Cory Bowen

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Dufflebag Mod!!

Real Name: Cory Allen
Wrestlers Name: Cory Bowen
Wrestlers Nickname: The One Man Dynasty
Hometown: Sebastian, FL
Billed From: Atlantic City, NJ

Appearance: Same as the picture (Minus the nipple rings)
-----------Hair color/length:Shoulder length black hair
-----------Eye color: Black
-----------Facial Hair:None
-----------Ring Attire:Black Tights
-----------Backstage Attire:Calf length black shorts and a black trench coat
-----------Physical Features: muscular
-----------Tattoos: none

Gimmick: He thinks he is gods gift to wrestling and he is here to bring his "one man dynasty to WZCW

Strength/Weakness: Strengths/ Mind games, Brawling and lifting weights Weaknesses/ Technical wrestling, Left Knee injury and His temper


Trained By: The ICP

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Not much is known about Milenko. He looks like he is about 20 years old. He was a member of FSP before they all but shut down.

Title History:1x Mayhem Champion, 1X MWE Havock champion

Entrance Music:Woke up this morning - Alabama 3

Entrance description: Woke up this Morning hits the PA system and Milenko walks on to the stage with a cocky look on his face. He struts to the ring as the fans boo him as loud as they can. When he gets to the ring he throws his arms out to his sides (Like Orton) and he gets a cocky smile as he waits for his opponent

Finishers: Main: Hell's Pit (Yoshi Tonic)
Secondary: The Tempest (pedigree from the top rope)

15 Most used moves: 1)Superplex,
3)Samoan Drop,
4)Punches to the face
5)Huge Boot
7)Sidewalk Slam
8) Bicycle Kick
9)Head butt
10)European Uppercut
11)Top Rope Flying Clothesline
12) Spear
13) Spinebuster
14) neckbreaker
15) Kitchen Sink (Knee to gut)

Sample RP:
The camera turns on and we see Milenko sitting by himself in a dark corner of the WZCW locker room. He looks at the camera and starts talking in a whisper without looking at the camera.

Cory, There's a name I never thought I'd hear again. Alex I ran away when I was 13 years old in order to keep that man from killing me. You know as well as I do that because he was an insane drunk he would have eventually killed me if I haven't left.

He looks up at the camera with a look of anger on his face as he still talks in a whisper.

You may have gotten beat to but what happened to you was nothing compared to what happened to me. Alex I'm sure you remember that little cubby hole under neat the stairs. Well when ever dad didn't want to look at me he would stick me in there and lock the door. I went days without food or water. When he did let me out I got thrown down stairs and beaten with what ever he could get his hands on.

Milenko then takes off his shirt and his upper body is covered with scars.


All these scars were given to me by that maniac we called a father. This one on my arm was from a butcher knife he slashed me with in a drunken rage. This nasty one on my chest was from a hot piece of metal. There's more but it would take way to long to explain all of them.

The camera moves in on Milenko's face and it looks like there are tears in his eyes.

Alex you say you loved me, but you never showed it. You may not have been home but you knew I was getting it the worst. Whenever you couldn't handle it you left for days on end and that's when he started in on me. I was your little brother, you were supposed to be there for me, but instead you ran away and let me get the brunt of everything.

Milenko puts his shirt back on and when he looks back at the camera the tears are gone and the anger his back on his face.

Alex if you were home you would have known that I was quiet because every time I said anything I was beaten and usually locked in the cubby hole underneath the stairs.

The anger on his face get more pronounced and it looks like there is fire in his eyes as he starts to talk again.

Alex you have no idea what that does to a child. You say I don't wanna see the truth. I say I see the truth more clearly than you ever will. The truth is you never loved me. All you wanted was to get away from it and to hell with what happened to me. You were poplular that's why you had somewhere to go for days on end. everyone else may believe the garbage you've been telling everyone for years, but the truth is because we were only half brothers you just didn't care. I saw it in your eyes whenever you looked at me.

The look of anger on Milenko's face is slowly turning into murderous rage. The words come out in choked whispers.
You're sorry? All you have to say about the years of abuse I went though is you're sorry? If you think that an apology is going to make it all better you're wrong. You and the world are wondering why i joined WZCW, well I'm going to tell you. I was following you. I heard you joined up and I knew that I wanted to make your life as miserable mine was and still is to this day.

Milenko takes the camera and pulls in close to his face. His face is filled with rage and he is still speaking in choked whispers.

Alex all that I've put you through since we both debuted is nothing compared to what I'm going to put you through at Kingdom Come. I picked this match for one reason. That reason is to out you in a hospital permanently. You call yourself The Hardcore Juggalo? Well be ready because in this match you're fighting for more than just a win. You're fighting for your life. All those years of fighting for my survival on the streets gave me time to think about all that anger that has been burning a hole in my soul my entire life. It gave me time t odierect my anger at the one person in our family I can get my hands on. That person Alex is you.

All of a sudden Milenko throws the camera away from him so hard it almost falls over and his face is still beet red.

Alex, we both like The Insane Clown Posse so I'm gonna sum it up in 1 line from one of there most popular songs.

Suddenly Milenko shouts out a single sentence as loud as he can.

Something dark and wicked this way comes.

Milenko gets a sick smile on his face and talks in a normal voice.

Alex that something is me.

Milenko walks out of the room and before the camera goes to black the words Kingdom Come flash on the screen.
Since I'm not Sincade and I can't Edit other people posts I decided to do it this way. The stuff that's not in this post is the same for both of them.

Wrestler's name: 'The Great Milenko

Nickname: The Necromaster

Billed From: The Dark Carnival

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Gimmick: Completely insane he is the part of Dean Milenko that came about from all the abuse he suffered as a child. He takes over when Dean is incapable of doing what needs to be done.

Entrance Music & description: The Great Milenko by ICP hits the PA system and the lights go out. After a minute the lights turn back on and Milenko is standing in the ring (behind his opponent if he comes out second)
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