not as strong a character as Ambrose.

For the sake of this example i will use Dolph Ziggler and Curtis Axel. Let's say there is a face champ and on numerous occasions we are teased with a cash in only to have the other holder stop it or even have the same idea and the champ continues to get away. After a brutal match in Hell In A Cell, Ziggler hits the ring and cashes in. During the celebration Axel sneaks behind Ziggler and rolls him up with the ref he brought with him. This gives us something fresh and puts Axel, or whoever the heel is, over as a monster heel and even puts the face in an underdog position that everyone loves and rallies behind.

This is what I mean. You are using the briefcase and the title as a way to put the character over as a threat when that character should already be over and a threat. The character makes the championship/briefcase, not the other way around.

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